Chapter 4

Accidental Love

Aaron's POV

Throughout the journey in the car ride, it was very quiet.

I secretly glance towards my left side and saw Hebe looking out of the windows in deep thoughts.

Ever since the day Rainie introduced us to each other, she has always been a quiet person. I tried to start a conversation with her.

"So.. you didn't answer my question just now. Where did you go just now? How come you reach home from work quite late?"

She sat up straight from her seat and quietly replied, "I had to work overtime. Need to cover some of Rainie's duties too."

"Oh..." I replied.


When we reached the restaurant, I hurriedly pulled out a seat for Hebe.

She smiled at me and said thank you softly. I swear my heart skip a beat because that was the first time I see her smile. She had a really beautiful smile.

After making our orders and while waiting for the food to arrive, I talked and asked her about her life, like which school she went to, how she met Rainie and all those small details. Even though her answers were all short and simple, at least I get to know about her a little bit better. I like talking to her.

From across the table, I noticed a guy kept looking and staring at Hebe. I didn't like that at all. I felt almost annoyed but I tried to control myself. After we finished our dinner, the guy from across the table was making his way to us. I looked up at him and he was facing Hebe. 

"Hi, I'm just wondering.. Are you Hebe Tian?"

"Hi, yes I am.. You look familiar. You are?"

"Hebe! Its me. Mike! I knew that I wasn't wrong when I saw you came in just now. You still look the same but getting more and more prettier." He bend down and hug Hebe.

I almost stand up from my chair when he hugged Hebe. I didn't like the sight of Hebe hugging another man. 

"Forgive me for not introducing myself. I'm Mike He. Hebe's childhood long lost friend." The guy named Mike laughed and held out his hands at me.

He continued, "And you are? You must be Hebe's boyfriend," he smiled at me.

I wanted to say yes but Hebe's voice interrupted me. "NO he's not my boyfriend. He's just... a friend. His name is Aaron. Aaron Yan." Hebe answered for me quickly. I gave a small smile and shook my hands with Mike. 

Mike turned his head back to Hebe. "So, Hebe.. Let's exchange numbers and meet up someday for a catch up," he winked.

Hebe gave a big smile to Mike and jot down her number for him. I didn't like the idea of them meeting up together alone.

I got up from my seat abruptly, startling the both of them, and grabbed Hebe out of the restaurant before they can even bid goodbye.


Hebe's POV

I was now being dragged out of the restaurant by Aaron.

His hand was holding onto my hand so tightly.

When we were outside the restaurant, I let go of my hand from him.

"Hey! What just happened in there? Why did you just make us leave abruptly when I was still talking to my friend?", I shouted.

It was really rude of him to do that. 

Aaron stared at me fiercely, "I don't like you talking to another man except than me. I don't like how you gave him a big smile when you have never ever smile at me. I don't like how you will meet him together alone in the future. I just don't like it! Okay??" he shouted back at me.

He pulled his hair and paced up and down in front of me while talking.

I was shocked by the words that came out from him mouth.

I replied back softly, "You are not my boyfriend... Why do you care if I talk to other man or if I will meet him in the future? You have no right to feel that way. Remember, your girlfriend is Rainie, my best friend." I said and walked away from him...

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Evermoor #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon. I've waited for more than a year.
JayJayKookie #2
Chapter 8: THIS IS SO AM#$&!/
It's so good
amparoellerium #3
Chapter 7: please update! it looks promising :)
xueqing #4
Chapter 7: Update please! It's nice
Krissy90 #5
please update this story, it's so interesting! Looking forward for the next chapter! thanks in advance:)
amidstsimplicity #6
Please do continue your lovely story (: I've really enjoyed reading your story so far and it's one of the rare Bebu fanfics still around so I really look forward to it! Thank you for your updates so far!
Chapter 7: Just found this story...... IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)