Chapter 1

Accidental Love

Aaron's POV


I could hear the tap water running from the bathroom. And sobs could be heard too from someone behind the closed door.

I rubbed my head and tried to recall what happened yesterday. 



I was at the bar having drinks with my best friend, Chun when I received a phone call from my lovely girlfried, Rainie. 

"Hellooooo, loveeeeee." Rainie's sweet and probably drunk voice was on the other line

"Hello, dearest. How's the company dinner party? Having fun?" I answered back.

"Yyyesss. Its gonna end soon. Look, me and Hebe is a little too drunk to go back by ourselves. Can you pick us up love?"

I was a bit drunk too myself from the drinks that I had but I couldn't bring myself to say no to her, "Yes I'll be there in half and hour. See you." I ended the call and excused myself from Chun to pick them up.


I tried to focus myself on the road even though I was a bit drunk. I saw Rainie standing and waving at me ahead. I stop and got out of my car and saw Rainie's best friend, Hebe, sitting on the bench looking totally drunk. 

"Hey loveeee." Rainie kissed me on my cheeks.

"Thanks for coming at the last minute. As you can see, Hebe is totally knocked out and she couldn't possibly drive us back home. I don't know what happened to her to drink too much tonight," she sighed. 

We then get Hebe at the back of my car. When I opened my mouth to ask Rainie for Hebe's address, her phone rang.

"Hello mum? Yes, I just finish the party. What? You want me home now? Where's dad?"

I looked over at Rainie and saw her with a serious face. She then ended the call and look apologetically at me.

"Sorry love, can you drop me first and help to send Hebe to her place after that please? Something happened at home and mum asked me to get back home as soon as possible," she gave her puppy eyes to me. 

Rainie doesn't like me asking about her family so I didn't say anything and just pinched her cheeks, "Yes my dearest princess."


After dropping Rainie home, I looked down at the paper that Rainie had scribbled down Hebe's address for me. To be honest, I've never really talk much to Hebe. We were introduced and thats it. She just gives a very cold vibe. Rainie had once told me that Hebe became like this after her ex-boyfriend cheated on her. Since then, she only focus on her career and nothing else matters.

I tried to figure out Rainie's blurred handwriting while trying to focus on the road as well. The alcohol must have got into me as I couldn't decipher the address. I turned behind and tried to ask Hebe for her address but all she anwered was a "mmmmhmmmm".

Giving up, I just drove back to my home. I guess it doesn't hurt for her to stay at my place for the night.

When we reached my place, I carried Hebe to the guest room. She was as light as a feather and her perfume smells really nice. I put her down slowly on the bed but somehow I tripped on the bed's edge and my lips landed on her soft lips accidentally.

Realising it, I pulled away quickly. She was still lying there motionless. Looking upclose, her face was really flawless and she had a peaceful angelic face, unlike the days where I see her cold emotionless face.

Without realising it, I inch my face closer to her and landed my lips on her soft lips once again....


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Evermoor #1
Chapter 9: Please update soon. I've waited for more than a year.
JayJayKookie #2
Chapter 8: THIS IS SO AM#$&!/
It's so good
amparoellerium #3
Chapter 7: please update! it looks promising :)
xueqing #4
Chapter 7: Update please! It's nice
Krissy90 #5
please update this story, it's so interesting! Looking forward for the next chapter! thanks in advance:)
amidstsimplicity #6
Please do continue your lovely story (: I've really enjoyed reading your story so far and it's one of the rare Bebu fanfics still around so I really look forward to it! Thank you for your updates so far!
Chapter 7: Just found this story...... IT'S FREAKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)