Familiar ..

No Ordinary LoVEe




As he opened the tent , my heart went crazy as our eyes met each other . “come in” he walked aside  making us get in  his face was really familiar to me ...

We went in , their tent was big , we sat down .They had a lamp in their tent , we all sat around it . me between Tao and Kris , Hye Bin between Kris and Kai .

“ mm  so let’s play  something until it’s dinner time “ , Hye Bin suggested , we all nodded , I kept glancing at kris from time to time , he was already right next to me ,


“ so Nouha what do you do in your life” Kai , asked , “ I study medicine” I responded .


“Ooooh .” They all said surprisingly .


“Very good “  , I heard Kris saying to me ,  I turned and saw his beautiful eyes , looking at me .. God this blond haired boy was really awesome . but im still wondering who was he ..

“ You Remind me of a girl  that used to study with us in HighSchool “ .. Kai said looking at me and smiling .. “Aaaah ..” I said ..  , “ she was just like you .. by coincidence you both have the same name . . and the same character .. “  Kai said to me .. We all looked at him ,

“ ah Her name was .. Mmm what ? .. she was studying with Kris , Right Kris ?” .. Hye Bin said looking at  Kris and rubbing her forehead trying to remember .

“ wait .. let me  think .. “ Kris said as he bit his lower Lip .. “ ah yeah .. Kim Nouha ..”

“ Yeaah !! Exactly .. aish I really miss High school days “  Hye bin  said  and looked up .

“ it’s her !! “  Tao said  shouting at  me .

“ e.e…..” I didn”t find anything to say I kept shivering … but why ?


“ what Reallyy ,,??? !! Tao .. how can you prove this ?”  Kai asked him ..  they turned to look at me ..


“ I read it  in the Document ..  Kim –Nouha .. but  I didn’t know her .. “ Tao said .. Kris kept quiet for a moment , then without any warning he took  my wrist , and started looking at it ..


“ It’s You ..” He   said after looking a while  at my wrist then lifted his head  his eyes met mine


“ w.. w..” I hesitated .. , now I can remember him .. The coolest boy in the class ..  Kris .. this is you .. im really so glad I met  you again.


I smiled  “ I’m kim nouha , you’re Kris , the ‘Coolest Boy’ Right “ .. He giggled at what I just said ..


“ Huh .. You still remember  , Yeah that’s me ..”  he said ,  God .. I know him ..  he  took, his hand away from my hand ,  all  them were looking at me with a huge smile on their faces .


“ Im glad ..” I said and looked down ..  “ mee Too as well “ Hye Bin said and came to hug me ,  “ and me “  , “ Meet  Too “ Tao and  Kai  said , Kris just smiled showing his white teeth .


We talked about many random things , until we heard the attendant outside calling , we went out  , it was dinner time , we sat , they all started eating and laughing , I smiled too as well ..  many thoughts kept haunting my mind ..


When we finished we brushed our teeth , and everybody went to their tent .




I Could notice that Kris  became more talkative and Funny too ..  it was the evening ,  all  people in the camp went out , we reached a small village , it was really awesome . we went out , we all wore our sweaters since today the weather was a bit cold .


We saw some traditional Weeding ceremonies in a  place .  Kai went to check it ,

“ Hye bin , Look , the Bride she  is really Beautiful , she is still young ..”  Kai said eating an apple.

“ Yeah I see “ she said as they sat down   . “ You know I would like to marry her “ He said .


“ you talking serious ? huh ? kidding me ?” Hye bin responded ,  “ why not ?” kai said again ,

  Tao Giggled and  Kris was face palm  , I just looked so far , and said , “  having a family  is really something perfect “  .

 “ Today will be the last day in this girl ‘s childhood “  Tao said .


“Yeah ..” I said  , then we sat up and started walking ,


“ I would prefer to explore the world ..” Kris said .

“   you don’t want to have kids ? cute little Bunny kids around you “ I said  .  He giggled  and came close to me .  

“ are you into making family ?” he smirked “ how much do you want ? , 2  ? 4 ? even 6 , that will be good  , let’s make it  and now “ he Said , I Widened my eyes .


“ Ugh ..”  I responded as I looked at him in the eyes . and then walked fast , leaving them all  behind ,


Oh god I feel like my cheeks turned red like a tomato again , uh  .. what did he just say ? making kids .  uh .. this is really so embarrassing .


“ Yah hush !! “ Hye Bin put her palm on his mouth . Tao and Kai Giggled .


I stopped by a tree  fixing my shoelaces again ,   they came to me ,  when I got up we went through the village , Kai stopped  waiting for Hye bin , she wanted to buy something ,


“Hey you jerk , what did you just ing do ! “ I heard a woman voice ; I turned ,and caught her talking to kai ;

“ excuse me , what’s going on here ?”  I went and asked her ; “ this jerk was flirting with me “


“hey hey ! speak politely !! stop insulting ! and you really think  he gonna give a damn importance to a girl like you “  Hye bin said looking up and down at her .


“ Get lost “ kai said slightly .


 “ what’s going on here ?” we all turned we saw her boy friend came , “ baby this jerk just flirted with me “ , .she leaned her face on his chest and he glanced .


“ Okey we can fix the problem with just talking okey..w----“ I was going to finish my sentence  , without any warning .. I felt his arm squeezing my  arm .. “ Stay out of this ..” He said to me with his scary  face … He went and Punched Kai in the face making his nose bleed


“ I just wanted .to ..—“ I couldn’t talk anymore .. suddenly  Kris came and  made him turn to look at him !  he punched him so hard .

 “ Say Sorry to both of them .” Kris said , make  him get up and then squeezed his jaw so tight with his hand .

“ ee ….” The man couldn’t speak  , “ I said say ing sorry “ Kris yelled  ,

“ S …s…..orry ..” the man said and then Kris let go of him ..


“ Let’s go guys .” Kris said .  

“ where’s Tao ?” I asked ,  “ I don’t know ..no he’s there  buying something ” Kris responded and went to see kai .

 “are you okey ?”


“ Im Fine .” kai said .

“ Oo ..Ooh Guys ..” I said and let them see what I saw . this jerk went and told his friends to come .. they all seemed really scaring with their huge muscles.


“ Do you really think we ‘re afraid from you ?  come and face me  !! all of you “ Hye bin yelled to them  , they got up .

“ what the did you just do , they are 10  and we’re just 4 ..” Kai whispered to her .


“ Oh . Hye bin .. im gonna count  to 3 okey “ Kris whispered too .

I was just watching them ..

“ 1 …” .. Kris said .. “ Oh yeah “ Hye bin said .  “ 2…”  “33333 ….. RRUUUNNN !” they all ran away , Hye bin stayed there  , no me and hye bin !!!


“ HEY  WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME !!” Hye bin yelled  , as she turned and didn’t find them .. , Kai got up and took her hand and dragged her .

I was there alone shocked .


“ hey they RAN !!”  one of them Shouted .


I was lost on my own thought until I felt I hand grabbing mine  , making me snap out .. I  looked  , it was Kris who got back to me pulling me to run ..


“Just what were you thinking about !!” he said while running . we kept running ,and they were running too as well behind us .. we reached the guys ..

“ Guys Guys Take this ! “  Hye bin said   and gave us some  sticks that she found on the ground.


We all took it .. the jerks  could see us , their speed never decreases ..

“YAH  : dare to touch us now !! “ Hye Bin yelled and rolled her stick . we all just looked at her ..

“ Hye ..Hye .. just Carefu----“ Kai was going to finish his sentence .. and “Ouch…” she hit him accidently with her stick .

 She turned and saw him .. “what Kai , get up Dude “ .. She  whispered .

“ Guys !! there’s a vegetables trolley from wood there .. let’s go ..” Tao whispered and Hye bin still rolling her damn stick.

I just stepped there frozen . .” LET’s GO “!!  Kai   carried her and ran toward the trolley . Tao Ran too and kris carried me too ..

Omg did he just  carry me  on his shoulder that easily .. we arrived to the trolley and we moved it !! OH no this village was already on a plateau .. and the ground wasn’t FLATE !!!

“ AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH “ we  kept yelling , I was on the top and  kris was still wrapping his arms around me …



Hope you like the CH !! 

P.S : ignore any Typo / Grammar mistakes , I’ll check them later  !! =))

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I'll try to update today :DD


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Chapter 13: noo clihangers WAE WAE? ooh i know he probably would go and find nouha (IDK if i spelled it right sorry) and then I have no <3~~
Chapter 10: UPDATEEE lol but yeah ♥♥♥ keep it up ~
Chapter 9: Looking forward to the update. This story is perfection!
Chapter 9: awwww cuteies ♥♥.
Chapter 7: i need more lol i cant wait for whats gonna happen ♥
Watachiwahyo #6
Chapter 3: AWESOMEEEEEEEE !!!! Update soon <3
Thank you :DD I'll try .
Chapter 3: i like this story hope u update O(∩_∩)O