Chapter 2

Once Upon a Dream

Dreamed Turned to Reality: Chapter 2

          The boy looked at you with wide eyes before a grin spread across his face, "No way! Kim Eun Young! Long time no see!" he said pulling you into a hug causing everyone around you to stare in shock.

          "Yah…put me down" you muttered embarrassed, "Everyone's staring at us"

          He looked around and noticed, "Oh sorry," he said quietly and turned to look at everyone. "Clear out guys!" he said with a glare causing everyone to disappear.

         Finally he put you down and you dusted yourself off before turning to look at his friends. Minhyuk and Hyunsik were whispering to each other hiding behind their hands while looking at you while Sungjae had a big grin on his face but what caught you was that Ilhoon just stared at you, his arms crossed and his face void of emotion. Then you had Hyeri who walked up to the two fo you.

          "You two know each other?" she asked.

          "Another story for another time" you say pulling her away. "Shouldn’t you be showing me where the geography class is?"

          "Geography? Yo! That's where I'm headed next!" Peniel said, "We can go together and catch up"

        "Bwoh?" you said, "Uhh okay" you turned to Hyeri, I guess I'll see you after school then?"

          "Neh!" she said waving at you, "And you're explaining over coffee! She yelled walking towards her next class.

          "Arraseeo!" you yelled and turned to Peniel, "Let's go?"

          "NEh" he said turning to his friends, I'll see you guys after class" Turning to you again, he grabbed your wrist and lead you to another building, "Let's go"

          "So when did you get back? "he asked casually as the two of you walked across campus.

          Aware of the stares around you, you replied, "During the summer?" The parents decided to move back and use Korea as HQ for the company. They also wanted me to have a higher education level"

         Peniel chuckled, "You were the top in all our classes and you're what, trilingual? Korean, English and Japanese. I don’t know what your parents are talking about, you're one of the most gifted people I know"

          "Ah" you said rubbing your cheeks, "You're making me red" you laughed.

          "Only to you" he said grinning before opening a door, "After you"  he motioned with his hand.

          During class you were aware of all the stares you were getting from the girls in the class because of the fact that Peniel was one of the most popular guys in the school.

          After class you zoomed out before Peniel could say anything, you were happy to get out and away from all the suffocating glares. You really didn’t know his popularity level until you got to your locker and started putting away.

          ""You better stay away from Peniel" a voice said s you turned around and saw three girls. The one on the left had red hair that was tied into a high pony tail while the one on the right had brown wavy hair and the one in the middle had brown straight hair with a white headband.

          "Can I help you?" you asked as they tried to size you up. You weren't intimidated by them, you took etiquette lessons in the states and Ms. Manners taught you how to deal with situations like this.

          "Yes, actually you can" the one on the right said, "Like, you need to stay away from Peniel"

          "Yah and while you're at it, make sure you don’t even dare go near Minhyuk or Hyunsik" the one on the left said.

          "And especially don’t you dare go near Ilhoon" the middle one said.

          "Wae?" you asked tilting your head to the side, "Are you dating them?"

          The three shook their heads.

           "They're ours though. It's only a matter of time till they become ours. Don’t get in our way or else we'll get our daddies to make whatever small company you come from  to go bankrupt." The middle one said, "We're warning you, stay away"

          "Okay then," you said with a fake smile, "Whatever you say. Now if you don’t mind," you saw Hyeri from the corner of your eye, "I have a friend to meet up with" you walked through them and towards Hyeri.

          "Oh god, you had a run in with, Lee Minji, Choi Jungha and Kim Taewon" Hyeri said once the two of you were out the door.

          "Ah" you said, "So that’s what their names were" you said as the two of you walked to a nearby café, "Let me guess, jewels of their fathers eye and will do anything to get into an arranged marriage with the guys"

          "Wow, you're spot on" Hyeri said as she opened the door to the café, "You're really good at this stuff."

          "It's the rule of society" you said shrugging, "And it's something I learned in the states. Especially living in New York."

          "Ah right, you're part of the New York society" she said looking at the menu. "Wait, what company are you from again?" she asked.

          "If I told you, you cannot tell anyone arraseo? It's kind of a secret for now" you said looking around to make sure no one was listening.

          "Of course! But why is it a secret?" she asked tilting her head to the side.

           "Cause, I don’t really want to be treated different as I am now. Especially since it is my first day" you said.

          Hyeri thought for a moment, "You don’t belong to a mafia do you?"  she asked looking at you sideways.

          "Ah! Aniyo babo!" you said laughing, "My family owns KEY Corp."

          "KEY Corp…you mean…" realization dawned on Hyeri's face. "Ah jinja!?" she asked her eyes wide. "You're THAT heiress?!"

          You nodded slowly, "What do you mean THAT heiress?"

          "The company has two sectors right?  Fashion and…"

          "A few resorts all over the world" you finished for her.

          "Oh my god" She said in english, her British accent evident. "Yah! You're at like the level of Ilhoon and Peniel combined! You're like the richest kid in school!!" she yelled quietly.

          You held your index finger to your lips telling her to shhh.  "No one but you and Peniel knows" you said as the waiter approached the two of you and the two of you ordered your drinks.

          "How does Peniel know? Wait, tell me how do you know Peniel exactly?"  she asked, "Cause that's the first time ANYONE has seen  him interact outside of his friend circle."

          "We grew up together as kids. I'm from New York, and he was from Chicago but he attended school in New York so he stayed at the boarding portion of school. I had a pent house in New York but we were classmates for at least six years and he spent a lot of nights with me and my parents. The two of us related a lot cause we were one of the only Koreans in our school" you explained. "Plus we ran in the same social circle as the higher society"

          "Ah…" she said nodding.

          "Why hello there ladies" Someone said approaching their table in English.

          "Peniel" You and Hyeri said simultaneously.

          "Fancy seeing you two here. I take it Hyeri showed you this place?"  he asked.

          Turning to look at him, you noticed he wasn’t alone but he was with his other friends as well.

          "Of course she did. She was telling me about this place at lunch" You replied, "Care to join us?"  you motioned to the five empty seats around you.

          "Well, since you offered" he said and took a seat next to you.

          The table seating kind of looked like this.




          You felt a bit weird sitting next to Ilhoon since he looked as if he really didn’t want to be there at all.

          "Eun Young, these are my friends. Across from me is Sungjae and on the other side of Hyeri is Hyunsik.  The guy sitting at the head of the table is Minhyuk and the quiet emotionless one is Ilhoon."  He pointed to each one of them. "Guy's this is a childhood mine from America. Kim Eun young. And her friend that we all know, Hyeri"

          "Nice to meet you all" you say bowing to them with a smile.

          "So you're the notorious Eun young" Minhyuk said, "Hmm you're not as pretty as he said you were."  He joked.

          "Well your face isn't so great either" you reply with a fake smile but laughed.

          "Oooo feisty. Hyung, I like her" Sungjae said. "What do your parents do?"

          "Oh! Her mom and dad both run a fashion and hotel industry kind of business. KEY Corp ever heard of it? "Peniel said before you could shut him up.

          "KEY Corp…" Hyunsik said looking down before realization dawned on his face. "Jinja?!  You're THAT heiress?" he looked at you with wide eyes.

          "Neh…" you said.

          "Dude, she's richer then our Ilhoon here" Minhyuk said looking at Ilhoon who's face still seemed emotionless.

          "Don’t worry" Peniel whispered, " His face barely moves"

          "Yah" Ilhoon said, "I heard that" he said glaring at Peniel " And for the fact, you're a babo"

          "Yah, who're you calling a Babo huh?" Peniel asked standing up.

          "You" Ilhoon said cooly causing Peniel to advance on him.

          "Boys we have girls here. Please don’t fight now" Hyunsik said rolling his eyes.

          "Mian" Peniel said sitting down instantly listening to his hyung.

          As all the drinks started to arrive, you chatted with each of the boys and they all seemed like really cool guys. Turns out that Ilhoon had a few classes with you and you only knew that cause Sungjae or Hyunsik had said something. Ilhoon had remained silent throughout the whole entire meal.

          "Ah, it's getting late. I better get home" you said picking up your bag and going to the cashier and taking out your wallet.

          "Yah, Kim Eun young, what are you doing?" Minhyuk asked following behind you.

          "I'll pay for this meal today" you simply stated.

          "Aniyo, it's on me don’t worry" he said taking out his wallet.

          "Yah" you said shoving Minhyuk who was trying to give his credit card to the cashier. "It's fine."

          "Aniyooo, you're new here so it'll be like we're treating you out as a friend" Minhyuk insisted.

          "Friend?" you ask, "Friends already?"

          "Of course, you seem to be really good friends with Peniel and Peniels a pretty good judge of character. He knows who to hang and not to hang with and if he says what he says about you. I feel like we can all be good friends." He said finally giving his credit card over once he had you distracted.

          You nod slowly,"Ah…" you said slowly.

          "Plus, it's only been an hour and I like you. You're not like the other girls at our school." He said putting away his wallet. "We'll see you tomorrow"

          "Ah neh.." you said thinking for a moment. "Uhmm Minhyuk-shi" you called out. "About my last name…"

          "Don’t worry" he said shaking his head. "We'll keep our mouths shut about it. We know what its like" he said giving you a smirk before he walked back to the table where the others were waiting.

          "Kamsamida!" you said bowing and left with Hyeri.

          As the two of you walked home, Hyeri brought up the fact that you were going to be in so much trouble at some point with a few of the students.

          "I know…but don’t worry. I got it"  you said nodding at her. "I've dealt with this before.  I'll be fine."

          "And I also have your back and from the looks of it, you got the guys on your side too." Hyeri said giving you a hug.

          "That’s good to hear" you said opening the gate to your house. "See you tomorrow" you waved.

          "Neh, see you tomorrow"  she said and walked a few  houses down to her house.

          It had been almost two weeks since you started your new school and it was safe to say that you had your fair share of pranks played on you.  They were pretty harmless so you really didn’t think much of it. But after about a week, they began to get worse, at one point you were even locked in the washroom and had cold water splashed on you and also your locker had been sabotaged a few times so at this point you were never alone in the hallways. You either had Minhyuk, Sungjae, Hyunsik or Peniel with your along with Hyeri and even sometimes Ilhoon would be walking with you.

          Over the last two weeks, you were able to talk to Ilhoon a few times, though it was mainly over assignments, it was still something. Your dreams still kept coming though, though  none of them had happened in real life yet. They still bugged you though.

          It was your spare block and you were wandering down the hallway towards the art room where you were going to meet up with Ilhoon to go over a project for one of your arts class. You just had to make a pit stop at the supply closet to get a few supplies first.

          You turned the door knob and noticed that it was stuck.

          "Hmm? This door wasn’t stuck this morning" you mutter to yourself and continued trying to shove the door for a few more minutes.

          As soon as the door became unstuck,  two buckets fell on you causing you to fall and cover you in paint and flour.

          The loud noise caused many classroom doors to open and students poured out to see what the noise was and all they saw was you on the floor covered in red paint and white flour. The hallway filled with laughter as many phones were taken out to take pictures.

          Your face was probably as red as the paint at this point and you just shut your eyes in embarrassment. You heard three very familiar laughs and looked up to see at the center of the little semi circle that surrounded you were Taewon, Minji and Jungha who had smug smiles on their faces.

          Taewon walked up to you with a huge smirk on her face and poured more flour on you. "That’s what you get for messing with us ." She said and bent down to your level. "Next time, we're targeting your company"  and she started laughing along with everyone else but suddenly it stopped.

          The wall of people made a path and Ilhoon walked towards the center cooly and stopped infront of you to see what had happened.

          Bending down, he took out a handkerchief and started dusting you off and wiping the paint from your face before pulling you up.

          "Gwaenchanha?" he asked holding both your shoulders looking straight into your eyes.

          Suddenly your head started hurting and the next thing you knew everything had went black


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Chapter 10: now who is shouting the Bastard thing? hahahahha!
well,the wheel turned. If the parents would be the one saying it, mind as well ask their children what happened. After all, they're the cause of such ruckus.
Chapter 8: Hi!! New subscriber here!! (^^)/

I just fell in love with the story and I love it!!! And I would say that its Tristan that walked in. But I could be wrong. Any way I hope you can update this story soon!!

Fighting (^^)9
Chapter 8: Ohhhhh shhiiit
Chapter 8: JUst not from those bratts from the states... I don't like them!
Chapter 8: Oh, I can't wait for the update <3
Chapter 7: Basically what totally happened:
*eungyoung holds lori's crown over cliff*
*lori has seizure*
*eungyoung instead drops it by her feet*
*lori breathes again*
*eungyoung magically pulls out giant axe and crushes crown*
*lori stops breathing*
*many breathes are held*
Eungyoung: "Oops." eue
Lori: /dead/
Everyone else: eue
Chapter 7: She got slapped alright.. hahahahha!
Way to step on someone's throne.. xD

nice update!
Jenny102225 #8
Chapter 6: Authornim please update soon
Chapter 6: This is cute. Update soon!
battlescars #10
Chapter 5: ughhhh. I love <3