Chapter 3

Once Upon a Dream


          "Everyone, the heiress of KEY Corporations!"

          "Ilhoon, you'll be her for the night no excuses"

          "This will turn out beautifully, seven children of the most prominent families standing on stage together for the first time."


          (End of dream)

          You woke up and realized you weren't in your room, you were in a white room, and realized there was a needle in your arm.

          The room was vacated by Hyeri and the five guys. Minhyuk and Hyunsik were discussing something serious by the window,  Peniel and Sungjae were on the couch with Hyeri discussing a class and last but not least, Ilhoon was sitting on a chair next to your bed dressed in a white  button down and beige dress pants, arms and legs crossed and he seemed to be sleeping.

          What happened? You wondered to yourself and thought back.

          The paint and flour, the humiliation in front of the whole student body.

          "You're awake!" Hyeri said running to your bed, "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly.

          You nodded and soon your bed was surrounded by everyone except Ilhoon who had seemed to be still sleeping.

          "I have to applaud you Kim Eunyoung, you made the emotionless Ilhoon talk and scream" Hyunsik said with a smirk.

          "Yah, he ran to mine and Hyunsiks class with you in his arms covered in paint screaming that he needed us to drive you to the hospital" Minhyuk said motioning with his head towards the sleeping Ilhoon, "Didn’t even care that his uniform was covered in paint and flour."

          "What happened?" you asked curiously. "How long has it been?"

          "You were covered in paint and flour when we saw you, but Ilhoon said that you had a prank played on you." Sungjae said, "A prank that was uncalled for by the way and those girls are going to pay"

          "You were out for more or less six hours. We actually brought you to the infirmary first but when you didn’t wake up after an hour they called an ambulance." Peniel said and looked at the guys, Ilhoon had now woken up and Peniel motioned for Ilhoon to speak.

          "We talked…all of us" he said and sighed, "we feel that you need to have security with you at all times, so these instances don’t happen again." He looked at Peniel "He mentioned that your parents are never around…and if something worse ever happens…"

          "I don’t want to get yelled at by your parents" Peniel finished, "They know I attend this school and to be honest with you, your mom and dad are freaking scary" he shivered, "Especially your mom when she's angry"

          "So from now on, you're going to be walking around with one of us at all times, Hyeri included." Minhyuk said, "I hate to sound like a dad, but its basically, pick up and drop off. I know your driver takes you to school so one of us will meet you at the school gates and you're technically with us after school anyways. But this is temporary"

          You tilted your head in confusion.

          "It seems like you'll be coming out as an heiress sooner than we thought." Hyeri said smiling, "Your parents called to check in on you and Peniel answered, turns out they'll be returning to Seoul in two weeks and in three weeks, they want to introduce you into the Korean society..soo…"

          "Damnit" you muttered.

          "It's okay, we'll be there with you every step of the way" she said smiling, "Anyways, Hyunsik's going to sign you out and you'll be riding back to your place with Ilhoon"

          Nodding you looked at Ilhoon who was holding a bag, "Your uniform was stained with paint so Hyeri brought some of her clothes" he motioned to a door in the room, "The washroom's over there"

          Nodding you got up and almost fell over due to dizziness if it weren't for Ilhoon  catching you.

          "You okay?" he asked.

          You nodded slowly and thanked him before going to change.

          After you walked out, all the guys were ready to go and you followed them out slowly, your arm linked with Hyeri's.

          "Call us when you get home arraseo?" Minhyuk asked as you and Ilhoon got situated in the car.

          "Don’t worry" Ilhoon said, "She'll get home safe" he rolled his eyes.

          "You never know Ilhoon" Hyunsik said with a smirk, "It's you we're talking about"

          "Yah" Ilhoon said and as soon as your door closed he zoomed off.

          It was a quiet car ride to your house. Ilhoon had one hand on the wheel and another one was in a fist with his face resting on it against the window.

          "Thank you…" you said quietly.

          He looked over at you with the corner of his eye and raised an eye brow.

          "Mmm" he nodded,  "Don’t worry about it"

          You smiled tightly and the care ride was uneventful the rest of the way.

          "You live here?" He asked as you stopped infront of a big mansion.

          You nodded, "Why?"

          "You LITERALLY live in between Hyunsik and Sungjae, Minhyuks just across the street, and Peniel is about half a block down and I'm assuming you know where Hyeri lives, and I'm actually just over there"  he pointed to the gates with lions guarding it.

          You blinked, "Then why…"

          "Cause our friends are idiots. That’s why. I bet you they just realized we all lived in the same neighborhood."

          You shook your head and got out of the car, "Thank you for the ride…and for everything" you said smiling at him.

          He nodded, "It's what friends do"

          Once the door closed, he drove the two minutes to his house and walked out the gate just as the rest of the guys were getting home.

          "Woah!" Sungjae said, "You're part of this neighborhood!?"

          You nodded staring at him blinking.

          "She's the heiress to KEY corp. Why wouldn’t she be living in this neighborhood?" Ilhoon asked as he walked over shaking his head. "Don’t worry, I  just realized it as I drove in too"  

          "So it looks like…we'll be taking turns taking you to school then" Minhyuk said walking across the street casually.

          "Hello Neighbor" Hyunsik said leaning on his gate.

          "I forgot she lived here…" Peniel said running down the street towards you guys.

          "I didn’t mention" Hyeri said walking over with a chuckle.

          "So…" you said looking at all six of them. "My parents aren't home…"

          " Our's aren't either. Which is why we're going to go to Hyunsik's and watch movies" Peniel said, "He has a sick entertainment system."

          And the seven of you did just that.

          The next day at school, you weren't surprised about the whispers going around and people giggling and staring at you.

          You had arrived with Hyunsik that day, (he had gone into your house and literally woke you up saying you would be late  though you were actually an hour early)       

          "Don’t worry about it, just stay by me" Hyunsik whispered as he lead you to your locker where everyone else was waiting.

          "Morning!" Hyeri said coming to link arms with you. "Glad you two got here safe"

          You smiled at her.

          "Of course she would get here safe. She had me as an " Hyunsik said winking at you and you shook your head.

          "Yah, but he as an alarm clock" you shot back. "We literally had an hour to  kill before we had to leave"

          "And we got to have breakfast, a very good one at that. Your chef is amazing" Hyunsik said, "Best omelet ever"

          "Well, I opened your locker, I found this" Peniel said holding up a note that said.

          That was only the first step

          You raised an eyebrow, first step?

          "Hmmm" you said. "Hey Peniel, do you remember what I was like back in the States?"

          Peniel looked at you, "You mean the cold hearted Eunyoung? Yah why?"        

          You gave him a tight smile, "May she'll be coming out again after my coming out party. Which reminds me, my parents sent me a message this morning that I have a meeting at…" you tried to remember the name of the restaurant.

          "Burgoo?" Sungjae asked,  "I got that too"

          "Me too" Hyeri said and the rest, including Ilhoon nodded that they had a meeting today at the same place.

          "What do you think it's about?" you asked tilting your head to the side.

          The other shrugged.

          Minhyuk and Ilhoon shared a look, "We're just going to have to see when we get there now wont we?"

           The only question that ran through everyones mind at the time was What did she mean by the cold hearted Eungyoung?


          (Third person)

          "So…I guess we'll be going to Burgoo tonight then" a voice said to two other people as they agreed and walked off.


Pyong~ Here you go chapter three. I'm hoping to get chapter 4 up soon as well..but I make no promises >< Enjoy!

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Chapter 10: now who is shouting the Bastard thing? hahahahha!
well,the wheel turned. If the parents would be the one saying it, mind as well ask their children what happened. After all, they're the cause of such ruckus.
Chapter 8: Hi!! New subscriber here!! (^^)/

I just fell in love with the story and I love it!!! And I would say that its Tristan that walked in. But I could be wrong. Any way I hope you can update this story soon!!

Fighting (^^)9
Chapter 8: Ohhhhh shhiiit
Chapter 8: JUst not from those bratts from the states... I don't like them!
Chapter 8: Oh, I can't wait for the update <3
Chapter 7: Basically what totally happened:
*eungyoung holds lori's crown over cliff*
*lori has seizure*
*eungyoung instead drops it by her feet*
*lori breathes again*
*eungyoung magically pulls out giant axe and crushes crown*
*lori stops breathing*
*many breathes are held*
Eungyoung: "Oops." eue
Lori: /dead/
Everyone else: eue
Chapter 7: She got slapped alright.. hahahahha!
Way to step on someone's throne.. xD

nice update!
Jenny102225 #8
Chapter 6: Authornim please update soon
Chapter 6: This is cute. Update soon!
battlescars #10
Chapter 5: ughhhh. I love <3