Chapter 8

Once Upon a Dream

          You and Ilhoon had to separate from the group, making rounds with the seven of you was just extremely hard and your target clientele were really different.  But since Ilhoon was your for the night, you had no choice but to stick by his side.

          Your first stop were with your parents and Ilhoon Parents who you saw chatting with the families from the States. One couple in particular, the Adam's looked flustered and Grant Adam's was red in the face.

          "Umma, Appa, Jung- Ajusshi,  Jung- Sungmo" you said approaching them with your society face letting them know of your presence but bowed in respect.

          "Ah, Eunyoung, Ilhoon." Your mother acknowledged, she had her society face on and you could tell she was frustrated.

          "Kim-nim" Ilhoon said bowing, "Umma, Appa"

          "Eunyoung, I 'm sure you remember everyone from the States" Your father said in English.

          "Of course, It's wonderful to see you again, Mr and Mrs. Adams, Mr and Mrs. Dupont, Mr and Mrs. McGreggor, Mr and Mrs. James, Mr and Mrs.  Graham." You said acknowledging them, "Welcome to Korea. This is my for the night, Jung Ilhoon"

          "It is very nice to meet you" Ilhoon said shaking hands with everyone except the Adams.

          "What made you move back to Korea, Mimi? Oh Stephanie was so upset when you made the decision to leave." Mrs. James said with furrowed eyebrows.

          "Oh is that true?" you asked with a fake smile. These people knew nothing.

          "Oh cut with the small talk Ken! There is no way two eighteen year olds can run this project!" a very angry Grant Adam's said.

          You saw Logan and Tristan's father's visibly gulp as they noticed people turning their heads.

         "I think they're very capable. For the last few years, Ilhoon has been at the top of his grade, and from what I've heard from Mr. Kim here, Eunyoung is no different." Ilhoons father defended.

          "Plus Eunyoung has been making mergers since she's transferred here earlier this year." You father stated. He looked at you, "What do you think?"

          You looked at Ilhoon and he shrugged, "In all honesty, I think Ilhoon and I are more than capable, especially with the task force of Minhyuk, Hyunsik and everyone else here in Korea, this should go with a breeze."

          "You say that now but what happens if one of your mergers drop? What will you do then? Or when one of your contributing companies drops out what will you do then?" Colin's father asked.

          "We have enough resources and contributing companies that we wont have to worry about that. If you see it as a challenge for us, Eunyoung and I will be holding a business plan meeting on Friday where we'll be telling you the approximate time line among other things we have in mind for this resort. You all are more than welcome to join us. That is, if you all plan on sticking around that long."  Ilhoon said as everyone looked at him astonished and he turned to your parents, "Umma, Appa, if you guys don’t mind, we'll be leaving now. We have a lot of planning to do." He looked down at you, "Don’t we Eunyoung."

          You smirked and nodded, "Please excuse us, we'll see you on Friday."  You turned to your parents, "Umma, Appa, we'll see you at the office tomorrow."

          The two of you bowed before leaving the group and you couldn’t help but notice Mr. Adam's face was more tomato shaded at the moment causing you to giggle.

          Ilhoon smirked, "So I guess we have some planning to do don’t we? "

          "The meeting is in two days, it's pretty accomplishable, just got to figure out the skeleton plan tomorrow. We'll be in the office, ALL day" you said as the two of you joined the rest of the group.

          "So it's true then? You two spontaneously called a business plan meeting for Friday?" Minhyuk asked.

          "Ilhoon called it" you clarified, "But I had to agree."

          "Well, it would be bad if you didn’t…" Hyunsik said, "Considering who you said it in front of"

          "I know, I guess it's the office for us after class tomorrow." Ilhoon said looking as if he regretted his decision.

          You gave him a tight smile, "Yup…maybe we can use it as an extra credit project or something."

          He nodded, "Well outside of that, shall we head to the lounge in Cheomdangdong?"

          Everyone agreed and made the final  rounds of goodbyes before hopping in a limo and going to the all exclusive, 'Aura' lounge in the Cheomdamdong district where you all had time to unwind and relax.

          The next day at school, you and Ilhoon had met up with your business ed teacher and discussed your plans to use this business project as one of your development projects. Thankfully she agreed and the two of you only had to attend class two days a week, promising that you would send her term reports of your current status.

          As the two of you sat in your office at KEY Corp, yes your office. Both of you had laptops out,  figuring out the budget location etc. You had a few notes that your fathers had left you when they had started the project but obviously it was still in its beginning phases so you had a lot of room to work with.

          It was two hours later and you heard your office door open and in walked Hyeri and everyone else  including Mark carrying their laptops.

          "We figured we'd come in and see how you guys were doing, I talked to my father and I'm going to look after the architectural things of this project." Sungjae said smiling. "I cant wait!"

          "Our fathers firms are your paralegal team" Minhyuk and Hyunsik said, "we're working on the contracts right now and we thought we'd run them by you to make sure everything you need is perfect."

          Ilhoon nudged you with a smirk, "See, skeleton plan complete"

          "What's the budget?" Mark asked looking through your power point, he seemed to be very impressed.

          "$1.5bil at this time, we're hoping to up it but without another contributing sponsor who's willing to put in the 5mil, we'll only be able to do so much" you explained as you pulled up the slide for him, "We wont mention it, but the $5mil will be able to help us do a lot"

          "What if someone's willing to contribute the extra $5mil?" a voice asked in English from the door and all heads whipped  around.



Who do you guys think it is!? Chapter 9 coming shortly


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Chapter 10: now who is shouting the Bastard thing? hahahahha!
well,the wheel turned. If the parents would be the one saying it, mind as well ask their children what happened. After all, they're the cause of such ruckus.
Chapter 8: Hi!! New subscriber here!! (^^)/

I just fell in love with the story and I love it!!! And I would say that its Tristan that walked in. But I could be wrong. Any way I hope you can update this story soon!!

Fighting (^^)9
Chapter 8: Ohhhhh shhiiit
Chapter 8: JUst not from those bratts from the states... I don't like them!
Chapter 8: Oh, I can't wait for the update <3
Chapter 7: Basically what totally happened:
*eungyoung holds lori's crown over cliff*
*lori has seizure*
*eungyoung instead drops it by her feet*
*lori breathes again*
*eungyoung magically pulls out giant axe and crushes crown*
*lori stops breathing*
*many breathes are held*
Eungyoung: "Oops." eue
Lori: /dead/
Everyone else: eue
Chapter 7: She got slapped alright.. hahahahha!
Way to step on someone's throne.. xD

nice update!
Jenny102225 #8
Chapter 6: Authornim please update soon
Chapter 6: This is cute. Update soon!
battlescars #10
Chapter 5: ughhhh. I love <3