Chapter 4

Once Upon a Dream

          It was sometime during school and you and Ilhoon were going to work on the art project again but this time, he escorted you to the art closet and it was a good thing too, fair enough, glue and feathers had fallen when you two had opened the door.

          "They just don’t give up" Ilhoon muttered shaking his head and got the necessary supplies. "Lets go"

          You followed him out wondering what would have happened if he wasn’t with you and what the outcome would have been.

          "Eunyoung-ah" Ilhoon said, "Don’t worry, as long as we're with you, nothings going to happen so don’t think about it"  he thought for a while, "Especially with what I think is going to happen today" he muttered to himself.

          "Hmm?" you looked up at him.

          He shook his head, "Nothing" and continued his way to the art room.

          After school. The seven of you met at the front gates and Ilhoon filled them in on what almost happened in the supply closet.

          Hyeri shook her head, "They just don’t give up"

          "It's okay" Minhyuk said, "If I'm guessing what today's conversation is going to  be about, I'm pretty sure they'll give up soon"

          You looked up at him, "What do you mean?"

          He grinned at you, "You'll see soon enough"

          "Let's all head home to change then go to Burgoo, we have to be there by 5 so everyone be out at the gates of their house no later than 4:15" Hyunsik said looking at his watch.

          "Gotcha" everyone said getting into their respective cars, you following Hyunsik and Peniel.

          On the way home, Hyunsik  turned to look at you from the corner of his eye.

          "So in the hallway earlier, you mentioned to Peniel that you were cold hearted once upon a time. If you don’t mind me asking, what did you mean by that?"

          You turned to look at Peniel and he only shrugged, "Tell him" he mouthed.

          Letting out a sigh you started the story.

         "Be prepared, its going to take us the whole ride" Peniel said getting himself comfortable.

          "It pretty much started when I attended school in New York, because I was part of the top percentile in the school and also my last name, I was in a lot of classes with five other people. Lori Adams, Logan Dupont, Tristan Mcgreggor, Colin James and Stephanie Graham oh and Peniel."

          "Hotel and resorts, Communications, law, law, fashion" Hyunsik muttered.

          You nodded.

          "But something happened between your company and the Adams didn’t it?" he asked.

          "Well that’s where it pretty much begins, Peniel should know the majority of it to the  point where he left in tenth grade. Now that I think about it, someone else knows about it too.." you said putting a finger on your chin trying to figure it out.

          "Who?" Hyunsik asked.

          "Jung Ilhoon" Peniel said, "The other one of us who's parents run a bunch of resorts"

          "Ah, that's why his name was familiar" you said, "Sue me, I haven't been in the public eye for a while. Anyways, back in the States, Logan, Tristan, Colin, Stephanie and I were best friends and Lori was just a girl who hung out with us due to her status and grades."

          "She was really smart and had a huge and I mean HUGE crush on Logan" Peniel said shaking his head.

          "That too" you pointed out laughing.

          "Also she hated Eunyoung with a passion" Peniel added.

          "That too" you pointed out, "Because of that-"

          "The cold hearted you came out" Hyunsik said understanding. "But where does Ilhoon play into this? Wait what happened exactly?"

          "Lets factor in that Logan was my best friend and Lori being in love with him," you said, "Long story short, by the 9th grade Lori had attached herself to the group and to Logan. Anyways, Logan and I started dating at the end of 9th grade…"

          "YOU TWO WERE WHAT!?" Peniel yelled causing Hyunsik to swerve the car.

          "Yah!" Hyunsik yelled calm down!" he looked at you, "Continue"

          "Well out parents were ecstatic. His mom had started planning out wedding" you chuckled, "Anywho, Lori was obviously less than pleased and jealousy got the best of her"

          "That explains her behaviour" Peniel shook his head.

          "But Logan and I were happy, till about midway through tenth grade, Mark moved to New York from L.A  after Peniel left"


          "Hey lets go to the carnival tonight" a fourteen year old you said to her blond boyfriend.

          He shook his head, "I cant, not tonight" he said, "I uh..  I have to work on a project for Econ"

          You raised your eye brows, "Oh…okay" this was the 4th time in the last week he said he couldn’t hang out, but today was your anniversary, surely he didn’t forget did he?

          That night you sat in your room bummed out, when your mother entered,

          "Look who's here!" she opened the door revealing Mark and Suzy.

          "What are you two doing here?" you asked slightly surprised. Mark was supposed to be in meetings all day preparing for an event and was in Korea for college.

          Mark grinned, "There's a carnival in town, thought we could go"

          "I have a week break and came to visit my little brother, your mom thought you could use some cheering up"

          You gave them a sad smile but nodded, "Let's go"

          At the carnival, you had gone on all the rides with your cousins to the point Suzy got really sick and excused herself.

         "Guess she still cant hold her stomach." Mark chuckled as the two of you settled on a bench. "Feeling better?" he asked.

          "Slightly" you said giving him a small smile, "More sick though."

         "Spill the beans, what's going on in that little head of yours?" he asked tapping your temple.

          You ended up telling him about Logan, and how distant he was acting and by the look on Mark's face he was less than pleased.

          "Come here" he pulled you into his arms as you cried. "It's okay" he whispered rubbing your back.

          Suzy came back with a worried look, "Are you okay?"

          You wiped the tears from your eyes and nodded, "Yah, I will be"

          That night you and Suzy had talked about Logan and how you were feeling and she had said that if she ever ran into him, he'd get the third degree from her which made you cringe, cause a mad Suzy was a scary Suzy.

          The next day at school, you were expecting to see your friends waiting for you but instead, you saw a pissed off Stephanie.

          "I cant believe you would do this to Logan!" she yelled, "You told me you would never hurt him!"

          You looked at her confused, "What are you talking about?" you tilted your head to the side.

          "Oh so now you're going to play dumb?" she asked throwing a Polaroid picture at you, "You freaking cheated on him!!"

          You picked up the photo and saw that it was a picture of you and Mark last night at the Carnival when Suzy had gone to the washroom.

          "You're kidding me, Steph" you said shaking your head, "Where did you get this?"

          "Lori! She was with Logan last night at the carnival for their one month-" Stephanie quickly shut realizing her mistake.

          The anger was quick to come, 'I'm working on a project' went through your head multiple times.

          "That lying cheating son of  a-" you muttered but was cut off.

          "Oh look who it is!" Colin said walking up with Tristan, "The cheater dare shows her face Tristan.

          "You're joking, I'm the cheating one?" you asked, "Tristan?" he should know the truth. He was always the one with the reason.

          Tristan kept his mouth shut and looked away.

          "A picture that says a thousand words" Colin said loudly, you were now getting an audience, "A picture that says Kim Eunyoung is cheating on Logan Dupont with Mark Tuan!"

          "Or" you countered, "A picture could also say that I'm hugging my cousin"

          "Mark Tuan's a senior here, how can you two be even related if he's chinese and you're Korean."   Stephanie stated getting in your face.

          Really? They were trying to find any excuse in the book to convince people you cheated on Logan.

          You looked at her as if she was stupid, "My mom and his mom are siblings, his mom married Chinese, my mom married Korean"

          "That's impossible!" Colin said. "Why cant you just admit you cheated on Logan?"

          "Cause I didn’t!" you rolled your eyes.

          "You know what Kim Eunyoung-" Stephanie started but was cut off by a loud voice.

          "Aiya! It's way to early in the morning for yelling" a voice said from behind you and saw that it was Mark's best friend Jackson. "Why are you all yelling."

          "Jackson!" Stephanie said going up to him and clinged to his arm, she had a big crush on him but he would never look her way, "Did you hear? Kim Eunyoung's cheating on Logan with Mark Tuan, you agree with me right?"

          Jackson looked at her and then at you with a raised eye brow, "Ewww that’s nasty Eunyoungie" he said using his nickname for you and removed Stephanies grip from your arm, "Cheating using your cousin" he faked sighed, "I swore we taught you better then that" he ruffled your hair and then looked at Stephanie and Colin with a serious face.        

          "I don’t believe any of it cause I know for a fact that Mark and Eunyoung are cousins. You three are supposed to be her best friends" he said his playful tone gone.

          "We were Logan's friends first" Colin said, "and we stand by him not Eunyoung"

          Jackson nodded, "Fair enough" he turned to look at you and put a hand on your shoulder, "Then I guess you don’t mind me telling Eunyoung this  infront of you guys"

          You tilted your head to the side in confusion.

           "Logan's been cheating on you with Lori for about a month now" Jackson said, "But I'm sure Stephanie let that slip out already"

          You put your head down, "I knew it" your fist clenched.

          "It's okay" Jackson said wrapping an arm around your shoulder, "Since you wont be friends with these guys anymore, let's go find Mark and he'll tell you what he discussed with your father last night. I think you'll like it"

          "Okay" you said and followed him towards the senior hallway not before running into Logan.

          He looked at you with a hard stare and you only shook your head your voice becoming void of emotion, "You're dead to me. You of all people knew that Mark Tuan was my cousin. Have fun working on projects with Lori from now on" you took the charm bracelet he had given to you and threw it at him before walking off with Jackson.

(Flashback end)

          "The Adam's family and my dad were working on a resort project together but Mark told my dad what happened and he broke the partnership right away refusing to do any business with the Adams ever again" you said looking out the window. "But my dad had to look for another Partner or else the Adams would try to step in again."

          "But the Jung Family took the partnership" Hyunsik said.

          You nodded, "My dad and Mr. Jung discussed and soon HQ was moved from New York to Korea. It was a total slap in the face since the Adam's were ready to jump in again, and best of all, the resorts going to be built on Jeju island."       

          Hyunsik  shared a look with Peniel.

          "I cant believe we were friends with them" Peniel shook his head, "They're dead if I see them"

          "No" you said instantly, "We get them back the way we do best" you got out of the car.

          "Be out in 15 minutes tops" Hyunsik said and you  nodded.

          You were looking forward to this meeting with your parents now.

          Turning around, you saw Ilhoon watching you from his house before turning to walk into his.


Longest Chapter yet!! My fingers just about died though..Enjoy!


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Chapter 10: now who is shouting the Bastard thing? hahahahha!
well,the wheel turned. If the parents would be the one saying it, mind as well ask their children what happened. After all, they're the cause of such ruckus.
Chapter 8: Hi!! New subscriber here!! (^^)/

I just fell in love with the story and I love it!!! And I would say that its Tristan that walked in. But I could be wrong. Any way I hope you can update this story soon!!

Fighting (^^)9
Chapter 8: Ohhhhh shhiiit
Chapter 8: JUst not from those bratts from the states... I don't like them!
Chapter 8: Oh, I can't wait for the update <3
Chapter 7: Basically what totally happened:
*eungyoung holds lori's crown over cliff*
*lori has seizure*
*eungyoung instead drops it by her feet*
*lori breathes again*
*eungyoung magically pulls out giant axe and crushes crown*
*lori stops breathing*
*many breathes are held*
Eungyoung: "Oops." eue
Lori: /dead/
Everyone else: eue
Chapter 7: She got slapped alright.. hahahahha!
Way to step on someone's throne.. xD

nice update!
Jenny102225 #8
Chapter 6: Authornim please update soon
Chapter 6: This is cute. Update soon!
battlescars #10
Chapter 5: ughhhh. I love <3