Chapter 9

Once Upon a Dream

          Your eyebrows rose, "Tristan?"

          "McGreggor" Peniel said standing up, "What are you doing here?"

          "And without the others?" you questioned skeptically.

          He shrugged, "Our families are sticking around  for your little business plan meeting Friday, I figured I'd come by the office to check it out"

          Hyunsik narrowed his eyes, "If you're here to spy get lost"

          Tristan raised his hands in defense, "I'm here alone, everyone's out shopping or sightseeing or whatever. I decided to stray cause I was hoping to catch Eunyoung here but obviously I didn’t expect everyone else."

          "You wouldn’t have caught her alone anyways" Ilhoon stated, "Do you have a purpose? We're trying to work right now"

          "I just want to talk to Eunyoung"  he said looking at everyone, ´"If possible in private"

          You shared a look with Peniel and he nodded,  you and Tristan had been closer than you and Logan had been and it was obvious he had liked you but let his best friend  date you, which was an instant regret after what had happened with Lori.

          "Okay" you said getting up but Ilhoon stopped you.

          "Are you sure?" he asked and you nodded.

          "I'll be at the coffee shop downstairs, if I'm not back in 15minutes come get me arraseo?"

          He nodded and let you go.

          You walked out the door and Tristan followed you to the elevator.

          Once the drinks were ordered, the two of you found a quiet spot in the corner and you sat facing him with your arms crossed and eyes narrowed.


          Tristan hesitated, and took a sip of his coffee.

          "About the past year…" he sighed and bowed his head, "I'm sorry I didn’t tell you"

          "How long was it going on for" you asked emotionless.

          "About a Month before you left"

          Your hands involuntarily clenched. "Why didn’t you tell me?"  

          "I don’t know, maybe it was the bro code, maybe I saw how happy you were with him and he still managed to maintain some state of normal while he was with you…I just didn’t want to see you get hurt…" Tristan tried to explain.

          "And what happened?" you tilted your head to the side.

          "You got hurt…" he sighed.

          "I just…I just wished you told me sooner than me having to find out like that. I trusted you…and right now, its hard for me to even look at you"  Your voice cold and void of emotion.

          "I know…I just…it was just so hard. You know how it was back then, the guys had to stick behind Logan, he was the pack leader"

          "And because I was the outsider at the time, you decided to abandon me."

          "I'm sorry…" he sighed, "I don’t know what its going to take you to trust me again…but I'm sorry…I really am…"

          You shook your head, "I cant forgive you that easily Tristan…even if I wanted to. The wound…is too deep to be fixed. And what is the whole $5bil donation about?"

          "I heard Lori's dad talking to Logans about how you guys were going to be short money cause the project is going to be so big  and apparently you guys don’t know how to budget properly…So when I walked in today, I was going to tell you what I had heard…" he paused, "But when I heard you guys WERE short $5bil…my heart stopped. No offence, these guys are my best friends but Lori's changed Logan, Colin and Steph in so many different ways…"

          "I can see that" you stated, "So whats the catch with you offering the $5bil?"

          He shrugged, "I want your trust…and me giving you the $5bil out of my own pocket means…"

          "You'd be on the board of directors." You said nodding, "Why?"

          "I'm trying to pull away from the family business honestly, relocate, start something new…Take it from a business man's point of view, I see an opportunity that I'm interested in, you need $5bil for budget, I can provide that out of my own pocket…plus…it's time to show Lori a realistic side of the business"

          You had to think for a while, have Tristan on the board of directors side of the line would be beneficial, he was always into architecture and not his family business, not like anyone knew that. He had an image to uphold for his family. It wouldn't be too bad… But it had to be run by everyone who was on the board of directors, AKA everyone who was upstairs at that moment.

          "Lets go upstairs, and we can discuss it with the guys, their families are on the board of directors so their say is important." You got up as Tristan nodded, "If we present a full proof plan, we shouldn’t have an issue"

          "Sounds like a plan, lets go" he said and followed you back inside the building.'

          "Guys, I think we found a solution to our budget issue" you said as you walked into the office with Tristan in tow.

          "He's still here?" Hyunsik asked with a raised eyebrow.

          You nodded and explained to them what Tristan's intentions were.

          "How do we know we can trust you?" Minhyuk asked after you explained everything.

           "I'm willing to…"  Tristan thought for a while and sighed, "I'm willing to cut ties with Lori and the group…"

          Ilhoon raised his eyebrow, "Really?"

          Tristan nodded, "If it means that I gain your trust, and help you develop this resort as one of the top  resorts in the world, I'm willing to do it"

          "I think we should do it" Peniel said with his arms resting behind his head, "I trust this guy more than I trust a lot of people, and he doesn’t go back on his word" He looked straight at Tristan "But if you do, just know your family is ruined"

          "I know what you guys are capable of, I'm willing to risk all that" Tristan paused for a moment, "So is…that a yes?"

          Everyone in the room shared a look and Ilhoon sat up straight and held out his hand,  "Welcome to the board of directors" he nodded.

          Tristan shook Ilhoons hands firmly, "Kamsamida" he bowed slightly.

          Everyone in the room looked at him with a weird look.

          "What?" he asked looking around at everyone.

          "Yea…your Korean lessons start as of now" Mark said shaking his head,  "Let's go get some dinner and we can discuss where we can put that Extra $5bil. And hey, I think it's Peniels turn to  buy!" He laughed and walked out of the room with everyone in tow.

          As you were walking out you gave Tristan a small smile and he returned it before following everyone out.


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Chapter 10: now who is shouting the Bastard thing? hahahahha!
well,the wheel turned. If the parents would be the one saying it, mind as well ask their children what happened. After all, they're the cause of such ruckus.
Chapter 8: Hi!! New subscriber here!! (^^)/

I just fell in love with the story and I love it!!! And I would say that its Tristan that walked in. But I could be wrong. Any way I hope you can update this story soon!!

Fighting (^^)9
Chapter 8: Ohhhhh shhiiit
Chapter 8: JUst not from those bratts from the states... I don't like them!
Chapter 8: Oh, I can't wait for the update <3
Chapter 7: Basically what totally happened:
*eungyoung holds lori's crown over cliff*
*lori has seizure*
*eungyoung instead drops it by her feet*
*lori breathes again*
*eungyoung magically pulls out giant axe and crushes crown*
*lori stops breathing*
*many breathes are held*
Eungyoung: "Oops." eue
Lori: /dead/
Everyone else: eue
Chapter 7: She got slapped alright.. hahahahha!
Way to step on someone's throne.. xD

nice update!
Jenny102225 #8
Chapter 6: Authornim please update soon
Chapter 6: This is cute. Update soon!
battlescars #10
Chapter 5: ughhhh. I love <3