The Rock

Chasing Rabbits

Myungsoo's Pov



Sunggyu and I both stared at her for a while until she decided to say something.

"Sorry…uuh… I didn't mean to interrupt but…have you guys seen my yellow highlighter? I think I left it here." She started looking around under the desks.

I looked back at Sunggyu who was still holding me against the window glass. He put away the knife causing me a to let out big sigh of relief. Soon enough, Sunggyu let me go and told Ellie as she was still on her search. "Good luck finding it." With a fake but friendly tone, as if he wasn't just about to scar me for life….I was saved.

"Umm I guess it must have been in the other classroom." Ellie said to herself without acknowledging my presence even once. "Wait." I tried to call her but she had already ran out of the room….Could she have done it on purpose..? nahh she's seemed so clueless…but still she saved me…again. I blinked twice before I decided to head out of the classroom.


Ellie's Pov

An hour later I was safe at home just like I expected. "So how is that story going?" Nina asked. "Well, I decided gangsters are too tiring to write about. So I'm changing my plot to one that involves magicians." I told her. "What?! But…what about the love story between the gangster and the girl?" She really was too interested. "I changed my mind."

"WHY?!" Nina asked as I opened my closet to find some pajamas to wear. "I don't know I just don't see myself writing about it." I said honestly.

"You've done romance before so what's the issue? You can write about ninjas and warriors but not gangsters?"

"I just think magicians would be a better idea, that's it." I kind of lied. To be honest, I just wanted to stop writing about what was happening in real life. I felt like I was lying to Nina. I mean I could tell her the truth about Myungsoo but I don't want her to interrogate me everyday about him.

"I still think you should do it. Think about it." She smiled.

"Since when are you so interested in my stories anyway?" I asked.

"I just really like your romance stories, and the fact that you seemed so into it at first, I thought this was going to be a great one. Oh well, I'm sure your magicians will turn out to be a great one too." She told me.


Sunggyu's Pov

"Gyu baby! You're finally home~ I missed you so much my darling." My drunk mother greeted me at the door instead of the servant. "Move." I ordered her to get out of my way. "But honey…" ….I hate is when she gets drunk…."There's some big news you need to hear." She told me.  "Tell me when you're sober." I said as I walked passed her and made my way upstairs. "The company will be yours, my baby…finally…all these years…" I heard her but decided to ignore it. "What a joy." I said as I slammed the door of my room. I was so angry at everything that in a rage fit I threw everything off my desk. …This is so suffocating… I thought to myself.

"Sunggyu." I heard Bob's voice at my door. "Are you okay?" He said. "I'm fine. Get lost!" "Can we talk?" He told me....urgh...I opened the door. "What do you want?" "Did you two fight again?"  My wounds on my face said it all. "I know what you're gonna say, no need to." I was about to close the door but he blocked it. "Actually, I wanted to ask if you wanted to go out for some ramen. Peter and I are starving." He smiled. "You want me to go eat with you. My dad's bodyguards?" I raised an eyebrow. "Why not. You probably don't want to stay in the house." He acted too friendly. Lately, the bodyguards like to act like we are friends or something. "So are you going or not?" He asked me again. Since I was hungry and I did not want to stay inside the house with my drunk mother. I agreed to go....Hanging out with the bodyguards, I certainly never saw myself doing that.



Myungsoo's Pov

I tried looking for that girl as I was exiting the school but never saw her. "Hey Myungsoo!" I heard another girl call me. "Pork Belly?" ….Oh my god yes….My mind forgot everything for a split second. I wanted to eat it so much that I was even willing to deal with people, that's how much I craved it. After nodding and smiling, trying to be friendly to the others, the pork belly was served. It was delicious…..I'm I in heaven?…I spaced out for a few seconds and then resumed to my normal self.

I waited a little bit before getting out of there since I didn't want to make it obvious that I was only there for the food. There was 3 girls and 2 guys from my class. They were pretty nice and chill actually. They didn't bother me that much except that I was paying zero attention to their conversation. I had other things on my mind.

….Sunggyu that bastard, pulling out knives, what a coward. Was he really gonna cut my throat…pfft please. Naturally, I was angry….and then that girl Ellie, If it wasn't for her…did she do that on purpose?!…no, right? or…"Myungsoo!" Someone called me. "More soju?" They asked. "No thanks, I better head home." I told them and waved goodbye.



A few minutes later I arrived at Sungyeol's place. It was very late already and expected him to be asleep since he mentioned he worked in the morning. When I entered the apartment, it was completely dark. So I took off my shoes first, before turning the lights on. That's when I saw Sungyeol laying on the ground and leaned against the closet door. He had a blanket across his shoulders, a bag of popcorn laid on the floor next to him, his laptop, and tears in his eyes. "Sungyeol! What are you doing?" I had never seen him doing anything like that before.

"Myungsoo ah~ It hurts." He said almost crying. "What hurts, what's wrong?" I got concerned for a second there.

"This fanfic…is so well written…its given me so many emotions." He confessed.

"YAH! Are you out of your mind?!" I scolded him…I thought it was something serious.

"Whyyyy" He ignored me and starting hugging his knees, rocking himself back and fort.

"Sungyeol, seriously. Can you stop that?"

"What about his wife and children?"


"This is so sad. Sniff."



"What the hell Sungyeol!"

"Myungsoo ah~ My friend. You should really read this fanfic. It's amazing." He said dramatically.

"Are you crazy? Never. Now go to sleep already!"

"Yes, master. AHhhhh" He started whining and crying again. "I just can't believe the author left it like that, he just vanished….into thin air….just like the prophecy said."

 I rolled my eyes as he kept talking about this amazing fanfic he just read. He must have lost is mind. I thought. We turned off the lights and soon he fell asleep….finally…what a crybaby…crying over fiction stories pfft…..I decided I couldn't sleep so I snuck out of bed and borrowed his laptop which he had left on. When I opened it I read, "The Kingdom Prophecy" I rolled my eyes and moved the mouse over to close the window but my finger was unable to click. I should have clicked the cross….I really should have.

Curiosity got the best of me and well, about an hour and a half later I was weeping like a little teenage schoolgirl……"Master Xing Nooooo why did you vanish into air?!" I was trying really hard not to wake Sungyeol up with my crying. I would be busted.


The next morning I kept looking around for that girl to ask her about yesterday but she was no where to be found. By the time we had class together, I was going to go her desk but a bunch of annoying girls where crowding around me….aish….and she didn't look at me even once. She was too focused on her book to even notice me, so after class I discreetly followed her.



Ellie's Pov

I needed to find inspiration for my new magician story. The classroom was too noisy for me to concentrate, so I decided to go sit somewhere by the trees. I thought Myungsoo may be there, so I went and found another place not too far from that spot, but far enough.

It only took a little bit of walking to find an amazing place…."woahhh this is awesome." The place even had a big rock which I could climb, It was perfect. I threw my bag on the ground and easily climbed the rock. I breathed the air in and opened my arms as if I was in the titanic….This also reminds me of…

I started singing. "Its the ciiiiircle of liiiiiifeeee, and it moves us alllll…through despair and hope~." I also pretended I had baby simba in my hands. I was having too much fun with my new found rock. …"ahem" I cleared my throat a little from the singing and then sat down on the rock in a relaxation pose.

….."Correction…I know your father…..hummm" ….anyway enough of that! I need to find my inner author….hummmmmmmm


Myungsoo's Pov

Is she quoting the Lion King?…She is completely nuts…I was sure of it. I hid somewhere  she couldn't see me and just watched her for a few minutes.


What in the world is she doing? I asked myself as she continued to mumble to herself. "What should I do…hmm maybe you know?" She pointed at a tall tree. "Too bad we can't understand each other, I mean you're a tree after all. Siiigh…"

She then switched positions to lay on her stomach, as she moved towards the edge of the rock to see the ground. She seemed like she was looking for something. Then, she softly said; "There's no rabbits today….Boring" She pouted.

I made mistake of dropping my bag on the ground, making a noise loud enough for her to notice….aish…I was busted. "Umm…" She stared at me with a confused expression and then titled her head like a puppy. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I uh…I was passing by."


"What are you doing up there?" I asked looking up at the rock.

"I'm meditating….or I was."

"Anyway I need to talk to you. Can you come down?" I told her…better end this quickly..

"Oh?! About what?"

"It's uncomfortable talking while you're up there. Come down, hurry." I ordered.

"Have you ever heard of a queen coming down from her throne to talk to a peasant?"

"Who are you calling a peasant, yah." I pointed at her while she laughed to herself.

"You think you're so funny don't you?" I told her but she continued to laugh.

"Don't make me come up there!" I threatened but she continued to ignore me.

"That's it, I'm coming up." I said as I threw my bag on the ground and began to climb.
…ouch…My body was sore not only from the fights but from that time I fell from the bridge, my knee and almost everything else was still hurting. I struggled a bit to get up but I hid any trace of pain from my expression.

"You did it!" She celebrated my arrival. "But…" She stood up and began examining my body. It was creeping me out. "You're okay right?" She asked.

"What are you talking about, of course I'm okay." I told her.

"They say gangsters should be too used to getting hit all the time, but It still hurts right? You're just faking it to appear strong, aren't you?" did she even…."Uhm…no?" I said as she continued talking. "What happens if I kick your knee" She said it quickly before she raised her leg up as of she was going to kick me. Since it was already hurting my reflexes over reacted.

"YAH! I took a step back."…is this fear I'm feeling?….."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled. "I just wanted to know if it really hurt. I wasn't really going to kick you." She explained. "Fine! It hurts, it hurts from that time I fell from the bridge, and from the fights I had with Sunggyu. Happy now?" ….Aish why I'm I telling her this…

She then looked at me curiously and took a few steps forward to be closer to me. "What about your shoulder?" She softly poked it twice. I flinched a little at the touch and covered it with my hand so she would stop…."It hurts too…a little…" That was from the time Sunggyu threw me towards the desks.

"And your cheekbone?" She tried to touch my face but I stopped her hand. "Just a bit." I confessed. "What about your wrist?" She stared at my hand while I was still holding hers, trying to keep her from touching me any further "ENOUGH?!" I covered my body with both my arms. She finally gave up and took a few steps away from me to stare into space.

"Gangsters are amazing, really. Even if their whole body hurts, they still play cool. I completely understand though, they don't want to appear weak in front of their opponents. It's so cool!" She talked to the air…..I almost thought she was concerned for my health but it seems she's just too amused over me being a gangster…..which I'm not….

"I'm not a gangster." I told her again but she ignored me and decided to sit back down on the rock, cross legged. It looked like she resumed back to meditating.

"Gangsters or magicians…...gangsters or magicians." ….What is she doing now? Aish…she is insane.  I stared at her back as she meditated, debating if I should reapproach her or just leave.  She startled me, again, when she quickly turned around to stare right into my eyes. I stumbled back a little bit. "I have decided." She said while extending her entire arm to point at my face.…..ww..w.what…is she going to do….this girl is starting to make me feel nervous.

"What…have you decided?" I hesitated to ask.

"Uhm….nothing…forget it." She smiled. "Anyway…you wanted to talk?" She changed the topic and gave me a friendly and innocent smile. ….Right, I had something to ask her.

"Why did you come in the classroom yesterday? When I was with Sunggyu." I asked straight to the point.

"I lost my highlighter, I told you." She responded.

"Really? You didn't hear us fighting or the see Sunggyu holding a knife against my throat?" I asked skeptically. Come on, who wouldn't have sensed it. She obviously knew it wasn't a proper moment to walk in the classroom.

"Well….you see….uhh.." She was struggling to come up with an excuse.

"Aha! Got you!" I accused.

"Fine. I'll tell you the truth." She started to speak again. …..Finally…"Actually…." She lowered her voice into a whisper. "That highlighter wasn't mine. I temporarily stole it and planned to give it back but it just…disappeared….vanished…into air." She talked like she was narrating some sort of mystery show. … she serious?……

"You got to be joking me." I told her with a glare of disbelief. She stayed quiet and feigned innocence. "I don't believe you." I affirmed.


Ellie's Pov

Yeah that was a lame excuse, but I somehow thought he would buy it. After all everyone buys my lies, at least Nina and my parents. Not that I need to lie a lot. It's just that sometimes its hard to explain certain things, so little white lies are necessary. Apparently Myungsoo was too skeptical.

"Its a very important highlighter." I continued to lie.

"You are a liar." He was sure.

He had no proof to say I was lying besides what he thinks the truth is.

"You've done this before. Why?" He was starting to get serious. More than normal.

"….done what?" I blinked and continued to pretend.

"You tried to help me." He said what I already knew he meant. Meanwhile, I didn't know what to say in reply to that…..Should I just admit it….but it's not like I even know myself why I keep helping him...

"Don't act stupid." His words shocked me a little.

"I …I don't know what to tell you." I scratched my head by the loss of words. I didn't really want to admit the lie and the situation was beginning to get awkward. Judging by his first reaction when I diverted the gangsters when he was being chased, he is probably going to be very mad. He hates being helped.

"So..?" He looked at me with wide eyes, trying to get me to confess the truth.
….ok this is awkward….I was getting too nervous by his glare.

**loud thunder.** 


We both turned our heads towards the sky. The sky suddenly turned dark and cloudy and a few seconds later, heavy rain started to fall. "Wow….cool…" I expressed upon seeing the lightning.


Myungsoo's Pov

Right when I about to get Ellie to confess, it started to rain and thunder. Its like it was timed perfectly on her favor. I tried to cover my head from the rain with my hands and signaled Ellie to go. I assumed she would follow me out of there but she just stood still, looking like she had just seen a miracle happen…..I swear this girl…

"What are you doing? Let's go!" I ordered.

"You can go, I'll stay."She said as she laid on the rock to face the rain.

"WHAT?! Are you crazy?! Its dangerous!" I looked at her but she was smiling like she was enjoying the storm.

"This isn't your typical rain. Its a storm! And you are on a rock, what of you get hit by lightning!" I had to yell because the sound of the rain was getting too loud.

"That would be a cool way to die."  She responded.

I so wanted to just leave on my own but my conscience wouldn't let me live. Why is this girl so annoying….aish….

**loud thunder.**

"YAH! Stop joking around. I don't wanna die like this, can we go?!" I insisted.


Ellie's Pov

I wanted to enjoy the storm but I guess thats not very ordinary for people to do. I told Myungsoo to just go on his own but he wouldn't stop insisting….why is he concerned on whether I stay or go?….

"OKAY…FINE…I'll just go. Bye." He said before he started to climb down the rock.
I turned around to watch him leave, but he accidentally slipped one step right before getting on the lower ground…..Oh no…I quickly made my way down the rock to see if he was okay. He really can't keep falling and getting hit like this.

"ahhh" He said quietly.  **thunder noise."

"hey…can you get up?" I kneeled next to him and tried to examine his feet to look for injuries. He tried to brush me off but when he stood back up, he stumbled a little. Good thing I was there to catch him, otherwise he would have fallen on the rocks.

"Can we go home?" He spoke softly this time while I was still holding him. I nodded quickly as response, then went around to collect both of our bags which were still on the ground. He began to walk slowly so I assumed he needed help walking. I went back to him and put one of his arms around my shoulder.

"I can walk." He argued and let go of my shoulder. I walked behind him instead and watched him walk painfully.  "Bag." He simply said and extended his arm for me to hand it to him. I obeyed but remained behind him to watch him closely. I knew his condition wasn't good.

….I understand him trying not to show he's hurt but can he at least let me help? Theres no one else watching but me anyway. The campus was completely empty by the time we got out through the gates.

Myungsoo tried to run home so I decided to follow him all the way, just In case. It was still raining heavily. After a few blocks of us running he abruptly stopped and leaned on a tree by the sidewalk. I had been following at a far enough distance because I didn't want him to get angry at me again for trying to help.

…..He probably thinks I'm gone…I thought as I watched him from afar. He stayed there for a while, panting, but I was not able to see his expression since I was facing his back…Is he okay?…..All of a sudden I heard my name.

"…Ellie."  It was Myungsoo calling me….huh? how does he know I'm still here?…..I slowly approached him in fear he would snap. "Hey! your ankle is bleeding!" I said as soon as I saw it, forgetting my earlier concern.

I was going to take a closer look at his foot but he wouldn't let me. "Ellie…." He spoke without any energy left. "Shh. Don't say anything. I got it." I wrapped his arm around my shoulder again and began to help him walk. I knew he wanted my help this time. I smiled a little bit to myself just for the fact that he had finally let go of his strong facade. Not because I was happy that he was hurt, I was worried, and he was finally letting me help.

"Are you happy? What's with the smile?" I didn't realize he had been staring at me. We were walking side by side now. "uh…its not like that…I.." I gulped and stared towards the front. Out of nothing he started to chuckle…..he's laughing? Has he lost it? I turned my head confused. "This is the only time I will approve of this." He said. "Approve of what?" I asked….of me helping him out?……"Of you laughing at me." He gave me a sweet comforting smile. "I wasn't…laughing…." I blinked.

"You know I'm supposed to be taking you home, not the other way around." He changed the topic…..was he really going to take me home? It was never a thought that crossed my mind. "I'll keep your Achilles heel a secret." I joked and he laughed. "Maybe you need some more training?" I commented. "Training?" "Yeah, like fighter training, actually, you need to work on your balance. If you're going to be a gangster you have to be like a ninja and jump around places easily."


Myungsoo's Pov

"Hahaha nice advice but I'm not a **loud thunder and increase of rain** "Maybe we should walk faster." Ellie said and I agreed. A couple of minutes later we were at the doorstep of Sungyeol's place. He opened the door and as expected, reacted like a worried mother. "My goodness you are drenched! Come in alrea….oh…you are?.." He was surprised I came with company. "Hi.." Ellie waved quickly and tried to leave. "Well then…See you la…" I forcefully pulled her into the apartment. There was no way I was gonna let her go on her own. "Who is this?" Sungyeol was still shocked by the guest. I don't blame him.

"That's Ellie, this is Sungyeol. Now can you get us a towel or something I'm freezing." I introduced them quickly due to the circumstances. "Here Here…take this towel and go take a hot shower." He handed Ellie some of my clothes too. "What?!" Both Ellie and I looked at him in shock. "You are going to get sick if you don't. Hurry." Sungyeol softly pushed Ellie into our bathroom. "Don't worry you can lock it. You can trust us." He smiled before she closed and locked the bathroom door.

As soon as she did that, the two of us started to aggressively whisper. "Who's that?" Sungyeol was curious. "Myungsoo, you didn't tell me you were bringing a girl home. Are you crazy?! You need to tell me these things in advance." He started running around the apartment picking up trash and hiding dirty clothes. "It's okay Sungyeol, she isn't staying for too long. Only until the storm calms down."... "Myungsoo! You got some serious explaining to do! Why didn't you tell me you had a girlfriend?!" "What?! She isn't" "Or soon to be, I don't know! you never said anything about….WAIT! Is she the kawaii girl you talked about?"….."yes..NO! I mean its her but I never said she was kaw…"

"I like this girl, Myungsoo."….."Sungyeol…you only met her for literally 1 minute, and stop talking nonsense she will hear you! By the way…this happened." I pointed at my ankle. "BLOOD! HOLY COW! Where did I put the emergency kit! WHY DIDN"T YOU TELL ME THAT SOONER!" "CAUSE YOU WOULDN'T SHUT UP!" I defended. We do have the habit of yelling at each other. "SHHH!!" He pointed towards the bathroom so I lowered down my volume "I'll shower first." I said.

A couple of moments later, Ellie came out of the bathroom wearing my clothes, which looked big on her, obviously. I stared at her for a few seconds until I blinked a few times, before getting back to earth….what was that?….I cleared my throat and then went in to take a shower. I was sure Sungyeol would treat her well, now that I think about it, she's probably the first girl to visit his apartment.



Ellie's Pov

"Umm thanks for…letting me use the shower." I told Sungyeol. "Not a problem. Are you hungry? You must be. Just sit still, I'll make us some ramen. Our ramen is delicious here, you'll see. Better than a food stand." He smiled proudly. "I can help!" I really wanted to. "No no its okay." He tried saying but I stood up and went to the kitchen with him. "Do you have any vegetables?" I asked. "Yup, in the fridge." He said and I began helping him chop them up.

"So Ellie…Where did you and Myungsoo meet?" He asked me. "We have class together." I didn't want to explain everything, even though I met him before the class began. "Ah I see. So you're friends?" He asked a difficult question to answer. "Uh I guess…Is that the Iron Man Mark VII Figurine?! I got distracted when I noticed it on his book shelf. "Yup, its the limited edition." "WOAHH Can I touch it?!" "Sure." "It's beautiful." I said in awe. "hehe thanks." he responded as I proceeded to stare at the rest of his collection.

"…..So…............Cute........." I expressed when my eyes landed on a chibi plush toy of L from Death Note. I took it from the book shelf to see it closer. I held it with a big smile on my face….this is so adorable….."That's Myungsoo's" My eyes went back to Sungyeol when I heard that….Myungsoo owns this?….."It's his favorite." He explained while I staring at both Sungyeol and the doll.

"AHEM!" I was shocked to hear another voice. Myungsoo had just come out of the shower without me noticing. He took the doll away from my hands and examined it as if he was afraid I did something to it. "Don't touch my L." He threatened me like a five year old getting posesive over his toys. He placed the doll back on the shelf and pet it one last time.

"Myungsoo, come over here. You need to disinfect that wound." Sungyeol approached us with a first aid kit. I could tell by Myungsoo's expression that he wasn't very excited for that.

A few moments later Myungsoo was screaming like a little girl. "AHHHHHHHH SUNGYEOL YOU ***** that hurts that HURTS AHHH ahhhh"




The scene was just too funny for me. The hysterical screaming between the two cracked me up.

"hahahaha" I laughed.

"HOW DARE YOU LAUGH!" He pointed at me. "hahahaha"

"Ellie, would you mind holding his leg still? He won't stop moving." Sungyeol asked.

"hahaha sure haha"

"What?! Sungyeol…no…she's an evil creature…don't….ahhhhh."

I held his leg still for Sungyeol to finish applying the medicine. "Done." Sungyeol said after bandaging the wound. "Good boy Myungsoo. Want some ramen now?" Sungyeol treated his friend like a little boy who just went to the doctor to get a shot. I tried to stop laughing just for respect but I couldn't help but to chuckle, as soon as Myungsoo catched me, I quickly changed my expression.

"Very funny." He said sarcastically and glared…."" I smiled.

"Laughing at other people's misery..tsk……and then you say I'm the gangster."

"Muahaha" I laughed maliciously.

Myungsoo on the other hand couldn't decide if he wanted to act angry or just laugh. It was obvious he was holding back a smile.

"Aish…" He softly threw a pillow at me before letting out a soft smile.

"SUNGYEOOOOOOOOOL." Myungsoo startled me when all of a sudden he called his friend in a dramatic way as if he was about to die. "SUNGYEOOOOOOOOOL"

"WHAT?!" Sungyeol who was still in the kitchen responded.

"Why is the ramen taking so long, my intestines are about to eat each other, do you want me to die?!" He nagged.

"Shut up its still cooking."

"Well tell the stove to HURRY UP!"


"That's not my problem."

These people are too funny. I thought to myself as I tried to hold back a chuckle. They do like to scream a lot. "Oh manga.." My eyes widened when I saw a smaller book shelf on the other side of the room. I started walking that way but Myungsoo limped quickly and got in front of the shelf before I could even see it. He extended his arms like he didn't want me to see. "Let's me see!" I complained while trying to look past him.

"Over my dead body." He spoke dramatically. "Why? Is it erted stuff. Let me see let me see!" I tried many ways to get past him but he was stuck to the book self.

"It's not."

"It's okay if it is, I understand you're boys."


"LET ME SEE!! …pleaseeee…" I begged like a little kid.

"Nope." He crossed his arms.

"Its Death Note isn't it?"

"Myungsoo is a manga closet fan. He is very private about his manga choices." Sungyeol joined in the conversation from the kitchen. "It's pretty pointless to hide it now." I commented while still insisting to look past Myungsoo who was standing there like a rock. …how do I move him?…

"COCKROACH!" I lied and pointed at his feet. The plan was for him to just get away from there but it ended up not turning out like I expected.

"AHHH WHERE!" He jumped but I forgot he was hurt and in no condition to jump. He took a bad step and was about to fall down. I acted out of reflex and tried to catch him.

"oww" Myungsoo said softy as he was trying to quietly contain the pain. I was able to see it closely because his face came very close to mine…very. I couldn't really get up until he moved since his upper body was on top of mine. While holding that position and waiting for the pain to subside I couldn't help but to feel incredibly guilty. "Sorry…I didn't mean to…."

"COCKROACH WHERE IS THAT COCKROACH?" Sungyeol came out of the kitchen with a spoon, ready to battle the nonexistant bug. He was so shocked from seeing us in that position that he dropped his spoon.

"…w….w..what are you guys doing?" Sungyeol asked.

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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.