The Batman

Chasing Rabbits

Ellie's Pov

"Ellie. What's the matter with you these days? Coming home late or not coming home at all. Why are you doing this?" My mom and dad scolded me over and over again. I could only apologize and promise not to do it again. After hearing a couple of more speeches about being a responsible daughter, they finally let me off to go to my room....Sigh...finally...I exhaled when I closed down my room.

"About time." Nina spoke, as she was reading a textbook on my bed. "Seriously..." I complained referring to my parents earlier scolding. "So what's going on. It must be a good story. Spill it!" She demanded and dropped her book. "I don't…" I dragged my words as I thought of something to say. "Oh come on, that's why you're late aren't you? You've been writing that story." She assumed…No…She is actually making a very good guess. There's been times when Im so into a story that I can't stop day and night. However, that was not the case this time. Its funny that she doesn't even question the possibility of it being something else other than me getting passionate about a story.

"Sigh…I'll talk about it later…." I said….should I just tell her…that I was just with Sunggyu…I feel like she would make a big deal out of it…argh…"What? Why what happened?" She was concerned. "Nothing" I lied. "So what did you end up doing your story about?" She was curious. "Nina, shouldn't you be asking me how I did in school or something?" I tried to change the topic. "Right. How was school?" She smiled. "Boring." I said honestly. "See? That's why I don't ask you. I knew you were going to say that. But It seems you've been enjoying the library. I knew you would like it. Now that you're getting more accustomed to campus, you should also try and make friends. Have you talked to anyone at all?" …."Uhhh…well kind of…" "Good! It's a start!." She encouraged me.

"Yeah whatever…" I sighed again as I got ready for bed. I laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling to process everything that had happened since I last slept in my own bed. I recalled the moment it started raining while Myungsoo and I were still on campus, me following him around and then helping him walk home. Then, meeting Sungyeol and staying at his apartment. I began to smile to myself as I remembered the funny yelling among each other. I also remembered that moment when I made him fall. **Flashback** "Are you okay?"  "I don't know. What's this?" I shook my head at the thought of his face being so close to mine. Then the whole Sunggyu thing happened…he acts like such a jerk…I remembered Nina's words from earlier "Sunggyu is kind of scary though, I heard stories about him. You should avoid him at all costs. He can really make your life a misery, if you get on his bad side."

It didn't feel like he was taking advantage of me at all, leaving out the fact that he forced me into his place. I wonder who was that Bob guy that also knows Myungsoo, and why Sunggyu and him always run away from him…do they owe him money? Why did Sunggyu and Myungsoo fight anyway, I've never even thought about that. Sunggyu looked like he wanted to kill Myungsoo that one time, he even pulled out a knife….I guess he is dangerous….I better be careful…

"Ellie! What's on your mind?" Nina was laying next to me.

"Why are gangsters so complicated yet simple at the same time." I said out loud.

"Ahh you went with that story. So what's gonna be his name, the gangster."

"I don't know….Romeo." I got tired and made up a name on the spot.

"Haha a gangster named Romeo."

"There's another gangster. They seem to be rivals."


" Of course. It's fiction afterall."I said ironically.

"Did the girl and the gangster have any romantic moments yet?"

I suddenly thought of Myungsoo and I laying on the ground again and I choked on my own spit.


"So whats the other gangster like?"

"hmmm….not as good looking as Romeo. But he is a strong fighter."

"Is he as rude as Romeo?"

"Not even close. Romeo is a saint in comparison."

"Ooh haha cool. He sounds like a villain."

"Definitely a villain."

"I have to work on my homework." I realized I've been working all day on Sunggyu's and not on my own.

….tsk…no sleep for me thanks to that jerk.



Myungsoo's Pov

The next morning I found myself falling asleep in the classroom. "Hey Myungsoo!" Some classmates greeted me. "Hey." I let out a yawn and the resumed back to sleeping on the desk. I still had time since the teacher wasn't there yet. Next thing, I hear the water bottle and books I had on my desk fall. As if someone had purposely knocked them down. I looked up and of course, it was Sunggyu. "Oh, my bad." He expressed and then skipped over the fallen books. I glared at him but he had already moved on….I would knock that smirk off his face if we weren't in the classroom…that bastard….and to think we have share the same blood…disgusting….

"Hey Myungsoo.." A girl approached me a little bit later, "Wanna come to my party on Saturday?"….no….."Ah sorry, I have…something else to do." I politely refused. I'm sure I could think of something better to do with my saturday. "Aww" She pouted and went to her desk. I glanced over at Sunggyu and he was shooting me with a death glare, which I returned and followed with a smirk.

….Where is Ellie?…I looked where she always sits but she was missing……She's late….The teacher walked in and began the class right away and about 10 minutes in, Ellie quietly showed up. I looked at her direction but she seemed overwhelmed trying to gather all her books and papers.

"Well then, just turn in your speech outlines due today and then you can leave." The professor said. Sunggyu immediately stood up, turned his paper in and then left the class. I followed after the rest of the class, while Ellie got lost in the crowds again and vanished…..I know we're supposed to act like strangers but she could at least give me a nod of acknowledgment or something?…I pouted and then went outside the building to find a place to rest until my next class….she won't mind if I use her Lion King rock will she?…..



Ellie's Pov

I was trying to get out of the building when Tina and Lara stopped me. "Hi….Ellie." Their greeting sounded way too fake and aggravating. I only stared at them to see what else they would say. "So…I saw you talking to Woohyun the other day. What was that about?"….am I not allowed to talk to him?……It must have been when he asked me to sit down with him…."I…" I didn't know what to say. "Cause you see…Woohyun is OFF limits, you understand. Now, back off!" "And Sunggyu too!" They threatened me while I was still staring at them In awe. "And Myungsoo." "Pfft It's not like Myungsoo would even want to talk to her. She is lucky Sunggyu even acknowledges her." One of them spoke as if I wasn't present. "But don't get excited, he only talks to you because you may be useful to him."……Yeah, thanks. I would have never guessed….I thought sarcastically…I wanted to roll my eyes but they wouldn't stop talking.

"Who would even look at such an ugly nerd. I mean look at you! Do you even know what make-up is for?"…."I don't think she knows what that is, Lara."…"Ah don't worry about it, it wouldn't even help much in her case."…."Yup"….."She's too ugly." …"Yup" …"and weird."….."Definitely."

…….shut up shut up shut up!!!……I didn't want to continue hearing but my mouth wouldn't move. Its as if I was frozen in place. I felt a mixture of anger and sadness as I remembered how I spent my early childhood…..go away!....I was one step too close to calling it quits and running away but luckily, yes…luckily…Sunggyu arrived.

"What are you doing?" He asked the two girls directly as if he had heard. "Hi Sunggyu!" They waved happily as if nothing. Sunggyu wasn't acting with his usual fake friendliness, in fact he sounded a bit irritated. "Would you two girls do me a quick favor?" He asked in a much relaxed voice this time. "Of course!" Both girls said at the same time. "Why don't you get yourselves lost! Go go go!"…."Uh…okay…byee." They said nervously and then left quickly.

I exhaled as soon a I saw them leave. I had been holding my breath for too long…should I thank him?…nah…."Anyway…" Sunggyu cleared his throat and then resumed to his usual way of speaking. "Since we make such good teamwork, I was wondering if wanted to work on this research paper together." He asked….is he asking nicely or…."Perfect! Then here are the topics.." He forced some papers onto my hand. "I don't really mind which one you chose."…..What's the point of even asking if he's going to force me either way?…."See which one of those would make for a great paper. Well then, see you later tonight!"….what?….…see you later tonight? wait..what does he mean by that…urgh! why WHYYYY

I got away from the building to clear my mind somewhere else. I went to the rock since that's a great meditation spot. I got to the place, threw my bag on the floor, and began to climb the rock. When I was almost there, I was surprised to find someone laying on it. It looked like a dead body. I got closer to see who it was…..Myungsoo….seriously? sleeping on my rock….I faintly smiled. He was laying on his stomach and using his arms as a head rest, completely asleep….I only sat there by his side, contemplating on what to do….Should I just go somewhere else? Sigh…I'm too tired to move…I'll just wait and see if he wakes up. **text message sound** …huh? that's doesn't sound like my phone…**text sound**….I looked over at and found his phone laying next to him. The screen was facing up so I could see who the text was from. It was from someone I knew, Sungyeol.

….Maybe he will wake up with all the ringing….A few moments later, his friend began actually calling his number, but the sound wouldn't even make him flinch….should I just wake him up?…or should I answer it? nah…its rude to answer people's phones….**phone calling**…..aish! what if its urgent…should I?…I stared at the phone and he was already at the fourth missed call….**phone calling.**   "Myungsoo?" I tried waking him up but nothing. "MYUNGSOO!" I said louder but he was completely passed out. aish!! **phone rings again**

"Hello." I answered.

"Huh? Who is this?" Sungyeol asked.

"'s Ellie..Sorry he's asleep."

"Oh Ellie Hi…wait…..umm….ok….sorry I didn't mean to…" Sungyeol got awkward all of a sudden. I realized then that maybe he was misunderstanding or imaging some kind of situation.

"No…its not like that…He just won't wake up so…"

"Ah okay…well…I was just trying to return a call of his from earlier. I guess he gave up."

"Oh…I'll tell him you called."

"That works! Just tell him to call me back when he can."

"I will." I nodded even though I was over the phone.

"Hey, do you wanna go to the movies with us on Saturday?" Sungyeol asked me.

….huh?….uh…It was such a sudden invitation….going out to watch movies with them..

"Its the new X-Men movie."


"Yay! Okay then, I'll see you Saturday. Byee." We said goodbye and then hang up the phone. I still felt guilty about answering the call. But…X-MEN yes! I've been wanting to watch it but Nina hates those types of movies so I had no one to go with.

I looked over at the corpse laying next to me and he was still lifeless…how is he still sleeping after so much noise?….I gave up waiting and thought of an idea. I pulled out a banana out of my bag that I had packed for lunch and took the peel off. I placed it near his nose so he could smell it…..he likes bananas so maybe this works….I began whispering as if I was casting a spell, "Ba…na…na….ba nana…bana  na…"

I swear, Myungsoo woke up within seconds of smelling that banana. He did get surprised when he saw me and jumped back a little. "yah…" He complained but instantly took the banana off my hand to take a bite out of it. "It worked!" I exclaimed but he was paying to much attention to the fruit. "Yummmm" He really was enjoying it.

"Thanks.." He said in between bites.

"Who knew it was this easy." I scratched the back of my head.

"Were you a monkey in your past life?" I teased.


"….A monkey in a gangster's body." I suddenly began laughing to myself.

"You are so funny." He said sarcastically.

"But then again…when you were a monkey you probably ran into the trees. Considering how clumsy you are."

"Yah!" He complained playfully and flicked my forehead.

"Owww that hurt" I rubbed it.

"That's what you get. You ...evil rabbit.." He placed the banana peel on top of my head as he stood up from the rock to stretch his arms. "Oh….Sungyeol called. He was returning your call from earlier and said you should call him back when you can." I informed.

"You talked to Sungyeol?" I confused him

"Oh…yeah…he called. Sorry I didn't mean to be nosy I just…."

"Are you my secretary now?" He crossed his arms accusingly.

"No…I was just…you wouldn't wake up!" I complained.

"Stalker…" He said.

"I'm not!"

"It's okay though."


"The banana was good so..."  His joke made me laugh.

"Ah! I'm gonna be late to class. See you." he said before runing off.

"Bye" I waved.

A a few minutes later, I also had my own class to go to. Sigh…last class of the day….finally…I was relieved that no one who could bother me attended that class. No Sunggyu, no Tina, no Lara, and no one else who's annoying.

Sigh….Is Sunggyu really going to make me write his research paper? Why does he keep bothering me!…I have enough work of my own to do…

Right after class was over, I received a call from Nina. She wanted to walk home together since for once, our times matched. She had to stay in school later so she waited for me to get out of class instead of going home. "Ellie!" She ran to me as soon as she saw me. "Should we go?" I asked. "Yup!" We both walked towards the exit.

….Sunggyu isn't going to kidnap me today is he?…I looked around the streets….Maybe it's a good thing Nina is here with me….yup…i'll be totally safe. "So…how was today?" she asked.

"Boring, as always." I told her.


"Didn't you say you were having fun in your classes?" I asked her.

"Yeah that was last week. Now that there's a test coming, it's no fun." She admitted.

"Sounds horrible."

"Oh by the way. There's a new book I'm reading, It's really good! Its about a boy and a girl that meet at a hospital and…."

"One of them dies."

"Uh…yeah but…."

"Not interested."

"Whyyy its good! Give it a try for a change."

"It's too realistic." I admitted. I don't like true stories.

"Ah boo." She pouted.

"You should read comic books." I've told her many times but we just have different preferences. She refuses every time.

"That Superman stuff? Nah! That's boring."

"Urgh" I completely disagreed.

"It's not real!"

"The emotions are real! You think superheroes don't have feelings?" I was serious.

"If you say so…." She rolled her eyes.

I felt my phone vibrate so I checked it and it was that unsaved number again….Sunggyu…I didn't answer and put my phone on silent.

"Who is it?" Nina asked. "Stranger." I showed her my screen and it only shower a number so she didn't suspect. "Ah"



Sunggyu's Pov

"Woohyun!" I yelled at him.

"No! I'm busy, go get her yourself!"

"You brat!" I hanged up the phone and called Dongwoo but he sent a text message back saying he was at the gym….arghh!! I just didn't want to go through the trouble of getting Ellie here. She wasn't going to come on her own if I called her. I called anyways to see what she was doing but she wouldn't answer.

"You're doing it wrong." I heard Hoya talk to me. It was just both of us at the launch today. "Huh?" I looked at him and caught him laughing at me. "It sounds like you are the one scared of dragging her here." …"What?! Are you kidding me?" I protested…."Go tell her you want to see her then."….Hoya's words were a bit too shocking they made me stutter…"I do not! That's…that…that's not it Hoya, are you stupid?! Aish! I'll be right back!" I said and left the room.

….what does he think he is saying those things to me, who says I want to see her like that…I mean I do want to see her but only so she can do my homework that is all!…urgh I'm gonna kill Woohyun when I see him…

I went back to school at the same time her class ended last time. I was wearing a hoodie over my head and a black face mask since I didn't want people at school to see me…..Ok, Sunggyu, you are on a mission now. You gotta think like a kidnapper. I spoke to myself. I went around the streets, hiding behind trees, bushes, and even trash cans….ahhh!…I tripped on a soda can and cursed…..Aish! This is so annoying…the things I have to go through just to get my homework done….

After a bit of searching I finally found her….Got you!…oh? but who is she with…Aish is with company….should I kidnap her too?…. she is pretty….ahh what are you doing Sunggyu, get it together! I shook my head to get it straight…Maybe I should just forget about it…..I kept following stealthy while I thought about what to do….Yeah I should just try again tomorrow…I was about to call it quits when I saw them stop walking.

It had already gotten dark and most students had already travelled different directions. The streets were mostly empty by now. I tried to peak to see if could hear what they were saying. "Should we just walk around them?"…"No, they look dangerous. Let's just walk back. Go." The other girl with Ellie said. I looked and saw a bunch of thugs, so I just watched carefully.

While they were trying to walk away from them, the gangsters had already noticed them and ran to chase them. They were so quick they took a hold of Ellie. "Yah! Let her go!" the other girl started hitting them with her bag, but another guy slapped her in the face until she fell on the ground. My blood started to boil watching that.



Nina's Pov

I was walking home with Ellie, when suddenly a bunch of guys attacked us. They were going to take Ellie away so I tried to defend her but they threw me on the ground easily. I don't think I've ever been so scared in my life. I really felt like we had no power against them. We are just two girls against four or five guys. They could easily do what they wanted with us. Ellie tried screaming but they covered and pulled out a knife. "Try screaming one more time." One of the guys told her, while another person pulled my hair while I was still on the ground….Oh no…someone please help…..I was hoping for an angel to appear and save us, even though I don't believe in things like that. These people are probably going to…..I began to cry from just thinking of what they could do to us.

While I was staring at Ellie, trying to make eye contact with her, I saw a soda can fly by to hit one of the gangsters on the head. It made all of us, turn in the direction of the can, but no one could be seen. "Who the hell was that?!" The guy holding Ellie was getting more angry. Then another bottle was thrown, and this time much harder and with increased velocity. It was so fast that none of us could even see when a person came out of no where and punched the gangster in the face. He immediately let go of Ellie.

Who is that?…..As soon as I saw that Ellie was free, I screamed. "ELLIE RUN!" But then I got another slap in the face by the gangster who was still holding me. Ellie didn't want to leave without me and stood there confused while three of the guys tried to fight the guy who threw the can. "What are you doing Ellie, GO!" I yelled again. "Shut up!" The guy covered my mouth.


Ellie's Pov

The moment I was free I was struggling to come to a decision. I didn't want to leave my friend there. Some guy suddenly came out to help us but he was only one person against five guys. He was only going to buy time for us for so long. I ran towards Nina and tried to bite the gangster's shoulder. He tried to kick me until he succeeded, so I grabbed a rock from the ground and tried hitting his head with it. He couldn't defend himself well because he was holding Nina. Now it was two against one. The other four guys, were trying to get that mysterious person who showed up. It was really hard to see his face because he was wearing all black clothing and had a face mask on. I felt bad for him because, even though he seemed strong, he was also receiving a beating.

After my fail attempts to get the gangster to let Nina go, he finally had enough of me and threw Nina against the sidewalk and went towards me. He was so fast to pick me up on his shoulder and I had no other way of defending myself."ELLIEEEE NOOOO"
I could see Nina scream for me as she struggled to get up from the ground. This guy was about to take me away to who knows where.


Sunggyu's Pov

I had no problem fighting multiple guys at the same time, but this time I was having a hard time. They weren't just random punks on the street, these people's fighting was on another level. I was getting myself bet up pretty badly…."ELLIEEEEE" I heard the girl on the ground scream. I looked at her and she pointed towards where Ellie was. "Help her!" Please!!" She looked at me with tears on her face….Ah ….I regained strength and kicked all four guys, giving me enough time to run away from them and go help Ellie.


Sungyeol's Pov

"I'm going to be fine, Myungsoo." I told him on the phone. I had just gotten off work and he had called to see if I needed company. He was afraid those drunk guys were going to show up again. I knew they wouldn't. "If you don't get here in 10 minutes I'm going to go find you!"…"Okay…okay…I'm on my way already." I assured. "Be on the look out!" He warned. I did take his advice and walked fast but carefully paying attention to my surroundings. Lately that street had been full of burglars and thieves.


Ellie's Pov

While I was being taken by that man I saw that mysterious guy run towards us to kick  the man's knees in order for us to fall. "AHH YOU PIECE OF ." He complained and tried punching our savior but he failed and got punched again. "Where do you think you're taking her?" The guy in the black hoodie kicked him over and over again. "This is not going to end like this." The guy threatened him and then walked away. I was still on the floor trying to calm myself down. That's when I saw from afar that Nina wasn't were I left her, and the other four guys had disappeared….oh no…"Are you okay?" The guy helped me stand up. "NINA!" I yelled in tears. "Go find her, please." I begged the masked guy. He hesitated I guess because I didn't look okay to him and he probably didn't want to leave me. "I'm okay already, please go get Nina! Pleaseee." I still cried as he was holding on to my shoulders trying to see If I was okay.

"Ellie!" I heard a familiar guy's voice coming towards me. I looked back and it was Sungyeol. "Ellie what happened?" He and the masked guy stared at each other for a moment. I had nothing else on my mind but Nina. I tried to speak to the black hooded boy again. "…please..bring her back." I begged, ignoring the confused and worried Sungyeol. That moment, the guy listened to me and left me there with Sungyeol. He went running towards where Nina was.

Ellie are you okay?" Sungyeol tried talking to me again. I nodded as reply but told him some guys had taken my friend.

"But that guy just now…wasn't that…Batman..?"

"What?" I said in between tears. It was a strange time to joke.

"No, I'm serious. That's what he goes by." Sungyeol explained.

"I have to go!" I decided to ignore that for now since my friend was in danger.

"Wait." Sungyeol followed me.


Myungsoo's Pov

I decided to go find Sungyeol since it had been past the 10 minutes I gave him. For some reason I just had a bad feeling about this night. I was surprised when I not only found Sungyeol on the street, but Ellie as well…..what's going on? I thought. I knew right away it was something bad since Ellie looked like she was crying. They were both sitting on the side of the curve like they were waiting for something.

"Ellie! Sungyeol! What happened?!" I went towards them but Ellie didn't want to talk. She looked a bit surprised to see me. I looked at Sungyeol and he explained everything that had happened. "We have no idea where they went." My friend told me.

"Are you hurt?" I kneeled down in front of her as she was sitting on the curve. Her face was looking down like she was afraid to look at me. "Ellie…" I placed my hands on her shoulders but she was still frozen. "…that guy…he will definitely come back." Sungyeol was confident. "Who is he?" I asked.

"It's that guy again. Batman."

"Shouldn't we call the police though?" Sungyeol scratched the back of his head.

I looked at Ellie and she looked pale like a ghost. Its like she got more frightened when we mentioned the police.

**Phone Rings** It was Ellie's phone, she immediately answered it. "Hello."

"Ellie, Its Nina."

"NINA!"" She yelled.

"I'm okay."

"Where are you?!" Ellie asked.

"I'm home. Where are you?"

"I'll be right there soon!"

"Be careful." She told me as she got ready to head back.

"She's okay." She told me and Sungyeol when she hang up the phone.

"Thank goodness." Sungyeol exclaimed.

She started running back without saying anything else. I naturally follower her, since she couldn't go back by herself after what happened. We followed her until her house, but right before she was about to cross the street, I pulled her back. But not because there was any cars, I took her phone off her hands and dialed my own number. "Call me later. Okay?" I told her but she looked too shocked to reply. I placed the phone back in her hand. "….thanks…" She said softly. "Go." I let her off since she probably wanted to see her friend who probably was inside already. I watched her cross the street but waited on the other side to see until she got inside……are you gonna be okay?….sigh…

She was about to get inside when I hear someone call her, "Ellie!" It was her friend I guess. She wasn't inside, but around the corner instead. The girl and Ellie ran to each other and hugged. Sungyeol and I remained close by just to watch them actually go inside the house. We were too far for them to see us though. "Look, behind Ellie's friend." Sungyeol whispered. "That's him." He pointed. There was a guy wearing black, it was difficult to see him clearly. I tried to get closer but he turned around and disappeared. "That's Batman?" I asked Sungyeol. "Yup." He nodded.


Ellie's Pov

I thought Nina was inside the house already but I guess not. She turned around the corner right when I was about to go in. "Nina!" I hugged her, relieved that she was back. "Are you okay?" I examined her. "I'm fine. Thanks to…" She turned around but the guy was already walking away. "Wait!" She yelled and he stopped walking, but didn't turn around at all. "Thank you…" She told him. I tried to get closer to thank him too but he started moving again and ran away. "Nina…" I tried calling her so we could go back inside but she was staring at the direction where the guy disappeared to…."Will I see you again?" She said softly. "Let's go inside Nina, come on." I led her inside the house.


Sunggyu's Pov

"About time you….wow what happened to you?" Hoya said as soon as he saw me come in his place. I was all beat up. I took off the mask and hoodie and threw it on the floor…."Aishhh!!!" I complained as I messed up my own hair….."What trouble did you get into this time?" Hoya asked but I didn't reply and just relaxed on the couch.

"Sunggyu…?" Hoya stared at me curiously.

"I don't wanna talk about it." I told him and placed my arm across my face as I laid on the couch.

"You look very conflicted." Hoya spoke again.

"Hoya!" I suddenly realized something and leaned back up to face him.


"Does my face look swollen?!"


"AISH!!" I stomped my feet on the ground with frustration.



Ellie's Pov

When we got in the house, my parents were already sleeping. We decided not to tell them anything since it would just make them worried. We were both fine, aside from a few bruises that could easily be hidden. I was more worried for Nina since she was slapped and thrown on the ground several times.

"Nina….are you really okay? Your mind seems off…" She really looked spaced out.

"I'm fine…I think…" She was acting strange.

"What happened, how did you escape?" I asked.

"…..that guy….he was so……"


"So…sigh….amazing." She exhaled.

"Wait….is this about that guy….what happened exactly?" I asked again but she looked totally starstruck. I hadn't seen her act this way since she last made me accompany her to her favorite band's concert.  was hanging open like she just saw an alien spaceship arrive on earth.


"ELLIE!" She startled me when she turned to me and held my shoulders.

"w ww what.."

"What if I never see him again?! I don't even know his name or what he looks like. I'm not dreaming am I? This really happened. An angel….no…a superhero….came to save us….he heard my call….I never thought things like this existed…" Nina said deperately

"Umm Nina.." I didn't know what to say. I've never seen Nina act so distressed before. I thought that maybe tonight was too overwhelming for us. We both needed sleep. We changed into our sleeping clothes and turned off the lights to sleep.

I stared at the wall because I just couldn't sleep. Nina couldn't either at first, but she ended up sleeping before me.

I wonder what happened with her and that guy….Maybe she will tell me tomorrow…..

I took out my phone and saw a new text message. "Hey! Rabbit." It was from an unsaved number….I forgot that Myungsoo saved my number…I texted him back.

Ellie: "Sorry, I forgot to call you."
Myungsoo: "How could you forget about me?!"
Ellie: "Sorry :S "
Myungsoo: "You and your friend okay?"
Ellie: "Yes. Thank you :) "
Myungsoo: "Go to sleep!"
Ellie: "No, you go to sleep!"
Myungsoo: "Sleep? What's that?"
Ellie: "I think its when you close your eyes."
Myungsoo: "-____-"
Ellie: "Yes, like that."

The next morning I helped Nina cover up her bruises with makeup. "Ouch"..Sorry, does it hurt?"…"Just when you touch it." Her bottom lip was injured from last night. We walked to school together evnthough, it was early for me since my first class starts later. I thought I could use some extra time to get some homework done….speaking of…I completely forgot about Sunggyu's research paper, and that he wanted to meet last night….Oh no…what if he gets really mad. I was afraid to face him….I better have his paper completed before I see him or else he for sure throw a fit. I hated the fact that I had to even do this for him…Jerk…

As I was walking to school with Nina, I had to get her to talk about last night. She totally got beat up yet this morning she looked like the best thing ever happened to her. She just wasn't acting like the normal Nina. "Spill it. I wanna know what happened last night. How did that guy get you back?" I said firmly.

"Fine. I will tell you. But promise not to laugh at me okay." She was worried. "I won't? Is there anything to laugh about? I mean look at you, you're all bruised. Why are you even smiling for?" I told her trying to understand.


Nina's Pov

"So, after I asked him to go get you, when those gangsters were going to take you away. Another guy took me on his shoulder just like you and tried to drag me to their car which was parked right next to a hill."

"What?!" Ellie was surprised but I continued.

"Right when they were forcing me to get in the car, our hero arrived and kicked all of them. He said "What do you think you're doing?" I imitated his firm voice. "…and so one by one, he kicked them down the hill, until there was one left. Since I was standing on the side, he grabbed me and threatened to throw me off if our hero got any closer to him."

"Oh my god Nina! That's horrible!" My friend was in shock.

"Mr. Hero tried to calm down the situation but the gangster really looked like he was going to throw me off. He then made a quick move and kicked a rock to distract him so that he could move closer. Since the gangster was caught off guard, Mr. Hero pulled my arm so that I could get to his side, and then kicked the gangster with one leg off the hill.

"That must have been so scary for you!" Ellie told me.

"But you know Ellie, that's not what I'm even thinking of right now. When that guy pulled me to his side, It was such a rough movement that I stumbled into his arms. Just then it was as if time stood still, my heart started beating and I wanted us to be together as one and…."

"Wait wait wait….Nina…did you….fall for this guy?!" Ellie's mouth dropped. "I mean it was nice of him to help us but…we don't even know who he is or what he looks like." She continued to try and knock some sense into me.

"I don't care about what he looks like. Just his actions are enough…besides…when he was holding me it felt like…I just …."

"Nina…I think we have to think through this…"

"My heart doesn't lie Ellie! I felt those electrical bolts!" I shook her shoulders.

"What electrical bolts…Nina! Where is my friend Nina?" She shook my shoulders back.

"Ouch" I complained since I was still sore.

"Sorry…" She felt bad but I didn't mind.

"Ellie….I think the stars will bring us together once again." I was sure.


Ellie's Pov

…I think my best friend has lost her mind…Could it be shock from the experience?…I scratched my head….Maybe it will pass…..

After dropping Nina off, I went to the library to work on the research paper and went over the list of topics Sunggyu gave me…why can't he do this himself?…lazy…manipulative controlling bully….I had to stop typing several times to control my anger. I kept looking around all day to see if he would appear but he was nowhere to be found. He even skipped class today….tsk…and then he won't even come…he's must be sleeping in comfortably while I'm here doing his stupid homework arghh!!…Calm down Ellie….don't complain and just do it. You don't want him to be even more angry at you. I tried to convince myself. Strangely, Myungsoo wasn't in class either. It certainly felt a little empty today.

"Hi Ellie." I saw Woohyun waving at the hallway. "…Hey.." I said awkwardly…."Where is Sunggyu?" He asked as if I would know…."I don't know." I told the truth. "Weird…Weren't you with him last night?"…."Shhhh" I signaled him to be quiet because his voice was too loud….what if those girls hear that……"Oh…sorry." Woohyun looked around to confirm no one heard. "And no, I wasn't with him." I clarified. "He didn't come find you?"….no thank goodness…"Nope."…."Hmm…strange. Maybe he's at Hoya's." He told himself and pulled out his phone to call. "Well then….bye…" I slowly got away as he was trying to make his phone call….why do I care where he is…he is probably sleeping or hangover somewhere.



Myungsoo's Pov

**Phone rings**…"Hello?" I woke up by the sound of my phone.

"Myungsoo, are you sleeping?! It was Sungyeol.

"What." I yawned and looked at the clock.




"I told you I had to go to work early. You even set up 4 alarms, didn't you hear them?"

"Aish I missed my first 2 classes."

"Well that …" Sungyeol read my mind. I hung up the phone and texted Ellie.


"I fell asleep -_-"

"You just woke up?!" She texted back.

"…..kind of."

"Lazy!" She accused.

"What are you doing?" I changed the topic.

"Doing homework on my rock."

"The Lion King rock?"


"Its the circle of lifeeeeeee." I teased.


"Correction. I know your father. hahaha" I continued to tease.

"You heard that?!!"

"Yup. Everything :) "

"You stalker monkey gangster!!"

" lalalala~:P"



Sunggyu's Pov

I decided to go home by myself to pick up some clothes since I been wearing the same few shirts I had at Hoya's. Ever since my dad went on a business trip to who knows where, I decided to leave home for now.

Just when I was about to get home, another unexpected thing happened. I saw three little elementary school kids hitting another girl…..why do I keep running into things like this?….I decided to ignore it and walk away. Its none of my business anyway…."ugly ugly ugly ugly~" The girls were chanting…..don't do it Sunggyu…you don't have time for this…don't do it..don't…do it…..aish!!!     I turned around, covered my face in the mask I had in my pocket, and put by hoodie back on.

"What are you doing?!" I scolded them. "The three of you scram before I kill you."….Was that too much? They ARE little kids….oops…my bad…"The girls screamed and ran away, leaving the bullied girl and I. She just stared at me with huge eyes….maybe I look too scary…"Listen…don't let people call you ugly, okay? Kick them if they do." I advised….."Thank you ahjussi." She smiled and pulled my arm to place something on my hand. I was surprised. "Oh? What's this." I looked at my hand and it was a small monkey keychain. I couldn't help but to smile…..this is so cute… "What is you name?" She asked…."My name is…Batman!" I said proudly….why am I still saying this?….."You are not batman!" She protested. "Yes I am!" …"No you're not!"….."Lilly!" Someone called for her, it looked like her mother. "Bye ahjussi!" She said before running away.

After that, I continued on my way home as I looked at the monkey keychain I just got. I really liked it. …the monkey is even carrying a tiny banana….Just when I was enjoying myself just a bit, my dad's bodyguards had to appeared to ruin it all. They pulled over and dragged me into their car. I let them do it because I was thinking of going home anyway.

"What the hell Peter! I thought you were taking me home."  They were taking me to school instead. "Skipping class is unacceptable." Bob added. "You can't force me to go to school you know. I'm not a child."  I protested as I looked out the car's window….on the next stop light, I'll just open the door and leave…I sat back and relaxed. "You're father will not be happy to know that you skipped classes." Bob spoke again. "Yeah…whatever…" I rolled my eyes. "Your mother is worried too. It's not really my place to ask but judging by the look of your face, you got into a fight?"  "No Bob, I fell down the stairs…obviously." I said sarcastically.

At the moment the car stopped, I quickly tried to open the door but they had put in the child's lock….Aish!…I looked at Bob and Peter and they both smirked at my fail…."Your father told you that if you keep fighting, he will have to take severe measures." "Oh really, what is he gonna do? He cancelled all my credit cards already."

"Hey Peter, pull over really quick." Bob told him when he saw something out the window. I crossed my arms at Bob's scolding and didn't even bother to look…are they my bodyguards or my babysitters?…Do I even need bodyguards?….They get on my nerves….oh wait…now that the car has stopped…it's a perfect time for me to leave…I went quickly stretched my body to reach the unlock button on the driver's seat and let myself out. "Sunggyu!" I heard Peter call me as I tried to leave.


Myungsoo's Pov

I decided to attend my last class of the day at least. So I left the house and began walking to school. When I was still a few blocks from getting there I saw a familiar fancy black car pull over next to me….My "Dad's" people.

"Hello Myungsoo." Bob greeted me when he got out of the car. I just stood quiet to see what else he was gonna say. "Did you also skip class? Sigh…what's up with you kids skipping." He whined. It looked like this guy had a rough day. "I'm going to school, can't you see? I'm on my way." I pointed towards the direction of the school.

All of a sudden I saw Sunggyu get out of the car in a hurry, but he stopped when he saw me. I turned my head in annoyance while he scoffed and approached me and Bob. "What is this, Bob? Talking to my little brother?" He said sarcastically….call me that one more time….."No one is your brother here." I told him…..I seriously hate this guy…

"Hey Bob, why don't you take him home instead? Take him to mom, maybe she will like this other son better. He probably has a good relationship with dad too, yeah make him the heir…how about that? I'm sure my little brother will love it." He said sarcastically while I scoffed.

"Who want's to be part of your family. You whiny bastard." I had enough of him. "Oh come on. Drop your little self righteous act already would you? Are you trying to make dad think that you are a good kid so that you can later all the money out of him? Smart, I give you that. Well guess what…I don't even care, be my guest."

"Your sick twisted mind only thinks of money doesn't it? You really think I want your dirty money? "

"Why wouldn't a dirty scum like you want it?"

"Listen to me…" I had enough and pushed him against the car to grab his collar but Bob immediately told me to stop.
"Hey hey you two stop that right now!" Bob alerted us.

"Why Bob, we are having a nice conversation here." Sunggyu told him.

"I don't have time to talk to people like you, I have somewhere to go unlike you good for nothing rich prince." I told Sunggyu.

"What did you say?!"

"Both of you get in the car." Bob spoke.

"NO." We both yelled at Bob almost simultaneously.


Bob's Pov

After both refused to get in the car, they parted ways and left pretty irritated at each other. "Now what?" Peter who was still on the car asked. "Forget about it. I need a break." I told him and got in the car. "I don't know how to help these kids anymore." I said frustrated. "Sunggyu has been running around causing trouble while Myungsoo is doing fine in school but still refuses to have any contact with his father or brother. Those two despise each other."

"Maddam's drinking situation is getting pretty bad at home. I don't blame Sunggyu from running away." Peter added.

"Sigh…what do we do Peter? We don't have a lot of time left. Do you think we will be able to grant our boss' wish?"

"You know Bob, now that they're in school together, they get to see each other more often, maybe they will get closer, don't you think?"

"They fight more often that's for sure." I told him.

"Those two kids have a lot in common, have you noticed?"

"They definitely take after our boss." We laughed.


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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.