The Infinite Warriors

Chasing Rabbits

Myungsoo's Pov

I was running around, looking for Ellie after she left the building. It was getting frustrating that she was no where to be found….where is she? she couldn't have gone far…..Sunggyu was somewhere also looking for her but we each went our own way when we got to the park. The fact that he was also looking for her made me uneasy. I definitely had to find her first.

After a looking for a while, Sunggyu and I met again at the entrance to the park. It looked like he also hadn't found her. We didn't even bother to speak to each other since we were too exhausted. All of a sudden a familiar black car pulled in front of us. It was Peter, Sunggyu's driver.

"Are you looking for you friend?" Peter told us as he rolled down the car window.  "Ellie?" I asked first. "Yeah, she was at the park earlier and fainted."

"WHAT?! Where is she?"

"Bob took her to Sunggyu's house, get in." He said suggesting taking us to her.

Sunggyu quickly got in the car first and tried to shut the door but I caught it with my hand. "Who said you could come?" Sunggyu protested. "I'm going to get Ellie back." I said firmly and forced myself in. The car took of, and in minutes we were already there.

I had seen that house before but only from the outside. Its a house I never wanted to go to. Honestly, I was extremely uncomfortable going into the home which I was an outsider to. Where my so called dad and his family lived. When my mom died he even suggested I move in with them, but I strongly refused.

When we were about to go in, I was the first one on the door. Sunggyu then pulled my back, so he could go first. "You are forgetting you are in my house now." he said. I wanted to reply to that but I realized I am in his property and he had the right to kick me out any minute. All I wanted was to get Ellie out of there.

"Where is she?" Sunggyu asked a lady worker there. "Mrs. Won is taking care of her. She's awake now." She told him. When Sunggyu was about to go upstairs, the lady told him to stop. "She's changing right now. I'll go see first." She told him and went into a room upstairs. I only followed….I don't like Ellie being this house….I don't even like me being in this house. I wonder where everyone is? It's so empty…I thought as I looked around. It seemed like there were only workers.

"Why don't you two go wait at the living room. Mrs. Won will tell you when she's ready to come out." Bob suggested and we both sat down. Sunggyu took an individual couch and crossed his leg, while I sat on the opposite double couch. I tried looking away since there was really nothing to say to each other. When I glanced at him, it looked like he was in deep thought. "So you know Ellie?" Sunggyu was the first to speak. "Yes." I responded right away and with a threatening tone. "Are you interested in her? are you two dating or what?" His questions made me anxious. "Why?" I told him. ….He better not touch Ellie……Instead of responding, Sunggyu gave me this sarcastic scoff. I know he had already assumed that. "Wow, this was certainly unexpected." He stretched his neck…..What does he want now? argh! "Don't assume things." I said annoyed.

"How obvious can you get? You even came in to my house for her."

"As soon as she's out, I'll leave."

"Or you can leave right now."

"Not without Ellie."

"tsk" Sunggyu scoffed.



Ellie's Pov

I was caught in a deep sleep before I slowly opened my eyes. I was confused and surprised by the place I had woken up to. It was a big and elegant bedroom. I stared at the pretty chandelier before I realized I wasn't dreaming. I stood up right away and saw an unfamiliar person. It was an older looking lady with a towel in her hands. I wasn't able to say anything first. "You're awake….are you feeling well?" She said as she got to my eye level. The sudden eye contact made me nervous. "Uh…who…who are you?" I asked. "That's not important. First, you have to dry up or you will get sick. We don't want that do we? Here" She placed the towel in my hands and led me to the bathroom inside the room. "Take a hot shower first while I dry your clothes. I was so tired and exhausted that I decided to just go with it and ignore my curiosity. I didn't care where I was, I just knew that it wasn't at school and that was good enough for me. At least for the time being.

As I was showering, the memories came back to me. I remember running away from the school and going to the park. There I saw that man who knows Sunggyu. After that, I thought back where I didn't want to go to…You ugly rat…You are a joke just look at you! Freak!…..Why? I thought to myself as I bend down and leaned on the shower wall…..Why are people this way? Why won't they accept me?……."Miss" I heard knocking on the door. "Miss, are you okay in there? You've been there a while." I could barely hear her over the water running. I didn't realize I had been there for so long. I didn't want to but I turned off the water and got out of there. The lady had taken away my clothes, so I used the towel and bathrobe that she had for me.

When I slowly opened the bathroom door, the lady was there waiting for me. "Come come so I can dry you hair." She told me to sit down on the bed as she handled the hair dryer. "You must be confused. I'm sorry, you can call me Mrs. Won. I been taking care of Sunggyu since he was a child so you don't have to worry. I will treat you well."……Sunggyu?…wait is this Sunggyu's house. "I treat every friend of Sunggyu's like my own children." She smiled. "But, a girl…it sure is a first." She giggled and then continued talking. "Don't worry, I won't ask you questions, but you can ask me anything." She sounded genuine. "Is this…Sunggyu's house?" I asked softly. "Yes." She confirmed. "How…why am I here?" I wanted to know. "Bob, an employee of this house saw you fainted at the park and brought you here. He said you were Sunggyu's friend. Sunggyu is downstairs with Myungsoo.  Peter said you are also Myungsoo's friend. It certainly is a rare." ….Myungsoo is here too?……..I didn't know how to react. At that moment I didn't want to face him……"He only talks to you so he can joke about you later"….those words kept ringing in my head… I really a joke to him? Why wouldn't I, if i'm a joke to everybody else….As I remained quiet, tears began to form in my eyes again.

"There. Your hair is all dry now. If you just wait a few minutes, your clothes will be dry too. Omo child, are you crying?" Mrs. Won said when she noticed. "Why would such a pretty girl like you be crying?" She tried to dry my eyes with her hand but I awkwardly pulled away. "Did those boys do something to you? If they did then I will personally scold them." She pointed towards the door. I shook my head as a response. "Is someone being mean to you?" She guessed. I could only nod like a child since I was about to break out in tears. Mrs. Won sat closer to me so she could pull me into a hug. "It will be okay." She comforted me. At that point I couldn't hold it in anymore and let it all out. "Why won't people like me? I wish I could pretend to be someone else but I can't. Why am I always a freak to them, a joke. Why are they like this to me?" I cried on her shoulder. "You don't have to feel like this child. In this world there is always going to be people who will not accept you. But just like there are bad people. There are also good people who will genuinely care for you and cherish you. You just have to open your eyes and find those people. They may already be there for you." She advised. I closed my eyes to try to let it all sink in, however I was so exhausted that I started falling asleep. When I noticed that I quickly let go of Mrs. Won who was still hugging me. "Why don't you rest for a little bit. You're tired." She held my shoulders and helped me lean back on the bed. I obeyed and just fell asleep almost intantly, hoping that when I woke up, everything would be better.



Myungsoo's Pov

Mrs. Won, and older worker there came down the stairs first. "Miss Ellie, is resting right now. She fell asleep after showering." She informed us. "I need to see her." I said and went upstairs. "Wait young man, I think you should let her rest." She told me but I ignored her. I just needed to see if she was okay. I thought I was gonna have to fight Sunggyu for letting me go first, but he remained on the couch and didn't bother to stand up.

When I got to the room, I opened the door slowly to not make any noise. The room was large and in the middle was a queen sized bed where Ellie slept. I slowly approached the bed and sat down on her side. "Ellie" I said almost in a whisper. According to the lady, she had woken up and was now asleep. I noticed that they had dried her hair.  Even though I had no idea what had happened, I knew Ellie was hurt. Perhaps not physically but emotionally. "Sorry" I began speaking quietly to her. I put my head down and grabbed her hand. "I couldn't protect you better. I won't let bad things happen to you anymore." I couldn't look at her directly even though I knew she was asleep. Instead, I kept looking at her hand as I spoke. Once I finished I figured I should leave her alone, but my hand just didn't want to let go. I wanted to hold it until she woke up. Then, I realized I wasn't home exactly and Sunggyu could walk in any moment now so I had to let go. I stood up and bent down to kiss her on the forehead. "Wake up soon." I whispered and smiled because she just looked so cute while sleeping.

I walked over to the door and looked at her one more time before exiting the room. As I was heading back downstairs, I found some pictures hung on the wall. It was of Sunggyu and his family. Sunggyu was an only child in this family at least. Same as me, except I never really had a dad. That old man who pestered me so much so I could go to school, disappeared as soon as I accepted. He never showed up before me again. Of course, he has his family to attend to. I looked at the photo of his wife and remembered the only one time I saw her. She came to our house to insult my mother. She tried offering us money so that we would move away, but my mom never accepted her money. She really hates us, likewise. There are many reasons why this house makes me feel so uncomfortable. That was only one of them. …I wonder if she is in the house right now….I tried looking around for people but other than employees and Sunggyu, there seemed no one.

What was I gonna do until Ellie woke up, was my question. I'll just awkwardly wait at the living room. I guess… I thought as I head over there. Sunggyu has already went somewhere else. Not to Ellie's because I made sure I could still spot the door to her room.



Woohyun's Pov

"What do you say, yes yes?" I begged Hoya. "What if he doesn't want to see us right now." He protested. "He said he was home. You know Sunggyu hates being home, and after his mom was taken away to the care center and his dad has disappeared, he must be feeling lonely. We should go cheer him up." I explained. "Fine. Then go tell Sunggyu first, before showing up. You also know he hates surprises." Hoya told me. "But then it would be no surprise. Come on Hoya! Everyone else already agreed. Dongwoo is bringing the video games, and Sungjong is buying us snacks. You just need to bring the drinks and we're set." I tried to convince him. "You tell him this was all your idea." He told me and I nodded….yes!…It was set.



Myungsoo's Pov

I took out my phone as I waited for Ellie. It was so quiet I could go crazy. I replied to a text from Sungyeol.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

Myungsoo: "I'm in Sunggyu's house."

Sungyeol: "What?! Your brother Sunggyu?"

Myungsoo: "Yes -_-"

Sungyeol: "What the hell are you doing there?!"

Myungsoo: I can't get out….."

I accidentally sent the text before I finished typing it. I was going to explain to him the Ellie situation but a maid began talking to me. "Would you like some water, while you wait?" …"No, it's okay…thanks." I refused…..Poisoned water? no thanks….I thought. I was going to continue to text Sungyeol but the doorbell rang….oh no…is it Sunggyu's mom? or his dad perhaps….I was nervous and did not want to see them at all. I panicked before realizing it wasn't either of them.

"Oh hey guys! What a nice surprise!" It was Bob who answered the door. I just sat there confused by the guests. "Is Sunggyu here?" Someone asked. "Yes, come on in." As soon as they entered the house. Sunggyu came out to meet them. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked them but then they noticed me. I was only familiar with Woohyun because he was also in my class. "Oh? Myungsoo? Why are you here?" Woohyun asked Sunggyu confused.

"Wait. Is he..THE Myungsoo?" Another guy looked surprised to see me and so did the rest of them. "Yes, this is THE Myungsoo." Woohyun told him. Someone then whispered to another guy, "Myungsoo, his brother Myungsoo?" It was such a loud whisper everyone could hear. The other guys nodded.

I glanced at Sunggyu and I could tell he was annoyed by their reactions. He really didn't want to explain and neither did I. "I'm Dongwoo." One of them came to me and extended his arm to shake hands….this is awkward, are they his friends? Why are they nice…or are they faking? I can't tell…aish….I had no choice but to return the handshake. "I'm Myungsoo." I said forcefully. "Yo." Another guy called for my attention, but didn't bother to approach me. He did stare at me intently like he was curious. I glanced back at him, "I'm Hoya." He said.

"Yah this is unnecessary." Sunggyu protested at the introductions. Another guy came out of nowhere and said quickly "I'm Sungjong, " before stepping away from Sunggyu. Its like he was afraid of him or something.



Sungyeol's Pov

I stared at the last text Myungsoo had sent me. "I can't get out." My friend never texted back after that. He can't get out of Sunggyu's house….what did that evil brother of his do to him now? Is he…could he be….KIDNAPPED?!! no no no Sungyeol this can't be…he wouldn't….no no he would, Sunggyu hates Myungsoo, I'm sure he has some evil plans in store…He probably can't talk anymore if he's trapped in that house…I have to go rescue him…I furrowed my eyebrows and formed a fist. I put on some clothes and headed over there. Good thing Myungsoo mentioned to me once where that house was at. …Just wait for me Myungsoo…I'm coming over. I ran towards that direction.

While I was on my way there, I was stopped by someone. "Sungyeol waiiit!!" I stopped running and saw a girl running towards me. It was Nina. "Nina? What are you doing here?" I was confused. "Have you seen Ellie? She was with Myungsoo but I haven't heard a word from her." She asked.

"Myungsoo was with Ellie?! That bastard…." I exclaimed without watching my words. "What? What are you talking about, Sungyeol?" Nina forced me to explain myself. "Sunggyu…he has Myungsoo. Ellie might be there too." I told her. "WHAT?! Where is this house, we must go!" She started walking forward even though she had no idea where she was going. "Wait a minute, Nina. Leave this to me. It's too dangerous." I tried to tell her but she wouldn't listen. She wanted to go too. "I have to go get my best friend, Ellie. Don't you understand?! I don't care if its dangerous!." She protested so much I didn't have a choice but to bring her along. "So which way is it?" She asked again and I pointed forward….aish…I didn't think bringing her was a good idea.

"If only Batman was here…" She looked around the streets as we headed over there. "True. Batman could help us in a situation like this." I agreed. "BATMAAAAAAAN" She started yelling. "Shhh!!" I thought she was too loud, yelling on the empty streets. "What, maybe he can hear us." "BATMAAAAAAAAAAN HELLLLP USSSSS" She kept yelling all the way until we got there. "Sigh…..I guess he's busy rescuing someone else." She looked disappointed. "Nina. Why don't you wait over there while I ring the doorbell." I suggested. "No way. I'm coming too." She crossed her arms and wouldn't move an inch. "Besides. Are you really going to ring the doorbell. Our friends are being kidnapped and you're just gonna go 'excuse me, can you let go of our friends.' and they will just hand them over to us.?" She had a point. "So what do we do then?" I asked. "We break in." She sounded confident. "But how?"  "We jump the fence and then go in through that window." She pointed. "Let's do it." I got serious and began wrapping my mind around this house break in. I never did anything like this before but I was determined on rescuing our friends.



Myungsoo's Pov

I really thought It couldn't get more awkward. Being in Sunggyu's house and having his friends over, some who I've never seen before but they already know who I am. In fact, everyone in this house, including the employees treat me like they know me.

"So….? Why are you here? You two spending some time together?" Dongwoo asked. Sunggyu and I immediately scoffed and rolled our eyes. Since neither of us wanted to explain, Bob joined the conversation and told them the situation. "So Ellie is here?!" Woohyun was surprised. "Yes, she is resting upstairs."…."But why did she faint?" Hoya asked Bob. "We don't know. I guess only those two know." He said referring to me and Sunggyu. Honestly, I didn't know. When I came in the girls bathroom, Ellie was crying and Sunggyu was there with her. She told me that it wasn't him so I had no choice but to believe her. Although I'm not a hundred percent convinced. Why would I trust Sunggyu. Everybody looked at us so that we would explain what happened but I only stared at Sunggyu. I really wanted to hear what exactly happened in the girls bathroom. "Sunggyu?" They called for his attention since he wasn't saying anything. He looked annoyed and that made me feel even more suspicious.

"Was she bullied?" Woohyun asked him. "It was those girls from our class, wasn't it?"......which girls?…Why did I have no idea? I was getting frustrated at myself. "Ah! I remember we saw them earlier coming into the building Ellie was in. So that's why you went back in there, how did you know. You should have told me!" Woohyun talked to Sunggyu….So it really wasn't him?…."Wait so how does Myungsoo know Ellie?" Sungjong asked…."They're dating apparently." Sunggyu said sarcastically. "So what if I am. You have a problem with that?" I immediately answered. "Calm down guys. We all care about Ellie lets just say that." Dongwoo intervened….why do we ALL care about Ellie…how come all these guys know her in the first place, did I miss something?…I was getting even more frustrated.

"Why don't we all sit down, have a drink and play some games." "I'll plug in the xbox!" Sungjong volunteered while Hoya began placing the drinks on the table in front of the couches. Since I had nothing to do here with these guys, I stood up and went upstairs to see Ellie. "About time you leave." Sunggyu talked to me. "I'm going to see Ellie." I said and went to her room.

When I walked in the room, I saw that she was exactly the way I had left her. She hadn't moved an inch and was sleeping soundly. I automatically grabbed her hand when I sat down next to her. "You're still sleeping? Hurry up and wake up already. I'm going crazy here." I whispered. "By the way…" I stared talking to her even though she couldn't hear me. "When did you meet all those guys? I thought I was the only one." I pouted. "I really don't know a thing about you, do I? Will you let me get to know you better?…better than them…better than anyone else…Will you let me do that?" I asked her not expecting a reply, meanwhile I played with her fingers. I had nothing else to do so I examined every single inch of her hand. I wanted to know how it would feel like against my face so I ran it against my cheek. It felt soft as expected. I smiled to myself because I was just having such a good time there, with Ellie. I couldn't wait for her to wake up. I kissed her hand before I placed it back where she originally had it. I remembered I had found a sticker of a cute rabbit. I had planned to give it to her earlier but never got  a chance to. I pulled it out of my pocket and stuck it to the back of her hand. I smiled at my own childishness and then continued.

My next idea was to pet her hair. It was so pretty to me. It waved in such an odd way, that it always looked messy, even if she had it in a pony tail. I loved her hair. "You know Ellie,  I don't care about what anyone says. You're an awesome girl just the way you are." I told her as I stared at a small mole she had on the side of her face. At that moment I just wanted to kiss it, then I glanced at her lips and thought….I want to start there…I said to myself as I leaned in closer. Right when I was about to do it, someone knocked on the door…..damn it!

I went over and opened the door. It was Mrs. Won. "Her clothes are ready. I'm gonna try waking her up and help her change. Do you mind?" "Oh…sure…I let her go in the room. "I' outside." I said suspiciously and left the room quickly…....I just tried to kiss her…My mind was still trying to process that…

"Hey Myungsoo, come get some snacks." Woohyun went over to me and pushed me back into the living room. I glanced at Sunggyu and he was there glaring at me. I know he wanted me to go already. "Do you know this game?" Dongwoo asked me. "FIFA? Yeah." I played it with Sungyeol all the time.."I WON!!" Hoya celebrated his win on FIFA…."Tsk…you're just lucky Sungjong ." Sunggyu told him "Yah! He cheated!" "No, I didn't!" "I want a rematch." Sungjong protested. "No, Myungsoo is playing now." Hoya suggested…..excuse me? who says I wanted to play with them…."Are you serious?" Sunggyu glared at Hoya. "What…I want to see if he's good or not.  Here." He threw the controller at me so I had to catch it.

"Uhh…" I only stared at it not knowing how to refuse. "Come on, don't be shy. Just play." Woohyun encouraged. "You have to be kidding me?" Sunggyu was obviously not liking the idea of me playing with his friends, neither did I. They were so insistant that I had no choice but to begin the game. "You have to crush him Myungsoo!" Sungjong sat next to me, it seemed like he wanted revenge on Hoya for beating him 6-1 on the last match. When the game started, for a moment, I forgot where I was and who I was playing with. I just wanted to win that match. My pride was on the line here…ok not really…but still. "You won…" Hoya said when the match ended. I remained quiet even though I was internally celebrating.

"DANNG Hoya you have found your new match." Woohyun laughed. "It looks like we may have a problem. Rematch?" Hoya suggested. "….I…" "Stop that would you?" Sunggyu spoke again. I don't blame him, I mean if I was in his position I would also hate it. I just needed to get out of there. "Do you want to play against him them?" Hoya suggested to Sunggyu and I could tell some of the guys almost spit their drinks. Sunggyu on the other hand looked at Hoya with disbelief… crazy I would play video games with Sunggyu of all people….

"Is something wrong with your head?" Sunggyu told Hoya and rolled his eyes. "I want to play him!" Sungjong raised his hand as if he was volunteering for something in school. Hoya laughed and then handed the controller to Sungjong, it's like he gave up. "No, it's okay..I pass…" .."Hey Myungsoo." I looked behind me. It was Woohyun calling me again, he threw something at me and I caught it before realizing what it was…..A banana?…..I looked back at Woohyun confused, he gave me the most disgusting wink, it was so greasy I almost shiver….A banana right now, when I'm so hungry…It felt like a little bit of paradise in the hell I was in.



Sungyeol's Pov

"Shhhh can you not be so loud?" I told Nina as we were trying to jump the fence. "But it's so high!"…"I told you to let me jump first. I'll catch you." .."No no I can do this." Nina sounded determined. "Would you hurry up already!" "Shhhh!! I'm trying to concentrate here!" …"We don't have all night." I argued. "Oneeee….twoooo…annnnd….I can't." Nina still wasn't able to jump. "Okay, move cat woman. I'll jump first." I had Nina sat down on the fence while I climbed it. I had to be the manly one and stuff but when I saw the height of that thing I just freaked out. "Come on, jump." Nina told me when she saw me not doing anything…..……"This is high."…."I KNOW! I told you!"…."SHHH be quiet! They are going to catch us if you keep ahhhh" I fell off the fence. "Ouch.." "Hey! Are you okay?" Nina whispered. "Yeah Yeah, jump alrea…." …"Okay here I gooo…ouch." Nina didn't warn me and threw herself off the fence. Of course she had to land on top of me. "Ouuuch.." I said as I was thrown on the floor. We stared awkwardly at each other before I rolled her off of me. "Aish" …"Uh Sorry" She laughed nervously. "Yah! You almost break my bones, that's if you didn't already." I started feeling my arms to see if I was broken or not….well I can still move them…"Look look look! Hide" Nina pointed at the front door, someone was coming out. It was Sunggyu and another man. He was probably a security guard or a body guard, but he looked like a member of the mafia.

"What's the matter Sunggyu?" The man told him as they stepped outside.
"I want you to get rid of Myungsoo."

"So soon?"


"What about the girl?"

"Keep her." Sunggyu said seriously before stepping back inside.

"Sungyeol did you hear the same thing I did?" Nina said shocked. "I think I also heard that. They want to get rid of Myungsoo?!" My voice started to shake. "Sunggyu that bastard. What does he mean he wants to keep Ellie. I'm going to kick his…" "Nina theres no time. We have to go and stop them." "I agree. Let's go!" She said firmly. "Wait…wait you wait here."…"What why?" She protested. "Ellie would kill me if she finds out I brought you in this dangerous situation."…"Oh come on Sungyeol. I'm doing this cause I want to. Besides, this is kind of exciting at the same time." "Exciting? Are you out of your mind?"  I said in disbelief. "What, superheroes do it all the time. We just need courage Sungyeol. Courage is the key." She explained as I rolled my eyes.



Ellie's Pov

For a long time I thought I was dreaming. It was a nice dream and I refused to wake up to. Myungsoo was there holding my hand. If only it was real…wait Ellie…what are you thinking right now?..I quickly sprang up from the bed and looked around. It was already late and I was still sleeping in an unknown place….how long was I out for? I thought to myself as I noticed Mrs. Won staring at me. "I was about to wake you up. I'm glad you did it on your own." She smiled. "Sorry…I should….go.."I stood up and took my clothes from her hands. "Hurry or you will make Myungsoo worry." Her comment threw me off. "Huh" I stopped on my tracks so that she would explain herself. "He was just here with you." She smiled suspiciously… he was here just now….."He seems to care about you a lot." Mrs Won told me, before I went to the bathroom to change into my dry clothes.

…so was it a dream or….no…why would myungsoo... I stared at my hand and found a sticker of a rabbit….that's right! I did feel when he stuck it to my hand….wait…so it was REAL?!…**Flashback**  "You know Ellie,  I don't care about what anyone says. You're an awesome girl just the way you are."

My mind was working at 100mph…I'm I important to him? do I mean something? It was a strange feeling I've never felt before. Not a bad one at all. ….I need to go see him….but wait….I had forgotten I was at Sunggyu's house. I really owed him one for saving me back there. I should properly thank him first. I nodded and got ready to come out of the room.



Myungsoo's Pov

I didn't know how it happen, but this guy Sungjong started talk to me about everything, literally everything, and now and then Dongwoo would join the conversation except half the time, I had no idea what he was talking about. They didn't seem like bad guys, at first I thought they were trying to set me up for something, but as time went by it felt less and less that way. However, they were still Sunggyu's friends and I also knew my boundaries. It was just that these guys were making themselves so hard to hate. They were nothing like Sunggyu…how are they even friends with this guy? I thought to myself. "Hey Myungsoo, another banana?" Woohyun was about to throw me another one, when Sunggyu out of nowhere stopped Woohyun's arm."

"Okay guy's that's enough." He took the banana for him. "But Sunggyu.." Woohyun tried protesting but got glared down by Sunggyu. "What part of me and Myungsoo don't get along, do you not understand? I thought you were the only one to get that." He told his friend. "I know but…." "Nevermind." I spoke making them turn their attention to me. I didn't want to be in the middle of this. "Are you finally gonna go?" Sunggyu started to show his true colors again. In fact, he went pretty long without speaking up which was impressive. "You know I can kick you out out of my house right?  You already know you are not welcome in this house so I don't understand why you're even here." …."You think I want to be here? I'm just waiting for Ellie to wake up, I can care less if I'm welcomed or not. I will leave when Ellie is ready." …"You make me sick." Sunggyu told me. "Are you two really dating?" Woohyun asked me. "Sunggyu where are you going?" Woohyun got distracted by Sunggyu suddenly walking away…..yes….go away….you think I was gonna be scared walking into you house? I can care less…I was clear that we were both irritated by each other.

"Aish….he is so stubborn." Woohyun said as he scratched the back of his head. "What happened?" Hoya approached us. "Sunggyu is being Sunggyu." Woohyun told him and then Hoya turned to look at me with curiosity. ….I need to get away from them or this will get more awkward. I was going to walk away to but Sungjong got in my way. "Hey Myungsoo, come check this video out." …"Uhh no I shouldn't."…."Come on! Hurry its starting!."…."I think, I'm fine…" I tried looking at the other guys for help but they kept giggling among themselves….they aren't setting me up are they?….."We should drag Sunggyu back." Woohyun suggested. "Not me." Sungjong said first. "Not me either." Dongwoo and Woohyun said at the same time and then stared at Hoya. "I guess its you."…."What, but you were the one who suggested it." Hoya told Woohyun. "You're better at this." Woohyun argued.

As I was forced by Sungjong to watch a video and to listen to their arguing, I began to think… did things turn out this way?….Being with these guys felt like I was gettng into a black hole…just like the online story I was reading where the seven infinite galactic warriors fall into a black hole. They had to put their forces together in order to get out of there. But anyway…this is not what I expected Sunggyu's house to be like. I wonder if his parents will arrive soon.Ah I need to get out soon. I though as I nodded at some joke Sungjong was telling  me.



Sunggyu's Pov

I came back inside after telling Bob to get rid of Myungsoo. I could have done it myself but why bother when I have body guards. They have to be useful for something. When I stepped back into the living room I stared at them from afar. Myungsoo was talking and playing with my friends as if they had know each other for years…..argh….aren't they my friends? Don't they get it?…Woohyun kept handing him bananas and the others kept talking about video games and movies. Myungsoo wasn't even that talkative so I don't know what they see in him that would make them want to be his friend…..If my mom knew Myungsoo was here, she would have a heart attack…she still hates Myungsoo even though his mother passed away. How weird that the body guards don't even care, it's like they want him to be here or something….where is Bob anyway? Didn't I tell him to take Myungsoo away?….aish….I crossed my arms and just waited for the bodyguard to appear.



Nina's Pov

"Shh Shhh" I whispered to Sungyeol. We were already inside the house, hiding behind a wall. We could already hear voices. "And what could you two be dong here?" All of a sudden a man appeared behind us and grabbed the back of our shirts. We were busted…damn it!…He dragged us around the wall so that we could be visible. There, I saw Sunggyu standing crossed armed in the middle of the hallway like he was waiting for us…."That's it you !" I was so enraged by seeing him that I kicked the bodyguard's private parts and ran to him like a bull. "Nina wait." Sungyeol who also got let go of, tried to stop me. At that moment I didn't think and just acted. Stupidly that is.


Ellie's Pov

I was coming down the stairs to show myself, thinking the two guys were going to be waiting for me, but I saw nothing like what I imagined. I didn't even know what to be more confused by, the fact that Myungsoo was on the floor eating bananas and playing video games with Sunggyu's friends, or by my best friend Nina, running towards Sunggyu to punch him in the face. My eyes widened so much from the shock, I almost fainted again.

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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.