The Birds

Chasing Rabbits

Ellie's Pov

"So what did you think?" Nina asked once were home. "It was alright." I told her. "See, I knew you would like it." ….I wouldn't say I "liked" it….."Soon, you'll get used to being in school." She smiled….yeah whatever…..I gave her a faint smile. "Ellie?" My mom entered my room to ask me the same question. She left after a speech about how good this was going to be for my 'development' whatever that meant.

Since there was no homework, I opened my laptop to continue writing my story. I opened the file titled, "The Gangster." I stared at my screen for a while thinking of what to type next.

**Flashback** "How many times to I have to tell you, I am not a gangster."
….hmmm is he really not a gangster? My story would be so much more fun if he was…I don't care what he is…in this story, he's a gangster!.
I was determined to continue writing. "Are you finally writing on that?" Nina interrupted and asked me to tell her what the continuation was.

"By the way, what's with the sudden fascination for gangsters? Is that a new thing?"

"Gangsters always fascinated me." I told the truth.

"Really?" Nina gave me a weird look then asked me why.

"We'll they are kind of like superheroes but in a sinister way, and from time to time you find one with a good heart."

"In movies you mean." Nina added.

"…Yeah...I guess." I responded.

"Cause good luck finding one in real life. They are scary." She continued…

They are...which is why fiction is always better than reality..



Myungsoo's Pov

The next morning I reluctantly got up to go to school. It was still weird that I've heard no word from the old man. I even beat his son up. I didn't care what he would think, except I really didn't want to get expelled. While I was walking towards the entrance of the school, a fancy car pulled up next to me….there it is…I thought, but only one of the body guards got out of the car.

"We're good Peter, I'll call you later." The body guard waved at the driver and soon the car drove off. I knew that body guard, his name is Bob. "Good morning Myungsoo." He greeted me with a smile….what does he want now.

"You may wonder why I'm here instead of your father, he went on a long business trip. So my job is to take care of you and your school matters…."How nice of him." I said sarcastically. "I heard you had an encounter with Sunggyu. You know your father would not be happy to hear that." …"Of course not, I hit his precious son." I rolled my eyes. "You are his precious son too, but which father wants his two sons fighting?" "Okay, I get it, Bob. You want me to stop hitting Sunggyu. Got it. Tell him to get out of my business then." I argued. "I shall talk to him as well." …as if that was going to work…

"Myungsoo, you seem like a good kid. Your father just wants you to carry on with your studies without any trouble. Can you do It?" He told me. "Like I said, If Sunggyu….
" …"Good boy then." Bob ruffled my hair as if I was his puppy, then he gave me a warm fatherly smile. I only glared back at him. "Well then my job here is done. Now to some ramen with Peter. Bye kid." He waved as he walked away, making a phone call….."Oh and Myungsoo, wait." Bob walked back as I was about to head out. "What?" I said rudely. "I was also told that if you can complete this only request, you will be awarded." Bob smiled suspiciously and then left….awarded? Is he trying to bribe me…urgh rich people. I shook my head and began walking towards the entrance.



Ellie's Pov

The next morning Nina told me she had to be in class early for some team project so I told her to go on without me. There was no way I was going to get up earlier than needed. As I was walking towards the entrance I saw two familiar suspects. Myungsoo and the other gangster. I clearly recognized him from the time Myungsoo fell from the bridge. He was wearing a black suit, sunglasses, and had a serious expression all the time….I wonder what he's telling Myungsoo…


I tried to slowly approach Myungsoo and the gangster and hid behind a tree. I only heard the gangster tell Myungsoo something about if he completed something he would be awarded….hmm…so he IS on a mission for something, I knew it!.

After the gangster left, I tried making noise for Myungsoo so he would notice me.

"Psst!!"  Apparetly he was too busy mumbling to himself to notice me.

"Trying to bribe me huh? Maybe I shouldn't have accepted"


"They are so annoying."


He then stepped on a fallen branch that almost trips him. "AISH stupid twig!"
He kicked it to the side of the pathway where I was still following him, trying to hide.
….yah! that almost hits me….I thought but continued trying to call for his attention.


"WHAT?!" He looked up at the trees. You stupid birds stop making noise while I'm thinking here! Have some respect would you? I can't even think comfortably anymore."  He thinks I'm a bird….? I facepalmed.

"Myungsoo?" I head another voice approaching. "What were you doing?" A pretty girl asked. "Uh…I…was..kicking branches..? Ha…haha..What's up?" He smiled nervously….ha! he almost gets caught talking to himself…

"Oh I was wondering if you wanted to join our study group later today. I know its only the second day of school but we just want to get together to get to know each other and that stuff." She explained. "Cool." He said. "So will you come?" …"I would love to but ah! I just remembered something..uhh.." He was trying to think of an excuse.

"You see I…" He was being too slow. "You can't come, why? We are having pork belly..?" The girl tried to lure him with food. "Pork belly you say?" His attitude completely changed. "Yup." …"Deal." He agreed just like that…..seriously?…I rolled my eyes.

"I'll see you at 4 then, bye bye." The girl soon left and Myungsoo followed.



After that I went to my first class, then went to the library for a few hours and soon I was back to my communications class where everyone was anxious to see what Myungsoo and Sunggyu would do, since they had class together. I sat down in the same spot as last time and took out a book to read while I waited for class to start.

Myungsoo showed up first, and as expected a bunch of girls started crowding around him. He tried to brush them off politely and from time to time he would smile at them. I didn't look his way to acknowledge him since he was probably going to ignore me like last time. Besides, he had too many people around him to see me anyway.

Right when class was about to start, Sunggyu showed up and the room became quiet. He walked straight to his desk with a pissed off expression and no one in the class, even his friends approached him…..I wonder if he is going to seek revenge on Myungsoo for hitting him yesterday…he probably will…

For the duration of the class I couldn't help but to space out since the topic being discussed was so unbelievably boring. I thought about the fic I was writing and how it wasn't working out…

.I don't think the gangster fic is getting anywhere, perhaps basing it on that Myungsoo wasn't such a good idea…I need to forget about that and start a new one. Something new and exciting is what I need…So far I've done stories on knights, monsters, ghosts, ninjas, war lords, elves, robots and other futuristic characters....hmm vampires and wolves are overdone these days….oh I know! A magician!  or an Illusionist, something cool like that yes! I'll do that!

I was getting way too excited over my next story that I forgot to pay attention to the class and the fact that it was over.

"Helloooo!!!" A random guy called for me. I looked around the empty class room and only Myungsoo and Sunggyu were there sitting still on their seats. Its like they were waiting for something. I looked back at the guy who got next to me, "huh..?" I was confused. "Did you not hear that? Sunggyu wants to be alone. Lets go." He pulled me by the arm to try to get me to leave the class. "Oh…" I quickly picked up my stuff and left the class with the guy. He closed the door and then looked back at me. "Aren't you gonna go?" He told me almost aggressively… he just gonna stand by the door, what is he a guard or…I suddenly realized what was about to happen….Myungsoo is about to get beat up by Sunggyu…..uhhh…."Get going!" The guy slightly pushed me to go away. I turned around and walked away but hid in the next alley.

….well this …should I….do something?…Its not like is any of my business I mean…he's a gangster after all I'm sure he can manage….that Sunggyu guy looks strong though

I was thinking hard, way too hard on what to do next. More like convincing myself on not doing what I was thinking of doing.

**phone rings**

It was a text message from Nina. "Are you ready to go home? Let's go." ….I looked at my screen for a good 2 minutes then replied. "Go home first, I'll be there in about an hour."

"Okay. But what are you doing?"

"Saving gangsters."

"At the library?"


"Alright. See you ay home then. Don't write too much :) " She said thinking I was talking about my story.

I ran back to the classroom entrance where that guy was standing. "What are you doing here again?" He asked right away. "Did you hear?" I pretended to be panting like I been running for a long time. "Some kid blew up some chemicals at the science department."…"So what?" …"The effects of it made these awesome rainbow-like beam its like…unreal. The news are even filming it." …"Wow really?" .."Yeah, I'm about to get some more towels from the gym since the water sprinklers broke. Well then see ya." I pretended to keep running but hid in the next alley.

I peeked back and saw him hesitate to leave but eventually his curiosity got the best of him and ran out…..yes! It worked! I did a small celebratory dance.


Myungsoo's Pov

When class was over, Sunggyu sent Woohyun, one of his minions, I mean friends, to tell me that he wanted me to stay after class. I knew he wanted revenge, but I didn't care. I was ready for it. After everyone left the class, Sunggyu got up and kicked the empty desks around so that there would be a big enough space between us. "How's your face?" I purposely provoked him. "Very funny." He grabbed my neck collar and pulled me from my chair. "We have to set the rules straight it seems." he said as I managed to let go of his grasp.

I fixed my shirt and looked away as he continued talking. "THIS. Is MY school.   And I don't allow pests like YOU to enter. Now if you are planning on staying at this school, you better keep your head down. Are we clear?" His face came very near to mine. I only scoffed as reply while he continued to talk. "You think you have power don't you, just because my dad decided he wanted another son." He started getting in my nerves. "Well that's not gonna happen, my dear 'brother'  He emphasized the word which we both hate to hear.

"Get out of my way" I said simply and pushed him to the side so that I could get out of the class. I was somehow trying to listen to Bob's words and not cause anymore trouble. "What, you're running away now? ha!" He pulled the back of my shirt and gave me a punch which threw me to the other side of the room….damn he is strong…

I pretended the punch didn't affect much when I was really in pain. I stood up slowly and cooly. "Don't mess with me!" I yelled and punched him back. After that we where taking turns in punching and throwing each other across the room. None of us were going to give up until the other one dropped. Except when Sunggyu decided to play a dirty trick. He pushed me against the window and held me by my collar while I was weak. "It seems I need to resort to this." He said as he pulled out a pocket knife. I really was too weak to get away this time, but I still played cool. "And what are you gonna do with that? Cut my throat?" I sarcastically asked him.

"Maybe, but I been noticing how all the girls at these school are crazy over this new pretty faced boy. It would be a shame if his face was covered in scars." ….pff as if I cared…..okay honestly speaking I was totally scared. I mean I'm not that worried about my looks but who wants to have their face permanently ruined. My face is one of my main points after all…not to sound conceited.

All of a sudden something unexpected happened. Someone aggressively swung the door open, diverting our attention from the fight.


…It was…

.......that girl.







Hi Readers! Sorry, I just realized how short my chapters are. They will gradually get longer ^^;;

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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.