The Boss

Chasing Rabbits
Myungsoo's Pov
It was weird, a whole day had passed and no one called for a ransom. I would assume that they would kidnap Sunggyu to get money from his dad…or I should say our dad. He owns a few businesses around town and is a pretty important person according to what I've heard. I was hoping it was more about the gang asking for money, than them wanting to get revenge for something. Sunggyu may have gotten in a fight with one of them or something. I sighed as I sat in class, not listening to anything the professor said. I did not want to come to school in the first place but Ellie made me since I was skipping too many classes already. 
After classes were over we all met up to continue our search. Hoya's place became the usual meeting room. 
"Hey Iron Man." The guys said when I entered the room and then I glared at Sungjong. 
"You told them?" "Of course I told them." Sungjong smiled. …..aish this is embarrassing.
"You did good Myungsoo." Ellie smiled as well. "You both defended a poor man, I'm very proud of you too." 
"It's definitely something Batman would do." Dongwoo nodded. 
"Are you sure those pirates aren't going to recognize you later?" Hoya seemed worried.
….I really hope not…..
"Where is Nina and Sungyeol?" Woohyun asked us. Sungyeol was at work and Nina decided to stay home, according to Ellie. 
"Is she still feeling guilty for what happened?" Woohyun asked Ellie. 
"Yeah. She said she didn't feel well today." Ellie told them before Woohyun got us back to business.
"Alright, let's get to work guys. So this is where we're at, Myungsoo and Sungjong already found where they shop at, so Hoya and I will go there tonight and try and see what we can find out. Myungsoo and Dongwoo will be on standby around the corner in case a fight breaks."
"It wouldn't be a good idea to get into another fight with them." Sungjong added. 
"I disagree." Ellie suddenly spoke, causing all of us to stare at her confused. 
"I think there needs to be some kind of fight. It's the only way of making them run back to headquarters. They would want to alert the rest of the gang wouldn't they? That way we can follow them immediately to wherever it is they stay at." Ellie had a very good point.
"She's right." Hoya said. "We'll create another excuse to fight them and then you and Dongwoo can follow after them."
We all agreed right before Bob and Peter came in the room. "Any news?" We asked them. "No. We went over to the police again and they told us to wait. They say they're investigating." 
"They are taking too long aren't they?" I asked, even though it technically had only been a day. But one long whole day.
"Be patient Myungsoo. All of you guys, don't go around causing trouble trying to look for him. Leave it for the police to take care of." Peter warned us but we weren't going to listen. By the time the police decides to do something, It may be too late. I shook the thought away.
"Have you told his dad yet?" Hoya asked Bob.
"Unfortunately, we cannot get in contact with his father at the moment." Bob looked worried…what?...
"What do you mean you can't get in contact, you are his workers how is that possible?" I was annoyed.
"It's a little ...difficult ...right now…"
"What is difficult, to tell him that his son has been KIDNAPPED?! I don't understand." I shook my head….what kind of father does that….Why is it that they can't tell dad something so important?
"Anyway, the police is taking care of all of this and we also are trying to do everything we can to get him back safely. Don't worry too much kids." Peter spoke instead of the Bob who still didn't know what to say.
Ellie's Pov
I went back home to Nina since Myungsoo and the guys were going to go see those guys. I was so worried I couldn't stay still, but Myungsoo really wanted me to stay home where it was safe. I wasn't going to just do nothing however, I was going to do research on the internet about these so called Pirates and find as much information as I could. 
When I got to my room, Nina was on my bed covered under the blankets. "Nina?" I called her a few times but she wouldn't respond. I knew she was pretending to be asleep so I uncovered her. "Nina are you okay?" I asked her.
"I'm not!" She yelled and pulled the blankets back up.
"You don't have to feel guilty. It's not your fault at all Nina…..Nina…" She was acting really weird. I know her so well I just knew it was something else.
"Nina…." She wasn't talking to me anymore.
"I'm gonna be looking up some info on these Pirates, you can join me if you can't sleep." I informed her and then went over to my desk and turned my laptop on. 
Woohyun's Pov
I was with Hoya hanging out inside that convenience store waiting for those guys but they took forever to show up. "Psst…" I whispered to Hoya who was looking at the ramen. "I think they might not be coming today." I told him, "Shush Woohyun…I'm thinking…"
"What are you thinking?"
"Which ramen should I get?" He said.
"Yaaah." I rolled my eyes. 
"We are on a mission here. You can't get distracted by ramen!" I scolded him.
"This is not getting distracted. This is simply playing our roles as two kids walking into a convenience store to buy something." Hoya explained.
"Oh. That kind of makes sense…well in that case. I want my favorite kimchi flavored super ramen bowl!" I said excitedly and now Hoya rolled his eyes. 
"What?" I said referring to Hoya's expression.
"You always get the same one. Don't you know this spicy seafood one is the best." Hoya pulled out another bowl from the shelf. 
"No thanks. I'll stick to kimchi flavor." I said before we started to have a discussion.
"You need to learn to explore other flavors Woohyun. " 
"Well you're an idiot then."
"I'm just stating a fact."
"Yah…" I scoffed. 
Right when we started arguing we saw a guy who could possibly be a pirate. "Shhhh…" Hoya told me to shut up and I listened. As we both watched the guy from the back, he dialed a number on his phone. He was staring at the beer section. "Hey, what type of beer does boss like?" He asked.
"Well I have no idea either!" He said annoyed. "This is my first time buying beer for him, how am I supposed to know what he likes….Better guess right why?…... Is he gonna beat me up too?….yah…" He complained. "…end up unconscious like that kid…...nah he wouldn't be that ruthless to me would he?…...tied up too? ….yeah right…stop fooling around." Was the last thing he said to the caller and then dialed another guy asking the same question. This time he had better luck since the guy told him exactly which beer to buy.
"Hey Hoya…I think they're taking about Sunggyu." I whispered.
"….tied up…." Hoya said angrily before he went up to the cashier to pay for the ramen. He was right behind the guy with the beer too. "Wait Hoya!" I followed quickly and pulled him back to the aisle again. He was too agitated to think straight. "What?!" He asked.
"You aren't planning on revealing your face to them are you? This is why we brought masks remember?" I pulled them out of my pocket and gave him one. "You're right, I forgot." He said as he took it and immediately put it on. The mask had stars and red and white stripes. "This boss of his is not getting any beer." Hoya said before going back towards the cashier. 
"Do you think I was begging for a discount!" The guy was already arguing with the girl at the cashier. 
"I'm giving you this bill as payment because I'm nice." He smirked at the young girl.
"This is not enough sir. This doesn't even pay for half of the cost for that pack of beers." She said.
"How about I pay you with something else, huh?" The guy was trying to lean in closer.
"How about you leave her alone." Hoya told the guy.
"Excuse me?" He raised an eyebrow. 
"Whats the mask for huh,  you're gonna rob this young lady over here, with that?! He said as he started touching the girls hair.
"You're the one trying to steal that pack of beers aren't you? I can't let you do that." Hoya responded in a calm tone. 
"Oh well aren't you brave." The guy said as he went to stand in front of Hoya, he cracked his neck and his knuckles as if he was preparing for a fight. "Maybe I should teach you a lesson." He added before throwing a fist at Hoya, however the punch was dodged and the man almost trips forward.
"Pay her for the beer." Hoya told him as the man got more and more angry, throwing another failed fist. 
As I saw that Hoya was handling it by himself pretty well, I decided to stand back and let him do his thing. I did quietly called the others guys to just be alert in case it gets ugly. Of course, I would jump in to help Hoya but for now it was amusing seeing how weak that guy was. …..are they really part of that feared gang called pirates?…they just don't seem that strong…or smart….its probably just the numbers that make them strong. I looked around to see if there were more guys out but I saw none. 
A little while later, the guy tried to take the young cashier girl as hostage, using her to threaten Hoya if he threw another punch. My friend was obviously winning and big time. Since I already had my mask on, I decided to jump in and punch him from the side. He really didn't see me coming at all. 
"Ahhhh" The girl screamed in fear and surprise. She was at the verge of tears so I held her shoulders and tried to calm her down with a smile that she couldn't see because of the mask. "Hey Hey…You're gonna be okay." I said as I tried to fix her pretty hair. 
"Yah Spiderman. Let's go." Hoya called me from the back signaling us to go since the man was partially unconscious, now outside the convenience store.  The girl looked around confused and asked, "Spiderman?" looking at me. "Yup." I confirmed. "And who is he?" She tried to look past me and look at Hoya.
"That's…..Captain America." I said proudly.
"What?" She was so confused it made me giggle. 
"Let's go already." Hoya said again trying to break off our moment. "Thank you" She smiled sweetly. "What's your name?" I ignored Hoya and kept talking to her. "I'm Sara." She smiled again…….SHE'S SO PRETTY WOOHYUN YOU SCORED BIG TIME! ….
"You're okay right?" Hoya finally approached us to talk to her. "….yeah…" She nodded.
"Okay then, we gotta go." Hoya started pulling me away…..noooooo……
"Wait!" The girl yelled.
"Are you Batman's friends?" She asked.
"You know Batman?" Hoya and I were a bit shocked. She didn't answer our question and went towards the refrigerators to grab some banana milk. "Please, give this to him." She extended her arm and handed me the small bottle…..what..? 
"Let's go." Hoya pulled me away now that the man was starting to regain consciousness. 
We both went around the other corner of the store to see what the man would do. Myungsoo and Sungjong were on the other side, while Dongwoo was on his motorcycle waiting for a chase. The man walked slowly to his  car and drove off……It's now all on you now Dongwoo…
We all came out of hiding and stared towards the direction the car had gone to, anxious to see if Dongwoo would succeed. "You got this Wolverine!" I yelled and waived goodbye, even though he could no longer see me.  
"Shush Woohyun, don't be so loud." Hoya told me but I ignored him.
I remembered I still had the bottle of banana milk in my hand, I looked towards the convenience store….Why would she give me this, could she really know Batman?…..I tried to make my way into the convenience store again but Myungsoo and the guys stopped me and said we should go. 
"But guys…I think that girl knows Batman. She even gave me this." I showed them the banana milk. "There's no time for that Woohyun. We have to go." Myungsoo said so I followed.
….hmmm……weird….I stared at the banana milk once again before my thoughts drifted away……..she was so pretty….I tilted my head and softly smiled. "Woohyun!" Somebody yelled waking me up from my daze. "What?" I said innocently. "Focus on the mission!" Sungjong scolded me. 
Nina's Pov
Yes, I did feel guilty but it was something more than that. My mind who for the past few months had been filled with Batman, now was full of Sunggyu. I was extremely worried and scared and I felt like I was never going to see him again. I had flashbacks to all our fights at school and even though they weren't pleasant memories, they were still somehow precious…but why do I feel this way….sigh…I need to stop worrying so much. Soon he will be back and he will go around school again causing trouble. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before going back to talking to Ellie. 
"What have you found out?" I asked her who was still doing research on the pirates. 
"I was reading a bunch of accounts from victims of these gangs, there are plenty of them that are in connection with Batman." She told me. 
"Batman? How?" I asked.
"Like for example this one, 'I was attacked by 4 men outside of a nightclub, apparently I had parked in their spot so they started to beat me up. Another man who I believe is the one people call Batman, appeared and beat those 4 men to the ground before disappearing himself.' There are several accounts just like this that mention Batman." Ellie explained and then continued.
"Batman must know this gang if he continually fought against them. Maybe we should try and find him after all, he could help us find Sunggyu." Ellie suggested and I slowly nodded. 
"But he hasn't been seen at all recently." I sighed. 
"Yeah. I also checked the Batman blog. There are no news of him." Ellie sighed with me. 
Dongwoo's Pov
I quietly followed the car on my motorcycle, keeping my distance so that they wouldn't notice me. I tried to record a plate number, but this one didn't have one either. After a 10 minute drive, the car stopped at a gate to a factory. I stopped the bike and quickly hid it behind some trees. I also hid and tried to get closer to watch the gate. The car stopped and said something to the person at the gate before he opened them up for the car to go through…..What kind of factory is this? I looked around but couldn't figure it out, I wanted to get closer but figured it would be dangerous on my own so I turned back and left… least we have a location now…we definitely can't go in without a plan first.
Pirate's Boss Pov
"Give me a reason not to kill you?" I told one of my employees who was kneeling down in front of my desk.
"I'm sorry boss, I tried I really did I just couldn't get the exact amount of money that you wanted." 
"I hate excuses." I stood up and kicked the guy harshly. "Throw him out." I told the two men at the door. 
I went back to my chair and sighed in frustration, lighting a new cigar.
"Edward." I called another employee.
"Yes Boss." He responded right away.
"Why have I heard no news from the kid yet." I asked annoyed.
"He's still unconscious." 
"I'm getting tired of these excuses, Edward!! Go back there and tell those idiots that if I don't have him over here in my office by tomorrow, CONSCIOUS, I will trash them out."
"Yes Boss, I will tell them." Edward bowed and left the room. 
Dino's Pov
I was taking a nap with Simon in front of the door where that boy was at, when Edward came over to us, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TWO DOING?!" He yelled. We immediately stood up. 
"Why haven't you taken him to our Boss yet?!"
"He's still unconscious! We already tried everything, kicking, slapping, punching, dumping water on him.." I told him. 
"I think he's dead boss." Simon commented and right away Edward came into the room where he was at. We both followed.
He was tied to a chair and blindfolded. Edward approached and took down the blindfold, slapping him on the cheek. As expected, there was no reaction. 
"He's still breathing." Edward confirmed and then continued. "I don't know how you are gonna do it, but our Boss wants to talk to him by tomorrow. You two better wake him up if you don't wanna end up unconscious like him." He threatened us before exiting the room. 
"Yah Dino, the Boss is going to kill us." Simon panicked. 
"I really don't know what else to do, it's like he's in a coma or something." I said.
"Well yeah, after being punched so many times."
"Aish…why doesn't boss just throw him out, he's basically dead already." I said as I kicked the unconscious kid yet again. 
"Don't hit his head, what if he's really in a coma, Dino."
"That's not our fault!" I argued. 
"You know I wouldn't hit his head anymore If I were you." Giano appeared out of nowhere, 
"You wouldn't wanna leave him impaired." He continued speaking as he walked around the room eating an apple. 
"Why. Who cares." Simon told him.
"Do you really not get it?  Boss wants him alive. Why do you think that is?" Giano asked.
"Cause he wants to talk to him, before he kills him? I hate this kid." I said as I threw another bucket of cold water at him. He has beaten so many of us pirates. I remember him clearly when he kicked me off a hill. I almost die.
"Listen you idiots." Giano continued speaking. "This kid, Batman or whatever, as frail as he looks is in a complete different level than us. To put it simply for you, he can single-handedly kick all of our asses, and you more than anyone knows this." 
"Your point is?" I said annoyed since it seemed like Giano was just rubbing it in. 
"What do you think boss would want to do with him?" Giano bit his apple and made himself comfortable in a corner of the room, as he watched us try to wake the kid up.
"Wouldn't he want to use him?" Simon realized.
"Bingo....So..... I wouldn't hurt him too much if I were you, Dino." Giano responded as he got ready for a nap. 
"Yah kid, wake up already…I'm begging you please" Simon was exhausted. 
"Great…now he is going to join us….just great." I said sarcastically as I kicked his leg.
"Yah Dino don't hit him anymore." Now Simon was all paranoid.
"Why don't we try a more delicate approach, huh?" He suggested. 
"Screw that." I gave up and walked out of the room, leaving Simon on his own.
Simon's Pov
"Come on kid....wake up. I have a family to feed you know, I can't let boss kill me." I told him in a desperate plead.
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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.