The Gangster

Chasing Rabbits

Myungsoo's Pov


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING? YAH.." I continued to yell, but she looked up with a blank face and then tilted her head a little.

"Oh…its the gangster…what are you doing here?"

She talked as if it was the most natural meeting between two people. Meanwhile, my heart was still racing from the scare she just gave me. I mean WHO DOES THAT? Jumping out of the trees like that....on an empty campus.

"YOU." I pointed as I recognized her from before. "What did you just call I'm not a gangster….Are you stalking me?" I asked with a shocked expression but her face was still blank…."Yes, I stalk gangsters for a living."


"I'm just kidding….relax would you." She told me causing me to scoff.

"Is this a time for you to be joking? What we're you doing?"

"I was chasing rabbits."

"What are you, 5?"

"So what were YOU doing, talking to campus bushes?" She responded.  She really knew how to tease with the most innocent expression ever. "I was not." I cleared my throat trying to appear cool, even though she was right about me talking to myself earlier.

"Oh…were the bushes talking to you? That's cool, I've always wanted to meet someone who could communicate with trees. hmm…ah ah hummm" I was about to scoff and respond sarcastically but her expression threw me off….something tells me she isn't actually being sarcastic…theres something really weird about this girl…

"Myungsoo!" We both heard the old man's body guards screaming for me. "Ah . I could have ran away if it wasn't for you." I told the strange girl. "Should I play dead?" She suggested throwing me off once again. "What."

"Yes, I faint you run away. Go!"

"What? No…I don't…" All of the sudden she dropped herself on the floor as the men approached. "Miss, are you okay?"

….uhh…I guess its time for me to go?….I reluctantly ran away since the situation had already come that far…..what in the world is this girl?….I tried to look back a few times as I ran away, wodering what had happened.


Ellie's Pov


"Ellie! Where where you? I was so worried." Nina finally found me a few moments later after the men were gone. I told them I was okay so they left. They were actually nice for being gangsters.

"Sorry I got distracted by gangsters and got lost." I felt bad for her looking for me. "Why didn't you anwer your phone?! I was about to call your parents." She said ignoring the fact that I mentioned gangsters, obviously she wasn't going to believe me, not like I was even trying at this point.

"Ellie! Don't do that again." She told me. "Sorry I won't. Ice cream?" I said cheerfully. "No. They closed already. Let's go home." Nina had enough for that day while I was still curious about the gangsters. I pouted and followed Nina, taking one last look at the premises to see if they were still around.


The next day, Nina and I went downstairs to have breakfast with my parents before they left for work. I was planning on staying home and continuing my story so I didn't dress up, unlike Nina who always dresses nice for everything. "Ellie. We have something to discuss with you." My mother told me. "Your dad and I consulted this with your therapist and we all agreed that it would be best for you to attend the University next semester. Its going to help you improve your interactions with other people."

"I thought you guys said home schooling was best for me."

"We did, but now you're older and you need to be exposed."

"Do I have a say in all of this?" I couldn't believe they were actually forcing me to attend.

 "No. You are going to study on campus. We already submitted your transcripts." My father added.

"What about what I want?!" I was irritated.

"You don't know what you want.!" My dad said angrily then continued. "How can you know when all you do is sit here at home to write little fantasy novels. Life doesn't work that way and it never will. Go study and have an actual career." I interrupted him "I'm enrolled in online courses for English. I'm going to be a writer, remember?" I argued. "That is not enough! What do you think I feel like when people ask me about my daughter? I can't ever introduce you to people because you make them think you're…." "I'm what…mentally insane…yes you've said that before. MANY TIMES."

"Honey, calm down." My mom was trying to alleviate the situation. "I'm sorry you couldn't have a normal daughter. You know you could have given me up for adoption long ago. " "Ellie. Don't say that!" My mother spoke before I left the dinner table and locked myself in my room.


"EW..don't talk to her. She's insane"

"She is coo coo HAHAHA"

"Why don't you go back to the mental hospital you crazy freak!" 

"Weirdoo Weirdoo Weirdoo~"

**End of Flashback***

All I could think of was when I actually attended school back in high school. I wasn't able to complete my first year there and had to do the remaining school years doing home study. I even had to switch teachers many times because they would get tired of me and my questions. Honestly, I may have purposely tried to annoy them. To test their patience. But as always, they didn't get paid enough to deal with me so they would quit. Most teacher's are idiots in my opinion, they teach things they don't even understand themselves.

 **Door knocking"

"Can I come in?" It was Nina. "Listen. I know what you're thinking right now. But I promise I'll try my best to be there. If any kid bothers you, you tell me and I'll make sure they don't touch you. We'll do this together okay? You have to trust me." My best friend tried to comfort me.

"That't it." I quickly stood up and went over to my desk to start my laptop. "What do you say?" Nina asked. "I'll think about it after I finish writing the first chapter of my new story."  "..sigh" Nina released a sigh of frustration at my behavior.

After a little bit of silence Nina changed the subject. "So what happens next? With the story. How does the girl reunite with the gangster?"

"Ah well….she was chasing rabbits one day, and suddenly she bumps into him."

"haha okaaay? And then what happens?"

"He still acts like an , but she saves him again from the gangsters."

"Again? Why would she help him when he's a jerk? It seems like he doesn't want her help at all." Nina added. "I don't know. I think its because she feels like theres something more to him than what he appears to be." I explained.

"Really? Isn't it just because he is cute? I mean its typical for the main girl to be nice to the main guy even though he is a jerk because she has a crush on him."

"…Eh…I don't think its like that…" I didn't know how to respond. He is kind of good looking...

"Have you thought about his appearance yet? You need to describe him in your story somehow. Make him look like your ideal type." Nina suggested.

"Uh well…he is kind of tall. But not really…he has dark hair and sharp eyes."

"Aww and what's his name?"

"I haven't asked him yet." I forgot to filter my words there.

"What?" Nina was confused.

"Err I mean..I haven't asked myself that question. I'm bad at thinking of names for my characters you know that."

"Yeah, how about we think of one tomorrow them? Should we sleep?" I took Nina's words and turned off my laptop.

..sigh….I really don't want to go to that school….I guess I have no choiceI closed my eyes and fell asleep.


Myungsoo's Pov


"So did you talk to your dad?" "He is not my dad." I corrected Sungyeol then continued. "He wants me to go to that school for rich kids. He is crazy." "Aigoo stop being so stubborn. Didn't you say you wanted to finish your business degree?"

"I do but out of my own pocket." ...."Just pay him back later. This is a great opportunity for you. You know not just anyone can get into that school." Yeol tried to convince me. "…and the girls have you thought of the GIRLS in that school….I'm jealous man." …"Yah.." I playfully kicked him.

"What…I bet the girls there are gorgeous."…"Pfft yeah right…" I suddenly thought of what happened earlier. That girl almost gave me a heart attack….I don't get why she did that again and helped me escape. She really didn't have to…and what was with that attitude earlier, was she trying to tease me? Urgh…..

"….Umm Myungsoo?…Helloo? You're spacing out..OH MY GOD are you okay? Earth….EARTH to friend…I think aliens took over your brain again.."

"Shut up Sungyeol." I told him. "You're thinking of the girls aren't you?" He smirked.  "Why don't you do something useful and hand me a banana." I told him as response. "Yes, boss." He said playfully and grabbed me one from the kitchen…..I love bananas…

A few days passed and there was no sight of my father or his bodyguards. I thought maybe they decided to leave me alone. Yet, during those days I thought hard about what exactly I wanted to do with my future. Perhaps it helped that I was fired…again…from my new job. I know my temper isn't good but maybe thats because I'm not in the place where I want to be. It crossed my mind that going to college was the better choice….Aish..those people haven't come to ask me again, urgh who wants to be in debt with them anyway.. I know I had too much pride to accept the help.

"Hey Myungsoo, theres something in the mail for you. How do they know you live here, weird." Sungyeol handed the letter to me. I quickly opened it already assuming it was from the old man. Who else would know I'm here.



I hope you've used this time to think carefully about your future. No one is trying to tell you what to do. The choice is on you. Today is the last day to submit the paperwork for the fall semester. Here are the documents attached, you will need to take them there yourself. Remember, it is you who will make the final decision.

Good Luck,


"What is it?" Sungyeol tried to read behind my shoulder. "..all this is due today?! We need to get started on this paperwork. I'll get us some pens." Yeol already assumed that I had accepted….maybe this is it…."HURRY UP MAN" He yelled and handed me a pen to signal me to start filling up the forms. A few hours later I headed over to submit the forms and just like that, I knew my life would change forever….I can't believe I'm doing this.



"WE DID IT!" Sungyeol gave me a high five when we exited the office building. "Thanks Yeol." I smiled. "Now you need to find me some girls and then I'll be good to go." He joked. "But ramen first?" I suggested and he agreed. "Oh wait." I stopped for a minute to look at the plants and bushes along the walkway.

"What are you looking at?" Sungyeol was confused.
At that moment I didn't know what I was actually looking for in those bushes; Rabbits or that girl….She probably goes to this school….I scratched the back of my head, confused at my own actions. "What wrong?" Yeol asked but I just ignored it and went on.


Ellie's Pov

"You still have no progress on that story? Its been days already. What's wrong, you aren't usually this slow at writing." Nina really wanted to know the continuation of my romantic fic. "I'm thinking carefully about it, I'm taking my time." I said as an excuse. Truth is, I wasn't able to write anything on it because I simply had no idea what was going to happened, this fic isn't exactly fiction….or is it….

"You didn't even think of a name for the guy?" .."Nope" …sigh…

"By the way, classes starts next week, are you ready?" Nina said.

"I'm so excited." I said in the most serious voice I could make.

"Oh come on, you don't have to be so sarcastic." Nina scolded me but I really wasn't excited.


**First day of classes**

Myungsoo's Pov

Well here I am. It's so weird that the old man hasn't said anything yet. Perhaps he understood me wanting him to leave me alone…Still though…Its not like him not to say I was right about you wanting to go to collage or something like that. Oh well.

I took a deep breath and headed towards the building where my first class would be at. I had already studied the map of the school because I wasn't going to look like a lost fool on my first day, that's embarrassing. "Hi!" I heard a few girl voices calling me. "Are you new?" ….great…annoying girls….."Yes." I slightly smiled. "What grade are you in?" .."Third semester."…"wahhh thats the same as us, hey maybe we have classes together." "Should I give you a tour of the school?" .." thanks."…No way….

"What's your name, here..let me give you my number in case anything happens okay..I can help." .."I can help too!" The girls were obviously fighting to get my attention….ugly…ugly….ugly….why are they wearing so much make up…and why are they squealing and not speaking like humans….total airheads….gross… I thought as I tried to nicely get rid of them. After they finally let me off, I walked into the first class. It was a math class which I had no problem with. My grades can be good as long as study enough.

I sat in class trying to get used to the idea of school again. I just wasn't used to it….and those stupid girls need to stop staring at me every 5 seconds. I glanced to the other side of the room and caught them starting. They even winked at me which made me sick to my stomach. …This is why I like older girls…mature, self-sufficient girls who have some self respect. Its weird but I could hear Sungyeol lecturing me in my head. "Stop being so self righteous man, you aren't ever gonna get a girlfriend like that." ……..shut up Yeol....I spoke to him in my head.



Ellie's Pov

"So this is the thing, all my classes are in that building over there" Nina pointed towards a very far away place. Because she was in the science department, her classes where apart from mine. "That's far." I said. .."But don't worry, I'll meet you as soon as I get out." She said …"But our lunch breaks don't even match." .."I know, but still…we'll find some time. Ah I have to go, remember everything I told you. Smile, be friendly and everything will be okay."

"Yup." I nodded my head.

"No talking to people about building spaceships."


"No talking about aliens and parallel universes."


"Don't ask people for they're birth dates."

"I can't even do that?" My eyes widened.

"No. You are gonna start telling them about which planet they belong to and that stuff."

"Okay." I sulked a little.

"Don't space out too much, focus on the people around you and don't start arguments. Its not too hard. Just be nice okay? Hwaiting!" Nina said before leaving. I smiled and waved goodbye as I watched her run to her class… and be friendly….It can't be too hard. I took a deep breathe and walked in the classroom.

"What's up girl, are you new?" Some girls approached my desk. I gulped at the attention. They looked like popular girls…"Uh yeah." I smiled and then told them my name. "This is Tina and I'm Lara." They seemed friendly but I had my doubts. They sat next to me which made me very nervous….what if they notice im weird…are they going to make fun of me?…"You're weird." Tina laughed….here we go…I gulped. "You don't seem like the quiet type but I guess you are." She giggled. "Maybe she's just shy." Lara's smile made me uncomfortable.

Suddenly, a boy entered the room which made everyone look. "Sunggyu!" Some of the girls started to squeal. Then Tina and Lara, directed their attention back to me. "Stay that way." Lara said that as a threat before going over to greet this Gyu guy…..great….how long have I been in this class? It hasn't even started and I'm already threatened…

Is it because of this guy? Those girls look like they're interested in him….I stared at my surroundings and listened to their conversations….Is he that attractive?…...its probably because he has the bad boy type…I tilted my head as a stared at him trying to figure out what these girls saw in him. What's with the weird red hair color?  It didn't take long for him to notice my stares, I didn't think he would notice since every single girl in the classroom was starting at him, but he did. As he walked over to my desk, I could feel the other girls shooting darts at me with their eyes. "Hi." Sunggyu smiled widely and sat on the chair to face me closer. "I noticed you staring at me. Why could that be?"  "Umm you have an interesting hair style." My honesty was coming out.

"Ahaha do you like it?" He asked with a snobbish smile.  "No. I mean yes! " I forgot to filter my words again and that could have cost me my life. I could hear gasps around the classroom and gossiping....Stupid Ellie what did you just do, don't speak from your mind you idiot! I scolded myself.

"Did she just say that to Sunggyu?" The people in the class started whispering.

"..what?" Sunggyu smiled in disbelief…

..has no one mentioned that to him? that bright red color looks strange…

"Hey Sunggyu.." another boy in the class approached him and whispered. "I think this girl just dissed you."

"Sorry." I apologized even if It wasn't sincere.

"What's your name?" He asked me.


"I like you Ellie." He said followed by a smirk.

......Ellie....I think you just digged your own grave. If I was capable of, I would have punched myself right then and there.


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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.