The Cyborg

Chasing Rabbits

Sunggyu's Pov

"Batman is the best!"

"Come back to us!"

Batman hwaiting!! Your fans are waiting!"

I went to the computer lab after class to read about this batman blog that someone made. I was going through the most recent comments.

"Batman, where are youuuu comeback."

"Is this a fan club?!!"

…..I'm not coming back, Batman doesn't exist you guys.

I kept reading half amused and half frustrated. It was kind of nice having fans, except having fans over this batman thing is kind was ridiculous.

As I was reading the forum, I found a thread titled. "What does Batman look like?" I immediately went to see what it said since people trying to find out who I am, makes me nervous. It was a close one with Woohyun earlier.


"What are you doing?"

"I'm googling this Batman guy."


 "What?" My friend was alerted after I deperately called his name.

 "Go get me a banana before I go crazy."

 "Aish go get it yourself, I'm busy."

"No, Woohyun. I really need a banana right now.

"Like this instant?"


"Ah well, the cafeteria is that way." He pointed.

 "Wooohyunnnn please come onnn" I had to resort to aegyo.

"Aigoo, okay. I'll go get it for you." Woohyun pet my hair and then went to buy it.

….phew….I sighed as I successfully distracted him from that blog.

**End of Flashback**

I started reading that thread and different people posted different things.
"He is kind of short."…..yah
"Maybe a little chubby." …yah!
"Really? He looked tall and skinny to me"…..thats more like it.
"He must have dark and short hair."……wrong….
"I think it was kind of brown." …..wrong…
"I'm pretty sure he had red hair guys."…..oh uh
"Red hair? Are you sure?"
"Yes, I saw a little bit. But it was at night so I don't know."
"I saw dark brown hair!"

The commenters kept arguing over my hair color…..Now that i think about it, I been lucky that only one person has noticed my red hair color. Its too distinctive it can get dangerous. Sunggyu…you know what to do. I told myself, trying hard not to get found out….It won't matter anyways since I quit…but just in case.


Nina's Pov

Arghhh! I'm still so pissed! What an arrogant ! I couldn't stop thinking about our argument earlier, it was even hard to concentrate in class.


"Don't even think about it." He was too fast and caught my arm when I was about to slap him. I kept thinking of him grabbing my arm for some reason…was it because of the contact?…Argh It must be because I'm so pissed. I should have kicked him instead…I stomped my feet on the ground. It would be great if Batman could teach this guy a lesson…but he's….gone….I sulked on my desk, still paying no attention to the class.




Ellie's Pov

After my class, Myungsoo told me to meet him at the library. He wanted us to "study" together. Once I got there I couldn't find him anywhere so I texted him. "I can't find you." "Look harder!" …Aishh is he playing hide and seek….Let's see where could he be…I looked around the tables. It must be somewhere away from all the people. I kept walking to a spot which I know is usually empty….THERE! yes! Success!! I found him but he hadn't noticed me yet. I slowly approached him without making a sound. He was busy looking at his phone so he had no idea I was behind him. I covered his eyes waiting for him to guess who I was…...This is like preschool kekeke…."Yah Ellie" He obviously guessed right away but as a twist I didn't let go nor did I say anything."Ellie? Come on I know its you!" He tried to get my hands of his eyes but I pressed harder. "Yah! Let go!" "Never. Muahaha" I laughed and pressed harder. "What kind of game is this?" Myungsoo sounded somewhat annoyed so I let go and laughed. "hahaha" …"Very funny." He said sarcastically.

"So, what's up?" I changed the topic and sat down in front of him. "We eat lunch." Myungsoo pulled out a huge bento from his bag and placed it on the table. My eyes widened by the multi layered box. "Wow." My jaw slightly dropped. "But Myungsoo" I told him as he was about to open up the box. "hm?"…."Aren't we not supposed to eat in the library?" "But there's no one here, they won't know." He winked and then continue to open the boxes….He needs to stop winking like that….I thought as I was left speechless after it. "There's steamed rice, friend rice, sushi rolls, egg rolls, vegetables, and omurice." He smiled proudly. "You made all of this?" I asked in awe as I looked at the banquet before me. "Yup." he nodded. "This is amazing." I said still looking at the food on the table. My mouth was starting to water so I automatically grabbed the chopsticks and started eating carelessly.


Myungsoo's Pov

Yes! She liked it!…..I worked so hard on it too….


Why are you making so much noise?!" Sungyeol come out of his room. "I CANT FIND THAT BENTO BOX"

"It's not there, it's on the cabinet on the right."

"OH! YES! Found it."

"What are you doing?" My friend asked.

"Packing lunch for tomorrow." I told him.

"Lunch for how many?" Sungyeol raised an eyebrow.

"Where are the carrots?!" I was searching through the fridge.

"Last drawer. Lunch for two?"

"What about the eggs, THERES NO EGGS?! HOW CAN WE RUN OUT OF…"

"There still wrapped in the grocery bag…right there." Sungyeol pointed.

"Oh." I exhaled in relief.

"Are you doing this for Ellie? Aigooo my Myungsoo is growing up."Sungyeol stared teasing.

"Sungyeol come over here HURRY!!"

"What now?"

"Its going to break, hurry, flip this." I said referring the omelet on the pan."

"Aish, I told you many times, you take the spatula and like this **flips** "Bang! Done."

"Woah…thanks Yeol!" I told him and continued to do the cooking.

** End of flashback**

When Ellie was about to eat from the sushi roll, she began to examine it closely. I knew right away what she was looking for. "Don't worry, there's no cucumber." I assured her. "Huh? How did you know?" She looked at me confused. "You told me before, you don't remember?" …"You still remember?" "Of course." I softly smiled and I could tell she was a little bit flustered. It's like she found it weird I would pay attention to such thing. "So…Is there anything else you don't like, so I can know for next time?" I asked. "Hmm…not really…oh! pineapple! I hate pineapple!" …"Really?! Hahaha. Okay then." "What about you?" She asked with curiosity. "Hmm…pickles…I can't stand pickles." I told her. "Haha interesting." She laughed as we both finished out meals. We ate the whole thing, although I think Ellie ate most of it. We were having such a good moment I forgot about the time.

"Myungsoo…don't you have class?!" Ellie panicked as she looked at my watch. She felt comfortable enough to grab my arm so she could see my watch. It secretly made me smile. "Oh…right…" It started in five minutes but I really didn't wanna go. "Let's go! Hurry!" Ellie started picking up the bento compartments and cleaning out the chopsticks. She also reached over and grabbed my bag so she could place the box back. I don't know why her worrying so much whether I make it to my class or not, made me so happy. "Done." Ellie said when she finished picking everything up. It really took her like 1 minute which was impressive. I stood up slowly because I wanted time to go slower rather than quickly.

"Let's go!" She grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the library. I happily let her drag me around. My class was right next to the library so she stopped when we got near the place. "Go to class." She was panting from the running. "I shall." I smiled and began walking away. "Oh wait, Myungsoo!!" Ellie yelled before I disappeared. I turned around and she ran to where I was. "huh?"…"Myungsoo….Thanks for the lunch, it was delicious." She smiled widely and gave a thumbs up. I didn't say anything back because It was hard holding back my smile. "Anyway, have fun in class, byee!" She said quicky before she turned around to leave. However, I grabbed her hand from the back to stop her. When she felt my hand she stopped and slowly turned around. Me, on the other hand, I hadn't thought about what I was gonna say, I simply didn't want her to leave.

"Uh…I…." I was at a loss of words. Ellie slowly turned her gaze downwards to were our hands where. We weren't even tightly grabbing hands, it was more of a light touch. But the way they both softly held together, suggested that they were they were meant to be.

"I'll be…waiting…after your class…text me when you're out." I told her finally. "Okay." Was the only thing she said as she kept looking down at our hands. Her stare made me wonder if it made her uncomfortable or not, so I slowly let go. "See ya." I said super quickly and then ran to my class. I admit , I kind of ran away because of embarrassment….why did you do that Myungsoo! Aish! Maybe that's too soon for her…you have to go slow like Sungyeol said  asihh….I scolded myself.





Sunggyu's Pov

"Wow Sunggyu, what happened to your hair?" Woohyun asked the moment he saw me. "Nothing much." "You got rid of your red hair! OH MAI GOD" …"Shut up Woohyun." "But you used to love your red hair, what happened? It's all brown now." "I got tired of it." I lied. Honestly, that was me trying not to get people suspecting me of Batman because of my hair. "Wait until the others hear about this." Woohyun teased. "What are you doing?" I asked him when he got his phone out and took a picture of me. "I'm telling the other guys, wait until they hear about this. "Yah! Give me that!" I tried to get the phone from Woohyun but he had already sent my photo on a message to Hoya, Dongwoo, and Sungjong. Almost immediately I began to get text messages sent to my own phone.

"Aww our handsome leader, you're the best! xD" - Dongwoo.
"You look human again." - Hoya
"I always said this brown color suits you the best :) " -Sungjong.

Fine, I admit it. Their encouraging messages made me smile….So I still look handsome right?…that was good to know. "Should we go home then?" "Let's go." I told him and we began walking towards the exit when suddenly…."HEYYY NINAAA" Woohyun yelled out….urgh you got to be kidding me….I hate this girl.

"Oh, hi Woohyun." She smiled at him before she noticed me and then rolled her eyes, deciding to ignore me. "Are you on your way home?" Woohyun asked her. "Yeah." "You can't possibly be thinking on going on your own at this late hour. We'll walk you home." ….we?! who is we?…."a haha no no thanks, I'm fine on my own." "But it's dangerous! Right Gyu?" He turned to me and I ignored them and made my way out of there..….He can walk her home if he wants, not me…."Hey wait!!" I could hear Woohyun call me.


Nina's Pov

I almost didn't recognize Sunggyu earlier with his change of hairstyle. He looks more normal this way, but he is still as mean. I don't understand why Woohyun is his friend…."Wait here, Nina, I'm gonna go stop him." "No, Woohyun it's okay…i'll just…" He left and didn't let me finish my sentence…..Sorry Woohyun, but there's no way I'm walking home with him…I another street and disappeared from their sight.


Woohyun's Pov

"Why are you being like this? Are you really gonna let a girl walk home at night? You know how dangerous these streets are! Would you let go of your pride for 10 minutes?!" I scolded Sunggyu. "I'm not stoping you from doing whatever you want, go and walk her yourself. Just leave me alone Woohyun!" "Yah!" "Besides…she already left." He pointed towards where I left her. "Aish!" I said before running back to try and find her.


Sunggyu's Pov

I can't stand that girl, she can walk home herself. I can care less. I thought to myself as I made my way home. Woohyun had already left and I wasn't going to wait for him either. Several minutes later, as I was walking I came across a group of hooligans standing on the side of the street. They looked like they were planning some sort of vicious act. I immediately stopped on my tracks and began to think back. ….. "Are you really gonna let a girl walk home at night? You know how dangerous these streets are!"…..Urgh! why do I care…I shook my head and began walking again……Besides, Woohyun is probably with her, Woohyun can handle it…Yup…it's nothing I should concern myself about…

**Phone call from Woohyun**

"What." I answered grumpily.

"I'm gonna tell the other guys about this so they give you a scolding." He threatened.

"Whatever." I pretended to be cool. "I couldn't find Nina. So if anything happens, I really hope not, it's all gonna be your fault."

"Okay Woohyun, are you done?"

"Yes, I'm done." He hung up the phone…

..and now Woohyun is mad at me…It happens sometimes, It's not like its the first time he gets mad at me. But still, it bothers me every time.

……"Are you really gonna let a girl walk home at night? You know how dangerous these streets are!"……."So if anything happens, it's all gonna be your fault."….....…ARGHHH!! WHY WHY WHY ME! ....I turned around and went to look for that damn girl.







Ellie's Pov

I kept looking at the clock to see when class would end. I wanted it to end so bad…..sigh….30 minutes…..For the whole duration of the class, I had three things on my mind: Myungsoo, Myungsoo, and then more Myungsoo. I didn't understand why he did that earlier, I mean he could have held my arm like he always does, but he held my hand instead. It was the same feeling as when he also played with my hand while I was sleeping at Sunggyu's house. It's not like I had anything against it, in fact…who am I lying to, I like it so much I wish he did it again.

I stared at my own hand for the majority of the time. When our hands touch, it feels like falling into a gate to another universe. Kind of like the one I just wrote about on my online story #14. You lose all sense of being and……"Ellie…."….."huh?" I got startled when I heard my name. It was the professor calling for me. "What do you think the answer is?"…."Oh…uhhh….I don't know." I was completely lost. After being scolded by the professor, I finally packed my books and got ready to leave.

….Myungsoo will be waiting outside….wait Ellie…Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? I stopped in the middle of the hallway to question myself. I stared at my own hand again. Did  he give me a disease or why am I like this. Impossible….I shook my head…maybe I'm having some kind of hormone problem….thats it! I clapped my hands together right before I felt my phone vibrate.

Myungsoo: "Are you out yet?!"
Ellie: Yep

...….Out of my mind…



Myungsoo's Pov

….Aish I hope I didn't make it awkward for her earlier. Why did you do that stupid, you could have waited….I scolded myself. I just couldn't help myself, I just wanted to hold her so bad. I exhaled and waited patiently for her to finish class. Just do what Sungyeol said, with girls like Ellie, you gotta go slow and get to really know her first, otherwise she may pull away. You don't want that to happen do you?…I was determined on doing everything the right way…..just make her feel comfortable around you first…..

"Boo!" I heard someone behind me. "AHH Yah…uh…Hi Ellie." I was about to throw a fit from the sudden scare but then I remembered my decision to make her feel 'comfortable'. "Did I scare you?" She asked with a smile to which I had no answer to….Why are you so pretty?….."Did I scare you? huh? I did didn't I?" She kept asking. "Uh…yeah…You did."

"Huh? You're admitting it, what's wrong?" She already noticed I was acting different. "Nothing…"…What the hell, get it together Myungsoo…this is harder than I thought….Just be cool…be cool…

"Anyway, let's go?" I signaled her to start walking and she took a few steps in front of me. "Ahem…so…how was class?" I asked casually, wanting to just have a normal conversation.


Ellie's Pov

"Class was alright, I guess." I told him even though I had no clue what it even was about. All I did was space out, thanks to him. I was trying my best to act like my normal self around him. "I see…sigh…I'm hungry." He said. "Hungry? But we just ate not that long ago." "That was like 2 hours ago."…"It's a good thing I pack these things." I said as I pulled a banana out of my book bag.

….I need to confirm if I have a hormone problem or not….I thought if I accidentally touched his hand while handing him the fruit, I would be able to confirm that feeling one more time…I held my arm to hand it to him, while holding it in the middle so that his hand would be forced to touch mine.


Myungsoo's Pov

….Bananas….everytime she does this…I just want to hug and ki….stop it Myungsoo! Control yourself….I awkwardly grabbed the banana from her in the best way possible, without making any hand contact. "YES! Thank you!" I said excitedly. "I hope that's enough." "Yup, this is all I needed." I told her before eating the snack. "

"So, Ellie…" I suddenly thought of something normal to ask her.


"When you become a writer, are you gonna let me read your stories?"

"Of course. I would like everyone to read my stories." She said happily.

"And what are you gonna write about?" I asked.

"Action and fantasy." She nodded with determination in her eyes.

"Who's your favorite superhero?" Ellie suddenly asked.


"Superman? Batman? Spiderman…hmmm the hulk?!"

"No….its actually…." I stopped just to look at her face full of anticipation.

"Who is it?"


"Iron man."

"Ah! Yes!! High five!" She jumped up and down, overly excited.


Ellie's Pov

A high five…that was the perfect opportunity to touch the palm of his hand and confirm if I have a hormone problem or not. I held my hand up for him to reach it but he awkwardly hesitated so I pushed my hand forward more. When our hands came into contact he quickly pulled it away…...that was way too quick to even feel anything…

"Hahaha so you like Iron man too? That's cool." He laughed.

"Yup, well actually I like all superheroes." I explained.

"I figured since thats all you ever talk about."

"Well, they're all there is to talk about." He teased so I defended.

"So super humans doing heroic actions.."

"Yup, well some of them are aliens or half human half cyborg, things like that." I was getting to into it.

"Like me?"


"Yeah I'm half cyborg remember? That's what you and Sungyeol said." He recalled.

"AH right, so you finally admit it?"

"Maybe, I mean I AM too awesome to be just human."

…..maybe he IS a cyborg…and his hand has bionic arteries and thats why I get those vibrations every time he touches me…..right Ellie…keep telling yourself that….I knew I was being way to imaginative, although possible. I mean you never know.

"Right…or a mutant, you do look like one."

"YAH! I do not!"

….Contrary to public belief, mutants don't necessarily have to be ugly. They can be hybrid, part human part elf cyborgs that somehow fuse and then you get something that looks like Myungsoo…

"How can you tell a person he looks like a mutant. That's just flat mean. Besides, I don't look like a monster, I mean what part of me exactly makes you think of a mutant, tell me."

"hahahaha" I just laughed at his reaction. I guess he got too offended.

"But I was just kidding." I smiled… look better than any half human half cyborg can ever look…

"Really? Were you? Cause I rather look like a cyborg than a mutant." Myungsoo was actually enjoying the conversation.

"You could be a mutant trapped in a cyborg's body." I saved myself there.

"Ohh…I get it.." He sounded pleased with my answer.


Myungsoo's Pov

….Cyborgs are handsome right?….All my life, people have praised me about my looks, however the way Ellie is, it makes it so hard to figure out what she actually thinks of me. If she is into supernatural creatures, then what exactly is handsome to her?…In other words, all my worries were if she actually finds me attractive or not.

"So….what are cyborgs like?" I asked looking for a deep answer.

"Cyborgs….well that depends on what kind of cyborg."

"What kinds of cyborgs are there?"

"Many, there are some that are created in this planet by humans, others which are extraterrestrial and then transferred over to the earth. Some can live on earth and some in outer space. Every galaxy has some kind of cyborg creature."

Even though it wasn't the answer I wanted, I was somehow curious by what she said.

"You really are an expert." I said in awe.


We were still walking home when Ellie suddenly dropped her phone. She didn't really noticed it falling so I stopped to pick it up.

"Hey, you dropped your phone." I informed.

"Oh. My bad." She suddenly reached over to slowly take it from my hand but for some reason I didn't let go of the phone right away and likewise, she didn't pull the phone away.

….why is she making this simple action so awkward? I though before I took it to another level and made it even more awkward. I tightened my grasp and locked her hand which was grabbing the phone, with mine. Ellie automatically tried to break free but I held it with more force.

I was really trying to do what Sungyeol said about taking baby steps but i just couldn't help it. I mean her hand was right there and she was taking her time, giving me the perfect opportunity to just grab it.


Ellie's Pov

…I'm sorry phone…I said before I purposely let go of it. It was my third and last attempt to get us to make hand contact. When he tightened his hand I knew I was in deep…deep trouble.

"Uhh…" I leaned back to try to get away….Its that feeling again…it's like its magnetic or something!! You MUST break free Ellie!

"Yah! Let go you cyborg!"

"Muahaha" He laughed devilishly.

"Get your bionic……radioactive…..diseased….hand…off..." I spoke as I tried to apply more force against him.

"Never." He said calmly and with a smirk on his face.

What were you thinking Ellie, you know Myungsoo is like one of those carnivore plants, every time you get close, he grabs you.  I thought as I panicked and tried to get away from his grasp.

I did the only self defense I could think of against Myungsoo which is stepping on his foot. Although I know that always fails. But, since he was busy grabbing my hand, he wouldn't be able to defend himself.

"Yah…you can't step on me!" He said when he noticed me stomping my feet on the ground. Myungsoo jumped around, making me jump with him. It was all a chaos until a motorcycle came out of nowhere and made it seem like he was going to run us over. Myungsoo immediately pulled me to the side, not holding me just by the hand, but in his arms.

When the motorcycle was gone, we were both glued on to each other like time had frozen. I didn't say anything and neither did he, as we stared into each other's eyes. At that point heart was pounding so loudly I was afraid he was gonna hear it.








Nina's Pov

…How can a person be so rude...tsk…I was still thinking about Sunggyu even after I've left. On my way home, all I could think about was ways to get back at him…..He still bullied Ellie even though she's decided to forgive him. You can't just bully my best friend, and more knowing how Ellie is so sensitive with bullying. She went through a lot when she was younger, and I'm not gonna let this happen again. I'm gonna make you regret this Sunggyu…I was determined.

"Hey beautiful." An unfamiliar guy came out of nowhere and stopped me from walking…..oh no….."Excuse me." I tried to walk past him but he got in my way. "Where are you going?" He smirked as I tried to go the other way but he pulled me by my bag. "You can't leave so soon." His voice sounded threatening and by now, I knew I was in trouble. Alone and with no one around…..Batma…no….no Nina…you have to defend yourself too. You can't just stand and let this guy do whatever he wants. I tried to brainwash myself even though I was extremely scared.

"Leave me alone!" I kicked him where it most hurts…"AHHHH you B****" "You @$!#% !!" I yelled and kicked him again until he was on the ground. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" He got up too quickly and grabbed my arm…..oh uh…what did I get myself into…."You're coming with me now." He said before he started dragging me. "NO! Leave me alone!" I tried to break free but he slapped me with his other arm…..It's over Nina, you're done for.


Sunggyu's Pov

Since I do have a conscience, unfortunately. I had to follow the psycho home just so I could live with myself. Of course I hid myself as I followed so that she wouldn't see me. Its not like I was gonna go up to her and say, hey let me walk you home….that would be ridiculous. Anyway, as I was hiding along the way. I noticed a guy stop her, Woohyun was right after all. I mean it was to be expected, a pretty girl like her walking alone at night on a street like this….but she's a psycho nonetheless.

 I was preparing myself to go and beat that guy up when I saw her kicked him hard. "You @$!#% !"….wow….okay….that was unexpected….It was like she turned super saiyan all of a sudden. She does seem to have a double personality…I noticed her fearless attitude went downhill as the guy grabbed her. When he slapped her, I rapidly made an appearance. Wearing my face mask because I wasn't gonna let her recognize me.

Nina's Pov

Was I dreaming?….No…I wasn't it was….it was…BATMAN!!! He appeared out of nowhere again and punched the guy a few times until he ran away. Since Batman ran after him, I did as well.

I can't believe this is happening…Batman is back! I celebrated as I followed after him. He caught the guy again and punched him a few more times, it's like he didn't get enough from just making him run away. I don't know why, but Batman could have let him go after the guy decided to run, but its like he was raging or something. When he had the guy on the ground, they seemed to have landed near some garbage can, giving the other guy a chance to grab a glass bottle and sma against Batman. ….Oh no! "Watch out!" I tried to alert him but it was too late. He had managed to dodge the blow but as a result he had fallen backwards hitting his head on a metal container. The guy then caught him and punched him a few times until I went ahead and found something to hit him with. I wasn't gonna let this guy beat my Batman! "Get off him!" I grabbed another glass bottle and threw it at him, causing him to hiss before running away at last.


Sunggyu's Pov

Man…I lost my balance…It's like I lost practice or something. I was more defeated by the fact that I couldn't dodge the bottle without falling down….But ouch…that's gonna leave a bruise on my head…I thought as I stood there motionless…..sigh…When the guy approached me again to give me some punches, Nina appeared and threw a bottle right at him……uhm……."Get off him!" She yelled fearlessly, even though she was scared earlier. Who is she trying to fool?….I was secretly amused as I was just lying there, trying to regain my strength to get up and leave before she recognized me.

When the guy had completely disappeared I figured it was a good time for me to leave, but when I tried to get up I was pulled back by my shoulder that was in pain from earlier….Ouuu….ouch…ouch….

"Batman!!" Nina's gaze was now set on me as she ran to kneel down to face me…..urgh…get away…no…"Are you okay?" She looked worried.
I tried not to speak so much as she could recognize my voice, so I made a gesture with my hands, indicating that I was okay. I slowly stood up and was about to leave, when Nina stopped me. "Wait!!" She said as she got to close to an uncomfortable distance.

I could have brushed her off but I was still leaning on the metal container, In other words, I was trapped in between her and the container. "Um…I just….I just wanted to say…" She got closer and closer as she spoke, making me lean completely against the metal surface…..what is she doing…yah…"I wanted to say…thank you." She smiled…..phew….okay now….go away…."and also…." She continued to speak, but instead of getting away she got closer and closer and so close I couldn't even breathe comfortably. Good thing is I have the mas..k…wait what is she doing!!! I panicked inside when she pulled up just the bottom half of my mask, got on her tiptoes and….k kk.k .kk kkkii kisssss?????!!! I froze…what..just….I saw her quickly ran towards Ellie's house and went in, without even looking back once. Meanwhile, my mouth was hanging open like….ddd dd ddid she just….how….what…yah….My phone rang but I didn't hear it at all, It was like my ears were blocked off by the sound of some …bells. *Phone rings*….."Hello?" I didn't even look at the caller id and just answered in the shock state that I was.

"Sunggyu, where are you? Should we go get you?" It was Bob. "I don't know what just happened…."  "What happened? Are you safe, where are you?" My bodyguard was over reacting as always. "….I hit my head."
"Are you badly hurt?! Tell me where you are." "I wouldn't say hurt……Honestly I didn't even know what I was saying. "I'm fine, Bob. I'm kidding. I'm on my way home already. Stop bothering me!" I said and hung up. Get yourself together Sunggyu, just breathe and walk….breathe and walk…I took off my mask and made my way home.







Myungsoo's Pov

Ellie was right there….so close…me holding her on the side of the street. A million ideas came through my mind but I wanted to restrainmyself. I just didn't think it was the right timing, and even though I wanted to kiss her right there it would have been awkward…At least that's what I thought at first. I didn't realize I never let go of her hand. Since when we were playing around earlier until now, our hands never let go. Ellie was no longer trying to get away, now it felt like she was also holding it back.

"That…that was close." She said referring to the motorcycle that almost ran us over. "Yeah….very….close…" I said slowly but referring to the distance between us. I rested my forehead against hers in a playful manner. Seeing that she would move or tried to get away from me, I was just about to attempt something else, slowly bringing my face down just a bit more, I titled it in hopes of kissing her on the lips…forget what Sungyeol says.....I thought. When she saw that coming, I felt the grip on her hand tighten, it was the perfect moment that was about to be ruined by some passerby. "Get a room you guys!" He teased as he walked passed us. Ellie and I immediately broke away from each other upon hearing the stranger's voice. It just made it so awkward. "Cough….Uhm…."…"Uh…" Neither of us knew what to say next.

Ellie's Pov

It's confirmed…I have a hormone problem…I'm broken…..My heart was about ready to break out of its ribcage. "We should get going then?" Myungsoo scratched the back of his neck and then continued to walk. "Uh yeah.." I followed. "Oh, here's your phone." He handed it back to me since he still had it. …"OH…thanks…" I grabbed it quickly and put it in my bag.

As we were started walking again, it got quiet between us. Myungsoo kept looking towards the front without making any eye contact and me, well I kept staring at his hand as he walked.

….Its like….his hand gives me this sense of comfort, I can't even describe it, I tilted my head as I went into deep thought about it. Little did I know, that soon he would notice where my eyes had been on the hole time.

He stopped walking and stared at his own hand and then at mine. Without even saying a single word, he slowly extended it, inviting me to hold it. After a few blinks I returned the gesture. Soon, our hands were joined once again. This time, it was in complete agreemnet.

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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.