The Pirate

Chasing Rabbits

Ellie's Pov


"I like you, Ellie." Sunggyu smirked and went away to the other corner of the classroom.
…I'm such an idiot…I could have lied,  Im supposed to be acting nice so that this school thing goes smoothly…Aishh… I looked around and saw several glares from girls.

After the first two classes were over it was lunch time. Nina had a class so I was on my own. I thought It would be a good idea to just buy my food and eat outside by the trees. That way no one would bother me. But that didn't happen. Unfortunately the blood red hair boy bumped into me while buying food, and because I'm supposed to be nice to everyone I had to accept his offer to go eat lunch with him and his friends.

Tina and Lara where there, each sitting on each side of Sunggyu. They were laughing and acting cute, while occasionally sending me glares….this is so uncomfortable…"So Ellie…what do wanna be when you grow up?" He asked me in almost a mocking tone.

"A writer."…"A writer huh…and what are you gonna write about, hairstyles?" The guy was obviously butthurt over my previous comment. Which was kind of rude I admit. "Not…exactly." I laughed nervously. "Relax. I'm just playing. I'm not a bully here. Right girls." He turned to Tina and Lara and they both nodded with fake smiles on their faces….right…can I get out of here now?…I looked at the clock and luckily It was almost time to get up to go to the next class.

"Well girls, it was nice having lunch with you. Go on to your classes now." Sunggyu told the other two….."Bye my dear." They both kissed him on the cheek before leaving us two, of course not forgetting to send me one last glare as they departed. "Time for me to go." I smiled and stood up quickly. "So..whats your next class?" He asked. "Communications at room 410." I replied. "Ah how lucky. I'm in that class too." He smirked…..shoot me….

After we arrived to class together, he went over to greet some friends and completely ignored my presence after that. Not that I'm complaining in any way. Right when the class was about to begin, another person came in late. A familiar person. The gangster.

I looked at him intently trying to communicate with my eyes, but he only glanced at me and pretended I didn't exist. I scoffed and purposely stared at him some more as the other girls in the class went crazy over him. "Omo who are you, handsome."…"woahh he is so cute!" "Is he new?" "Whats your name?" I heard a girl ask but I was too far away to listen to what he said. Luckily, a girl repeated it. "Ah Myungsoo is it. Welcome to the class." She said cheerfully… that's his name.

As I stared at him, I noticed his gaze was set on someone. Sunggyu. I looked over at the red haired boy to see what his reaction would be. It was scary. Like seeing two opponents about to fight a war….do they know each other?……I stared at both before realizing I was being to nosy…..Weird. Maybe Sunggyu is part of another gang.

After class was over, both Sunggyu and Myungsoo left the classroom in a rush. Both looking angry. I shrugged and went towards the library…... gangsters….



Myungsoo's Pov

I can't believe I ended up in the same class as him. Is this punishment?

"Hey little brother!." I heard Sunggyu behind me, we were already outside the building. "What do you want?" I asked aggressively…"No, thats my question. What do YOU want, who do you think you are to enroll in this school. Was it dad?"…"Yeah…who else."…"hahaha unbelievable" He laughed sarcastically. "Drop out." He ordered me.

"Are you crazy?" I told him and copied his annoying smirk. "Never." …"Maybe I'll just have to make you quit." He threatened and I scoffed at his remark. "You don't belong here you scum…go back to your mother's dirty farm."  When he said that it was like my eyes and ears were blinded by rage. I obviously went in and punched him on the face. He fought back but I wasn't going to stop. How dare he insult what was most precious to me.



Ellie's Pov

"Did you hear about the fight? That new kid, the really cute one, just punched Sunggyu." "WHAT?!" "Shhhhhh" I overheard some people whispering in the library….the gangster?…"Why?" "I don't know, nobody saw when the fight actually started. The school police had to go over and stop them." …"Daaang that Myungsoo guy must be a total badass." "If he punched Sunggyu then yeah. That's quite an accomplishment." I was still eavesdropping on their conversation….maybe I should go and walk around…I was probably hoping to see something…or someone....really, I knew exactly who I wanted to see.

….there you are…..I finally found the gangster after a little bit of searching. He was sitting by the bushes and the trees. Figured since he likes to talk to them.

"You really are a gangster." I said cheerfully as I sat down next to him. It looked like he was deep in thought. Obviously still pissed about the fight.


Myungsoo's Pov

"Gangster? Excuse me?" I looked at the girl in disbelief. "I heard you fought a villain. Who won?"  She talked as if the conversation was completely normal. I just gave it up because this girl is just too weird to be angry at anymore. "Im pretty sure his face looks worse than mine, so yes I won." I told her. My button lip was slightly bleeding and I had a few scratches but nothing compared to his face, and good because he deserved it.

"Score." The girl smiled.

"So what are you doing here? Chasing rabbits again?" I asked.

"No, I was looking for gangsters this time."

"Oh really, like who."

"You." ….She said it too direct it gave me an uncomfortable feeling.

"I'm sorry to disappoint but I am not a gangster." I finally told her.

"Oh come on, tell me the truth. What exactly are you doing here in this school? Undercover mission, a spy, are you here on the hunt for someone? My senses tell me you have other ulterior motives. There's just something really strange about you. "

…'re telling me?….I scoffed in disbelief once again.

"Is it a fight between gangs?"

"How many times to I have to tell you, I am not a gangster."

"So what are you then?"

"Fine, I'm a pirate." I decided to play her stupid game.

"You can't be a pirate. There's no ocean here." she defended.

"Yes I can."

"Do you even know what a pirate is?" She was trying too hard to win this argument and I wasn't gonna let her have it.

"No. The question is do YOU even know what a pirate is?" I rephrased her question and made her confused. "You don't know do you? I'm not talking about actual pirates like in the movies. There is a local gang who like to call themselves the pirates." I explained.

"Wow, really?! What are they like?" Her eyes were sparkling from curiosity.

"Well, they are very dangerous. You're lucky if you haven't heard of them. There are horror stories about them. Rumor says that to become part of their gang, you have to collect a certain number of body parts from your victims." I was already too involved in the conversation. "There was a guy once who mistakenly took one of those guy's order at a fast food restaurant. And the pirates sent over 15 guys to beat that guy up. They said he was in a coma for months!"

"Seriously? What else do they do, do they gut people and everything?" She kept asking.

"Are you even human?"….What kind of girl are you?…..She ignored my question.

"Wait. So are you really a pirate?" dropped a little at her sudden realization.

"Obviously not." I rolled my eyes….she is amusing but annoying at the same time.

"But you're still a gangster."

"I am NOT!" I yelled playfully.

"How else would you know about this gang called the pirates?" She had a point, but that was only because I worked on the streets all my life."I just know, okay." I told her before she let out this small laugh. Its like she was genuinely interested in me, but not really.

"What's your name?" I finally asked.


"…Ellie….....You're weird." I told her from the bottom of my heart.

"You too." She smiled as if it was a compliment.
….how am I weird…no one thinks I'm weird… except for Sungyeol maybe…
"..Am I?" I was beginning to feel worried.



"You talk to trees AND rabbits!." She exclaimed.

"I DO NOT!" I defended even though she was right.
"I'm not judging." She said innocently.

"Oh…whats that!" I pointed when I saw a cart moving through campus pathway.

"Its an Ice cream stand." Ellie informed.

Upon hearing that, I ran towards that cart as if I was on my way to heaven….ice cream…thats just perfect….I been craving it ever since I entered this campus…..banana split…here I come……I ran as my eyes were sparkling and my ears could hear nothing but angels singing.

Ellie's Pov

Myungsoo ran towards that ice cream stand as soon as I mentioned it.  I titled my head as I watched him go. I didn't move from my spot and just stared at him curiously…...he must really like ice cream......I scratched my head.

Since I had nothing to do but wait, I remembered I had a phone. I checked and there was 3 text messages from Nina. "I'm out. Where are you?" "Are you busy?" "Let's go home, where are you?! Call me!" ….I forgot Nina wanted to go home together…oops…."Sorry, I'll meet you at the entrance in just a few minutes." I texted back. "About time! What are you doing?" She only took seconds to reply.

I looked up to see what Myungsoo was doing, and it seemed like he was on his way back but got stopped by a few girls…..I guess Its my cue to leave…I thought and left the scene.


Myungsoo's Pov

I was happily walking back with my banana split, thinking of sitting down by the trees yo just enjoy my ice cream, but then a pair of girls stopped me to ask a bunch of annoying questions. I would have enjoyed my ice cream more if they weren't there, but it was still delicious….I need to go there again tomorrow…..I went back to where I was talking to that girl Ellie but she had left already. She probably went home. I shrugged and also left campus.



"Are you trying to tell me that you hit a kid on your first day of school?!" Sungyeol scolded me when I told him about my day. "Not just any kid. It was my half brother." I told him the things Sunggyu said to me..."Urgh! That brother of yours is a prick! But still..try not to get kicked out. Just be nice to everyone else." He advised. "Fine Fine. Ramen?"…."Nope. I ordered pizza tonight." Sungyeol told me. "Sungyeol….I love you." ….pizza….pizza…..yes! …first a banana split and now pizza…I was celebrating it more than the fact that my first day of school didn't go so well…could have been worse. I thought as I remembered an earlier event.

**Flashback** "…Ellie…You're weird."   "You too." She smiled.

….Aish….I'm NOT weird!…..I bit into my pizza a little too hard…"AHH AH" I bit my lip that was already hurt from the fight. "Calm down man. Still angry about the fight?" Yeol asked…"Uh…yeah…." ….I actually forgot about that….."I don't blame you." He said as he grabbed another slice of pizza. 



"Am I weird?"

"'re a total nutbag."

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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.