The Banana

Chasing Rabbits


Myungsoo's Pov

I was so pissed off at the conversation I had with Sunggyu that I accidentally hit some guy that was passing by. When he gave me a little attitude, I just couldn't hold it any longer. I vented my anger on the wrong person. I punched him first but as a result, I got a beating out of it. After the first punch I decided to stop being the attacker. "What the hell is wrong with you! punk…" The guy said and then left….What is wrong with you Myungsoo…you don't normally do this type of thing…I was irritated at myself as well. I went to class and shortly the day was over. I was altogether a bad day for me…I didn't even get to see Ellie…..somehow the day felt empty.



Ellie's Pov

"Home sweet home." I said when Nina and I arrived. It had been a very long and boring day. All I did was work on homework…….."So Ellie.." Nina was still spacing out about that guy from last night. "Tell me about your stories. How do these girls capture the main hero's heart?" She looked at me with big sparkly eyes….what happened to this girl?…I scratched my head. Nina is usually very down to earth…something I'm not apparently. "Umm well…"…"Like Superman, tell me about him." Nina told me.

"Wait a minute, YOU want me to talk to you about Superman? You? Nina my best friend Nina who hates comic books?" My jaw dropped. "Yup." Nina nodded. I couldn't believe it so I checked to see if she had a fever. "Tell me! How do Superheroes fall in love?"

"I don't know, same as us humans I'm guessing. Nina, I don't want to bring you down from your cloud but, aren't you just fascinated by him. I mean how could you fall in love just like that. You couldn't even see him or talk to him properly."

"I'm sure of my feelings. When we were together, I could feel his kind heart, his caring eyes, his heartbeat…"

"I think I'm going to puke." It was just so weird hearing Nina talk like that.

"I know it sounds ridiculous to you but it's the truth! I can't help how I feel."

"Sigh….Nina…I don't know how to help you. But umm…if you wanna read some comic books, there is a full collection on my shelf over there." I pointed. "You are welcome to read some. There's some manga and anime too." As soon as I told her that she stood up and ran towards the shelf to start looking for books. I only stared at her in awe.

…did she get possessed by spirits? I tilted my head as I watched her flip through the pages of a Spiderman comic.



Myungsoo's Pov

….Yes!! Its Saturday finally…I can just relax and forget about school and that bastard who likes to call himself my brother…I needed to stop thinking about it since the topic just made my mood bad.  I been waiting to watch the new X-Men movie. Sungyeol wanted to meet earlier to have lunch first and maybe play at the arcade for a little bit before the movie. I was already there, waiting for him to meet me after work but he was sure taking his time. "Where are you? Hurry up! I'm hungryyyy" I texted him but no reply…..If I don't eat anytime soon I'm going to have a rage fit….ahhh..My stomach was growling.

 All of a sudden I felt someone awkwardly poke the back of my neck. "Huh?" I turned around and was surprised to see Ellie. I stepped back a little bit because it was so unexpected. "Yah! stop popping out of nowhere would you?" I pointed at her as I kept my distance. I truly got startled. "Sungyeol said he'll join us later." She smiled and spoke comfortably. "You talked to Sungyeol? He didn't say you were coming."….Why do they talk to each other without letting me know…It bothers me.

"I forgot to tell you I was coming. I thought you knew." I shrugged her shoulders. "What time is the movie?" She asked as if that was her only concern. "Its at 7:00" …"What…but it's only 5:00" She checked the time on her phone and looked disappointed……so you don't wanna wait two hours with me?..tch! …"I'm going to eat over there." I said rudely and pointed at a sandwich shop nearby. I was a bit hurt I admit. "Yes, please." She said as she ran after me….yes please?…I turned around so she would explain what that meant. "Hurry Hurry! Eat so you're not grumpy." She pushed me into the shop making me smile a little. …she knows me so well already.

After we got our food we went to sit by one of the tables. We got a small table to fit just the two of us . This almost feels like I'm on a dat..***Gasps*** "WHAT IS THIS?!" Ellie looked angry and shocked……."What?"

"It's called a cucumber." I said sarcastically. "This evil thing brought up from hell shouldn't even exist! Why is it in my sandwich? " She made a disgusted face and then pulled it out of her plate and quickly threw it on mine as if she had just grabbed a bug. I choked a little at the sudden movement. "YAH!" I yelled at her with food still in my mouth. "Sorry, it was just a reaction. That was rude I'm sorry." …"Yeah it was."…"I wouldn't wish a cucumber on anyone's plate." She said as she grabbed a napkin to remove it from my plate. I stopped her hand before she was able to do that. "Why would you waste a perfectly good cucumber." I grabbed it with my hand and put it in my mouth. Ellie immediately gagged. "Gross." She even shivered. "It was nice and crunchy." I teased knowing it would gross her out even more. "You are impressive." She told me before taking a sip out of her drink as if she was the one who just ate it.

After eating we went over to the arcade to check out the games. Ellie was impossible to control. I had to follow her around otherwise she would go on her own. "YES YES DIE DIEEEE YOU STUPID ZOMBIEES…IM GOING TO BLOW YOUR BRAINS OUT!" She talked to herself as I just watched her battle. "Ha! Almost perfect score, take that!" She yelled at the machine. "Huh? Why aren't you playing?" She looked at me when she noticed I wasn't doing anything. I was having too much fun watching her already. "I….I'll just…" .."Your turn…sit." She stood up from the game and ordered me to do it too. "We'll see how good you are, Myungsoo." She dared to challenge me. "HA! I'm an experienced gamer."  "Oh really?" She didn't believe me. "Beat my score then."



**Game Over: Your score is 950 points**

"HAHAHAHAHA I beat you by 10 points!." Ellie celebrated her win.


"Oh look at that one!" Ellie's eyes went to another game and then began running towards it without even looking back.

"Wait for me! Aish!" I still had to wait for the awarded tickets to come out.….I swear that rabbit needs a leash….

A few moments later I finally got a call from Sungyeol. "I'm here, where are you?" "At the arcade trying to control this psycho." I said referring to Ellie. "Ah, well take your time, I'll be waiting by the movie theater." He informed. "We'll be right there." "Take your time though, we still have time until the movie starts." Sungyeol said before he hung up. I looked at Ellie once again and she was watching some guys play a racing game…what is she doing?….it looked like she was cheering for them along with some other people who crowded around them. I went towards them to see what was happening.

"Go Go Go Go!" She jumped up and down. I just looked at her confused. "Look Myungsoo, this guy is about to break a record. Amazing." She said in awe….tch is it that great? I can probably do that too…I rolled my eyes. "We have to go meet Sungyeol." I told her but she ignored me when the crowd started clapping. "YES! Congrats!" She told the guy….is she always this friendly around strangers?…urgh…."Lets go!" I told her again but she could barely hear me. "huh?" "I said. LET'S GO!" I told her firmly this time and pulled her by the arm to drag her out of the arcade.



Sungyeol's Pov

I thought it would be a great idea to let them meet before the movies. Myungsoo better be thankful for having such a thoughtful friend. Even setting up dates for him..muahahaha. I laughed to myself as I walked around the outside of the movie theater. I stopped by a poster of an old batman movie. It seemed like they left it there from an old promotion. I was going to go see it but stopped when a group of guys stopped by to look at it. I accidentally eavesdropped on their conversation.

"Have you guy's heard of the real Batman?"

 "What? No haha"

"Yeah, apparently theres this kid that goes around beating people, his nickname is Batman."

"Haha that's ridiculous. But he beats people?"

"I've heard he only beats the bad guys."

"I think so too, my cousin's friend said she was about to get her purse stolen and that Batman guy got it back for her.

…so is this Batman guy must be a legend….

A few minutes later I saw Myungsoo and Ellie arrive. We greeted each other and then went on to buy tickets. Of course Myungsoo wanted to look good so he bought tickets for Ellie and I. Good. I was worried he was gonna let Ellie pay.  

We decided to go ahead and sit down at the movie theater even though we still had about 20 mins left. Myungsoo wanted us to have a good spot so we walked in early. "So, Ellie. How are you feeing? You know since that night." I asked because I hadn't seen her since the night they got attacked. "Oh. I'm fine." She gave me a comforting smile. "Oh by the way. That time you said you knew that guy?" She asked me.

"Yeah, well not really but…" "Tell me everything you know about him!" She sounded desperate for information. I looked at Myungsoo just in case and as expected he had an annoyed expression. "Uh…" I looked at both but Ellie stared at me with puppy eyes waiting to hear about it. "Uh well…I was attacked by some drunk men once, and he came out of no where and helped me out. He didn't speak much, but when I asked what his name was he said, Batman."

"Batman?" She repeated after me in amusement.

"Yes. Batman." I nodded.

"Tsk, what a clown. Calling himself Batman, who does that?" Myungsoo added.

"Even though he was wearing a face mask, I'm pretty sure that was the same guy who helped you and your friend. Also, I overheard some people earlier and apparently he has helped other people as well. And he always goes by the name of Batman."

"Wow." Ellie had no words.

"He is like an urban legend." I continued.

"A real life super hero." Ellie spoke with amazement.

"He must live around here." I told her.

"Sungyeol. We have to find out more about him." Ellie suggested.

"Pfffft what a joke. He doesn't even show his face. He must be embarrassed if he calls himself 'Batman'" Myungsoo was annoyed for no reason.

"I'll try to research a bit, I'll let you know if I find out anything." I told her, getting curious as well after hearing her previous suggestion.


Ellie's Pov

To be honest I only asked because I was curious since my friend Nina is so in love with him. Once I heard Sungyeol's explanation I began to be genuinely interested….So superheroes do exist after all…this is so fascinating!…I HAVE to find out more about him, and maybe I can tell Nina more.

"So, how young do you think he is?" I asked Sungyeol.

"I'm not sure, maybe the same age as us or a few years older. Most definitely in his 20s" He assured. "Maybe he goes to our University." I thought out loud.

"What are you, a detective? Pfft." Myungsoo added. He wasn't liking this conversation I could tell.

"Maybe. Perhaps he is just a regular student." Sungyeol also thought out loud.

"So a regular University student who at night becomes a mysterious hero and saves people." I was far too amazed.

"About how tall was he?" I continued to ask all kinds of questions until Myungsoo interrupted.

"Do you have a crush on him or something? Why the sudden interest?" He said annoyed.

"huh?" I was confused at his reaction. I looked at Sungyeol and he shrugged.

"No…I just…." I didn't know what to say to that. I mean I really didn't have a crush on him. I was just fascinated. Topics like this spark my interest. Besides, I'm doing it for Nina too.

"Anyway…." Myungsoo cleared his throat and then continued to speak "The movie is starting." Myungsoo pointed at the movie screen and directed our gaze away from him.


 Myungsoo's Pov

Even though the movie was starting, I was too bothered to pay attention. What's so great about this so called Batman. Trying to get all the attention. Is he really such a good fighter, I bet I'm better than him anyway. I was thinking too much and apparently it showed too much on my face as I was glaring at the screen rather than watching it.

I felt an intense stare so I turned to look at Ellie and she indeed was staring at me. She just had a curious expression on. "What." I asked awkwardly….Why is she watching me? "Does your head hurt?" She asked while I still stared at her with a confused expression. "Your eyebrows are stuck together." She whispered. "Huh?" "Yes right here." She poked me in between my eyebrows. "Ah." I exclaimed without moving away. "What are you doing?" I asked while her finger was still glued to my face. "It must be hard to watch the movie with your eyebrows like that." She said and smiled. At that moment our eyes met and my mouth froze. I couldn't do anything but stare at her. After I don't know how long, I felt like I had to break the silence, so I responded with an "Oh." As I wasn't fully back to my senses yet. Ellie had already removed her finger from my face and was staring at me waiting for a response.

 We both decided to end the awkward moment by simply redirecting our gazes back to the movie. I adjusted my expression back to a more relaxed one, however focusing on the movie now was harder than before. My heart was racing and my face felt hot, almost making me sweat…..what's wrong with me….I blinked a few times and tried to cool down so I could focus on the movie.

After the movie ended we headed out to drop Ellie off at her house. "That was a great movie." Sungyeol commented. "It was." Ellie agreed and they started discussing about a certain scene which I could not remember for the life of me…..Did we watch the same movie?…I thought as I realized I spaced out for half the movie….What happened after that part?…I was trying very hard to recall the movie that I just saw a few minutes ago. I scratched the back of my head in frustration…what's wrong with you Myungsoo…you just went to see a very good movie and you didn't even pay attention…aish! I spoke to myself in my head.



"Helloooo Planet Myungsoo!" I finally realized Sungyeol was calling me.

"huh?" I looked at him and Ellie and they were both staring at me.

"What." I said innocently.

"Is he okay?" Ellie suddenly turned to Sungyeol and asked him even though I was right there.

"Yeah, its normal. Sometimes his wires don't receive signal." Sungyeol joked.

"Ooh I see…is he a cyborg?" She joked as well.


"Half human, half Myungsoo." Sungyeol continued to tease.

"hahahaha" Ellie laughed.

"What is that supposed to mean. I'm 100% human." I argued.

"Is it?" Ellie laughed.

I was irritated again….why am I so irritated?….I don't understand….

"Uhhh well…since our house is right around this corner. I'll go home first and I'll let Myungsoo take you home, Ellie. Is that okay? I have to get ready for work tomorrow. See you later." Sungyeol waved and left us, leaving a somewhat awkward atmosphere, at least from my part. I decided to be silent for a while as we walked to her house. Silence is good sometimes.

After a few minutes I couldn't stand her staring at me as she walked. "What." I stopped when I couldn't stand it any longer. Her stare makes me nervous. "Are you mad?" She looked apologetic like she did something wrong when in fact I was the one being overdramatic. "No I…." I started to feel bad for making her apologize.

"Sorry for making fun of you." She looked down to the floor. "I wasn't thinking I just…" …

"No…Don't apologize I'm not…" I stopped talking because she started to take off her backpack. She opened it and looked through it as if she was desperately looking for something. "Where is it? I thought I brought it." She looked worried like she lost something. "huh?" I just watched her as she placed the bag on the floor so she could look through it better. "Ah! Here it is."

She surprised me when she pulled out a banana from her bag. She looked at it carefully then blew on it and dusted it with her hands. She extended both her arms and offered it to me while facing the floor…."What?" My eyes widened as I looked at the banana in disbelief. "Please take it." She told me sincerely.

I was too shocked to react at first but I finally accepted the banana. When I looked at her concerned and serious expression, I couldn't help but to giggle. My bad mood disappeared in an instant and my frown soon turned into a smile. I peeled the banana and took a bite out of it. "Yumm" I said with the piece still in my mouth. I looked to see what her expression was but she still looked worried, so I ruffled her hair playfully. "Thanks." I smiled and then continued to walk, expecting her to follow after me.

"So you aren't mad?" She told me as she was trying to catch up. "Hmm? Who said I was?" I said as I happily chewed on my fruit. "Just now…you…." She tried to explain but I cut her off. "Do you always carry bananas in you bag?" I asked curiously. "Yeah, I thought it might be useful…"

"What?" I asked judgingly.

"Err…I mean…For when I get hungry you know, as a snack…" She looked around nervously.

"You don't have other motives do you?" I .

"…No..? Ha…ha ha why would I ha haha" She started laughing suspiciously.

"I can't believe you just bribed me with a banana." I joked.

"Its not bribery. Its an apology gift."

"Psshh whatever." I laughed.

Before I finished the banana, I cut the bottom of it off and placed it in front of . I wasn't gonna eat it all on my own. She didn't react right away so I kind of had to force it into .

"Eat it."

"No no it's yours"


"No I…." She started chewing it as she had no other choice.

I smiled as I watched her eat it.

"Were here." I said when we arrived in front of her house.

"Thanks for walking me home." She told me.

"Go in, hurry." I send her off.

"See you at school then, byee" She waved and ran in the house.


Ellie's Pov

Why did this day go by so fast? I thought as I entered the house. I had told my parents I was going to the library so that they wouldn't worry.  Luckily, they weren't home so I didn't have to explain my day. Nina, however was inside my room watching a movie. I walked in and saw her watching Spiderman…."Nina what are you doing?" My jaw dropped a bit……she never watches these types of movies, this recent change of behavior is worrying me.

I went over and took the remote control to pause the movie. "Sorry, I found it on your shelf. It's okay if I watch it right?" She told me. "Thats not it, Nina, are you really okay? Why the sudden change of preference?" I asked her concerned. "It's because I'm curious." She took the remote back and pressed play to continue to watch. I ignored her and decided to change into more comfortable clothes and then opened my laptop.

The first file I saw on my desktop was the story I abandoned….The Gangster Who Fell from the Sky…..I opened it and saw a blank document….Everything that I've told Nina about this story has yet to be written….I sighed and began to think back…..Gangster what gangster…he is complete klutz, and a grumpy one too…I smiled to myself….Good thing I thought of carrying a banana with me, otherwise he would have stayed grumpy the whole way home….I wonder what's been bothering him….

I looked back at the computer screen and stared at the title of the story once again. I was getting all kinds of flashbacks in my head, and they were all related to Myungsoo. Without even thinking it further, I began typing the story. …Is this fiction or non-fiction? …I thought as I wrote the truth to everything that had happened between us….This may be the most boring and realistic story I've ever written…I thought while holding back a chuckle.

"That was so cute." Nina commented when her movie was over. "Spiderman? Cute?" I told her while still typing on my laptop. "Yup!…And Peter Parker, he's something. Who would have thought that the nerdy guy was going to turn out being a superhero." Nina commented. "Well he had no choice, he did get bitten by the spider." I told her. "But he still had the kindness in him to go out and help other people. That takes courage." Nina exclaimed. "By the way…" I spoke as I twisted my chair away from the computer to face her directly. "I found out something about that hero of yours."

"WHAT?! TELL ME!" She screamed and I told her to sit and relax. She kneeled down in front of my chair as if she was pleading. Her actions were just too weird and unexpected. Nina never acted like this. "Well apparently he is kind of well known, he has helped other people as well, around the area."  

"….So he IS a superhero." Nina's eyes were sparkling.

"I guess so. He goes by the name of Batman."

"What? YAH! Are you joking right now?' Nina thought I was making fun of her.

"No, I'm serious. That's the name he goes by." I told her honestly.

"I haven't watched that movie yet…" Nina went in deep thought.

"I assume he is a fan of Batman." I nodded in approval. "I don't blame him though, he probably chose one of the coolest superheroes of all time." I told Nina.

"Do you have that movie?! I must watch." Nina didn't wait for me to respond and started looking through my shelf. "Duh! Why wouldn't I have a blueray copy on my shelf." I told her before going back to type my story. Nina got completely distracted again so I resumed back to writing.

**Typing** The heavy rainfall did not stop Julia from chasing after Romeo. Perhaps she worried more than she even realized. Romeo's pain, felt like her own pain. "Ouchh.." Romeo's foot was still hurt, in fact, his whole body was.

 **Phone vibrates** Text from Myungsoo: Are you asleep, what are you doing?" I looked at the text and then threw it to the side as a reaction. Hearing from Myungsoo just while I was writing about him made me startled. I began to blush as read back the story….Ellie what are you doing this for? I scolded myself and closed down the file immediately. This is awkward…just watch the movie with Nina…yes I will do that….I panicked and sat on the bed with Nina to watch.

**Phone vibrates.**

Myungsoo: Its too early to be sleeping, yah! Don't ignore me!"

Ellie: I'm watching a movie -__-

Myungsoo: Ah what movie??

Ellie: Batman.



Myungsoo's Pov

"YAAiish!!!" I threw my phone to the side and kicked my legs in the air. I just had to throw a tantrum….stupid Batman, Batman this Batman that…URGH!!  "WHY WHY WHY!" I yelled. "What's up?" Sungyeol asked. "Nothing." I took a deep breath and then sulked. I had so many different emotions in one day I was getting exhausted myself….just what in the world is wrong with me?…I checked my own temperature by placing my hands on my forehead and then cheeks.

"Could this be because of…" Sungyeol said as he walked over and picked up the phone I had thrown on the phone. "Yah! Don't touch that!" I defended and took it back. "Okay okay!" Sungyeol let go and looked at me confused. "Will ramen make you feel any better?" He asked. "Yes, Sungyeol. Ramen will solve all my problems." I nodded desperately as he began making it.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Sungyeol asked a few minutes late when the ramen as ready to eat. I ignored it and started eating it. "Yumm thanks" I told him in between bites. He ate some as well. "I think I know what you should do to distract yourself. Whatever is on your mind right now, a temporary distraction could be a good thing." He suggested and I was interested. "Distraction like what?" I was curious.

"I'm reading this online story called Paranormal Galaxy. It's totally our style."…"Really? Is it good?"  I asked. "It is, its by the same author who wrote The Kingdom Prophesy." "Is it? Is it as sad as Kingdom Prophesy cause I won't read something like that again." I complained.

"Wait, you read the Kingdom Prophesy?!" Sungyeol's eyes opened….oops I forgot that was a secret…"Uh Maybe." There was no point lying…"Aigooo" Sungyeol made fun of me. "Anyway, you should read it. Its really good. All works by this author are good." He suggested…I guess…I have nothing else to do…."Alright." I took the laptop and searched for it….I realized the ramen didn't take this uncomfortable feeling away, perhaps reading something could help. I just couldn't explain why I was so bothered by everything. I looked at my phone once again and decided to not reply to Ellie's last text….She can go watch her Batman!….Aish!

As I was pretty far into the text, I began to forgot everything in my surroundings to pay attention to the story instead.

**Story text** When Captain Star Knight realized that his entire race was extinguished, he began to think of ways to seek revenge. An army of 7 galactic warriors was formed. The 7 strongest of the galaxy, together, they would create the most powerful shield. They called themselves, The Infinite."

**Phone vibrates**

Text from Ellie: Did you fall asleep?

Myungsoo: No -___-  I'm reading a story.

Ellie: Oh what is it about?

Myungsoo: Something better than Batman! I typed that quickly.
….honestly though…this story is so good…..

Ellie: Is it a comic? manga?

Myungsoo: Not telling you :P

Ellie: :(

Myungsoo: :)

Ellie: T.T

Myungsoo: xD

Ellie: <.<

Myungsoo: >.>

Ellie: Tell me!

Myungsoo: lalalala~

Ellie: Its Death Note isn't it?

Myungsoo: Maybe…maybe not…

Ellie: >.<

Myungsoo: Go to bed!

Ellie: You go to bed!

Myungsoo: Wow did I manage to make you mad? xD

Ellie: Was that your goal? :(

Myungsoo: He he no? ^^;; sorry

Ellie: …..

Myungsoo: Sorry!!!

Ellie: I'm not mad :P

Myungsoo: :D



Ellie's Pov

The next morning, I woke up late and stayed in the house with Nina all day. It felt nice having a day off, after such a long week. Although going to the movies yesterday was fun. Being around Myungsoo and Sungyeol is fun and I was glad that I got to hang out with them again.

Since I had nothing else to do, and my homework including Sunggyu's essay was done, I decided to continue typing on my story while Nina worked on her homework all day.

[The Gangster that Fell from the Sky]  Julia began to notice that the days spent without Romeo seemed long. She had a hard time understanding why she missed him, when she had seen him a day ago.

**Phone Vibrates**

Text from Myungsoo: What are you doing?!

Ellie: Nothing. You? ….I immediately closed down my text document.

Myungsoo: I'm bored.

Ellie: You should eat.

Myungsoo: How did you know? I was just thinking that.

Ellie: I'm a psychic muahaha

Myungsoo: Oh are you? Let's see…what am I thinking of right now?

Ellie: Ramen.

Myungsoo: Nope.

Ellie: Banana Split!

Myungsoo: ……no?

Ellie: Don't lie to me!

Myungsoo: but…but….

Ellie: hahaha



Myungsoo's Pov

It was finally Monday and I was not excited for class. During my first subject I couldn't help but to space out. Class was just that boring besides, there was plenty of things to think about, in reality just one. Ellie.

Ellie didn't text me back this morning…She didn't fall asleep did she?…why does it take so long for her to reply aish and I'm always the one texting her first when she decides to end the conversion….calm down Myungsoo, you can't be like this. I shook my head. Just relax, its not that big of a deal. She will hear from it during our next class…oh but wait…I forgot we're supposed to be strangers in front of the class….I sulked….She better go to the Lion King rock afterwards…I can text her I guess…if only she would TEXT BACK arghhh hu hu hu stay cool Myungsoo stay cool….I spoke in my head.

When it was time for my second class I went to hang out around the classroom while there was still time. Across from our classroom there is a small section with tables for students to use as a waiting area. I approached that area but hiding behind a wall so that the people wouldn't see me…Where is she?….Aja! I found her sitting alone on one of the tables. I was about to text her to tell her to come meet me but that's when I saw someone approach her. It was Sunggyu….what does he want with her? I remained hidden to see what they would do, although I was unable to hear anything because I was too far away.


Ellie's Pov

I was a 100% sure that Sunggyu was going to come out to find me, and I was prepared for that with the finished research paper. I just wanted to give it to him and be done, although I knew he was probably going to slap me with another homework. "Hi." He said as soon as he sat himself down in front of me. He smiled widely like he was just meeting a good friend. "Here. Done." I rapidly took the papers out of my bag and placed it in front of him. "Wow this looks neat." He acted like he was impressed. "I guess it was worth it." He said to himself….worth it?! WORTH IT?! Forcing me to do his homework?….I tried very hard to hide my anger.

"Thanks" He said freely…..You are not welcome….."But seriously…" he rubbed his shoulder. "This homework comes out quite expensive…"….what does he mean by that…."maybe you should find someone else then…" I said softly….oops….."What? Did you say something." he looked at me confused. "No." I said nervously. "So….what do I owe you?" He said after forgetting my previous statement…"huh?"

"Yeah. I owe you don't I? What do you want?" he smiled….is he serious?….."Uh….I…" …."It's okay. Think about it. I know its hard for you since I'm Sunggyu." He said cockily.


Nina's Pov

I had forgotten to give Ellie her lunch so I went to her building before her class started. I was shocked when I saw her sitting with Sunggyu…..Are they friends?…No…it's Sunggyu it can't be…Judging from my best friend's expression she was no where near comfortable. I know her well and I can spot her discomfortness even from this far away.

….what should I do?….no no this can't be good…Sunggyu is probably being an to her. I've heard of him using and bullying people before. He is  feared by the whole school for a reason. I have to do something for Ellie! Honestly I wasn't brave or strong enough but for the sake of my friend I had to try. Without thinking it too much I approached the table.


Myungsoo's Pov

….Why is he giving her that disgusting smile of his. Is he mocking her?! I was about to go there and cause a scene but hesitated because of Ellie…I swear if he does anything I'm going to kill him….After hiding for a while and seeing them interact I just had enough. I was ready to blow my cover and go up to them and tell Sunggyu to back off. However, a familiar girl approached them before I got to do anything, so I decided to go back and wait to see what she would do. It looked like Ellie's friend.


Sunggyu's Pov

I was waiting for Ellie to reply to my question when a girl came to us. I didn't see who she was right away because my stare was focused on Ellie. I expected her to be one of the girls from my class that always follow me around but it wasn't. I got so shocked I almost stumbled out of my chair….it's that girl again….My eyes tripled in size from the surprise. She looked at me awkwardly and then took a deep breath as if to say something. Meanwhile, I tried to look away as much as possible so that she wouldn't try to recognize me. Unlike, Ellie, this girl got pretty close to my face. Her presence made me nervous…what if she blows my cover……."Aish!" I stood up and pretended to be annoyed, and left without allowing her to even say something. She was taking too long to speak anyway.


Ellie's Pov

"Ellie! What was he saying to you?" Nina told me as soon as Sunggyu left. "Uh…not much…" I was trying not to worry her. "Don't hide it! Is he bullying you?!" …."No..not really…I mean…kind of…." "Ellie! Since how long? Why didn't you tell me? Has he done anything to you?!" She was freaking out.

"He hasn't done anything besides having me write his paper." I said the truth. "So he IS bullying you. We got to tell someone." "NO!" I reacted to quick. "Don't do it." "But….you're right…his family is too powerful…reporting him wouldn't work. "It's not that bad, Nina. I'm not too worried about it." I told her what I was honestly feeling. Sunggyu has never acted violent towards me. Not saying I shouldn't be careful, but as long as I keep this quiet I think I'll be alright. "Aish…how did you manage to end up in the same class as that monster!" Nina said annoyed. "Bad luck." …"Don't worry Ellie, I will protect you." My best friend told me firmly. Even though I had no idea how she was gonna do that.


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I was just waiting for Sungyeil to say but nooo! Woohyun just had to figure out and tell Sungyeolt o shut up in secret language. Although I will admit that was incredibly funny. Gosh Dino's planning something against Nina but I'm actually looking forward to it so Gyu can save her as Sunggyu and not batman.
serechan #2
Chapter 22: i wanted yeol to shout the truth. so close. OTL my poor guy who is super hungry. i am excited for the next chapter. i hope nina doesn't get hurt but dino... i worry.
Chapter 21: This story oh this storyy.. OMG AUTHORNIM! I love you for writing this story.. This is soo good! I thought it will be just some weird story but nah ah, its more than i expected.. its weird but in a good way! Hahaha i looove it! I so love the whole thing: plot,the way ypu write , the characters omg yes the characters... Ellie is just soo cuttee.. Hahaha especially her cheerful sarcasm and imaginations.. Soo cuuttee love her character! Oh and ofc, myungsoo..oh myungsoo who would have thought that he will be over heels inlove with ellie? Hahaha hes also adorably cute especially when he realize his "feeling" to ellie.. Hes just the sweetest.. His simple gestures are just *.*.. And also the way he talk to himself especially when hes talking to that hairclip he gave to ellie and his love in banana.. Omg that was the cutest! I can imagine him being like the way he act whenever he received a banana.. So adorable I CANNOT! Thank you authornim and sorry for my long comment.. I just got carried away with my feeels.. Haaha cant wait for the next update! I wonder how sunggyu will escape and their reaction when they find out the batman and sunggyu are the same person.. Looking forward!:))
serechan #4
Chapter 21: He is alive. I was worry he slip into a coma. Im ready for gyu to kick but and save whoever doesnt wanna be pirate anymore.
Chapter 21: Omg he's awake!!! Thank god. I kind of saw it coming though.
Haha your story always has me cracking up laughing. Woohyun was too funny this chapter.
serechan #6
Chapter 20: Gyu? Why arent u waking up? Ggggyyyuuuuuuuuuu
Chapter 20: Oh my gosh my Sunggyu! Is he in a comma? That's terrible.
I can't wait till the next update!
Haha I'm totally loving their nicknames.
serechan #8
Chapter 19: I worry for gyu too. Hopefully they dont hurt him toouch before iron man can find him
Chapter 19: Omg supper nice update! I'm really loving it! Poor Sunggyu!!! Hope they find him soon.
nightgrimmies #10
Chapter 18: I missed dis story. It has a storyline dat really gives a boost 2 my mood. It's definitely not one of those works i muddle up wid others. I laughed so hard at myungsoo's convo widda L hairclip. N will Nina finally discover dat Sunggyu is Batman? Hehehe just gotta wait n c. I was thinkin dat myungsoo gettin a mini L or Sebastian plush 4 ellie would make her rlly happy. These plushes r friggin adorable n beautiful. U gotta have em.