Brother - sister

Star That I Can't Reach

Chapter 9



No more salty foods that Minho made for dinner. Since Suzy out of the hospital, she always found time to come to Minho's house bring a lunch for Minho and his sisters, and sometimes she also bring the dinner menu like today. Suzy is very good at cooking. Sulli and Hara always praised her after they finished eating because whatever she cooks was always good.

"I wish I could cook like you, it will be nice," Hara said with sparkling eyes when she saw the delicious foods presented on the dinner table.

"If you want, I'll get you some food for dinner tomorrow." Suzy replied, who was busy arranging bowls and cups.

"Of course she want, but I don't," Minho suddenly appeared from the living room with Sulli and Robie. "You haven't fully recover, so don't get too tired." Minho warned.

Suzy serves up food to another table and said, "I was cured, you are too worried." Suzy giggled.

"You're really stubborn." Minho grumbled. He then helped Sulli drying her hands after washing it.

After all the preparation completed, four of them and Robbie sat at the table and began eating the dinner specials menu created by Suzy. Minho cut the meat into small pieces before putting it on Sulli's rice bowl. He also set aside some vegetables that Sulli doesn't likes. Suzy noticed how Minho is very concerned at Sulli. He was very gentle, but when with Sulli, he will become softer.

It was like seeing someone else.

"It's very good!" Hara talking with full of food. "Minho, you have to get married with Suzy so we can eat well every day." she chuckled.

Suzy’s cheeks blushed while Minho was speechless because of it.

"Married? What is that means?" Sulli asked suddenly.

"Married that means ... hm, how do I explain it?" Minho rolled his eyes, thinking.

"Married is a promise. You promised to God that you will keep and will love someone for the rest of your life. Promise that you will be faithful and always be beside them all your life." Suzy explained.

"Loving someone?... I love Minho," Sulli made a confession, all the eyes at the table was widen. "I also love Hara, Robbie, and daddy, so I had to marry them all?"

Minho glanced at Suzy who looks still shocked because of Sulli's confession. He chuckled, trying to make the atmosphere more relaxed with said, "It's not like that, Ssul. You can't marry with a lot of people, you can only marry one person and should a man. I know that you love us because we are your family, but you can't marry all of us. "

"Yeah, besides I don't want to marry you, stupid!" Hara also noticed changes in Suzy's expression tried to make the atmosphere become more comfortable.

"Then I'll marry you, Minho. You're a man." Sulli looked at Minho made the atmosphere more thrilling.

Minho glanced at Hara and Suzy alternately. He was more awkward than when Hara asked the question of marriage.

"You can't marry him, Ssul, brother and sister shouldn't be married." Hara said, she doesn't has the other way to stop this topic.

Sulli pouted. She put her chopsticks and stop eating. She leaned back in her chair with her hands crossed on her chest.

"Hey, why are you stop? Let's eat again!" Minho gave chopsticks on Sulli.

"No way, my appetite was gone." Sulli looked away from Minho.

"Well, if you don't want to eat, you will be sick, and if you're sick, I'll tell Doctor Leeteuk to give an injections, how is it?" Minho threatening.

Sulli looked at Minho. He looks very confident in what he said. Injections? Sulli really hates injections. Minho smiles like to know if he will come out as the winner in this game. Sulli is getting irritated to see his face. But in the end, she took the chopsticks and began to eat again.

"I hate you!" she said.

"You said you love me before." Minho teased and then laughed.

Hara laughed along with Minho, as well as Suzy. But Hara knew that Suzy didn't find anything funny with Minho's jokes. As a woman, she could easily find out. If only Minho can be more sensitive, he will hear how the sound of laughter that sounded from Suzy were forced.

And she couldn't hold herself to not see how Suzy always steal the opportunity to stare at Sulli who sitting in front of her. In the midst of it, she also found the fact that Minho did exactly what Suzy did. His eyes can't be separated from Sulli.

Hara grinned.

It will be more complicated than what she imagined.



When finished eating, Hara helps Suzy washes dishes in the kitchen. Suzy didn't say much during their last meal and she continued to keep silent until now. Hara didn't want to do much after seeing this situation, she wants to understand the real situation first before she do something.

"I heard you and Sulli became closer after you live here," Suzy speak out.

"Yeah, you could say that. I couldn't hate her forever, right?"

"So, what it was like living with them? Whereas before you two always fight."

Is this just Hara or Suzy is currently trying to find out about something?

Hara replied, "That's good, although sometimes there is a little problem with Sulli. If she's normal, maybe everything will be fun."

Suzy nodded. She asked another cliches question to not made suspicion on her, however Hara is too smart to read the mind of an innocent girl who was jealous like Suzy. Hara's answer always floating, provoke Suzy to ask more. And as her hope, Suzy finally reveals her anxiety indirectly.

"So Minho always like that at Sulli? ... I know that he cares about Sulli, but I didn't think that Minho could be like that to her," Suzy amazed.

Hara dried her hands with a napkin. She filled a glass with water and sat in a chair, said, "Minho's top priority is Sulli. Believe me if it wasn't just the words, it's real! He will do the best for her. I think that he might be willing to swap his lives for Sulli."


Suzy expression changed to worry. From where she stood, she was free to look into the living room where Minho was teaching Sulli how to wrote on the floor. They both seem very close. Their closeness was also always filled with joy and laughter. Even the sound of laughter coming out of the lips of Minho sounds different when he was with Suzy.

"Sulli isn't his biological sister, but why would he do that?" Suzy said softly.

"For that question, sorry but I can't answer that. I don't know, I swear. To this day, I still wonder why he did it."

With Hara's answer that was very clear, Suzy can't control her paranoid feelings on the brother-sister pair. Yes, maybe she's insane to think that something could be happen between them, but after the incident at the coffee shop, she became increasingly sensitive. If something happens related to Minho, she would be sentimental. She didn't want to lose Minho for the second times.

Sulli's words at the dinning table was able to persuade her mind. Sulli is mentally ill, she couldn't lie. It's just.. whether 'love' she was mentioned is the same with what she felt at Minho? Suzy couldn't answer.

One more thing that bother her: the fact that Sulli isn't his biological sister. That's makes Minho even less sense. How can he protect Sulli even until he ignores his own sister? Minho must be kidding if nothing happened.

Then her gaze follow Hara towards the living room. She sat on the floor to accompany Minho and Sulli. A few minutes later they were laughing, they seemed very happy and Suzy look silly in the kitchen. However she remains a stranger in the house who didn't have a luck to be part of the family like Sulli.



Sulli is very interested in the new vocabulary she had heard: married. The last few days she was searching for all of things related to marriage. She re-read all the books and stories, and she had learned if marriage is something fun. Even she only wears white clothes these days. She wanted to get married, spend time with someone who already promise to be by her side until death.

But many times Minho and Hara asked her to forget about marriage. They said that marriage is only for adults and Sulli isn't mature enough to get married. Not once Sulli cry because let down. They both have too much reason to harbored her desire to marry. And the more she is forbidden to marry, the more she wants to get married.

"And eventually the princess married to the prince of her dreams. They lived happily ever after." Minho closed the book and put it on the table after he finished reading it for the third time in order to make Sulli sleep.

"The princess wearing a wedding dress when she got married? Is it white?" Sulli said who didn't sleepy at all.

Minho yawned and nodded.

"I also want to wear it!" Sulli enthusiastic.

"You're wearing it, Ssul," Minho said with his eyes almost closed. After reading the story, he became more sleepy even though at first he wants to send Sulli to dreamland.

"No, Minho, this is just normal dress. I want to wear something like that, like the princess wore." Sulli pointed at book covers.

"Sulli, you have to sleep," Minho yawned. He pulled the blanket that covered their legs to Sulli's shoulders. He was lying beside Sulli and said, "I will allow you to get married if you comply with all of my words."

Sulli pouted and irritated.

"Don't look at me with that look! Let's sleep!" Minho ruffled her hair before finally closed his eyes and fell asleep in a seconds later.

Sulli also closed her eyes, but she re-opened after a few minutes later. She got up and took the book on the table with extreme caution in order not to wake Minho. She opened the pages of the book with a look of amazement like a child who sees candy. She stammered read every word written there and imagine if she is the princess.

In the final pages, she smiled brightly at the sight of the princess picture with wedding dress and a handsome prince who stood beside her. In the picture the prince kissed the princess. And they lived happily ever after.

"They lived happily ... I also want to be like them ..." Sulli talked to herself.

She glanced at Minho. His eyes were closed, but doesn't reduce how his face can make anyone who looked at him became peaceful. Sulli then put her face in front of Minho, very close until she could feel Minho's warm breath and realized that Minho has beautiful brows.

"If I comply with your word, you will allow me to get married?" she asked, although she knew that Minho wouldn't answer. "All right, I will comply with your word so that one day we can get married."

Sulli forming a smile on her lips and then, touch Minho's lips with hers.



A friend of Suzy called her and invited her to come to their senior's wedding party. Suzy said that she would think about it later but she already has plans to invite Minho on the event this weekend.

"Come with me, okay! You, I and Junghee had been a good friends with for a long time, why did you let me come in person to our friend's wedding?!"

Suzy giggled hearing her complain. "You can go with us later." she replied.

"Three of us? Yaa, Suzy, you're definitely going to ignore me later."

Suzy laughed again.

"All right, we go together. Are you happy now? ... By the way, Junghee eonni's future husband, his name sounds familiar but I can't remember who he is. Did you ever see him?"

"He is Junghee eonni's stepbrother, don't you remember?"

"Stepbrother? Junghee unnie married to her half brother?"

"Yes. Junghee eonni and her stepbrother love each other and finally they decided to get married. I was also surprised at first, but if they love each other we can't do anything about it. They've been living together since childhood so the feelings may appear, isn't it ? "

"Is it possible?” Suzy asked.

“They have no blood relationship, so I think everything is possible. Their relationship is legal.”

“I’ll call you later.”


Suzy threw her phone to the other side of the chair where she was sitting. Her eyes blinked as she thinks that she has found the answer to her question the last days. She squeezed her fingers. She turned restless.


She took her bag on the table and ran out her office. She must to make sure that the relationship between Minho and Sulli no more than a brother and sister relationship. She shouldn't lose Minho for the second time. She will retain Minho on her side.

Suzy arrived at Minho's house after thirty minutes. She knocked on the door with the feelings of anxiety that are not unstoppable. When Hara opened the door, she immediately got in such a hurry.

"Where is Minho?" Suzy asked as she checked into the kitchen and into the bathroom.

"Suzy, what is it? Why are you in a hurry? is there something bad?" Hara asked  as she following Suzy from behind.

"I'll explain it to you after I met Minho." Suzy replied, still looking.

Hara frowned. Suzy's behavior was really weird . "He's in his room."

Suzy rushed up the stairs to the second floor and walked straight to the Minho's room door, but when she opened the door, she didn't find anyone inside.

"He isn’t here," .

Hara continued, "Since I live here, Minho's room is no longer there."

Suzy almost fall. However, she survived by holding the door hand. Her feeling was really messed up until can't be explained with words.

She glanced at a door next to that room. The door was closed. Suzy took a deep breath before she moves to the front of door. Her hands were sweating after stuck on the doorknob. And as she prayed in her heart, she opened the door until she could clearly see that Minho looked comfortable sleeping in Sulli's lap. Hara quite surprised by what she had seen with her eyes. How Sulli asleep while sitting and how Minho leaned his head on the pillow that lies in Sulli's lap.

The view was change all the thoughts about their relationship which just brother and sister relationship. Hara like get an explanation for all her doubts, as well as Suzy who looked teary right now.

Hara looked at the figure of the girl standing in front of her. Just look at her back she understood she was broken hearted. Hara touched her shoulder and Suzy looked at her instantly. She tried hard to give her best smile and Hara appreciate it.





author's note :

I don't have anything to say, but thank you for still waiting an update and sorry for any lack in this story and this time I will give a preview for the next chapter, here we go...


"He's still alive! how dare you say he's dead!"

"If you don't do something, I will do something."

"Stay away from me! You should stay away from me! "

"... Is it mental rehabilitation?"


Just 4 sentences, oh gosh! I'm not good for making you curious, right? hehehe



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rekhappp #1
Chapter 15: Very nice story
Putriwijayanti15 #2
Chapter 15: Omg thor this is an amazing story for me, keep writing thor hwaiting :)
Chapter 15: Finished rereading! One out of my favorite minsul's stories out there. Thank you for this great story authornim ^^
putriwijayanti3 #4
Chapter 15: This is very wonderful fanfic thor :).
Sarahmauli #5
Chapter 7: Such a beautiful and meaningful story. Love it!
mimikonoch #6
Chapter 15: The best <3 When i was reading this story my eyes can't keep on watering :))
as3ani92 #7
What a beautiful story...
Great author-nim!
hayuni #8
Chapter 15: Love ur story soooo much author-nim. Daebakk :))
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 15: Awwww...hehe, sulli finally knows that jinki is her biological brother? At the last chapter? Hehe, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
fieminho #10
nice story dear author