
Star That I Can't Reach

Chapter 3


Sulli’s footsteps can be heard by Minho from the kitchen. The girl appeared a few seconds later as she dragged a large doll rabbit that Minho bought as her birthday gift last year. She yawned and scratched her head, her hair now transformed into a bird's nest. She then sat down in one of the chairs around the dining table, lifted her legs up to the seat after she put her rabbit doll in a chair right next to her.

"Good morning." Minho greet.

"Good morning." Sulli replied his greet with her gravelly voice after waking up.

Minho immediately finish his cooking. After making sure that the taste of the soup he was made according to his wishes, he serving it along with rice and kimchi onto the table. Sulli are seen buttering the bread that makes him wonder.

"Today is a Sunday, we breakfast with soup, why do you make sandwich?"

"It's not for me, it's for Robbie. Robbie didn’t like the soup." she explained. At that moment, the sandwich ready to eat. Sulli put it on a plate and then serving it in front of the rabbit doll.

It was Robbie.

Minho nodded as if he understood what she was thinking. "Come quickly, eat this while it's hot!" he asked.

Sulli nodded lazily. She took a piece of bread and put it into a soup bowl and start stirring.

"What are you doing?" Minho wonder. He shoved the soup bowl from Sulli although she still insisted that she will eat the soup, "Ssul, soup can not be eaten with bread, but with rice, understand?" Minho said.

"But I want to eat bread with the soup," she pouted.

"But it can not be!"


"You just can’t!" Minho gave a bowl of rice on Sulli, "This! Finish!" he asked with a grim face.

Sulli snorted, "No way. I want to eat sandwich just like Robbie." then she pushed a bowl of soup and rice to the other corner of the dining table.

Minho growled, but he knew he did not have any power to make Sulli follow his orders. Sulli is harder than stone, and Minho is softer than butter.


"Hm .."

"Is daddy going home today?"

Minho sighed. He knew that Sulli will ask this again. That question was like a breakfast for him because every day, every time he met with Sulli at the dinning table, she will ask the same thing. It's been happening since last seven years and never a single day he can get away from that question.

"No," he was prepared to see the disappointment on the faces of Sulli, "Because yesterday I told him that today we will go to festival."

Sulli nearly down when she knew that her father wouldn’t be home today, but hearing the word festival, she re-energized, "Festival? Festival like what?"

Minho smiled. Thiat’s a good idea.

Before he cooks, he found a yesterday newspaper and found that in the city park will be held a massive festival today. He thought it was a good idea to bring Sulli out of the house. That girl also needs to breathe the fresh air of Seoul, she can not spend all day locked up in the house.

"The festival is very large. There are toys, there are dolls, fireworks and cotton candy, you want to go-"

"I want!" Sulli shouted before Minho could finish his sentence. That made ​​him laugh.

"But instead, you have to eat rice and soup," Minho said as he bring back a bowl of rice and soup on Sulli.

At first Sulli pouts, but finally she agreed to devour all the food and also a glass of chocolate milk. Minho smiled with pleasure at the sight. She doesn’t often look enthusiastic like this. She must be very happy now.



Sulli combing her hair in front of a mirror, then spraying perfume all over her until she coughs because the smell is so stinging. She looked at herself in the mirror, and then there's a smile on her lips.

"Are you-"

Minho head suddenly peeking out from behind door. He choked back the words he wants to say, he stunned by the appearance of his sister who is much more beautiful than usual. Peach-colored dress that she wore really make her beautiful. Her long and flowing hair also adds to her elegance.

"Are we going now?" Minho asked Sulli who woke from his daydream.

Minho blinked, "Ah yes, we will go when you're ready."

"I'm ready, ah ... but wait a minute," she put her finger on her forehead when she realized something left behind, "Because we're going to go to the festival, I had to bring my money." she then opened a drawer in her dressing table and took a few pieces of money from it.

"No, I already bring my money so you don’t have to bring it anymore." Minho took Sulli's money from her hands and will put the item back into the drawer, but Sulli prohibited him.

"I can’t continue to take advantage of you. Just once, I want to buy something with my own money." Sulli said miserably.

Minho's eyes turned glassy. He was touched by the words Sulli, but also sad to hear that. Sulli took the money out of the hands of Minho and put it in her bag.

"Oppa, let's go!" Sulli then jumped for joy while humming jolly as she stepped out of her room, leaving Minho in the room.

Minho looked at her back which is getting away. He turned to the mirror and looked at himself standing there. Then he turned his gaze to the drawer, there are leftover of her money. Of course the money is not real money, it's only money she has gotten from the monopoly game.



The festival was really great. Almost the entire park is filled with stores that sell a variety of goods, ranging from food, pets, clothing, accessories, and so on. And there are also  music performances, as well as dance performances and much more.

It was the right decision to bring Sulli to the festival. Her smile didn’t stop throughout the day. And also her eyes which is sparkling when she noticed the circumstances around her. Grateful, Sulli did not much to ask and complain, because Minho wasn’t prepared an answers since this plan is also a spontaneity.

Sulli suddenly shook his arm who was looking through a book about health in a bookshelf, "Oppa, let's go there!" she asked.

Minho turned around, "Eo? Where?" he looked at where Sulli pointing and surprised because she asked him to go to a pet store.

"Yes," and then she pulled Minho's arm, "Let's go there!"

Minho put back the book he read to the bookshelf and follow Sulli. The actual location of the booth was quite far from the bookstore, but due to its strategic location allows the booth can be seen from all directions.

Sulli put her arms on the arm of Minho, like to tell to the world that they can not be separated. Minho was doing the same thing every time he staring at Sulli. His loving eyes that seemed not to be changed. The way he looked at Sulli has always been a differentiator between him and other people who are always staring at Sulli.

Both of them then got in front of a store that sells a variety of pets, such as cats, dogs, rabbits, fish, birds, and so on. Minho and Sulli look around. Both of them, who was fond of animals, seemed very enthusiastic, especially Sulli. She kept saying how cute the animals are. But she cried when she saw the type of Beagle puppy sleeping in one cage.

"Why? Why are you crying? Was there something bothering you? You want us out of here?" Minho panic.

Sulli wiped her tears, "Oppa, look! It's very cute, is not it?" Minho follow her gaze and chuckled when he saw the puppy.

"Yeah, it's very cute, but my sister still be more cute." he admitted then ruffled hair Sulli.

"Ahh I cried because it is so cute," Sulli linked her fingers together as if she was going to pray, "Oppa, we were alone in our big house ... Is it okay if I ... Oppa, bought the dog for me, please "

"Ssul, dog? I'm not sure. Who is going to keep the dog? Where is it going to sleep and ..." every word that comes out of the mouth of the Minho made ​​her miserably. Now her eyes look more pathetic than the puppy. Minho couldn’t see her like that again, "Aish, well if you want that puppy. Ahjussi, I will buy this puppy."

Sulli applauded. The corner of her lips up, make her small eyes forming an almost perfect crescent. And like a domino effect, her smile makes the only family she had smiling too. Minho felt warm with her smile. Sulli smile often, but not often she's as happy.



It was getting dark. The lampions were hung in a tree and garden lights began to glow. The light began to mingle with each other that lit up the whole park that was filled with people. Stars and moon also add the beauty that presented by the lights in the park.

They both still have not tired to explore this park. Minho carrying a box where he bought a new dog with Sulli barking at it. His other hand interlocked with Sulli who seemed to be amazed with all the things in the park. She was very interested in the lampions were hung on the tree, although she must be looked up long enough to see the lanterns, she did not mind.

"You like it?" Minho asked. Sulli didn’t answered. Her attention was taken up by colorful light that decorate the garden. "If you like, we can come back to the other festivals. Will be plenty of interesting things there, there will be lots of colorful lights. I promise you, I'll buy more stuff for you." Minho said.

Sulli stopped when a soft breeze blowing in her face. She closed her eyes, felt something cool against her face and her smile widen. Minho looked at her. His fingers touch her face, starting from her forehead, eyes, nose to the lips.

Sulli opened her eyes and holding hands Minho.  "Oppa, I'm going to the toilet." she says.

Minho waited in front of the ladies toilet. At that time, the day was getting late, but the visitors who came to the festival more and more. Many people passing in front of him. The average of them are lovers who are enjoying the day off, but there are also students high school and also the people who gather with their families. It reminded him of his father. Several years ago, he went with his father and Sulli to a festival. It is his last chance gather with his family.

A seven years old boy then went to Minho. His eyes were glassy, like holding back tears. He asked in a trembling voice, "Ahjussi, do you know where my mother?"

"Your mother?"

It turns out the boy lost his mother. According to the story, he lost his mother when they finished dinner. The crowds at festivals and make them separate and after nearly an hour of searching, the boy has not found her. The boy's tears running from his eyes as he tells the incident.

Minho felt sorry. The boy must have been very scared at the moment. The only thing he could do was to take the child to the information, but he could not leave Sulli in the toilet. But if he is not fast, he felt guilty for the boy. Minho glanced at his watch. He thought he still had enough time to bring the boys to the information.

"I'll take you to the information, there must be someone who can help you find your mother, so don’t cry anymore, okay?"

Minho holding him by the hand and go. A few steps later he stopped, then taking the time to look back and implying concerns over his eyes staring at the small building where he had been waiting for.



Sulli came out of the toilet. For a moment she just sat in front of the toilet door and looked around. She felt a lump in her heart, but she does not know what it is. It was like she was missing something. Sulli scratching her head. She tried to remember what was missing from her, but couldn’t remember anything.

Then a little girl walking with her mother in front of her. The child was eating cotton candy, while her mother holds a balloon with an assortment of colors. Sulli snapped her fingers, "Ah yes, I forgot to buy cotton candy!"

Sulli then go find a store that sells candy. She really loves candy. She walked alone to the festival with a light footstep. Even she doesn’t remember if she didn’t come alone. Something which she had forgotten was... Minho.

Not longer after that, Sulli find a store that sells candy. Not just cotton candy, there also sell chocolate, candy, and lots of sweets. Sulli could not close as she entered the store, amazed stares and compliments to the store owner just came out.

Sulli took a big size cotton candy and two bars of chocolate. She put it into her bag and immediately eat the cotton candy. She didn’t realize that an old ahjussi nearly fifty years old, the owner of the store, watching her. He had looked suspicious from the start because of Sulli behavior that childish, yet he still refrained. But he could no longer hold back when Sulli just came out from the store.

"Miss! Hey, young lady, wait a minute!" he shouted as he ran after Sulli. Sulli, who did not know she was called, continued to walk forward. "Miss, stop!" The Ahjussi patted her shoulder.

Sulli turned around.

"Miss, you haven’t paid cotton candy and chocolate that you took from my shop," said the Ahjussi.

"Me?" Sulli pointed at herself, "Ahh, this cotton candy?... Ahjussi, joesonghamnida, ah I'm really easy to forget." she tapped his forehead.

Sulli put her hand into the bag which she had opened. Her fingers find the money that she brought from home. After asking what the price of the goods that she took, she handed the money to Ahjussi.

Of course the changed of the Ahjussi face can be found, he angry when he saw the money in his hand just a fake money. He chuckled and said, "Wait, what did you say just now? How can I take your money, you're even using the fake money to pay for the items you buy?! Miss, are you stupid?"

"Ahjussi!" Sulli talking rather loudly, making a few passersby saw her and the Ahjussi quizzically, "You want to blackmail me? I've paid you, then you're saying that it's fake money? You really outrageous! And another thing, I'm not stupid!"

That Ahjussi began to lose patience. The people around them started to give him a cynical outlook after hearing Sulli's word and he also didn’t accept because Sulli embarrassing him in public.

"Miss, do you can’t see? Clearly this is fake money. Besides, I didn’t blackmail you, I'm just asking you to pay for the items you've taken. If you didn’t have the money, just say it, don’t be a thief!" the Ahjussi was throwing money he receives to Sulli's face.

That incident had been made many people to come for watching them. People began to whisper to each other, to express their opinion on the person next to them. Some people regretted that Ahjussi because he was too rude and a few other people began to curse Sulli who pay with fake money. The sound of people whisper getting louder and louder in Sulli's ear. It makes her scared.

"I'm not a thief! I'm not a thief!" Sulli deny, "Ahjussi, I'm not a thief! Tell them that I'm not a thief!" she began to lost of control.

The Ahjussi just frowned when he saw Sulli became weird. Sulli shook her head and kept saying that she wasn’t a thief. But he too selfish to help Sulli, he returned to collect the payment on Sulli.

"I'm not a thief! I told you, I'm not a thief! Aarghh!" Sulli closing her ears with her hands, then sat down on the road. One by one the tears running down in her cheeks. "Shut up I'm not a thief!" she shouted.

Situation getting out of hand. More and more people came to saw what happened. The longer the place was getting crowded by almost tens of people who intentionally come, thinking that the incident was more interesting than the circus, where the Ahjussi was an animal handler while a girl who was crying was the animal, of course. That is very miserable.

"I swear, I'm not a thief! I'm not a thief!" Sulli cry harder. She looked down sadly, still covered her ears so the disrespectful words that accused wasn’t heard from again.

The Ahjussi then sighed, "Ah , this girl is not stupid but she's crazy," he grumbled.


The Ahjussi fell to the ground instantly, while tens of people surrounding them gaping after seeing what just happened. Minho appeared from the crowd and punching the Ahjussi with his fist. Not only that, Minho looked eagerly to punch the Ahjussi for the second time, but his effort was thwarted by two young men were soon arrested him.

"Damn! What did you say that? Repeat that in front of me right now and I'll kill you!" he shouted that makes the people around him shudder. "Crazy? You said my sister crazy? Come here!" he thrashed, he want to be released.

The Ahjussi then stood. On his lips blood flow due to Minho's fist that crack a bit his lips. He arrogantly said, "it is not only her but her brother is crazy too!”

"What did you say? Come here, no one else is allowed to insult my sister!" Minho's eyes looked fiery, a few moments later his eyes turns glassy and become red. Minho hold back his tears as much as possible, but one drop of tears escaped and running down in his cheeks. “You'll be sorry for insulting my sister!”

"Minho ..."

That voise instantly eliminate his anger, but make his defenses melted instantly. His tears could no longer restrained and began to fall. Minho turned around. Sulli stood behind him, gave him a look of anxiety and sadness. Sulli approached him, then put her arms around his body who are still covered by emotion.

"Don’t be like this, Minho, please!"



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rekhappp #1
Chapter 15: Very nice story
Putriwijayanti15 #2
Chapter 15: Omg thor this is an amazing story for me, keep writing thor hwaiting :)
Chapter 15: Finished rereading! One out of my favorite minsul's stories out there. Thank you for this great story authornim ^^
putriwijayanti3 #4
Chapter 15: This is very wonderful fanfic thor :).
Sarahmauli #5
Chapter 7: Such a beautiful and meaningful story. Love it!
mimikonoch #6
Chapter 15: The best <3 When i was reading this story my eyes can't keep on watering :))
as3ani92 #7
What a beautiful story...
Great author-nim!
hayuni #8
Chapter 15: Love ur story soooo much author-nim. Daebakk :))
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 15: Awwww...hehe, sulli finally knows that jinki is her biological brother? At the last chapter? Hehe, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
fieminho #10
nice story dear author