A mess

Star That I Can't Reach

*The italic words means flashback.

Chapter 10



Suzy is getting frequent to came to Minho's house after what happened that day. Minho who don't know about the incident wasn't suspicious at all. He isn't bothered at all.

In contrast, Hara increasingly worried with this situation. Suzy did look fine, but she knew that the girl was in trouble. She often saw Suzy daydreaming and she also saw there is a difference in her eyes when she saw Sulli. Hara was getting frustrated with this romance problems, she began to doubt how Suzy looked at her half sister.

Could Suzy see her as a rival?

Hara tried to dispel those thoughts from her mind though it was difficult. She was not in favor of anyone, whether Suzy or Sulli. She knows it's impossible if Minho loves Sulli because Sulli is mentally ill. And Suzy, whatever but Hara sure if her brother didn't love her.

Sulli's condition is also getting better with time. Now, she began going to learn to read and write again, Minho who taught her and sometimes, Hara helped. Her emotions are also fairly stable. She was never angry for no reason anymore, nor have raged since coming home from the hospital. She gradually improved.

But her habit of asking her father not also disappear. Now, Hara also confused because she had helped Minho to prepare a variety of answers for Sulli. Suzy also sometimes help provide an answer, but the longer, they began to run out of ideas. Sulli's improved condition made ​​her more clever, she gets asked a lot if the answer isn't right.

"Why didn't you tell her if Mr. Choi is dead?" Suzy asked who came into the living room carrying two cups of tea for Minho and Hara.

"Sshh! Keep your voice down!" Minho put his index finger in front of his lips.

Suzy covered with the palm of the hand.

"We can't tell her because she is going to die after she hear it," Hara said. "My father was everything to Sulli. If she knew my father was dead, did you try to imagine what would happen to her?!" 

Suzy nodding in agreement, "But could you hide this fact from her forever? That makes no sense. Moreover, I think, you better tell the truth on Sulli, perhaps she could understand." Suzy opinion.

"Maybe she'll never understand. I don't wanna bet on something that I already know the answer." Minho sipping his cup of tea.

"Sulli, your father died eight years ago, so you don't have to ask about him anoymore..." Hara sighed. "Ah, if only we can say it to her...." she added.

"Honestly, I have no idea to cover up father's death from Sulli." Minho pouted.


The three of them then looked back. They are too busy thinking about how to lie to Sulli without realize that the girl they are talking about just slammed the glass in her hand to the floor.

"You're awake?" Minho stuttered.

Previously, he saw Sulli asleep in her room. The girl always take a nap at this hour, but the second, she stood with eyes fully open near the stairs.

"Are you thirsty? Shall I get you a drink? " Minho turned her attention .

Sulli didn't say anything. She just stared at Minho with a fists and angry stares.

"You hear it? " Hara asked. She didn't want to waste time because she guess Sulli hear what they were saying .

They looked at Hara. Although Sulli heard it , she should convince Sulli if what was she heard is false. Not give a  ambiguous question that convice what she was hearing is true. The three of them held their breath because Sulli doesn't answer anything.

However Sulli suddenly hurried toward the exit. She pulled the door and rushed out of the house. Minho chase, behind him, Hara and Suzy followed. In an instant, Sulli was outside the fence and walked hastily along the sidewalk .

"Ssul, wait for me! Ssul, where are you going?" Minho chased from behind. "Sulli!!" Minho managed to grab the girl's hand .

"Let me go! I don't wanna see you! Go away from me!" she tried to keep her hands off of Minho.

Minho tightened his grip and pulled her closer to him. Although Sulli pushed his hand every time he approached her. He said, "Sulli, keep calm! Let's go home!"

"Go away! I hate you! Let me go! " Sulli continued to resist.

Hara and Suzy just see them from behind. They both hold ourselves to separate the two, they refrained from defending any of them, they just keep quiet. They just quietly aware that the two didn't need them.

"Where are you going?" Minho asked, trying to avoid Sulli's hand which is pushed him .

"Of course I want to find my father," Sulli replied. Little by little, she ran out of steam against Minho. "My father isn't dead, he's keeping the peace in somewhere . I would take him to the front of you. He 's not dead, so watch your tongue!" she snapped.

Minho gasped. Sulli actually hear his conversation with Hara and Suzy and now she already knows the truth. This may sounds bad, but Minho was relieved so he doesn't have to lie to her anymore, but Sulli couldn't manage her emotions back.

"That's not what I meant, Ssul, I, "

"No, don't say anything! I won't believe you, you're a liar! I hate a liar!"

Minho then release Sulli's hand.

"I hate you, I hate you! He's not dead, how dare you say he's dead! You're a liar!" Sulli scream while beating Minho who still keep silent.

Hara holding Suzy's hand who wanted to approach them. Suzy might intend to help, but it will be worse if she was involved in the quarrel. All she has to do is keep quiet and let Minho and Sulli take care of each other.

Sulli sighed. Minho's silent attitude made ​​her more angry. She hopes that Minho would say something, assured her that their father was still alive, but not a word out of his mouth .

Sulli then walked away, leaving Minho who is still frozen. This time her step is much more relaxed than before. She goes step by step to find her father who didn't know where.

Minho, who can't possibly let Sulli alone, followed her from behind. When Sulli stepped once, he would also stepped once. Wherever she went, he would be behind her, staring at her back, with him being her shadow. He felt tightness in his chest, not because Sulli hit it many times, but due to her condition which is getting worse. He even felt that Sulli's punches isn't enough to make up for his sins which had been lying to her eight years.

And one other person are no less sad than by Minho is Suzy. Seeing Minho's back getting away convinced that she and Minho are very far apart. There is no longer a place for her beside Minho and it made ​​her sad.



Sulli almost fell after four hour walking around. She didn't go to a certain place, she just goes wherever the wind blows, hoping that the wind took her to Mr. Choi who she believes is still alive. Behind her, Minho faithfully to accompany her even in his feet began to appear an injuries due to walking away without stopping.

After six hour, Sulli still didn't find anything, except  the fact that she couldn't meet her father wherever she went. And after a six hour walk away, its difficult for her just for stand up. Her legs began to ache, even though she felt much pain in her heart.

Sulli looked back and saw Minho accidentally being in pain. She said weakly, "I want to go home." Minho nodded, then stop a taxi that crossed the road. After that, he helped Sulli who looked tired to get in to a taxi.

Not much later, Sulli fell asleep. She must be very tired. It can be seen from her pale face. Minho looked at her for a moment, then rested her head on his shoulder. Although he was also tired, Sulli remains his top priority .

Minho felt warm. Sulli always bring warmth and convenience for him. And the same warmth was felt again when she leaned against him. These feelings that always made ​​him fail to stop loving Sulli because he always falls in love with her as he looked at her, and foolishly, they always stare at each other almost twenty-four hours a day.



Minho woke up when Sulli appeared in his dream. He never mind if the girl appeared in his dreams, but this time was different. Minho turned to find Sulli asleep in a sitting position next to him while in her hand, she holds a book that Minho had read before.

Minho touched his lips with his index finger when he remembers his dream back. In his dream, Sulli kissed his lips. The girl came to him with a wedding dress and bouquet of lilies and then kissed him.

And for a reasons that he didn't know, the dream felt so real. He used to dream, but the dream was very different this time.

Her lips. Softness of her lips.

Floral scent of her perfume.

Everything. It felt very real.

And all that feels so real is coming from a girl with eyes closed besides him. Minho touched her face, then swept her hair which covering her face to behind her ear. Now he could freely looked at her stunning face.

Without realizing it, he brought his face closer to Sulli's and kissed her lips. He wonder what was going through his mind at that time, he was just ... for once ... before he was back to being a brother to Sulli. For an opportunity that may come once in a lifetime and in the real world, not in a dream .

After that , Minho back to sleep ... in her lap .



Minho carrying Sulli who're still asleep to her room. After covered her with a blanket, he went to Hara and Suzy in the living room who gave him a questioning look as he back home. Both of them had been sitting in the living room, waiting for him and then attacked him with all sorts of questions.

"How is she?" Hara asked.

"Where were you? Why are you so long?" Suzy asked.

"Did you bring her to father's funeral?" Hara shook her head.

"You didn't bring her to there, right?" Suzy cornering Minho with her gaze.

Minho didn't answer all of those questions. After he sat down on the couch, he opens his shoes and socks. Sure enough, there are a variety of injuries on the soles of his feet.

"What's wrong with you? Why're you get hurt?" Suzy was anxious.

"We walked for six hours." Minho replied with a whimper in pain.

Suzy and Hara were stunned to hear that.

He then answered a question that Hara asked some time ago, " I don't know for sure how she is now. She didn't say much, she just walked around until she almost fainted."

"She was definitely very surprised." Hara commented.

"I'm very worried about her. Though I'm sure if she's unable to walk again, but she kept walking. At her feet there is also a lot of wound, I will treat her after this." Minho added. For him, his wounds isn't something that should be considered.

"You should take a rest. If Sulli wake up tomorrow morning, I and Suzy who will treat her. You're hurt, you also must be treated." Hara told him.

Suzy nodded, "You can wake her up if you treat her right now, you'd better let her rest and we have to treat her wounds as soon as possible."

"I'm okay, I'm fine."

"You're not okay, Minho. Please, pay attention to yourself." Suzy looked at him with great anxiety.

Minho sighed, "Okay."

Suzy and Hara smiled in relief when that stubborn man finally gave up.  "Where do you keep the medicines?" Suzy asked.

"It's on the second floor. At a table near Sulli's door." Minho replied.

Suzy then go up to the second floor and bring medicines for Minho. Meanwhile, Hara took the water for wash the wounds. Minho sat in the living room while massaging his forehead that feels heavy. He never imagined that this day has finally come, the day when Sulli know that their father had died. And the fact was out from his own mouth.

A secret that he hide for a years, he is the one who leaked it.


Minho looked up at the second floor. The shouting was heard by Minho and Hara who are on the ground floor. Minho stood up and ran to the second floor. Not long afterward, Hara was running from the kitchen.

Minho who first up on the second floor and straight into Sulli room when he saw the door wide open. And he was speechless when he saw the situation in the room . The room was more terrible than the last time Minho saw. Suzy sat on the floor with a bleeding wound in the left arm. And even more surprising, Sulli stood before her with scissor in her right hand and she hugged a picture frame in her left hand. On her face, Minho found tears and strange looks from Sulli.

"Sulli, what are you doing?" Minho went to Suzy, help her up. Minho saw the wound on her arm that didn't stop bleeding.

"Oh God, Sulli!" Hara came a few minutes later.

"Go away! Stay away from me! Please, go away!" Sulli screaming hysterically.

"Sulli, calm down!" Minho tried to approach her, but before that happens, he stepped back after Sulli raised the scissors in her right hand as high as possible.

Suzy gasped when she saw what was Sulli done, as well as Hara who doesn't know what to do. Suzy then gave a warn, "Minho, you better get out!" she said while holding his shoulder, but he didn't listen.

Minho holds Sulli's wrist that was holding the scissor. The girl rebelled and dropped the frame to the floor. Minho throw the scissor after successfully take it from Sulli. He hugged her tightly, locked her arms so she couldn't move.

"I'm here, Sulli, calm down! It's me, Minho." he whispered to Sulli.

"Stay away from me! You have to stay away from me! Go away!" Sulli keep screaming while trying to escape from Minho.

Hara was speechless seeing Sulli screaming hysterically. Not a word coming from . She stood on the verge of the door, frozen when she saw Sulli tormented by something that can't be explained with words.

Sulli is getting hysterical, she was crying like crazy. But Minho braced himself. He doesn't care if his ears must be deaf because of her, he will not let her go.

"Hara, you have to do something!" Suzy shook Hara's arm while clutching her injured arm, but Hara didn't respond. "If you don't do something, I'll do something." she said for sure.

She then ran down the stairs, when she got down she took her bag and pulled out her phone. She pressed some numbers and put the phone to her ear.


"Yeoboseyo, is it mental rehabilitation?" Suzy asked with a trembling voice.





next chapter's preview :

"You killed my mother, aren't you? My mother! Bring her back here! Bring her back!!"

"I think Minho who was coming but I was wrong, what do you want to drink?"

"They will treat her like an animal. Locked her in a small room, tied her hands, gave her a sedative, can you imagine if that happen to Sulli?"

"We're empty without her..."




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rekhappp #1
Chapter 15: Very nice story
Putriwijayanti15 #2
Chapter 15: Omg thor this is an amazing story for me, keep writing thor hwaiting :)
Chapter 15: Finished rereading! One out of my favorite minsul's stories out there. Thank you for this great story authornim ^^
putriwijayanti3 #4
Chapter 15: This is very wonderful fanfic thor :).
Sarahmauli #5
Chapter 7: Such a beautiful and meaningful story. Love it!
mimikonoch #6
Chapter 15: The best <3 When i was reading this story my eyes can't keep on watering :))
as3ani92 #7
What a beautiful story...
Great author-nim!
hayuni #8
Chapter 15: Love ur story soooo much author-nim. Daebakk :))
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 15: Awwww...hehe, sulli finally knows that jinki is her biological brother? At the last chapter? Hehe, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
fieminho #10
nice story dear author