
Star That I Can't Reach



Sulli was lying on the bed, reading a magazine. Although her fingers were active flip through each page in the magazine, her eyes can’t be separated from Minho who was busy packing his clothes into a suitcase which he will bring to Jeju.

Kyuhyun invited him to come to an event held in Jeju Island for three consecutive days. Nowdays, Minho is getting busy as his popularity increased because he was able to appear on the cover of magazine and received an interview offer since a year ago.

"It's not fair! why I shouldn’t come to Jeju? I also want to go," Sulli pouted. She closed the magazine and sat on the bed.

Minho stopped packing and sat beside Sulli, "I’ll go for business purposes and not for fun,"

"Can’t I go there as your fiance? You need a friend, all the pretty girls will come there, what if they flirt you?!"

"So you want to go for fear I’ll get flirt with another girl?" Minho smiled, "not all the pretty girls will be present there, in fact you won’t be there," he teased.

"Yaa, Mr. Choi, you're good at flirting now huh?!" Sulli turned her blushed face.

Minho continuing to pack up after a small laugh. Sulli still pouted and pretend to be angry. Ten minutes later, Minho finished packing up and change his clothes. He look gorgeous with his airport fashion, making Sulli increasingly anxious that her fiance will invite all the girl's eyes.

"Come on, you know that I don’t like at home alone, I think it's not too late if I buy a ticket now," Sulli put her arms around Minho’s neck. The only and the last way : seduce.

Minho took off her arm, "I'll be back as soon as possible."

Sulli is getting furious. She crossed her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes when she saw her fiance walked away. "This isn’t fair! Hara will go with you and I’m in the house alone." she complained.

"Hara came there because she is being invited, Ssul. You look ugly when you're jealous, you know?" Minho chuckled.

"Nothing is funny!" Sulli bit her lip, totally irritated.

Minho stopped laughing when he saw Sulli pouted because her desire is not fulfilled. Minho put his suitcase and approached her, gave her a brief kiss on the forehead before leaving, "you don’t need to worry, all the girls were going to go when they saw this ring, I'll call you every hour that you're not lonely," he pointed his finger where he wear their engagement ring.

"I'll call Kyuhyun oppa every thirty minutes or so to make sure that you are not naughty," she exclaimed.

"He must be very busy because of you," Minho cupped Sulli’s cheeks.

"Just go! You’ll miss the plane if you stay here," said Sulli though her heart was still didn’t want to let Minho go.

"Take care of yourself!"

Sulli nodded then waved her hand with a sad face. To be honest, she doesn’t care with the beautiful girls that would be there, she knows how Minho loves her so much and he will not cheating. The main problem is being away from Minho. She wasn’t familiar with it.

"I will miss you so much .." Sulli lowered her head.

But then when she lifted her head, there’s a smirk on her face.

"You'll be back in two hours," she said, reaching something inside her pocket. She stared at a piece of paper that turned out to be Minho’s ticket that she took secretly when Minho pack. "I'm sorry, Oppa," she added then grinned.

Now there is no need to worry about. When Minho realized the ticket is lost, he will miss the plane and back home. Sulli doesn’t have to worry if she will miss Minho because he will not going to go anywhere.


Sulli wanted to clear up a blanket on the bed but distracted when suddenly she turned around because someone pulled her from behind. It took a few seconds until she can see clearly who is appealing her wrist, but someone was put his lips on Sulli’s first.

Minho ..

Her eyes widened with sudden kiss. Especially when she saw Minho's eyes open, staring right into her eyes as if teasing her carelessness. Minho smiled even though he still kiss Sulli. He then pulled her closer towards him.

Slowly, Minho closed his eyes and kissed her gently and passionately. Sulli was melted along with a soft touch on her body, but actually Minho was trying to take the ticket in her pocket. And when Minho managed to pick it up, he pulled back his lips.

"See you soon, my naughty Sulli," he said at last.

Sulli bit her lip and then walked beside Minho to the exit. After closing the door, she leaned against the door and then hit her head because having been careless. Minho is now really going to go and she had no other way to stop him. She was too confident with her plan until she had not prepared a plan B.

"Aigoo, so stupid!” she complained, remembering that kiss.


Exactly a week after she got out of rehab a year ago, Minho engaged with Sulli. They both express their feelings and agree that they can’t live without each other.

Sulli was fully recovered. It’s hard to believe when considering that she spent a dozen years as someone who suffers from mental illness, but God says another, a miracle happened through the hard work of those who love her. Magic happens through love.

And now, she is enjoying her life as a fiance of Choi Minho, as a future sister-in-law of famous model (Hara), as  Sulli who is works at a pet daycare and as a Jinri who managed to fix her past.


She sat alone in the living room with old magazines that she read again for five minutes but boredom has washed over her. She circulate her views on the rest of the room, looking for something to kill the boredom but there is nothing there except the pictures hanging on the wall. Some of the pictures were just old photos, and the rest are new photos that were taken when they were both engaged.

"If you don’t comeback within three days, I will be looking for another man," she pointed Minho's face in one photo with a grim face, "so hurry up, please!" then she begged.

Minutes later, Sulli got up and headed for the kitchen. She thinks that if she has a lot of activities, he would forget Minho, so she decided to cook. Previously, she get the food items from refrigerator. She tried to remember how to make fish soup as she closed the refrigerator door with hands full of groceries.

She smiled suddenly, not for having to remember a fish soup recipe that will be made, but because she caught a piece of paper taped to refrigerator door with the help of a frog-shaped magnet.


In the next hour, she was sitting in the airplane seat while reading a magazine provided by the airline. Beside her there’s a empty seat but she didn’t care. And when a man with a familiar face came and sat there, she turned her face from him.

"I thought you couldn’t find it," said Minho, the man who sat beside her.

"Be thankful because you have a fiance who has eagle eyes," she said dismissively.

"Are you still mad at me?" asked Minho.

"What do you think?" Sulli asked back.

"I'm sorry," Minho put an adorable face, "I did it because you were naughty, if only you didn’t hide my ticket, I definitely will directly take you away with me,"

"You should have told me from the beginning if you're going to take me so I don’t need to hide your ticket," Sulli is no longer angry.

Minho took his hand and put his fingers between Sulli’s, "I will not leave you alone again, everywhere I go I'll take you with me," he said.


"Yeah, we're both still have a long time for us to spend together and I want each of my time I spend with you. How about you? Do you want to spend your life with me?"

Sulli smiled, touched by the words of Minho that though not romantic but it sounded sincere in her ear, "do you still need my answer?"

"Thank you because you have come in my life" Minho kiss the back of Sulli’s hand.

"And thank you for bringing back my life," added Sulli with a smile.

Minho stared at her eyes. Her eyes were calm and always managed to make him comfortable. He stared at Sulli's face, in his mind he never thought that he could have the girl in front of him. He always thought that Sulli is a star that isn’t possible he reach but now he managed to reach her.


"Ahem .."

Minho looked up. A man with blonde hair with sunglasses standing beside him. "Can I help you?" Minho asked.

"Sorry, sir, I lost something valuable, can you help me look for it?"

Minho frowned. It feels a bit weird when someone is asking for help to him when the plane will take off soon, but what bothered him was the blond man. They seem to have met before.

"Lee Jinki?"

"How did you know my name?" he opened his glasses.

"You don’t remember me? I’m Minho. A year ago you had to save my sister," Minho explained. Once he opened his sunglasses, Minho was convinced that the guy is Jinki.

"Minho? oh gosh.. Long time no see, Minho,"

Yeah, that man is Lee Jinki.

"Glad to see you again, Minho, you're going to go to Jeju as well?" Jinki asked.

"Yes, there is a business. Did you go back to Korea again? are you also going to go to Jeju?" Jinki nodded. Minho then realized that Sulli isn’t releasing her gaze from Jinki, "Jinki, anyway, I want you to meet someone," Minho glanced at Sulli.

Jinki saw a girl sitting next to Minho. Sulli had been seen him, and when Jinki looked at her, she pulled her lips and said, "nice to meet you again .. Oppa."

"Nice to meet you too, Jinri." Jinki gave a smile full of meaning.

"Looks like you've found what you're looking for." Minho couldn't help, but smile widely.





author’s note :

I've marked this fanfic as complete. Sorry if I failed to make you smile from ear to ear but,

thank you so much people ~^^



with love, toscadandelion.




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rekhappp #1
Chapter 15: Very nice story
Putriwijayanti15 #2
Chapter 15: Omg thor this is an amazing story for me, keep writing thor hwaiting :)
Chapter 15: Finished rereading! One out of my favorite minsul's stories out there. Thank you for this great story authornim ^^
putriwijayanti3 #4
Chapter 15: This is very wonderful fanfic thor :).
Sarahmauli #5
Chapter 7: Such a beautiful and meaningful story. Love it!
mimikonoch #6
Chapter 15: The best <3 When i was reading this story my eyes can't keep on watering :))
as3ani92 #7
What a beautiful story...
Great author-nim!
hayuni #8
Chapter 15: Love ur story soooo much author-nim. Daebakk :))
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 15: Awwww...hehe, sulli finally knows that jinki is her biological brother? At the last chapter? Hehe, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
fieminho #10
nice story dear author