
Star That I Can't Reach

Chapter 11



Suzy couldn’t resist her desire to see Sulli in her room. After she gets the medicines, she went into her room after seeing the door wasn't closed. Sulli was sleeping and Suzy was furious when she saw her. Sulli was still wearing Minho's jacket, and that's made Suzy making a fist.

"Until when are you going to be like this?" Suzy asked, looking at her face angrily. "When are you going to let Minho go off of you and handed him completely for me?!" Suzy couldn't hold back her anger.

Suzy sat on the edge of the bed and caressed Sulli's head. She swept Sulli's hair behind her ear and then whisper something in her ear, "until Minho die because of you?"

Sulli frowned. Although she was asleep, her subconscious heard Suzy.

"Your father- ah no , their father ... You want to know why he died? He died because of you. He took care of you until he have to ignores his own daughter and he died because he was no longer able to take care of you, you want Minho do the same for you? Take care of you until he died because he could no longer ... "

Secretly, Sulli clenched her hand behind a blanket.

"You'd better stay away from Minho or he will also die like his father. You don't want him to die, right? It would be very sad. You can't see him, can't hear his voice, and the worst is when you know he's dead because of you... You just bring something bad in this family ... "

"You're so mean Sulli ... Why did you take all belonging to Hara and not leaving any of them for her? Her father, her mother, even Minho .. you're so selfish. But I will not let you take what is rightfully mine, I can't let you take Minho . .. "

Sulli opened her eyes and immediately pushed Suzy, "What did you say?" she glared at her.

Suzy stepped back slowly. She doesn't think Sulli would react upon hearing her words. Suzy stepped back until she hit the wall and dropped the medicine box.

"I'm not the cause of death of my father, you're lying!" Sulli said.

" I'm not lying! You know exactly what's going on, you just don't want to admit it," said Suzy.

Sulli stood up, approached Suzy who despite fear but continue to cornered Sulli with the words, "No, that's not true!"

"Since your coming to this house, you destroyed Choi family. Hara and Mrs. Choi had to part with. Mr. Choi and Minho. Then, Minho with great difficulty take care of you even if they have to sacrifice on a lot of things," Suzy speak loudly. She tried to strong and express all her thoughts on Sulli. "Losing a job, every day they have to hear insults from another people, buy medicine for you, replace the damage caused by you, they are tired ... either their physical or mentally ..." she added.

"That's not true!" Sulli started crying.

"That's right!" Suzy took a picture frame on the table and tried to slam it to the floor. Sulli was surprised because the photo that taken by Suzy is her photo with Minho and Mr. Choi. The photo is a precious thing for her.

"Don't!" Sulli grab the photo from Suzy.

There was a little fight between them to get the frame and Sulli won the fight after she pushed Suzy down to the floor. Suzy is getting irritated. Not far from where she fell, she found a scissor from the medicine box on the floor. She took the scissor and hid it behind her.

She stood up and argued with Sulli again.

"I don't know what else should be the way I am told you about your fault but you also don't want to understand," she said as she walked towards the door and opened it.

She then showed the scissor in her hand.

"Now, you just need to choose .. Stay away from Minho or I will hurt him?" she threatened.

Sulli tightened her grip on the figura in her hand. She, who is always out of control when she saw a sharp object due to trauma, stepping back. Her hands and legs were shaking until she was unable to say anything. The shadow when she was beaten by her biological father appeared every time she sees a sharp weapon.

"You can't answer? You don't want to stay away?" Suzy raised her eyebrows. "If that's your choice- Aaarrrggh!" Suzy uses the scissor to injure her own arm when Sulli tried to approach her.

She shouted as loud as possible and threw herself as she threw the scissor to the floor. Sulli took the scissor because she was feared that Suzy would use it again. She saw that Suzy’s arm bleeding and she lost control after remembering how her mother lying with blood after her father beat her mother.

And then Minho come.



Minho sighed when the ambulance voice came. He was quite lost his mind to handle Sulli right now. Sulli will getting lose control if she hear the sound of an ambulance. What should he do?

Ambulance sirens echoed. Sulli began to be hear it. Minho let go of his arms as he saw Sulli tried to cover her ears. Minho helped her to cover her ears, but the sound of ambulance too fast to be able to be heard even though her ears was closed.

"Eomma!!" Sulli shouted.

And finally the thing he feared the most happened. He had thought that Sulli will cry like this because remember an incident where her mother died. Can't do anything for Sulli makes him frustrating. Sulli cry harder. Minho tried to hug her but Sulli pushed him.

Minho isn't easy to give up and keep trying, "Here I am, please calm down!" Minho whispered.

"You killed my mother, aren't you? My mother! Bring her back here! Bring her back!" Sulli hit Minho mightily.

Hara finally pulled Sulli away from Minho. Sulli's actions are getting wild, she bites Minho's arm. Sulli pulling Hara's hair when she touched her and the fights between them getting worst when Minho come into it.

Some time later, Hara was encouraged against the wall by Sulli. Sulli then clawed Minho's arm until he screamed in pain. Minho tried to get rid of her, but he doesn't know where she got the strength until she could push Minho.

The condition completely out of control until some uniformed men entered the room and held both Sulli's arm until she couldn't move. Minho was confused of where people come from.

"Let go of me! Let me go!" Sulli shouted.

Minho finally found the answer after seeing one of the sign in their uniform. They come from mental hospital. " No, you can't take her anywhere!" he draws their hands from his sister.

"Give her to us, she can be very dangerous." replied one of them .

"I can handle it, I'm her brother."

"Sorry, sir, but after looking at your situation, you need help. We'll take her." the uniformed people carrying Sulli forcibly. One of them kept telling Minho to let them bring Sulli by blocking Minho from her. Minho had lost a lot of power so he could not do anything about it.

Hara followed behind, clutching her injured shoulder. They finally arrive at the yard where an ambulance stopped in front of their house. He was more motivated to save Sulli. But he was helpless when Sulli extended her hand when half of her body get into the ambulance.

"Minho ..." Sulli whispered.

 And then the ambulance doors closed. Ambulance speeds away leaving Minho and Hara in front of their house. The tears began to trickle one by one. He stared at ambulance that brought Sulli from his side. The desire to chase the ambulance came, but he couldn’t move his legs and fell on the road instead. The tears couldn’t be held longer and flowed on his cheeks.

Suzy stood on the verge of the door with tears. She didn’t think it would happen because of her actions. There are so many feelings running through her chest. She was afraid, guilty, worried, but there is also a sense of relief. She stared at Minho from her place, not daring to approach him.



Hara sitting at the dinner table while Suzy took her a drinking water. She was shocked by what had just happened. Suzy then serving a glass of water for her to come and sit in front of her. Suzy holds her hand so that she could be calm, but Hara moved to tears.

Hara cries grew louder over time. She hit her chest slowly in the hope that the tightness in her chest would soon disappear. But the feeling is getting strangle her until she couldn't breathe. "Sulli...Sulli ..." she called Sulli so many times.

Suzy couldn't help, she was also crying. She looked up to the second floor where Minho locked himself in his room.



Leeteuk finally understand how Minho feel every time he leave Sulli alone. Anxious, nervous, and scared.

Leeteuk couldn't focus on his works today after he got the news that Sulli goes into rehab this morning from Taeyeon. He was so worried throughout the day even though he and Sulli are in one building. According to what was Taeyeon said, her condition is very worrying. And now he stands in front of a room with a door made of iron, he saw Sulli sitting in front of the window by the glass that was made ​​at the door. What was Taeyeon said is true, her condition makes anyone who saw her was worry.

Leeteuk had never seen her like what he saw today. Her hair was tangled, her eyes were swollen with dark circles around because of lack of sleep, and her skin was pale. She stared out the window with a blank stare.

Taeyeon came and told him that there was someone who came in his room waiting for Leeteuk. Leeteuk nodded and hurried to his room after giving a meaningful gaze at Sulli through the glass.

Leeteuk welcomes Hara who is already awaiting or him. Leeteuk wondering what kind of a mess that happened until Hara also being frustrating. Her eyes were swollen, her face was pale.

"I think Minho who's coming but I was wrong, what do you want to drink?" Leeteuk asked.

"Can I bring Sulli back to home?" Hara directly expressed her wishes.

Either Minho or Hara who existing in front of him, Leeteuk already knew that they had the same goal. He could read that Hara was very worried and scared, it was evident from her trembling lips when she called Sulli's name.

"I can't. With this situation, any doctor wouldn’t let her back home." Leeteuk replied with great regret.

"I had to take her home for Minho,"

"She can't go home. You should see her situation, she was very chaotic."

"Not only her, but also Minho," Hara sighed. "He's not out of the room since Sulli go, he locked himself, crying and blaming himself for this."

"You want me to come for check his condition?"

"My brother is not crazy!!"

"I come as a friend, not as a doctor." Leeteuk said disappointed.

Hara lowered her head, "I'm sorry. I was not thinking clearly because of this incident." she said sincerely.

Leeteuk got up from his chair and tapped her shoulder. As a psychologist, he knows that Hara was struggling alone and it is very difficult. "You'd better go home and make him sure if everything will be fine. I will be here to take care of Sulli, so he doesn't have to worry." Leeteuk suggested.



Suzy biting her fingernails while waiting for  Hara from the hospital. Last night she stayed at Minho's house after seeing the condition of the two siblings. A guilty feeling was really strangled her nearly to death. She didn't know the effect of her action will become a big things that ruin Minho and Hara's live.

Minho hasn't left the room since yesterday, it means he has not been eating and drinking. She was afraid that he suddenly collapsed in his room or he could have tried to commit suicide as she had done previously.

But she also thought of something else that is also important.

What if Minho knew that she was the cause of what happened yesterday? What if Sulli tell what she was saying to him yesterday? What if she split up with Minho for the second time?


Minho suddenly out of the room. He was still wearing yesterday's clothes and said that he would go to rehab to pick up Sulli. Suzy gasped. At that moment Hara also went home. She immediately stopped Minho.

"I just met Leeteuk, he told me that Sulli can't go home now," said Hara.

"Who does he thinks he is? I'm her brother, I'm the one who determine when Sulli can back home," Minho explode.

Minho still remain on his establishment to pick up Sulli. Hara who is already calm after met Leeteuk then convey what he told, "Why don't we try to think positively about this situation? Let her stay there for a while, maybe after that she could recover,"

"You don't know what that place was like, Hara. They will treat her like an animal. Locked her in a small room, tied her hands, gave her a sedative, can you imagine if that happen to Sulli?"

Minho's tears flowing again at the thought of it happening. Imagine if Sulli crying in fear if he was not there beside her. She must have suffered alone there. Hara hug Minho and caressing his back until he calm down.

"What if no one read a book for her? She can't sleep without Robbie, you know?... She needs us," Minho said softly.

"She will come back to us, you don't have to worry!" Hara tightened her embrace.

Suzy looked at them. She thinks that she is so mean until she would do this to them. But she didn't do it on purpose. She was panicked, she did this to maintain Minho on her side. She didn't intend to make Sulli go into rehab.




"We're empty without Sulli,"

Hara took a sip of her coffee. This is her third coffee today and it was still delicious. She and Suzy sitting in the dining room to talk about what happened to them.

"I never imagined if I could say this, but we really empty without Sulli," Hara added the previous sentence.

Suzy holds her glass with both hands. She lifted her glass and spilled coffee in it because her hands were shaking. "Oh, I'm sorry." she took a napkin and wipe the table with the hand that still shaking.

"Suzy, your hand ..." Hara watched her hands and wondered.

"It's okay, I'm fine. I am just lack of sleep," Suzy rubbed the palm of her hands.

"How'd she do that?"

What happened last night just make her realize that she's nothing to her. Lack of experience in dealing with Sulli makes her didn't not know how to make her calm, but one thing she knows for sure is Sulli wouldn’t hurt anyone. Minho always keep her away from sharp objects for fear she will get hurt. And instead of to hurt someone, only to see a sharp weapon, Sulli will be hiding.

"Sulli... how'd she do that to your arm?"

"She- I went to her room because I heard she cried, but she grabbed my arm. I dropped the mediciines box, I don't know if there is a scissor and suddenly she hurt me," Suzy said.


"You don't trust me?"

Hara blinked. She gave a smile on Suzy as a sign that she believed her. In her heart, she assures herself that Suzy would never do anything like she imagined. Impossible.





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rekhappp #1
Chapter 15: Very nice story
Putriwijayanti15 #2
Chapter 15: Omg thor this is an amazing story for me, keep writing thor hwaiting :)
Chapter 15: Finished rereading! One out of my favorite minsul's stories out there. Thank you for this great story authornim ^^
putriwijayanti3 #4
Chapter 15: This is very wonderful fanfic thor :).
Sarahmauli #5
Chapter 7: Such a beautiful and meaningful story. Love it!
mimikonoch #6
Chapter 15: The best <3 When i was reading this story my eyes can't keep on watering :))
as3ani92 #7
What a beautiful story...
Great author-nim!
hayuni #8
Chapter 15: Love ur story soooo much author-nim. Daebakk :))
claribelmiranda #9
Chapter 15: Awwww...hehe, sulli finally knows that jinki is her biological brother? At the last chapter? Hehe, anyways done reading this story, looove it :)
fieminho #10
nice story dear author