
My Masked Prince {Discontinuing}

A/N: Annyeong! This chapter might be confusing to some! If you are confused after you have read this, please comment and I will make a summary of the story so far ^^ For now, please enjoy chapter 12~!



12. Dream


Violet P.O.V

I woke up with sweat dripping down on my face. My pillow was wet and so was my tank top. Was that all just a dream? I asked myself. Did I actually do those things...? Is Rin really dating Aron? All my thoughts were interupted when Jae came into my room.

"omo! You're awake!" she cried and ran over towards me, giving me one of her famous death hugs. 

"Erm, you ok unnie?" I asked her. Obviously she's not! my concious cried and I shooed it away. 

"I'll explain later! Right now, we need to get some food into that stomach of yours!" she kissed my forehead and ran out of the room, going down the stairs and shouting at everyone.

So it was just a dream. I knew it was to good to be true. To think, NU'EST would become friends with us, and Aron, dating my unnie. 

I got in the shower. As I the water, millions of thoughts were running through my mind once again. As I got out, I quickly got changed and looked through my contacts on my phone. 










I sighed, relieved that everything was normal. I quickly shoved the phone in my pocket and ran down the stairs (well not really ran, but quickly walked). 

"Welcome back to earth leader!" Rin exclaimed, running over and hugged me. Maybe I should ask her...

"Hey Rin! Did we ever go to a masquerade party?" I asked her.

"Yeah remember? It was to welcome new students like us. Pabo, you’re getting old already!" She exclaimed with a smile. I pouted but felt happy that my masked prince was still out there. One more question, just to make sure.

"D-did you ever go out with Aron before?" 

"BWOH?! Aron of NU'EST?! I WISH!! HE SO FREAKING HOT OMG!!" she broke into fangirl mode.

So the masquerade party was real but everything else wasn't...? I'm so confused.

"Arra! Breakfast is served!" Jae says, putting a plate infront of me with a large cup filled with juice. "You need to eat lots since you haven't eaten in 3 days! We thought you were dead!" 

Haven't eaten...IN THREE DAYS?!?! 

"3 DAYS?!" I yelled, causing all the members to look at me in concern. 

"Well yeah...Don't you remember anything?" Lina asks, trying to cut the bacon in half. I shook my head. 

"Well..." Jae starts. "We were leaving the masquerade party at school three days ago, this teacher offered you a weird looking food. Being the blunt person who loves food, you went ahead and tried it."


"Hey, would you like some?" a tall man asked you, holding up a platter of food in front of him. 

"What is it?" I asked him, peering over to see what it was. 

"I honestly don't know." he laughed. "A student brought it in and I saw that no one was trying it so I decided to help him get rid of it by offering people." 

"Well, it looks good, so i'll try it!" 

You took a piece of whatever it was and bit into it. 

"Wow! It's really good!" I exclaimed and took more of it. Soon the platter of food was almost gone. 

"Hey Vi! Quit eating! We have to go home!" Rin cries and dragged me out of the building. 

When we got home, something felt wrong. My stomach started aching and the world was turning at a very fast pace. 

"Hey maknae! You alright?" Jae asked, tilting my head up towards her. I were about to nod until I collapsed onto the floor. The girls were so shocked that they called the hospital. 

Flahback End

"Oh! So that's what happened!" I exclaimed finally getting the story. " I guess I was knocked out for a while."

"Most of the students ate some of that too so the government shut down that school. We went to a different school after. We were going to wait until you woke up but Miss. Nerdy pants over here decided to go right away." Rose pointed to Lina who gave an awkward wave to me.

"So basically it's my first day of school." I said and the girls nodded. I sighed and ate my breakfast, deep in thoughts. 

"Oh yeah." Lina threw me several pictures. " There were a few pics, all over the school website. Even students at our new school is talking about it." 

I studied the picture. A girl and a boy...kissing?! My eyes widened. "Judging from your bug eyes, I'm guessing that the girl is you." Rin said, biting into her toast. 

"I-I can explain!" I cried.

"What is there to explain?" Jae interrupted. I looked at my members. They all had serious faces on. 

After a few moments of awkward silence, the girls bursted into laughter. 

"OMG her face was priceless!" Lina exclaimed while holding onto her stomach. bwoh?

"Erm, what's going on?" I asked them. 

"We're so happy that you found someone to be with!" 

My cheeks started heating up. "Y-Yah!" I yelled, trying to hide my red cheeks.

"So! Who is it?!" they all asked in concern. 


"Who is he! I bet he was a good kisser!" 

"Unnie!" I exclaimed.

"Aw come one! Tell your unnies who he was! We're curious!" pursuades Rin.

"I don't know who he was." I mutter, but the girls hear me and look at me with an are-you-serious look. Jae facepalms herself.

"Seriously Vi?" I shrug and go upstairs to my room to make a call.




"Yoboseo?" a husky voice answered the phone.

"Hey, it's me." 

"Hey! It's been a while since I've heard from you!" 

"Nice hearing from you again, Yongguk oppa. How are you and the boys?" 

"We're doing fine. Zelo dyed his hair. He kept whining so Youngjae took him to a hair salon."

"Typical Zelo. What colour did he dye it?"

"It's a blueish colour with a few streaks of red." 

"Send me a pic later on! I wanna see!"

"Sure thing." 

After a few minutes of talking, Yongguk had to go so we said our goodbyes and hung up. I was about to open the door when the girls bursted into my room.

"I totally forgot! Since you woke up early, we should go to school!" Rin said and shoved a uniform to my chest. 

"Wait what?" I asked, confused. 

"You woke up around 6 and school starts at 8 so might as well start your first day today!" Lina exclaimed and started doing your hair. 

"Hey! I can do it myself. Now shoo!" I kicked them out of my room and got dressed. 

Third Person P.O.V

"WHAAAAAAT?! No fair!" Ren pouted. "Why can't I wear that!"

"Because Ren," their manager said, putting away a pair of bright pink shoes. "There's a rule called the dress code, and if you don't follow it, then the school will kick you out." 

"Then let me wear it! I don't wanna go to school anyways!" 

"Aw, it'll be fun Ren! Besides, this is the only time we'll ever have to feel like a normal kid again!" Aron laughed, remembering how much fun he had during his highschool days. 

"I already went to that dance thing from the other school..." " Ren continued to pout.

"You gotta admit though, it was fun." 

"Enough chit chat! We're going to be late!" JR interupted and stormed out of the room in his uniform. Before he could exit out of the dorm, the manager dragged JR back into the room.

"You are NOT wearing those to school." he demanded, pointing at JR's pink gloves. 

"But why~!" he whined, moving his hands around as the manager tried to retrieve it from him. 

"Don't make me lecture you too!" 

"Hyung! Rennie! We're ready to go!" Baekho and Minhyun entered the room, with a messenger bag on one shoulder. 

"Hurry up you two," Aron sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Your lucky you get to go to school full time. I have to stay back and work on my Korean. It'll be around 10 before I can join you."

"Can't I stay with you?" cried Ren. Before anyone could say anything, Baekho and Minhyun dragged JR and Ren out of the room and into the van. 

"Wow! It's so big!" Violet exclaimed. The girls entered the school and made their way to their lockers. 

"24, 36, 12" mumbled Violet and the lock on her locker popped up. She opened the door and a gust of wind greeted her.  

"Noona?" a familiar voice spoke up.




A/N: Sorry if this was confusing! (I warned you though...) ;A; Comment below if your confused!"


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omo... writer's block! =__=


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Chapter 19: I can take over ^^
lotusren #2
Chapter 17: Unnie Please update soon ! You are doing such an awesome job of writing this story ! Since this story is so amazing I'm thinking of writing one because you got me think up of one ! Please continue writing Unnie ! Hwaiting !!
teleporter97 #3
Chapter 17: Although i got confused over the dream part i still love this fic!! Its soo cute and original with its own plot and twists :)

Two thumbs up! XD
Chapter 17: XD exo~ Mama.
Omo ~ update soon~
torinicole #5
Chapter 17: Oh this is good
Chapter 16: /Bricked. Update soon author-nim this was quite interesting c;
Chapter 15: please update soooon