His Confession

My Masked Prince {Discontinuing}

09. His Confession

Third Person P.O.V

"Man! I can't believe we used almost ALL of our money to buy this thing!" exclaimed Rose as she fell onto the new couch in their new house.

"Well, we may have used almost all of our money, but at least it can keep those guys from coming back and attacking Violet again." said Lina, who was coming out of the shower. 

"Thanks guys, I can't believe we actually managed to get a place. It's bigger than our last house!" piped up Violet.

"No problem, and I agree with that. It IS bigger than our last place," Jae replied. "I've always wanted to move to a different house anyways. Our last one was...you know..." the three girls nodded in agreement.

"I just hope we have enought money to go to school." Lina said and opened her wallet. "How much do you guys have? I have 6,000 won left."

A/N: 1,000 won= $0.95 so 6,000 won= $5.69

"Erm, 3,000..." whispered Jae.

"4,000 for me..." replied Violet.

"Er...1,000..." sighed Rose.


"I really need a job." they all thought.

"Are you sure this is a good place to work at?" asked Violet, staring in front of the cafe door.

"Yeah! I'm sure! They say that they pay us good plus I hear that they have hot workers there." Lina winks.

"Oh gosh Lina!"

"Lets go in and apply already!" Jae skips in the cafe, with the others following behind.

"Welcome to the BIGBANG Cafe! How may I help you?" greets a tall boy.

"Um, we're here to apply for a job." Rose says.

"Oh! Wait! I'll call the boss for that." the boy leaves and soon comes back with another.

"Hello! I'm G-Dragon, I hear that you four want to apply for a job here." their boss says.

"Hello! We're a group called NERD and yes, we'd like to apply here. I'm Violet." Violet replies, bowing. One by one the girls introduce themselves.

"Sweet! So, do you want to start today?" GD asks.

"Sure! I hope we can be good help to you!" NERD says.

"Seungri here will show you what to do. Treat them well arraso?" GD walks away as he pats Seungri's head.

"YEAH! Hyung! Why doesn't Daesung hyung help them! I can't teach four of them at once!!!!!" Seungri yells but GD already left. "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to show you the ropes huh..."

"Wow! Look at her go!" Rose exclaims as the group watch their maknae take orders like a pro.


"You girls holding up here?" Seungri asks, walking in. "It seems like Violet's got the hang of it."

"Yeah, she's like a pro!" replies Lina. "I'm surprised she can remember who's order is who's!"


"Welcome to the BIGBANG Cafe!" NERD exclaims while bowing.

"Oh! It's you guys! We haven't seen you in a while!" someone says.

"Baekho-shi! JR-shi! It's been so long!" Rose cries.

"No need to be so formal." Laughs JR. He glances over towards Violet's direction. "You guys work here?"

"We actually started today." replies Lina. "Our maknae over there is so professional at it."

Violet slowly walks over to the table closest to the group and falls into the chair.

"You guys didn't help at all~!" she whines.

"You looked like you were having fun though." says Rose, scratching her head. No one notices that Seungi leaves.

"STILL You-OH! Hi JR! Hey Baekho! Long time no see!"

"Heh, you've been working hard." Baekho walks over to Violet and messes up her hair.

"Yeah, they didn't even help~! Oh! Where are the others?"

"They're staying at the dorm for a bit, we kinda want to...minimize the drama." JR whispers the last bit.

"What do you mean, minimize the drama?" asks Rose.

"Er...Well, lets see...How can I explain this without you guys freaking out on us..." JR motions the girls to come closer. "We're actually idols." 


"Oh gosh guys! Keep it down!" Baekho exclaims. Soon, people in the cafe start taking out their cellphones, snapping pictures of the two idols.

"Jeez! Run for it!" JR yells, grabbing the nearest person, who happened to be Rose and ran out the cafe.

"HYUNG!" shouts Baekho, who grabbed Violet and ran out with her. The girls looked at each other and shrugged, running out of the cafe.

"CRAP! THEY'RE ON TO US! WE HAVE TO SPLIT UP!" Baekho yells, still holding on to Violet. JR and Baekho turn different corners, hoping that they could lose the crowd faster, and the rest of NERD are trapped in the sea of screaming fans. As Baekho turned, he managed to come across an alley way. With his quick reflexes, he slipped in the alley way without being noticed. He covered Violet's mouth with his right hand while his left arm wrapped around her waist. Luckily her back was against Baekho's chest so he couldn't feel how fast her heart was beating.

'Oh gosh this is awkward....' Violet thought as her heart kept beating really fast. The crowd soon went away, but the two stayed in place, just in case there was any other fans that got out of the crowd. 

Finally, after waiting a few more minutes, the two realized how awkward their position was and quickly separated. 

"S-Sorry..." Baekho apologized.

"N-No, it’s alright." replied Violet while shaking her hands in front of her. A wave of awkward silence ran through the alley way until Baekho's phone went off.

"Yoboseo?" answered Baekho.

"Dude, where are you? Are you with the others?" asked the person on the other line.

"Ani hyung, I'm with Violet. What about you? Are you and Rose ok?"

"My shirt is kind of torn up and Rose sprained her ankle."

"Where are you right now? We'll come and get you." 

"Near Gangnam." 

"Arraso, see you there."

Baekho hung up and sighed, leaning against the wall.

"Is everything ok?" asked Violet, who was concerned on why he was sighing. Baekho jumped up when he heard her speak.

"S-Sorry, forgot you were there..." he trailed off and ran his hand through his hair. Violet raised an eyebrow. 

"Anyways," he continued. "JR Hyung and Rose are near Gangnam, so we're going to get them." 

"Oh, ok." Why is he acting so strange? Violet thought and started walking.

When they reached Gangnam, the two found JR trying to get Rose's shoe off. They didn't say anything until JR looked at them and gasped. 

"I-It's not what it looks like!" the two exclaimed and blushed hard. Violet looked down and saw that Rose's ankle was purple. 

"What happened to your ankle unnie?!" she yelled and quickly ran over to her. 

"It's nothing, just sprained it, that's all."

"Here,  I'll piggy back you." JR said and bent down with his back facing the girls. Rose hesitated for a second, then climbed on the boy's back. 

"Wow, you’re so light!" he exclaimed. 

"Am I supposed to take that as an insult or a compliment?" Rose laughed. "Giddyup!"

"YAH! I'm not a horse!" 

Baekho stared at the two with a fake smile. Inside, he was slowly bleeding at the fact that JR got to piggy back Rose. 

"Baekho oppa?" 

"Huh?" he asked and started blushing a bit. 

"You alright?" Violet looked very concern as Rose stared at him.  

"Yeah, totally!" he replied, smiling again. JR started walking.

"I know that's a fake smile," he whispered as he walked passed him and towards the dorm. 

"Violet, I have to do something so you go on ahead, i'll catch up." Baekho said and slowly walked the opposite way with his hands in his pockets, leaving Violet dumbfounded.

"JR Oppa, what's wrong with Baekho oppa today?" Violet asked JR who was sitting on his bed in his room, reading One Piece. 

"What do you mean?" he replied, looking up from his book.

"Well...After you and Rose unnie left, Baekho oppa said that he had to do something and would catch up, but it's pretty late and he's still not back. I even sent out the other members of NERD to go find him."

"Ohhhhh..." JR trailed off and thought for a moment. He smirks and motions Violet to come closer. Obidiently, she moves closer and he whispers something in her ear. Her eyes grow wide.

"J-Jinja?!" she exclaimed and JR nodded. 

"I'm not sure how long since he started liking her but I'm pretty sure she doesn't like him back." 

"Neh, unnie likes someone else..." 


"Keep it a secret?" She stared into JR's eyes and extends her pinky finger. Half of me feels like he's the one, half of me doesnt... she thought, still staring into his eyes.

"Arraso." he replies, sticking out his pinky and wrapping it around hers. 

"She likes Aron oppa." she whispered. She left the room, leaving JR frozen in his spot. 

The next day, the news is blown up with all the stories of JR, Baekho, Violet and Rose. Pictures on the internet show them running hand in hand, trying to escape the mob of fans

"Oh gosh..." Jae said and kept scrolling down on the page.

"I know..." Lina quietly replied. 

"NU'EST's JR and Baekho taken?!" said one article. Violet scrolled down and read every single word while gripping the mouse really hard.

"Maknae, you’re going to break the mouse if you keep gripping it that hard." Rose said. Violet shook her head.

"Mianhae, it's just that, I wish they told us sooner. If they did, none of this would of happened." she explained. The girls nodded. 

"I agree." they chimed. 

At the same time, the NU'EST boys were also looking at the same article. 

"Wow...The reporters are always looking for a good story huh." Aron said, looking at the rest of s.

"Reporters are so mean to my hyungs and Rose noona!" exclaimed Ren and pouted. 

"And Violet." Minhyun replied. 

"Well, we should of told them sooner about us." Baekho's voice was kind of wince he was munching on some ddoboki. 

"We'll just have to wait until this dies down." JR declared. The boys nodded and Aron turned off his laptop. 

"But how long until it DOES die down?" he asked the young ones. 

"Hyung...Do you think, I should confess to her?" Baekho asked Aron, who was in his room, strumming some tunes on his guitar. 

"It's up to you." he replied. He gave him a smile but his heart felt like it was being ripped out at the very moment, knowing that his dongsaeng liked the same person he did.

JR soon came in.

"In my opinion, I think you shouldn't confess to her." he explained. 

"Wae?" the two retorted. JR shoom his head. 

"I can't tell you, but just be ready for a major heart break." he replied and left the room.

"Hyungs! Maknae! Time to eat!" Minhyun called and the four members groaned, knowing that lunch would be something awful if Minhyun cooked it by himself.

BZZZZZZZT! BZZZZZT!!! Rose's phone went off and she jumped in her seat.

"Who's texting me now?!" she yelled and unlocked her phone. "Baekho?" she hesitated to open the message, then tapped it and read what it said. She froze and dropped her phone, still staring as if it was still there.

Annyeong Rose-shi! ^^

How are you? I'm sorry for getting you into the mess earlier this week....Reporters just LOVE to have a good story...Anyways...

I-I was wondering if...you know, you and I could go on a-a...date sometime.

I-It's totally ok if you don't want to, I understand, it's just that...

I really like you. No,

Saranghae, Rose.




Annyeong! ^^ Mianhae for not updating this story in so long! I have 2 accounts and it's so hard writing stories on both accounts with different characters  >.< Wah! I feel like dying x___x Anyways! Guess what?! We're doing a dance unit in P.E and my group and I are dancing to U-Kiss's Neverland! :3 

Sorry for any typos! If you don't get the story, please comment! :) Don't want you guys to get confused even more yeah?



The Name's B.A.P, Got It Memorized?

Characters: B.A.P, You

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omo... writer's block! =__=


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Chapter 19: I can take over ^^
lotusren #2
Chapter 17: Unnie Please update soon ! You are doing such an awesome job of writing this story ! Since this story is so amazing I'm thinking of writing one because you got me think up of one ! Please continue writing Unnie ! Hwaiting !!
teleporter97 #3
Chapter 17: Although i got confused over the dream part i still love this fic!! Its soo cute and original with its own plot and twists :)

Two thumbs up! XD
Chapter 17: XD exo~ Mama.
Omo ~ update soon~
torinicole #5
Chapter 17: Oh this is good
Chapter 16: /Bricked. Update soon author-nim this was quite interesting c;
Chapter 15: please update soooon