8th Sakura

Neon Pink Sakura

Hina POV

Yesterday had not ended well. My mum had asked me to bring JR over for dinner, since it was almost school holidays, and I didn’t really feel like asking him. What if he said no? Instant humiliation. I entered homeroom and took my seat at my regular spot, pulling out my earphones and phone in the process. We had History/Humanities first period, which was more commonly known as ‘sleeping period’ and maths second period so I didn’t really have to use my brain this morning. That was good, I guess. I started wondering about what I got for my last maths test when I felt something tugging at my hair. I brushed it off but the tugging persisted until it turned into yanking.

“What!” I cried out painfully, turning around to find JR still pulling at my hair.

“Blazer,” was all he said. I looked blankly at him though he smiled angelically. I sighed and pulled his blazer out of my bag and handed it to him. “Kamsahamnida!” He said, smiling thankfully. I shrugged and started getting my books ready.


Hina finally entered class, three minutes before the bell. How did I know this? Because for some strange reason, I had started stalking her. I mean, not literally, but I always thought about her. This was seriously not good. All I did was think about her and her funny/weird reactions. I began pulling at her hair but she ignored it so I started pulling harder.

“What!?” she yelled. Her expression was so cute! Her nose was all scrunched up and she was glaring at me. I guess that wasn’t good. But it was funny.

“Blazer,” I replied. I smiled angelically though she turned around to retrieve my blazer, completely unfazed. How can she resist my angelic smile!? She handed it to me and I shouted, “Kamsahmnida!” She only shrugged her shoulders and turned around. If I want her attention, I was going to have to try harder, I thought. Wait…. Since when did I want her attention?

Hina POV

Period 2 had ended and it was time for recess. I quickly bounced up from my seat, and exited the classroom, with a sudden rush of energy. I was going to have to ask JR about staying at my house for dinner sooner or later. I skipped joyfully to my locker and twisted the combination to my lock.

“Hey,” I turn to the side to see Aron running cheerfully towards me. I flung the locker door open.

“OW!” I check to see who the ‘lucky’ person was. JR? Perfect timing.

“JR, mum asked if you want to come over for dinner. You know since it’s almost the long school holidays.” I asked awkwardly.

“Sure, why n-”

Aron POV

Hina threw her locker open and hit JR. Poor guy.

“JR, mum asked if you want to come over for dinner. Since it’s almost the long school holidays.” she asked, it kind of sounded sarcastic but you could tell she was serious. I chose to hide behind the nearest gap between lockers. Why not eavesdrop while you’re here? Totally not rude.

“Sure, why n-“

“Sure Hina I’ll come,” I jumped in front of JR. I was standing in a weird position; I was balancing on one leg with both of my arms raised in the air. I had just noticed what I had done. Total embarrassment. I quickly got into a ‘normal’ upright position, pretending nothing had happened and hugged her. This is normal right? I do it with all the other members, but I think this time I held on for too long.

“Hee Hee,” I backed off to see her cute expression. Wait no. Her face was warm but she looked fine.

Hina POV

This is not good, not good. I’m burning up. Is this what you call blushing? Aron let go of me and I grabbed my phone from my pocket to check, but my face was all normal. But when I pressed my hand against my cheek, I felt like a pot of boiling water.

“Uh… I’ll ask my mum if you can come over.” I quickly found an excuse to cover up the actual reason why I took out my phone.

“So can I?” Aron asked, after a minute.

“Oh, I forgot to. I’ll ask her now.” I texted my mum and within 30 seconds there was a reply.

“She said you can come,” Arons face lit up with a smile. It took up half his face which was pretty cute.

“Okay! I’ll see you tonight?” He asked. I could see JR out of the corner of my eye. He looked…… sad.

“Sure!” I smiled. I headed into the cafeteria, ready to buy some nachos.

It was after school now. Aron had quickly rushed to my end of period class with JR lagging behind.

“Hey,” he said as he approached. I felt myself smile.

“Hi, let’s get going.” I said as I turned around to exit the building. I glanced at JR. He was being pretty quiet, he seemed to be glaring off in the distance. I soon got distracted by a nearby fluttering butterfly. Their wings were pretty but up close their bodies looked hideous! (A/N - No offense!) We neared my house and I gritted my teeth. My brother was doing something I couldn’t even describe and my sister looked like she was sun tanning. My brother was older than me by a year. You’d think he would act more mature then me. But really he was at the mental age of a four-year old. Even I knew that. My sister is like three years younger than me but she is so mature it’s ridiculous! A regular conversation with her would consist of the different parts of a cockroach. Did you know that the scientific name for an American cockroach is a Periplaneta Americana? (A/N-LOL I actually did a science project on cockroaches ^^) She's getting to my head!

I walked into the front-yard and quickly ushered my two guests into the house before my wonderful siblings would start interrogating them. Then I remembered the disaster that had happened the previous time I had invited someone over to my house (JR). My mum had attempted to cook something that looked like it had come out of a French cook-book. And even though that was a bit of a co-incidence since my mum hadn’t known JR was coming, imagine what she would do now.

“I’m home!” I shouted as I entered the house. My mum immediately bursted into the room.

“Oh, they’re here! Welcome!” She practically grabbed JR who yelped in shock a bit in the process. Aron and I followed her into the smaller-then-average dining room. I could faintly smell something burning but hoped it would go unnoticed. That hope shrivelled away and died the moment I saw JR wrinkle his nose. I almost laughed out loud at his expression though contained myself as my siblings and father walked into the room.

“Hi there,” My father spoke awkwardly. I mentally face palmed. He was wearing a tacky grey suit with tofufishes on his necktie. I mean seriously. Tofufishes!? (A/N Like what I did there? =3)

“Hi, dad!” I smiled encouragingly. You could tell he was nervous.

“Nice to meet you, Mr Fujisaki!” JR greeted enthusiastically. Aron, on the other hand, looked even more nervous than my father. If that was possible.

“Hi,” he mumbled. Why did he look so nervous?

I saw my sister gazing intensely at someone. My heart stopped beating. It looked like she was staring in the direction of JR. I began to clench and unclench my small fists. I turned in the direction of her lingering stare; to find it was JR she was looking at. My stomach started churning but I couldn’t work out why. Desperate to get rid of this feeling, I started gulping down water furiously.

“Be careful, you might choke on that,” JR grinned. I bit back a sigh of irritation. My father and siblings went to sit down. JR was opposite from me and when my sister (Misa) went out of her way to sit next to him, I couldn’t resist the urge to kick her. She looked confused for a second but then her glare landed on me. I gave her a shrug and looked away, unconcerned. My brother (Natsu) looked slightly amused by my irritated-ness. This was going to be an interesting night.



I updated early again CAUSE YOU ALL DESERVE IT AND I <3 YOU'S! Also because that way

I can fit another chapter in somewhere else...... kekeke..... I want to thank everyone who is reading this fan fic cause I appreciate it a lot :D


~TOFUFISHIE 030 <-------- Like a bug <3


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Dagmar #1
Chapter 22: Yay you continued! :) <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 21: Are you going to continue? :(
Dagmar #3
Chapter 21: I have to say your hyperness is kinda addictive it makes me wierd and hyper too ;P havin posters of JR on the cieling is kinda creepy!!! :D
Chapter 20: @Born2Beat Lol I know right..... Hehe poor Aron :) <3
Chapter 19: Aron is jealous!
Chapter 15: Everyone, thankyou soooooo much for the comments!!!! I love reading them..... they make me happy! =)
Dagmar #7
Chapter 8: I totaly agree I think butterflys look kinda scary up close!!! :O
Chapter 12: Wow. Hina's sis is really....0_0
Chapter 11: LOL. Aron!! Update Soon!