23rd Sakura

Neon Pink Sakura

What? Me and Misa? ME. And. MISA? ME AND MISA IN THE SAME ROOM TOGETHER?! YAAAAAY. This is gonna be fun.


Hina POV

I stumbled my way across the hall until I heard Aron call my name. “HINA! HINA!” I hair flicked and turned to face him. This time he HAD a shirt on. “I was just joking,” he rubbed his neck “I didn’t think you would react like that. I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to Luna Park?” 


“I’m coming too!!!” I heard Misa shout from the other room. Oh crap, there is no way in hell I’m going with her. Arg she ruins everything. 

“ME TOOOO!” I heard Natsu yell. Well at least he’ll keep Misa occupied. Sometimes Misa + Natsu = EXPLOSION. That’s usually good....for me, because they leave me alone since they’re to preoccupied with each other. I guess it’s ok if both of them come...

“Uh, do I get a say as to who’s coming?” I heard Aron interrupted. “Originally it was going to be Hina and I but since you guys want to come I’ll invite my family. Oh and you have to pay for yourselves!” he shouted loud enough for them to hear in there room. I bolted towards my room even though Aron was standing in the door way. I pushed Aron aside and threw myself on my bed.

“I love my bed!!!!!!” I hugged my blankets like I haven’t seen them in forever. But I harshly let them go when I remembered. Aron was lying on them, HALF . “KYAAAAA!!!!! NO MY BLANKETS ARE CONAMINATE!!!!!! GUY GERMSSSS!!!!!” I jumped off my bed and ran to a corner of my room. I crouched into a ball, pretending to sobb. 

“I’m sorry?” Aron said. Way to make him think I’m weird. I stood up and put a smile on.

“I’m just joking. Sheeeesh I don’t care, Natsu comes and lies on it all the time....BUT WITH A SHIRT ON!!!”

“What’s the big deal? You haven’t seen a guy half ?”

“Well, I have but that was Big Bang and...” I started drooling as I started to imagine TOP with chocolate abs.

“HINA? HINA? HELLOOO?~” Aron waved his hand in front of me, trying to get me to snap out of it.


“Oh, uh. I was planning on going to Luna Park tomorrow. So I think I’ll go tell my parents about it before they make plans.” He dashed out of room. I fell onto my bed and closed my eyes. To think I can be so gullible. If mum really did tell Aron he had my room to himself and I had to share with Misa, man ’s gonna go down. It was just like the time Natsu told me that if I say gullible really slowly, it sounds like oranges. Man I’m gullible.


I think I fell asleep, ok I did fall asleep. I’m slowly sliding down my bed. My feet touching the ground and my arms above my head...How the hell did this happen? I check the time, it reads 6 pm. ONLY?! My eyes are droopy and I’m feeling super tired. So instead of waking up and washing my face, I just fall back to sleep. 


I heard something move, make a noise in my room. Thanks to the fact that I’m a light sleeper I woke UP!

I shot up sitting on the end of my bed and fell!!! Someone pushed me off my bed!!!!! MY BED!!! I looked towards the figure who was sitting cross-legged on MY BED!!! I could kind of see the face but I couldn’t work out who it is. But that doesn’t matter. NO ONE disturbs me in my sleep and gets away with it. I glanced at the alarm clock, its 6:30, I’VE ONLY SLEPT FOR ANOTHER 30 MINS? NOT FAIR. Hina calm down, calm down. I (calmly) walk to the lamp and switch it on. When I turn my back I see a Natsu with a devilish grin on his face.

“Dinner’s ready!” he exclaims. YAY eating time.... NONONONONONO.

“NATSU STAY HERE!” I ran to his room and and banged the door shut. I started messing up his room. His room is super neat. It’s almost a if he has OCD. After making a mess, I grabbed his phone and ran for my life.

I went to retreat in the bathroom and made sure that I locked the door. I sat leaning my back against the door as I unlocked his phone, which I should probably mention the password is 'HINA STINKS >.<', and went straight to his contacts. I started going down the list and renaming each and every one of his contacts to ‘Bob’. I know that’s mean but hey, it’s my sleep we’re talking about. Before I could get half way down the list,  I noticed someone sitting beside me.

“Could you move?” I said. I couldn’t really see the persons face since it was glued to the phone’s screen, but I could tell it was Aron. “I’m not going to ask why or how you are here but don’t tell Natsu. He can work it out for himself.” Wait I must get revenge...

Operation revenge ACTION!

“Um Aron, I’ve been meaning to say this for a while now.” I tried acting all embarrassed, but I wasn’t sure if he fell for it. I saw his face stiffen. I leaned in closer, trying to make him embarrassed like what he did to me when he told me he hated the posters of JR, but I just went passed his lips.  ”Well I-I want to DYE REN’S HAIR!” I shouted in his ear. HAHA er... That must’ve hurt. 

“What the hell was that for?”

“Well you said I had to sleep in Misa's room, right? Well that my friend, was revenge.” I patted his back.

‘BANG! BANG! BANG!’ Some annoying person was banging on the door.


“I KNOW THAT’S WHY I DID IT!” I answered.


“ARON ARE YOU IN THERE?” I heard Misa’s screechy voice yell. 

“Don’t tell her I’m in here.” Aron whispered and put a finger to his lips, signalling shhh. Ah I see why he’s in here. I guess it’s similar to my reason. I looked down at the phone, ignoring the banging and shouting, and continued editing the contacts. 

When I finished I got up. Aron looked at me with a puzzled looked then looked at me in horror. 

“No, you’re not.” He pulled my wrist, making me sit back down. I checked the time which was 6:45. That didn't take as long I had expected.

“Dinner’s ready and I’m hungry. So when I open the door run and do what I did to you. Shove them aside and be like 내가 제일 잘 나가 (I am the best)”

I made a shoving action with my hands.

“Ready?” Aron nodded. “GO!” I unlocked the door, shoved anyone, aka Natsu, out of the way and bolted for the dining table. Natsu staggered and struggled to keep balanced. I chucked Natsu’s phone on the sofa I went by and sat at the dining table.

I sat there waiting as every one started piling into the room and taking their seats.



Today is JR's birthday and so we should sing happy birthday to him....


Now in Korean (I just copied and pasted)


Ok enough now. I'm just jelly that 120 fans got to meet him and this is my way of feeling *cough* included *cough*. Not sad at all.... ㅠㅠ Also sorry for not posting very often, I've been having assignments and things due at school. HELP ME!! >-<

~Tofufishie out d^-^b

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Dagmar #1
Chapter 22: Yay you continued! :) <3
Dagmar #2
Chapter 21: Are you going to continue? :(
Dagmar #3
Chapter 21: I have to say your hyperness is kinda addictive it makes me wierd and hyper too ;P havin posters of JR on the cieling is kinda creepy!!! :D
Chapter 20: @Born2Beat Lol I know right..... Hehe poor Aron :) <3
Chapter 19: Aron is jealous!
Chapter 15: Everyone, thankyou soooooo much for the comments!!!! I love reading them..... they make me happy! =)
Dagmar #7
Chapter 8: I totaly agree I think butterflys look kinda scary up close!!! :O
Chapter 12: Wow. Hina's sis is really....0_0
Chapter 11: LOL. Aron!! Update Soon!