1st day at work

No Other
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"So Kyuhyun-ssi, how do you like Incheon so far?" Mrs Kim asked him.

Kyuhyun and Mrs Kim had been introduced by Mr Kim and Kyuhyun had brought them around to tour his new apartment. Kyuhyun even managed to secretly held Ryeowook's hand for a while and whispered that she looked beautiful, since they were walking behind her parents.

To Kyuhyun, Ryeowook was even more beautiful in person, in hanbok, compared to the photo that she sent to him. He never knew that she looked so pretty, because during their uni days, she was always in boyish attire!!

Kyuhyun gestured the Kims to take a seat at his sofa set. He smile and replied Mrs Kim "I love it! I didn't know Incheon is huge and there are so many good eating places too!"

"Yes, it's a pity that many Seoul people didn't know Incheon other than the airport. Incheon is indeed a beautiful city" Mrs Kim said while seating down.

Ryeowook went to help Kyuhyun in his kitchen area, to pour warm tea into 3 mugs and helped him to arrange the fruits into a fruits plate.

Unknown to her and Kyuhyun, Mr Kim was actually observing them. He already suspected that his precious daughter liked Kyuhyun, it was just that he wanted to see whether Kyuhyun liked his daughter too. 

He smile seeing how casual those two were. Kyuhyun laughingly reached the mugs in the upper cabinet because Ryeowook couldn't reached it and she laughed and nudged him because he for being short. 

"Kyu, you bring out the fruits. I'll carry the mugs" Ryeowook smile at him. 

"Okayy" he smile at her. 

They talked more about Incheon and places to eat, and Mr Kim told Kyuhyun that there were a lot of fresh seafood cafe at Songdo-dong, which charged reasonable prices for fresh seafood cuisines. 

"Wow, I can't wait to try!!" Kyuhyun told him.

"So, are you ready to start work?" Mr Kim asked him, sipping his tea. 

"Yes I am! Oh yes Mr Kim, ermmm... I'll be driving to work, so..." Kyuhyun started to ask.

"Don't worry, there are a lot of parking space" Mr Kim told him, and turned to his daughter "Wook, register his car number so that he gets staff price..." 

"Sure, appa" Ryeowook nodded her head and smile at Kyuhyun. 

After they talked for a while more Mr Kim looked at his watch. "Okay Kyuhyun, we make a move first. I see you on Monday, alright?!" Mr Kim finished his tea and got up. 

Kyuhyun nodded and got up too and bowed at both Mr and Mrs Kim and thanked them for coming. He accompanied then to the lift and secretly whispered to Ryeowook that he would call her tonight. He waved and bid them goodbye after they have entered the lift. 

He smile happily because it seemed that Ryeowook's mother liked him too. So, Project Wooing would commence with a good start! 

Kyuhyun has already placed an order for a simple bouquet of sunflowers to be collected at 8am from a nearby florist, on Monday morning. He chanced upon it when he was browsing whether any florist open early on Monday. He planned to put the bouquet inside a paper bag and passed it to Ryeowook after he came in, just to surprise her! 

He woke up early on Monday, feeling fresh and excited. After his shower and while he was getting ready, he got text messages from Changmin and Minho, both giving him encouragement in his new job, as well as in Project Wooing! Kyuhyun laughed and thanked them, and Ahra noona also texted him to wish him all the best in his new job. 

He reached Kim Enterprise office just before 8.15am. He texted Ryeowook to say that "I'm here, at your floor's lift lobby. Have you reached office?". 

Ryeowook felt so excited today. She was undecided on which attire to put on, and finally selected a dark blue 3 piece suite with inner white blouse with mandarin-coloured neck. She quickly replied Kyuhyun "Yup, I' m here!! Coming out!" 

"Heyy Ryeong, good morning!! You look so lovely!!" Kyuhyun greeted her the minute she appeared at the glass door. 

"You look good too!!! Come on in!! Welcome to Kim Enterprise!" Ryeowook smile sweetly at him. 

"This is for you!!" Kyuhyun passed her the paper bag once they reached Ryeowook's office. 

"Ohhhhh... Ohmygod! Sunflowers!! Thank you!!!" Ryeowook took the bouquet out from the paperbag and admire the fresh sunflowers. "Ermmm... is this part of Project Wooing?" she . 

Kyuhyun laughed "Yes.... why...... you don't like it?" 

"I love it!!! You brighten up my day!!" she giggled. She grabbed a vase on her cabinet and put the bouquet in it.

Kyuhyun loved it when she said "You brighten up my day" instead of  "It brighten up my day". It means that him giving her the flowers was the actual reason why she was happy! So Project Wooing started off with a good start! 

Jessica arrived and realising that her boss was with the new VP, Mr Cho, she went to her room to greet their new joiner. 

"Good morning!! Hello Mr Cho!!" Jessica greeted both of them warmly. 

Kyuhyun turned around and gave a slight bow at her "Good morning!!" 

"Kyu, this is Jessica, my secretary, and Jess, yup, this is Mr Cho!" Ryeowook introduced them officially. 

Jessica bowed and greeted him warmly, and asked whether he needed coffee or any beverages, and Kyuhyun declined it politely, thanked her and said that he would get it himself later. 

Jessica bowed again and before she left her boss' room, she noticed the bouquet of flowers. "Wow... so there is something going on between these two... haha" she told herself, already feeling giddily happy for her boss. 

"Okay, before we go up to appa's room, I show you your room first?" Ryeowook smile and raised her eyebrows at Kyuhyun. "Later I will bring you to HR, after meeting appa" 

"Yup, okay!" Kyuhyun smile and took his backpack. "Didn't expect that I have a room too. Thank you, Ryeong, for arranging" he said, walking next to her. 

"Appa requested for it actually, so that at anytime he wants to discuss something with you, he can just go to your room. Appa likes to walk around, by the way, in case you wonder..." Ryeowook laughed. 

"Ahhh really, that's good, at least he is closer to all his staff..."

"Okay, this is your team's area. Your room is here on the right. Let me introduce you to your team" Ryeowook stepped towards the work desk of the 3 staff, who immediately stood up to greet her. "Guys, this is Mr Cho Kyuhyun, your new team leader. Mr Cho, this is Donghae, Taemin and Key" she introduced them one by one. 

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 24: I love when Kyu talks and makes jokes about 'that'.....// 😆
duckj0471 #2
I love your story!!😭 want more and more...............
Chapter 21: you are creative
loved it
sleepingmaiah #4
Chapter 16: Omg. They're so cuuute. Can't wait for nect chapter/update
Nana2605 #5
Chapter 9: wow, i love the story.... thanks for writing this....
Chapter 7: I love how you write them here, author-nim..
It's just like our daily life. Hehe
That everythings indeed happened for a reason.
Thank you :))))
Chapter 1: Arghhhhh this is so 😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 2: They're so cute :)))
Chapter 1: Yaiyy.. New story to read. Thank you author-nim *bow