Ready to move

No Other
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Kyuhyun was busy finishing up his project and he has been working late every night. Sometimes by the time he called Ryeowook, she didn't answer because she has gone to sleep, and she would text him the next morning to apologise because she missed his call.

Though Ryeowook missed talking to him, she understood that he needed to rush his project before his last day, so she didn't complain at all. 

On Friday afternoon, Ryeowook texted him "Kyu-Kyu, can you make it for tonight's dinner with Mr Lee? Let me know if you can't, I can reschedule the dinner".

Kyuhyun saw the message when he was walking back from his meeting. He called her.

"Hi Ryeong. Can talk?"

She must have missed a few heartbeats because suddenly she felt breathless "Kyu-Kyu!! You are so busy! So...., can  you make it tonight?"

"I miss you" 

Ryeowook smile and leaned back on her chair "I miss you too"

"Yeah... let's proceed tonight.  How about we go back to Cafe Geon? I like the food there!"

"I don't mind! Okay I let Mr Lee know. Is 7.30pm okay?"

"Perfect. I pick you up at 6.30pm? And don't say you can go there by yourself... "

Ryeowook laughed. "Okay, please do pick me up, Kyu-Kyu" 

Kyuhyun laughed "Okay 6.30pm at your building entrance driveway" 

"Alright, see you Kyu!" 

"Can't wait to see you.. Bye Ryeong!" 

She smile and off her phone. Just like her father, she actually couldn't wait for Kyuhyun to join their company. Though Kyuhyun or even she herself would probably be very busy with the school project, but at least they could see each other more often. 

Ryeowook was already waiting at her building entrance driveway, 5 minutes before 6.30pm. And... ohhh... the happiness of seeing Kyuhyun's car coming nearer, was beyond words!!! 

"Heyyyyy... you look lovely!!!" Kyuhyun smile happily but didn't reached over to kiss her. How could he, because Kim Enterprise staff must be all over loitering outside the building. 

Ryeowook grinned "Hiii Kyu" and after she has put on her seatbelt, Kyuhyun started driving. "Sorry I kept missing your calls..." she said, referring to the late night calls. 

"I'm sorry for calling so late! I just want to hear your voice and I couldn't stop my fingers from calling your number!" Kyuhyun chuckled. 
Ryeowook grinned "You finish your project? Or you bring work home today?" 

"I've finished the major one, thank God! But I still have 2 more small projects, which... ermmm... I should be able to finish them by next week, before my last day" Kyuhyun smile. "So yes, I still bring work home" Kyuhyun laughed. 

After about 20 minutes of driving, Kyuhyun detoured to a small jogging park and parked his car. 

"Hmm?... Why are we stopping here?.. " Ryeowook looked around. 

Kyuhyun unbuckled his seatbelt and Ryeowook's seatbelt. "Because... I want to hug and and kiss you.. " he smile and pulled her into his arms. He missed her terribly and he worked late these past few days so that he could finish his big project before today, and be with her for the rest of the weekend. 

Ryeowook chuckled and hugged him back. "I'm sorry that I slept early. I have a lot of meetings and those were very draining... " 

"I understand. I missed you and I  just can't help it... " he slowly let go of her and then kissed her. 

Ryeowook felt her whole body turning into jelly. She missed him terribly too but never thought that she missed him this much.

He soothed her hair and smile." At least this will cure a bit of our missing each other... " and he took a deep breath "Okay we better go" he said and helped her to re-buckled back her seatbelt, and then once he did for himself, he started their journey again. 

They had a fruitful dinner discussion with Mr Lee Hyukjae. He explained to Kyuhyun some rules and regulations for the tenants of the apartment and which facilities Kyuhyun could use, and for fixtures that needed any repairs, Kyuhyun could call the building maintenance. 

Kyuhyun noted on these rules, and signed the rental agreement and handed over the 2-months deposit cheque. Mr Lee then handover the main house-key, which he explained that Kyuhyun might need it if the number lock fail. He passed to him the paper guide on setting up the door's numeric lock, card access for the apartment's side gate, and he also requested for Kyuhyun's car number so that he could register his car as a tenant. 

Kyuhyun thanked Mr Lee and told him that he would clean up the apartment tomorrow, and then would start bringing over his things throughout the week. 

"I'll help you to clean your apartment tomorrow!" Ryeowook told him in the car, on their way back from the dinner. 

"Your parents might have some plans... " 

"Hmmm, usually they just lunch out and I join them. I can tell them that I have lunch appointment" Ryeowook s

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 24: I love when Kyu talks and makes jokes about 'that'.....// 😆
duckj0471 #2
I love your story!!😭 want more and more...............
Chapter 21: you are creative
loved it
sleepingmaiah #4
Chapter 16: Omg. They're so cuuute. Can't wait for nect chapter/update
Nana2605 #5
Chapter 9: wow, i love the story.... thanks for writing this....
Chapter 7: I love how you write them here, author-nim..
It's just like our daily life. Hehe
That everythings indeed happened for a reason.
Thank you :))))
Chapter 1: Arghhhhh this is so 😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 2: They're so cute :)))
Chapter 1: Yaiyy.. New story to read. Thank you author-nim *bow