
No Other
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"So, how's Kyuhyun's performance so far, in your company?" Mr Cho asked Ryeowook casually. 

They have been introduced by Kyuhyun, and Ahra was the happiest receiving the cupcakes. She had managed to secretly munched a piece and was speechless as it was the yummiest cupcake that she had ever tried!

Ryeowook looked up at Kyuhyun's father. "Honestly speaking,  abunim, Kyuhyun is the best and so popular with our staff. Everybody sought his opinion and he has been busy guiding other team leaders on their projects..."

"And caused me to neglect her..." Kyuhyun said sadly.

"You are not neglecting me, Kyu" Ryeowook told him again. "I truly understand your commitment to your work..."

"I think Kyu, you have to start setting your priorities. If there are 10 people who sought your expertise,  then you handle them based on urgency and priority. Plan for a time for everything, so that you don't over commit yourself" Mrs Cho told her son.

"Wow omma, I'm impressed! Your plan is the best!" Ahra teased their mother.

Kyuhyun laughed "What omma said is right, I need to plan my time better. I will do just that!" he told them.

"That's why I still need her to do the planning for our school curriculum! She's very organised and well planned!" Mr Cho praised his wife, followed by cheers from Ahra and Kyuhyun, making Mrs Cho waved her hand gesturing them to stop.

Ryeowook admired their family. Each of them compliment one another and they helped each other to achieve a better life. Just looked at how Ahra eonnie helped Kyuhyun to be what he was today. And Mrs Cho, have her own mindset and very organised, just like Kyuhyun. 

The dinner went on with lots of casual talk and more teasing, and Kyuhyun steered the discussion to the topic of their wedding.

"Appa, omma, we want to officially get your blessings on our marriage. I've proposed to Ryeowook and have obtained her parents' blessings. So now..."

"Of course, you have our blessings, Kyu!! I can't wait to welcome Ryeowook into our family!! Right, dear?" Mrs Cho asked her husband.

"Yes, of course! You two have our blessings! When do you plan to hold your wedding?" Mr Cho asked the two lovebirds.

"How about November? I love autumn!" Ahra suggested happily.

"Eonnie, you and Kyu-Kyu are really alike! He suggested November too!" Ryeowook said, chuckling at Kyuhyun. 

Ahra and Kyuhyun laughed. "And I will respect noona's wish!" Kyuhyun laughed. "So, my dear Ryeong, we'll have our wedding in November!" he grinned at her.

They talked more about the wedding preparations and bid their goodbyes much later.

The following week, Kyuhyun was busy as usual and was walking back from the gents via the entrance door, when he saw Ryeowook's room was still bright. "Ehhh, don't tell me she's still around? I thought she told me that she's going home...?" he asked himself while walking towards her room.

"Ryeong, you are still here!" Kyuhyun asked, in surprised tone. He stepped into her room when Ryeowook looked up.

"Kyu-Kyu!" she said, and looked at her wrist watch. "OhmyGod!! I  didn't even realised that it's late!"

"You are so engrossed! Need any help?" Kyuhyun walked towards her and hugged her from behind her chair.

"It's this audit thing, about Mr Lee Soo-Hyuk expenses. Recon team need to reply to the Auditor and they seeked my help because they couldn't find where is the gap" Ryeowook flipped Mr Lee's file again.

All team leaders in Sales Department in Kim Enterprise has to keep all

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 24: I love when Kyu talks and makes jokes about 'that'.....// 😆
duckj0471 #2
I love your story!!😭 want more and more...............
Chapter 21: you are creative
loved it
sleepingmaiah #4
Chapter 16: Omg. They're so cuuute. Can't wait for nect chapter/update
Nana2605 #5
Chapter 9: wow, i love the story.... thanks for writing this....
Chapter 7: I love how you write them here, author-nim..
It's just like our daily life. Hehe
That everythings indeed happened for a reason.
Thank you :))))
Chapter 1: Arghhhhh this is so 😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 2: They're so cute :)))
Chapter 1: Yaiyy.. New story to read. Thank you author-nim *bow