Police case

No Other
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Mr Kim questionings took Kijoo by surprised. Instead of congratulating and praising him, he was asked about the Mr Lee's purchase order! He thought nobody would know about this as he managed to close the purchase order successfully, and only waiting for Mr Lee to pay him the promised substantial amount! 

"Kijoo, I'm very disappointed with you! You have been working with me for six years and already promoted to a senior officer, yet because of some money, you let your greediness took over your better judgement!!" Mr Kim raised his voice. 

The trembled Kijoo pleaded "I'm.. I'm sorry Mr Kim, I was persuaded by Mr Lee to help him. I promise I will never do such a thing again. Please, please... give me a chance. I will never repeat this mistakes again..."

"I cannot tolerate staff like you and Mr Lee! For your information,  Mr Lee has been arrested, and there are 2 policemen outside waiting to arrest you. I have all the evidence with me and I will hand you over to the policemen" Mr Kim signalled to Kyuhyun to inform the policemen.

Kyuhyun stepped out to signal to the policemen.

Kijoo suddenly got up,  grabbed a letter opener, and grabbed Ryeowook by her neck. "Let me off Mr Kim, or else I will pierce this thing on Miss Kim's neck!!" he threatened Mr Kim.

Ryeowook was surprised and felt the sharp letter opener on her right neck. "OhmyGod! What if Kijoo really turned violence??!!" Ryeowook was asking herself.

Kyuhyun and the 2 policemen saw this and Kyuhyun carefully moved forward "Kijoo, don't do this. Put down the letter opener and let Miss Kim go..." he said while putting up his hand so that Kijoo knew that he was unarmed.

"No! Ask the policemen to go off and ask Mr Kim to let me off!" he said, trying to sound that he meant it.

"Kijoo, your wrongdoing was only because you helped Mr Lee, and that was it, so you might even be released without sentencing,  if you managed to convince the judge that you merely did it because Mr Lee threatened you" Kyuhyun carefully said, in a calm voice.  "But by taking Miss Kim as a hostage and threatening her life, you will get a heavier sentence! And you have 4 witnesses here... and if you harm Miss Kim, that would be worst, you will definitely cannot escape the life imprisonment!... Think about it" Kyuhyun tried to convince Kijoo.

Kijoo eventually broke down and released Ryeowook. He dropped to the floor and cried "My mother-in-law is sick and need money for her treatment.  And Mr Lee's offer came in a good time, so I agreed. I wasn't greedy or want the money for myself...." he sobbed uncontrollably.

Kyuhyun carefully pulled his beloved Ryeowook away from Kijoo and asked her quietly if she was okay and when she nodded, he signalled to the policemen to handcuffed Kijoo.

Mr Kim felt a sigh of relieved that his daughter was okay and all thanks to Kyuhyun! He was surprised by Kijoo's sudden action, and he got scared of Kijoo harmed his daughter, that he became dumbfounded! 

But as instructed by Kyuhyun,  he has recorded everything, the minute Kijoo came to his office. So even when Kijoo threatened Ryeowook with the letter opener, he has it all recorded.

After Kijoo was escorted out to the police car, Kyuhyun came back to Mr Kim's room. 

"The police asked our security team to clean up Kijoo's desk and has brought over his backpack along to the police station" he told Mr Kim and Ryeowook when he stepped in. Then he asked "Are both of you okay?" seeing that Mr Lee still looked shocked and Ryeowook still looked pale.

Mr Kim nodded and gratefully said "Thank you, Kyuhyun. I really don't know what will happen to Wook if you didn't intervene..." Mr Kim took his seat and thanked his future son-in-law sincerely.

"I was actually surprised that I could stay calm!" Kyuhyun chuckled "But I'm glad that it works and Ryeong is okay" he smile, and after pulling her gently to him, he checked her neck if there was any slight injury.

He would very much like to hug her but since Mr Lee was there, he merely soothed her hair and got her to sit down.

"We need to go to the police station right,  to give our statement?" Ryeowook asked Kyuhyun. 

"Yes, but later. Officer Park said that he will call me and will request us to bring the rest of the evidence. They need to settle the arrestment procedure first, and seized Mr Lee's laptop and bank book from his house" Kyuhyun explained to them.

"Good. Okay I want to speak to the Group Procurement team leader. Wook, can you arrange for this now?" he asked his daughter, who nodded her head. "After that, Kyuhyun, please bring her out for a breakfast or something... calm her down..." he looked at Kyuhyun gratefull

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 24: I love when Kyu talks and makes jokes about 'that'.....// 😆
duckj0471 #2
I love your story!!😭 want more and more...............
Chapter 21: you are creative
loved it
sleepingmaiah #4
Chapter 16: Omg. They're so cuuute. Can't wait for nect chapter/update
Nana2605 #5
Chapter 9: wow, i love the story.... thanks for writing this....
Chapter 7: I love how you write them here, author-nim..
It's just like our daily life. Hehe
That everythings indeed happened for a reason.
Thank you :))))
Chapter 1: Arghhhhh this is so 😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 2: They're so cute :)))
Chapter 1: Yaiyy.. New story to read. Thank you author-nim *bow