Good mood

No Other
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Kyuhyun's presentation slides that he did in Powerpoint was actually very good, better than what Ryeowook had expected. Her jaw was literally dropped when she opened the email that he sent. 

It was organised, easy to understand, very constructive and delivered the message clearly.

Ryeowook smile. Kyuhyun had always been the top student in every assessment and his thesis for Artificial Intelligence was even used as a demo project for the next cohort of students taking their Masters. She has always been proud of her Kyu-Kyu, but sadly, she chose to pursue her career and didn't want any commitment at that time.

She showed the slides to her father during her meeting with him, and Mr Kim was very impressed that he told Ryeowook not to change anything and to proceed to prepare a business proposal to the school. 

Kyuhyun was happy when he received Ryeowook's text informing him that her father was very impressed with his slides. He smile because he had wanted to show to Mr Kim that he was very capable and would be an asset to his company. Of course he also hope that Mr Kim would eventually approved of him pursuing Ryeowook! 

Kyuhyun had tendered his resignation, to the surprised of his boss, as well as his team members. He had explained to his team that he wanted to pursue project-based work, so the new company could offer him that. His team understood but told him that they would miss their talented team head. 

His boss called him into his room "Kyuhyun, please take back your letter, I need you here and I can promote you and increase your salary!" his boss, Mr Kang Hodong, told him. 

"Mr Kang, I owe it to you for giving me the opportunity to step up and to be where I am now, and I truly appreciate all your guidance. But I want to pursue bigger things and I want to do more automation projects, and this company that hires me has all that" Kyuhyun explained, ommiting the fact that he was disappointed that Mr Kang had always turned down his proposals, with the excuse of having no budget. 

"You tell me, which position you want, I can promote you! Just don't leave here" Mr Kang told him. 

Kyuhyun smile sadly, because his boss didn't catch his aspirations to do bigger projects "You can promote my team member Shindong, to be the team leader. He is equally good and always check his work thoroughly". 

"So, I really can't hold you back?" Mr Kang sighed. 

"I'm sorry Mr Kang, I've accepted the offer, so I will be starting my work there a month from now. I've calculated, I have 10 days of leave left, so I will offset my leave and my last service with this company will be 2 weeks from today" Kyuhyun looked at his e-calendar on his phone, to confirm his last day. 

Mr Kang sighed again "Okay, I will accept your resignation. I will get Sunny to calculate your leave balance and she will email you the official last day for your service. I wish you all the best, Kyuhyun" 

Kyuhyun stood up and bowed at him "Thank you Mr Kang. I will do my handover starting this week and complete my current assignment before my last day. Thank you again" Kyuhyun bowed again and left his boss room. 

As we walked back to his desk, he took a deep breath. "So this is it! I've officially resign!!" he said to himself. It was a mixed feelings as he did treasure and love this company because it gave him exposure and provide lots of learning ground. 

After his last day in 2 weeks time, he has another 2 weeks to settle everything here. Tonight, he would called his landlord to terminate his rental for his current apartment, and then he would start looking for an apartment in Incheon.  

He planned to start packing so that once he acquired an apartment in I

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 24: I love when Kyu talks and makes jokes about 'that'.....// 😆
duckj0471 #2
I love your story!!😭 want more and more...............
Chapter 21: you are creative
loved it
sleepingmaiah #4
Chapter 16: Omg. They're so cuuute. Can't wait for nect chapter/update
Nana2605 #5
Chapter 9: wow, i love the story.... thanks for writing this....
Chapter 7: I love how you write them here, author-nim..
It's just like our daily life. Hehe
That everythings indeed happened for a reason.
Thank you :))))
Chapter 1: Arghhhhh this is so 😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 2: They're so cute :)))
Chapter 1: Yaiyy.. New story to read. Thank you author-nim *bow