Spending time together

No Other
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Kyuhyun stood casually at the balcony sipping his coffee. The view was nice and he saw on the far right, were all the private houses. Ryeowook's parent's must be one of those big bungalows, he told himself.

Ryeowook went to change to something comfortable since she intended to cook, so Kyuhyun was left alone for a while.

He knew deep down in his heart, he loved Ryeowook, but he intended to take things slow if she accepted their relationship. Furthermore, he needed to prove that he was a capable worker to her father, so he needed to win her father's heart as well.

"Sorry..." Ryeowook joined him at the balcony, carrying her mug too.

Kyuhyun turned around and smile at her, and they sat at the lazy chairs.

"You rent here or you bought it?" Kyuhyun asked her.

"Bought. I rather have my own home. I moved here about 3 years ago"

"Why did you move out?"

"You wouldn't believe it, but I didn't want to see my father 24 by 7! In the office, at home, at meals time..." Ryeowook laughed, making Kyuhyun chuckled.

After a moment, Kyuhyun said "Ryeong, shall we start our relationship again? We can take it slow, one step at a time...." Kyuhyun looked at her tenderly.

Ryeowook looked down shyly. She said "Have you forgiven me for leaving you those years ago?"

"I've forgiven you a long time ago..."

Ryeowook smile and sipped her coffee and lean back "After I came back to Incheon and started working at appa's company, I felt empty. Initially I didn't know what was wrong. I wasn't happy and I has no motivation. I got scolded by appa because I messed up a project, and from then on, I strive to do well and put aside my longing for you and proved to appa that I am capable"

"You long for me but you never tried to contact me..." 

"I lost my phone! I'm serious!" she said, when Kyuhyun raised his eyebrows questioningly. "I lost it in the coach that I took when I was returning home. And my silly mind couldn't recall your number!" 

"And silly me thought that you got married and live happily ever after" Kyuhyun chuckled. 

"If you have forgiven me, and you can accept me now, yes, I very much like to start a relationship with you again..." 

Kyuhyun smile widely "Thank you, Ryeong!" 

"But as you say, we should take it slow, and we go through the wooing part, the feeling of missing each other, the feeling of happiness when we see each other and do what couples normally do" 

Kyuhyun laughed "Define what do couples normally do...?" 

"Like.... ermm... go to movies, go cycling, play games, go strolling along the river, etc.." 

"And sip coffees together, and later cook together...?" Kyuhyun . 

Ryeowook giggled. 

"Can I go over there and hug you and kiss you now?" 

Ryeowook smile shyly and Kyuhyun got up and crossed over to sit at the edge of her lazy chair, pulled her closer, with one hand on her neck, and started kissing her. 

After that, they just hug and stayed like that. It felt so nice to be in each other's arm. 

"Kyu-Kyu... I really miss you..." she said, resting her head on his chest.

"You know, there's a saying, if it's yours, it will be always be yours. So if we are meant to be together, God will always plan for us to meet again. So, that was why my heart didn't want to move on. Maybe it knows that I will meet you again" 

Ryeowook moved out of his embrace and looked up at him "If we like each other last time, I wonder why didn't we pour our heart out..?" 

Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulder "Maybe we were too comfortable with each other and initially we thought we were just good friends? And study was the 1st thing in our mind..." 

"Maybe..." Ryeowook said, taking his hand. "After I left you and boarded the coach, I cried. And cried to sleep. Maybe that was when my phone slipped off and fell on the coach floor. I didn't realised it at all. When I came down from the coach, appa and omma were there, waving at me, so I didn't even need to call them"

"I guess, it was all part of God's plan to separate us so that we could discover our feelings" 

"Yeah, I guess you are right..." she smile, and added "Kyu-Kyu..." 


"Can we hide our relationship from my father first?" 

"Of course. We are suppose to take it slow, so I have to woo you first and I need to give your dad a good impression! Let me plan my strategies..." Kyuhyun grinned at her. 

"It's already a good start because appa practically adore you. He kept asking me when you will start work!" 

"Wow... I must keep up the good work!!" he laughed. "Anyway Ryeong, when it comes to work, I'm quite a serious person, so since we'll be working together, I just want to tell you that... please don't take it to heart if I argue with your point or prefer you to accept my decision.... I mean, it's work....."

Ryeowook cut in "I know and I understand that, don't worry!" Ryeowook smile. "Same like how we were during our uni days, always argue, always wanted to see each other's point of view.... but after that we were always back to normal.." Ryeowook laughed, remembering their peculiar friendship back then. They could argue and Ryeowook would just walked off, then Kyuhyun would run after her and pulled her along to go for lunch. And they were okay after that! 

Kyuhyun chuckled "Yeah we were really something, and we were inseparable...." he soothed Ryeowook's hair. "Ermmm... what do you plan to cook?" 

"I was thinking Japanese!" 

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 24: I love when Kyu talks and makes jokes about 'that'.....// 😆
duckj0471 #2
I love your story!!😭 want more and more...............
Chapter 21: you are creative
loved it
sleepingmaiah #4
Chapter 16: Omg. They're so cuuute. Can't wait for nect chapter/update
Nana2605 #5
Chapter 9: wow, i love the story.... thanks for writing this....
Chapter 7: I love how you write them here, author-nim..
It's just like our daily life. Hehe
That everythings indeed happened for a reason.
Thank you :))))
Chapter 1: Arghhhhh this is so 😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 2: They're so cute :)))
Chapter 1: Yaiyy.. New story to read. Thank you author-nim *bow