
No Other
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They drove back to Incheon safely on Sunday evening, and Ryeowook felt blissed because she enjoyed every minute that she had spent with Kyuhyun. She felt beautiful, happy and so in love which she never felt like this before! Not even during their uni days.

Though the old Kyuhyun was the same smart-alec person, same mannerism, same caring, same teasing personality, but somehow the new Kyuhyun was different. He was more romantic, more daring, more confident and more serious in what he wanted in life.

On Tuesday, Kyuhyun told her that he had arranged dinner with his parents and his sister on the coming Saturday, and had told them that he would be introducing his fiancé. His mother was so happy that she had asked him to send Ryeowook's photos to her!

"Should I bake something for your mum?" Ryeowook was undecisive and felt that she should give something. 

"You don't have to. We are going to dinner anyway" Kyuhyun smile at her, understanding her nervousness. "My parents are nice and warmth, so don't worry too much okay.. ".

Ryeowook smile and nodded. They were having lunch and went to a cafe nearby. Mr Kim did not joined them as he had a business lunch in Seoul. "I think I will bake cupcakes. Will bring them along to the dinner" she said, after making up her mind. They had started walking back to their office. 

"Okay, as long as it doesn't stress you, and don't bake too many" Kyuhyun smile and reached for her hand to cross the road together. 

Kyuhyun was busy for the rest of the week and Ryeowook hardly has quality time with him except mornings when he made some time to drop by and kissed her. She went home with her father because Kyuhyun had to work late to finish up some other projects by other seniors which he had promised to help. 

She missed him terribly, and to make matters worst, on Saturday morning, to her dismay, she got her menses and her mestrual pain was bad. And she got no painkillers. 

"Oh shucks, I forgot to buy painkillers, and I need to bake cupcakes..." she sighed. Should she call Kyuhyun? She didn't want to trouble him just for merely buying painkillers for her... 

Half an hour later, she was lying down on her sofa, trying to hold her pain, when Kyuhyun called her! 

"Heyyy Ryeong, I miss you... So sorry, I left office at midnight last night, so I didn't call coz I didn't want to disturb you..." he explained to her. 

"It's okay" Ryeowook answered, already feeling so grateful that he called. "Kyu, is it okay of you help me buy painkillers? I ran out of...." 

"Are you okay? Are you at home...?" Kyuhyun cut in and sounded so worried hearing her weak voice. 

"My menses... the pain is very bad... and I ran out of painkillers..." she said with a weak voice. 

"I get it for you. Lie down and wait for me" Kyuhyun said in a hurry and off the line. 

Ryeowook felt bad that she has to trouble her fiance. Though he was busy, he always made time in the mornings to see her, hugged her and kissed her. She has always been his priority and tonight, they would be getting his parents' blessings! So, she has to be okay, right, and she shouldn't feel so bad to ask him to get nitty-gritty stuff for her. 

Kyuhyun came with worried expression and he was such a wonderful man! He bought breakfast, buns, fruits, painkillers, and even sanitary pads!! 

"Let's eat so that you can take the painkillers..." Kyuhyun carried her to her dining area after hugging her and kissing her once he had stepped in, since he knew her door code. 

"Thank you, Kyu. So sorry to trouble you..." she said honestly. 

"What are you talking about.. It is no trouble at all and what are husbands for?" he kissed her cheek and then took 2 mugs to pour warm water. 

Ryeowook smile. Kyuhyun has always been a husband material and his caring and love were more than what she could ask for. 

"Don't do the cupcakes. I want you to rest" he told her while she was scooping her mushroom soup. Kyuhyun bought breakfast set and the mushroom soup and garlic bread were so delicious! 

"Once I've taken the painkillers, I can bake the cupcakes..." she told him. She really want to make a good impression to her future Mother-in-law and her sister-in-law. 

"Ryeong, you don't have to. I know noona would die happily if you give her and omna cupcakes, but your wellbeing is more important to me. I don't want you to bake while you are in pain" Kyuhyun told her honestly. 

"I'll be okay after taking the painkillers..." Ryeowook patiently insisted. 

Kyuhyun knew that he couldn't change her mind. He sighed "Okay, only if you allow me to help you" 

Ryeowook smile and nodded. She finished up her soup and reached for the box of painkillers. 

"How many do you take, usually?" Kyuhyun helped her to open the box and took out a strip of pills. 

"Two..." Ryeowook said, sipping some warm water. 

Kyuhyun took two pills and passed them to her. "Do you get this pain every month, during your menses?" he asked. As her future husband, he should know about this right? 

"Not every month. Usually the pain is bearable and I can do normal work. It's just that it's heavy flows for 1st 3 days, after that it's cleared" she explained while taking the pills, and Kyuhyun was listening tentatively. She swallowed the pilks and sipped more water. "I will get this instense pain if I'm too stress or too tired..."

Kyuhyun reached for her hand "I'm sorry that I stress you..." 

"No Kyu, you didn't..." 

"I arranged dinner with my parents and I was too busy to spend time with you lately. I know part of your stress was because of this" Kyuhyun looked at her with an apologetic look. 

"I fully understand your work, so really, don't feel bad about it. I know Mr Kang seeked your help and you willingly helped him to complete that project, eventhough your schedule is

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duckj0471 #1
Chapter 24: I love when Kyu talks and makes jokes about 'that'.....// 😆
duckj0471 #2
I love your story!!😭 want more and more...............
Chapter 21: you are creative
loved it
sleepingmaiah #4
Chapter 16: Omg. They're so cuuute. Can't wait for nect chapter/update
Nana2605 #5
Chapter 9: wow, i love the story.... thanks for writing this....
Chapter 7: I love how you write them here, author-nim..
It's just like our daily life. Hehe
That everythings indeed happened for a reason.
Thank you :))))
Chapter 1: Arghhhhh this is so 😢😢😢😢😢
Chapter 2: They're so cute :)))
Chapter 1: Yaiyy.. New story to read. Thank you author-nim *bow