Appendix XXXII, pt. 1 [RM]

Appendices [RS]
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A/N: Crossovers: Dr. Lee & Yongyeon (I'mprism), Yonghae (The Twenty Sevenths), Miss Kim & Wina (When We Lie).
I ran out of names for Wheein's characters for my other stories. In my main story for Resilia, I did use Gabby as reference to Wheein's character from Set Me Free and if I use that again for this chapter, it might get so confusing, especially that I'mprism Wheein has a personality named Gabby.


“What do you want to get for Christmas, Tae?” Nabi asked her three-year-old younger brother.

Me and Yong were just quietly listening to our kids talking, constantly glancing over to check on them. They were down on the floor of our kitchen playing lego blocks and trying to build what they called a castle.

“That’s a tower…” Yong whispered with a soft laugh as I passed by her to grab some plates.

She was over the pan finishing the last of her cooking while I set the table since the kids are still busy playing and talking.

I gave her a pout before I reached to grab the plates. “Kids said it’s a castle, so it’s a castle. Don’t hurt their feelings…”

She laughed some more and said, “You agree with me though”

I playfully rolled my eyes, thinking that she wouldn’t see it, before I said, “I’m on the kids’ side”

The laugh I heard as I walked back to the dining table with plates in hand tells me that she doesn’t believe what I said. Though a tiny smirk escaped my lips as I started arranging the plates.

“Kwismas?” our little boy asked, his voice in this adorable high pitch.

“Yeah? What do you want to get for Christmas?”

I glanced at the kids and saw Nabi patting her brother’s head. I smiled at them before I turned around to scoop rice into our bowls.


My eyes widened while I heard a gasp from Yong beside me. We looked at each other, eyes panicking, before Yong hurriedly turned the stove off. We gave all our attention to whatever Taeyang had in mind.

We have already asked Nabi what she wants for Christmas but she only wants her brother to be happy. Such a sweetie… And so we asked her to ask her brother what he wants for Christmas so all three of us can surprise him.

“Maybe we can ask Pa?”

I could practically hear gears turning in Yong’s head.

I instantly nodded in agreement. “I was also thinking the same thing”

“Fits the role…”

“Yup. Big belly, big voice, and graying hair”

I caught Yong glaring at me from the side of my eye. I raised my eyebrows at her, inquisitive. “What?”

“You’re being mean to the old man”

I scoffed at her and said, “Coming from someone who calls him old man”

She rolled her eyes and turned her attention to the kids again. “Yours and Hyejin’s fault”

I placed my arm around her and she automatically leaned against me.

Looking at the kids, Nabi was also quite surprised and confused at Taeyang’s wish. Yong and I silently giggled when we saw her scratching her head like she has the world’s biggest problem. She pouted at Taeyang while Taeyang was oblivious of his sister’s reaction and continued playing.

“You want Santa?”

Taeyang shook his head as he clumsily added a block to their growing tower. It fell down but the two didn’t mind as they started building their castle again.

“Tae Santa!” Taeyang said with an excited smile.

“Oh…” Yong and I whispered dumbfoundedly.

“I’m Santa!”

He suddenly stood up and abandoned their lego castle. He rubbed his tummy and copied Santa’s laugh. The ones he had seen on TV. He started running around the kitchen as well, prompting Nabi to go after him to make sure he wouldn’t bump at anything.

“Ride deers then give gifts. Ho! Ho! Ho!” Taeyang ran towards his sister and started jumping around her. “Fun! Tae Santa fun!”

Yong placed her arm around my shoulders and started massaging my arm. “I guess we wouldn’t be able to see Pa as Santa then. Ma would’ve loved it. I would’ve loved it. And you”—she booped her finger on my nose—“and Hyejin would’ve endlessly”

“He wouldn’t mind as long as it’s for his grandchildren”

“Yeah…” Yong tilted her head to the side while shrugging her shoulder. “He loves them so much”

We both went back to our respective chores as we continued talking about Taeyang’s Christmas wish.

“I guess we’ll be dressed as elves or reindeers”

“Baby, you’d be cute in a reindeer costume” she cooed before her face lit up as she laughed so hard. “And an elf too! Your height fits—No!” she screamed and pushed my hand away as I tickled her for teasing me. “Sorry…”

I softly bit her shoulder and said, “Not the height, Yong”

She tickled me on my ear by blowing on it, making me squirm, as she giggled endearingly. “Your height’s one of your best assets, babe”

She’s teasing.

She must’ve seen something funny on my face for her to laugh at me. Then the laugh softly died down before a loving smile took place. She rubbed the spot in between my eyebrows before cupping my cheek.

“Go finish setting up. Food’s already done”


I brought three cups filled with rice to our dining table. Nabi and Taeyang were still laughing and Taeyang was still shouting Santa. His enthusiasm never waned away. In fact, it even increased with every shout he made.

The two saw me approaching the table and decided to run towards me.

“Careful… Mama’s bringing cups”

Nabi grabbed two cups from my hands and helped me place them on the table. Taeyang was holding onto my leg and jumping nonstop like a giggling monster.

“Tae Santa, Mama!”

He was moving so much that it was hard to keep myself balanced without kicking him. The young man was just too excited with his plan. Thankfully, Nabi rescued me and grabbed the last cup from my hand.

With my empty hands, I carried Taeyang up in my arms and tickled him on his tummy to stop him from screaming.

“I know… Mama heard you, Tae.” I kissed his cheek several times, stopping him from saying a single word more. “We’ll eat dinner then talk about your Christmas wish, okay?”

“Okay…” he whispered while giggling.

“Very good. Now, go with your sister and wash your hands”


I kissed his cheek before putting him down. I reached over Nabi and ruffled her hair to thank her for helping me.

Yong placed all our food on the table while I finished setting up after grabbing utensils, glasses, and water for everyone. Yong helped Taeyang up on his high chair while I pushed Nabi’s chair. The kids thanked their Mommy for the food while Yong and I took our seats on either side of our children. Plates were then filled with food before the sounds of munching took over.

“So what’s this Santa Tae that I’ve been hearing all the way from the kitchen?”

Before Taeyang could even say something, Yong stopped him first and pushed a glass of water near his plate.

“Chew your food properly before talking, son”

We all smiled at Taeyang at how he shut his mouth so quickly.

Yong’s very loving and caring but she’s also strict. Even with her soft voice, everyone knows she’s serious and she means it. Her reprimands are also quite scary even when she’s not lifting her hand or raising her voice.

It’s all in her eyes. The eyes that Taeyang also got but he’s too young to hold such intensity yet.

After chewing properly and swallowing his food, Taeyang grabbed the glass his Mommy handed to him and drank water from it. “I want to be Santa, Mommy!” His voice, despite getting scared by his Mommy, never lost its vigor.

Yong reached to brush Taeyang’s hair. “You want to be Santa?”

Taeyang gave his Mommy a confident nod, his smile getting wider and eyes shining brighter.

“And what does being Santa mean?”

“I’ll give gifts!”

“You don’t want to receive gifts from us, Tae?” Nabi asked, smiling cheekily at her Mommy when Yong noticed her talking while still chewing.

“No… Tae lots gifts and toys. I give gifts and be Santa!”

“And who do you want to give gifts to, Tae?”

We all couldn’t hide our proud smiles for the youngest Jung as we listened to him. All of us have stopped eating to give all our attention to Taeyang.

“Grap and Gram…”

“Only your Grap and Gram?” Yong asked.

“Auntie Hyejin… Auntie Byul… and Hwayoung…”

Nabi silently snickered when Taeyang took a long time to say the youngest Moon’s name. Then she leaned over me and whispered, “He has a crush on her”

I flicked her dimple as I said, “He’s too young for that”

“Want to make a bet on it?”

I playfully glared at her before giving her a very loose headlock. “Where’d you learn that, huh?”

“No! I’m only kidding, Ma!”

I pulled her close to me and wrapped my arms around her in a back hug. “You’ll go down so bad, young lady, if you let your Mom hear that”

“Don’t tell her, Ma. Please…”

“I can’t promise anything”

She raised her pinky up and said, “Pinky promise me as my Christmas wish”

I scoffed and couldn’t help but laugh at her. “Fine… but you also have to promise not to do bets. Ever”


Her reply was probably faster than the speed of sound, making me chuckle at her.

“Okay… Anyone else, baby?”

“Mama’s work fwend… Mommy and Nabi’s doctor?”

“Dr. Lee?” I supplied for him.

“Yes but she has daughters… with the cat and dog.” Tae suddenly beamed at us as he said, “Tae play with dog and cat”

“Okay…” Yong suddenly turned to me and said, “There’s probably a lot. Can you make a list for me, babe?”

“Of course. Let me just quickly grab my phone”

“Thank you.” She addressed the kids next as she said, “Continue eating dinner while we talk, yeah?”

“Okay, Mom”

I pressed a kiss on top of Nabi’s head and went to grab my phone on the kitchen counter. I returned to my chair and went back to eating while listing down every single person Taeyang wants to give a gift to. I listed down what he wants to happen and wear, converting our dinner into a meeting for Operation Santa Tae, as what Nabi calls it.

“So let me get this clear, okay?” I scrolled through my list and went to the very top to get things clear before Operation Santa Tae commences. “You’ll be giving gifts to Grap and Gram, the Moons, Dr. Lee’s family, including Yongyeon’s cat and dog, and then Yonghae and her girlfriend, also including their cat, and lastly, Miss Kim and Wina”

“Nabi fwend too!” Taeyang said and pointed at his sister.


Taeyang smiled and nodded at Nabi.

“Okay…” I included Ara’s name on the list before proceeding to reading his other requests. “And then you want to be dressed as Santa—”

“Santa Tae!”

Chuckling, I nodded at him before I continued. “Yup. Santa Tae… Mama will be a reindeer, then Mommy and Nabi will be elves, right?”

“Mama dwive big truck sleigh. Mommy and Nabi help Santa Tae cawy gifts”

Yong chuckled at Taeyang, amused by him. She softly pinched his cheek before pressing a kiss on his forehead. “You have this all planned out, haven’t you?”

“I saw Santa at Mommy work. Santa let Tae help. Fun! Do it again” he explained, which made sense to all his plans.

Yong brought Taeyang to the university one time because Mom and Pa had work that time and couldn’t watch over the kids for us. Nabi was at school and although I could’ve brought our son with me to the hospital, Yong volunteered since they were only having a party that day.

Changsub dressed as Santa and hosted the party. He played with Taeyang, which Yong told me after they got home that night. Apparently, Changsub let Taeyang hand out prizes to keep him entertained. Also, our baby boy seems to enjoy it.

And for him to do it all over again, he most definitely enjoyed it!

Yong faced me and as soon as we made eye contact, both of us were puzzled. But in a positive way. We exchanged shrugs and quiet laughs before staring at both of our children.

Taeyang’s intentions might be so innocent but their implications mean so much to me and my wife. Nabi also exhibits the same selflessness. Always prioritizing her baby brother and making sure that he’s smiling and having fun.

Yong leaned down to kiss Taeyang’s head while I did the same to Nabi. I reached over Nabi to softly pinch Taeyang’s cheek. Then Yong caressed her thumb on Nabi’s cheek. Just to show how proud we are of them.

“When are we buying gifts, Santa Tae?” Yong asked our son in this cheerful voice that excites the entire table.

Taeyang never hesitated and answered, “Tomowow!”

And so, Operation Santa Tae is now commencing.


“Oh my god… We’re so cute! Especially you, buddy!” I opened my arms and invited my son for a hug. “Come here! Give Mama a hug”

Our little boy, already dressed as Santa, ran to my arms and granted my wish. He giggled upon receiving my kisses, earning a laugh from me too. Then he suddenly got shy, for no reason, and snuggled on my neck.

“Santa Tae is the cutest” I whispered into his ear and gave him a loud kiss after.


I looked up from Taeyang’s shoulder and saw the scariest pout, by Nabi, and glare, of course from my wife. I let Tae stand up on his own and fixed his clothes and hat.

“You only care about Santa? What about the elves?” my wife grumbled while I bit back a giggle.

I shrugged, acting nonchalant, before moving towards them. “Well, it’s true that Santa Tae was the cutest. The elves, however”—I pressed a kiss on Nabi’s cheek and was supposed to do it on Yong too, but I just pouted at her glare—“the elves are the prettiest”

“Tss… you only care about the Santa. You forgot me and Mommy” Nabi teased, adding fuel to the fire.

Yong was listening to what Nabi was saying before she turned and raised an eyebrow at me.

I glared at Nabi for a second before I tried to appease my wife. “I also did say that the elves were cute”

Yong reached to touch my reindeer horns before she went to lightly touch her index finger on my red nose. “The deer’s also cute though…”

I smiled and showed her all my pearly white teeth as I cupped my cheeks. “I know…”

She scoffed and rolled her eyes at me, but a smirk was present.

“Let’s take pictures before we leave. Taeyang… Baby, come with Mommy and Nabi. Mama will set up the camera”

We all gathered in front of the Christmas Tree in our living room to take a photo. The kids were standing in between me and Yong. As per Taeyang’s plan, he’s wearing his Santa costume, Yong and Nabi are wearing elf dresses and hats, and then there’s me in my reindeer onesie and reindeer horn headband.

“Everyone, smile!” I instructed before pressing the button and running to my place behind Nabi and beside Yong.

All the gifts were already transported in the trunk of my truck. Despite how lovely our costumes are, it’s below zero degrees outside so we all wrapped ourselves in thick coats and mufflers. Yong also bought a bag of snacks, drinks, water, and Taeyang’s milk, in case the little guy throws a tantrum. So far he’s excited and so we hit the road on time without a hitch.

“So our first stop is at Dr. Lee’s house. I already called her ahead of time so we can pass the gate to their village” Yong said from the passenger seat.

When we hit a red light, Yong touched my arm and raised her eyebrows in a silent question.

I gave her a smile to tell her that I’m okay.

She held my hand and squeezed it, never letting go until the light turned red and I had to hold the wheel with both of my hands.

I was tasked by our Santa Tae to drive us around. I moved the car carefully and was aware of the fact that today might be the first snow. Although it’s quite magical for others, it wasn’t to me as I am reminded of our accident.

Yong knew about this too and even asked me if we should tell our son that I’ll just be an elf and his Mommy will be the reindeer. I immediately declined, knowing how excited our son was. And so here she is, making sure I’m okay, which made my whole task less nervous.

Our first stop was at Dr. Lee’s place. The village where they lived is very strict. We had to lower our windows down and let them inspect the gifts we stored in our trunk. Upon lowering the windshields, the guard witnessed our biz

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Take care and stay safe always everyone!

- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺