Appendix XXVII [OT]

Appendices [RS]
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A/N: Wheein had her first ever music show win as a solo artist ON THE TWENTY SEVENTH of January. It just so happens that I'm ON THE TWENTY SEVENTH chapter here. Appendix XXVII was really reserved for the Twenty Sevenths but coincidence just made this even more meaningful because of Wheein's first win. CONGRATULATIONS!!!! *clap* *clap* *clap* *pat* *pat* *pat*
A little side note. I might had too much wine when I wrote majority of this chapter. I apologize in advance if this is so messy. I wasn't drunk, but just had a glass or two in my system, which gave me a hard time to think. Drink moderately everyone haha...


I felt rather empty the moment I woke up. My eyebrows furrowed as I patted the mattress in front of me. There should be someone sleeping beside me and most especially, I’m supposed to be holding that someone the moment I go to sleep and when I wake up in the morning.

I slowly opened my still sleepy eyes, taking a huge breath in.


I unconsciously frowned when I discovered the empty space beside me.

I turned to lie on my back but stopped when I felt something warm on my lower back. I smiled as I rubbed my eyes and moved forward before turning around. I silently laughed when I found Ggomo sleeping peacefully beside me.

At least someone didn’t leave me alone.

I reached to pat our baby ball of orange and white fur. I gently patted his body before running my hand on his smooth fur. The light coming from the partially-open curtain caught my engagement ring.

I raised my left hand up and turned it sideways, thinking of the events that happened last night. I was deeply worried when Wheein didn’t show up in the airport yesterday. The last time that happened, it led to a huge fight that ultimately ended our relationship. I wanted to be mad and I was one second away from contacting someone to pick me up because she wasn’t answering her phone as well. Exactly like the night we broke up.

I took a huge breath in and decided not to get ahead of myself. To trust her. We started over for a reason and doubting her right off the bat would be unfair even when my worries were reasonable. We promised and never broke it since we agreed to take things slow.

When I was able to collect myself, worry for her slowly settled in my chest. Maybe something happened to her? Maybe that’s why I couldn’t contact her? Was she in an accident? Is she okay?

Questions due to worry and words of comfort for myself occupied my head the entire time I waited for her in the airport. It seemed like I aged a couple of years while I waited for her. The thirty minutes, probably an hour or more. I had no idea how long I waited for her, but it consumed all my energy when all I did was sit and wait.

And then I heard her voice, desperately calling my name. Right at that moment, it seemed like I gained the years I lost. I became well again.

I scolded her when we went to bed. I told her not to do it because it stressed me out more than when I proposed to her. And she said sorry multiple times and told me that she’d try her best not to do it again. Then she flashed me her widest smile, made sure that I could see her dimple, and showered a million kisses on my face. And she giggled. Of course, she’d giggle because she knew I had forgiven her the very moment she gave me her dimpled smile.

My mouth opened on its own when a yawn came out of me.

I leaned forward and placed a light kiss on Ggomo’s head. “Where’s your Mommy?” I whispered to him but got nothing with how deep he was in his sleep.

I smiled and snuggled my nose on his bed before I glided my fingers on his smooth fur. Then I pushed myself and sat up. I decided to look for my fiancée myself.

I pushed the blanket to the side before I stood up and wore my slippers. “Hey…” I carried Ggomo in my arms and went to transfer him to his bed at the corner of the room. I ran my fingers on his head and scratched his ears to bring him back to sleep when I woke him up. “Sorry… I just need to transfer you to fix the bed”

I gently placed him back on his head. He gave me an irritated look before he went back to sleep, which made me laugh softly.

I apologized to him again before I went to our makeshift bed. I folded the blanket and gathered it along with the pillows close to the wall. I folded the mattress next and placed it next to the pillows and blanket. I went to the bathroom first and washed my face to completely wake myself up.

Since Wheein was nowhere to be found in our room, I went outside and went to look for her on the second floor first. The rooms were still empty except for some furniture that were still wrapped in plastic and some still inside their boxes.

Apparently, she already bought a house while I was away. She admitted last night that she had this house for two months already but only started buying and putting stuff in a month ago. She also planned to arrange everything before my work ends for the month but was unable to do so because of how busy she was at work. I’d be living with her starting today and shall transfer my things and car from Sujeong’s house. We have a busy day ahead of us.

As I was heading downstairs, the smell of eggs and kimchi fried rice hit my nose. I smiled and walked faster, knowing that I already found where my fiancée was. I stopped at the end of the stairs and watched Wheein watch the eggs frying on the pan like a hawk.

She’s still wearing her pajamas and her hair is tied in a messy bun. The kimchi fried rice was already set on the dining table, fresh from being unwrapped from its plastic. A plate of sliced fruits was right beside the fried rice. Two steaming mugs, I assumed contained coffee, two plates, spoons, and chopsticks were already set on the table as well.

The way she concentrated on the eggs she’s frying made me smile and giggle but I tried to contain it so I couldn’t disturb her. I guess her need to fry the perfect eggs didn’t change at all and this brought back so many memories. I would attempt to distract her just to because the pout that’s always present when she concentrates is always so good to kiss.

I pushed myself off the wall and made my way towards her. I smirked when she glanced at me and noticed me coming towards her. Then I chuckled when she quickly went back to the eggs she’s cooking.

“Good morning” she said, her eyes never leaving the pan.

“Morning.” I stood behind her and slowly wrapped my arms around her waist. “You left me in bed” I whispered, closing my eyes as I snuggled my nose on the back of her head.

“To make you breakfast” she answered, her free hand finding its way to mine. “I also didn’t have the heart to wake you because I know you’re still tired from work. I’m sorry”

“Hmm…” I pressed a soft kiss on her nape before I rested my chin on her shoulder. “I woke up to Ggomo sleeping beside me so it’s okay”

“Traitor” she mumbled, feigning irritation.

I saw her smile when she heard me laugh before she leaned her head on mine. “If I’ll cover your eyes and pull you away from the stove, will you be mad at me?”

“I’ll fight to get back and cook them perfectly”

“If I suddenly flip the pan or flip the eggs very badly, will you be mad at me?”

“I’ll make another set, which means you’ll have to eat those imperfect fried eggs”

“If I crack the center, will you be mad at me?”

“Same thing. I’ll make another set”

“But what if I’ll make them imperfect again? Will you be mad at me?”

She placed a kiss on my temple before she proceeded to take the eggs off the pan and transfer them on a plate. “You will never do that” she whispered so confidently.

“What makes you think that?” I asked, eyebrows raising from curiosity.

“You never once did that even when you’re intentionally distracting me. They’re all done half-assed. You never really meant them and knowing you”—she turned the stove off and placed the spatula on the sink before she turned around—“you never do things half-assed, my angel.” She brushed her fingers on my growing hair and tucked it behind my ear.

“Is that so?” I whispered teasingly; my eyes locked on her lips already.


I raised my eyes to hers and asked, “Where’s my morning kiss?”

“I gave you one already when you were still sleeping” she said, winking at me.

“I want another one when I’m awake”

That made her laugh so loud while I smiled at her.

She placed her hands on my cheeks and brought my face to her. “You’re so needy” she whispered right before her lips touched mine. “You’re so lucky I love you being so clingy”

“You love me regardless of which side I’m showing you” I scoffed, rolling my eyes as if I hate it.

“That’s true,” she answered, making me smile wider.

I leaned forward and kissed her this time. “Thanks for the breakfast, love.” I held her hand and carried the plate of perfect eggs before walking us to the dining table. “Let’s eat. We still have a lot of things to do today”

“Mom and Dad are already on their way,” Wheein said as we sat down and started eating. “They’re bringing food. Dad said Mom’s ready to feed all of us later and they’re also excited to see you”

I took a sip of my coffee first while Wheein placed one of the fried eggs on my plate. I grabbed the serving spoon and lifted the pan of fried rice. I placed some on Wheein’s plate before putting the rest on mine.

“They’re going to stay for the whole day, right? Should we invite them to sleep here so your Dad won’t have to drive back to Jeonju?”

“I did but Mom said it depends on Dad and Dad said he could manage to drive back. If you convince them to stay, I’m sure they’ll agree right away”

“I’ll talk to them.” I ate a spoonful of fried rice and a slice of the egg while Wheein mumbled a thanks beside me. “Also… they might’ve to wait to see me. I’ll go to Sujeong’s the moment I finish showering after breakfast. I still have to pack and move in here”

“The rest of the furniture will arrive this morning though. Do you want us to wait for you until you arrive before arranging them?”

I took a couple sips of my coffee after finishing my food. I grabbed the plate of fruits and pulled it closer to me. I fed some to myself and when Wheein was finished with her plate, I started feeding some to her too.

“It’s okay. You can arrange them however you want”

“We’ll wait for you” she said, making me chuckle. “We’ll just unwrap, unbox, and assemble everything first while waiting. I want to know how you want things to be arranged”

I reached to pinch her cheek while she smiled at me. “You really don’t have to”

“I want to”

“But since you insisted, fine. I’ll just have to hurry up.” I grabbed our empty plates while Wheein was still finishing her coffee. I headed to the sink to place the dishes there as I said, “Will it be okay for you to wash the dishes so I can shower already?”

“Leave them,” she said behind me.

I placed the plates down before I walked back to her on the dining table. I bent down and kissed the top of her head, her temple and her cheek. “Thank you, love. I’ll shower already so I can head out early.” I kissed her cheek one last time before I jogged towards the stairs.

“Okay. Come back in one piece. Drive safely! I still have to marry you!”

The house was filled with my laughter and my loud steps as I headed back to the bedroom. Wheein joined in and filled the entire house with our giggles this time. Yup, getting back together and taking things slowly was a really good decision.


After filling one container, four suitcases, and two boxes of my clothes and things, I finally headed back home. It was already after lunchtime when I reached home. Byul and Irene’s car, Hyejin and Chungha’s car, Wheein’s parents’ car were already parked on the driveway. A huge truck was also parked on the side of the road, its back open and a ramp was out. Men were carrying a huge bed as I turned my SUV to park inside the garage right beside Wheein’s car.

I moved out of my car and tied my hair again in a low ponytail, sensing more work to do. I entered the same password I had in my previous home and entered through the door that connected the garage and the living room.

Mrs. Jung was standing close to the front door with Wheein beside her, giving instructions to the men carrying the bed. Irene and Chungha were in the dining and kitchen area, arranging utensils and decorations there. The living room was cleared off the boxes but all the furniture was still all in their plastic covering. Byul, Hyejin and Mr. Jung were nowhere in sight, which made me think that they must’ve been in the backyard. Ggomo was sitting comfortably on his cat tower in the living room, unbothered by all the chaos inside the house.

Irene and Chungha kept on shouting Wheein’s name, asking her where to place this and that. Wheein would shout back her answer. Mrs. Jung was also raising her voice to give instructions to the men carrying the bed so she’d be heard from all the shouting that’s happening.

I was still standing by the door, unable to interrupt them, when the backdoor opened.

Byul went in, looking so sweaty with her hair sticking to her forehead and neck. “Wheein! We’ve done the—” She stopped when she saw me standing awkwardly.

I smiled and waved at her while she instantly smiled back.

“Yongsun! You’re here.” She walked towards me with her arms wide open. “Why did no one tell us that you’re here already?” she asked, hugging me but she immediately stepped back. “Sorry… I forgot I was so sweaty”

I shook my head and stepped forward to hug her. “It’s okay”

When we broke the hug, she frowned at me and asked, “Why did no one tell us that you’re here already?”

“That’s because I just got back” I said to Byul but I turned to Wheein when I saw her coming towards me.

Our arms automatically went around each other while I placed a kiss on her cheek. “I’m back in one piece” I whispered, making her giggle in her arms.

“Very good…” she whispered, making me laugh this time.

“Yongsun, it’s good to see you again”

I turned to Mrs. Jung and hugged her next, kissing her cheek as well. “It’s good to see you too, mam. Thank you for coming here and helping us”

“Of course.” She pointed at the huge bed that the men placed in the living room while everyone’s greeting me. “Wheein said this is for your bedroom. You should take over and gave them instructions”

I bowed at the men before I turned to my fiancée. “Right in the middle?” I asked her while she nodded without question. I turned to the men again and told them to place the bed right at the middle, the headboard touching the wall.

Mrs. Jung went with the men to supervise them while I went to greet Irene and Chungha. I both hugged them as well despite how sweaty they are. Byul and Wheein went to the backyard. Wheein wanted to check the playground while Byul went to call Hyejin and Mr. Jung.

“Yongsunnie!” Hyejin shouted the moment she saw me.

I laughed at how she literally ran the five steps from the backdoor to where I was standing with Irene and Chungha. I heard a playful scoff from Chungha which made me laugh louder while Hyejin threw herself at me. I hugged her back and patted her head. Unlike Wheein, Hyejin was so used to being babied. She doesn’t get mad and she even welcomed being babied all the time. Even most especially when she’s with Chungha.

“You’re back!” Hyejin said, squeezing me in her arms. “I missed you. How are you? Is Wheein taking care of you?”

I squeezed her once before letting go, laughing softly at her. “I missed you too, Hyejin. Everything’s well and yes, your best friend is taking care of me so well”

She nodded with her hands on her hips as she whispered, “Good… Good”

I patted her head again before I walked around her to get to Mr. Jung. Wheein’s father scares me but not as much as how Wheein feared my Dad. Her father always has this intimidating presence but upon knowing him for the span that Wheein and I got in a relationship, broke up, and got back again, he’s just very laid back most of the time.

Mr. Jung shook his head and took a step back. “Oh no. You shouldn’t. I’m very sweaty, Yongsun”

I smiled and shook my head as well. “It’s okay, sir. I have a share of everyone’s sweat since I hugged them all”

Mr. Jung laughed in his usual belly laugh that would always make Wheein giggle. He opened his arms and hugged me back. His hugs were kind of like my Dad’s hugs. Although it’s short, the length of their hugs was never the measure of how much their affections are towards the person they’re hugging. I could easily sense their protectiveness from their short hugs.

“How have you been?” Mr. Jung said the moment we broke the hug, which was also the same time that Wheein and Byul walked back inside the house.

“A little bit tired from work but I couldn’t leave all the work today to everyone”

He nodded before he pointed outside. “Do you need help with your suitcases?”

I instantly shook my head, catching Wheein smiling from the corner of my eyes. “It’s okay, sir. I’ll just pull them out later once everything’s settled here. It’s not much work. Thank you”

“Okay. Just call me if you need help with them.” He patted my shoulder as he passed by me on his way to grab water.

“Okay. Thank you, sir”

I turned to Wheein while everyone’s drinking water and taking a rest for a short while. I smirked teasingly and said to her, “I have everyone’s sweat on me.” I opened my arms while she surprisingly smiled when she saw me walking towards her.

“Free hug from you? Why not? Can I have a free kiss too?” she asked excitedly, making me laugh so loud while I heard Byul and Hyejin booing behind me.

Instead of hugging her, I laced one of my arms around her waist while I raised my free hand to wipe the sweat on her face. I pushed her hair that got freed from her ponytail before dabbing the back of my hand on her face. I pinched her cheek when I was done while she showed me her dimple as I placed my arm around her waist, hugging her this time.

I pressed a kiss on her forehead before I looked at her closely. “Do you want to rest? I can take over now”

She only smiled and shook her head at me.

“Are you sure?”

“We arranged everything on the second floor first. The rooms are now okay. Just need some minor decorations maybe, but the things there are all set now. Mom suggested we start there first so the huge furniture will be settled when they arrive. We can just change it if you want something to change”

“I’ll check later if you really want to know my opinion”

“Of course.” Her eyes wandered on her fingers that were playing with the hair on my nape. “The couches on the living room were arranged the same as your living room in your old house”

I smiled as I whispered, “I noticed that. The kitchen too but it’s a little bigger this time”

She nodded absentmindedly as she played with my ponytail now. “Then someone will come here to mount the TV on the wall. I wasn’t sure how a fireplace works but you mentioned one time that you wanted one. Do you want to test it later when everything’s done? You had one in your parents’ house”

“I’ll handle that”

“Okay…” She leaned her forehead on my shoulder and sighed heavily, her body leaning on me. “The playground is also done. You should check the backyard later. I forgot to add chairs and tables there because I was only thinking of the grill and the playground”

“I’ll take care of it. Don’t worry” I whispered, kissing the side of her head. I started rubbing my hand on her back, knowing how exhausted she already was.

“We’re almost done. The bedroom’s the last one. Once the furniture is settled, we can decorate the place with our pictures and other things. Tear them out of their plastic covers. I still have our pictures in my boxes”

“I saved the rest of our pictures too. They’re in the car”

She suddenly pulled back and raised her eyebrows at me. “You did?” she asked, her eyes blinking from shock.

“Yes” I said as I laughed softly at her reaction.

“I thought you threw them away. Burn them even”

I shook my head, laughing louder as I pinched her cheek. “I wouldn’t do that”

She closed her eyes and nestled on my neck again. “I’m glad you didn’t throw them away”

I held her steadily, placing kisses on her head while constantly rubbing my hand on her back. She snuggled her face closer to my neck, sighing heavily in content. From time to time, she’d tell me what they were doing while I was in Sujeong’s place. She also told me what they had for lunch and I told her what I ate too. She asked how Aera was and told me that we should invite everyone again for a barbecue and if it’s also possible, to have my family over that time.

When she finally pulled back, I leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on her lips. “I’ll head out to buy furniture for the backyard. Maybe we can get them delivered today”

“Okay. We’ll start unwrapping the couches and tables. We can bring your things upstairs if you want to”

I pulled my keys from my pocket and handed it to her. “I’ll use your car then”

She pointed at the table close to the garage door. “Keys in the bowl”

I cupped her cheek and pressed a kiss on her dimple. “I’ll be back in one piece” I whispered, which immediately placed a smile on her lips.

“You can ask Irene and Chungha’s help if you want to” Wheein suggested.

“I heard Irene’s name. What do you want from her?” Byul suddenly asked.

I turned around and saw Wheein’s parents sitting by the dining table while the rest of them were on the stool by the kitchen counter. I looked at Irene and Chungha and said, “Wheein forgot to buy chairs and tables outside so I’ll be heading out to do that. Would you like to come with me?”

“Oh… shopping!” Chungha excitedly said, clapping her hands as she jumped down from the stool. “I’m in, of course”

“Sure. It will be fun!” Irene said as she stepped down from the stool with Byul helping her.

I smiled at the two of them, thankful that they’re still willing to help even when they looked so tired as well.

“What? We’re left to do the heavy lifting?” Hyejin complained, frowning at me and stopping Chungha from clapping and jumping on her heels. She noticed it right away and smiled at Chungha. “Yes, of course. Go and shop with Yongsun. I hope you enjoy”

Byul was shamelessly laughing in front of her. I could also hear Wheein stopping herself from laughing out loud behind me. I glanced behind me and saw her covering . When our eyes met, she scoffed and covered with both hands this time. I chuckled at her before I turned to Hyejin and Chungha.

Hyejin cupped Chungha’s cheeks, looking so relieved now that she saw her smiling at her. “Buy us ice cream?” she asked while Chungha couldn’t help but giggle at Hyejin.

“Okay…” She leaned forward and kissed Hyejin’s cheek. “We’ll be back”

Right across them, Byul was smiling so wide while Irene’s showering kisses on her dimples.

I wanted to say that we’ll just be going away for a few hours. They don’t need this much pampering from Irene and Chungha but I realized, Wheein and I were like that too. We were even worse than them. Couldn’t resist each other when we’re together.

This also made me realize how my relationship with Wheein before we broke up was so physical. All we do is make up for the time that I was away and our concept of making up was . There was this strong urge to make love the moment we see each other again, the rest of my days off, and the day before I’ll be away for work. We’ve grown distant emotionally. Our relationship got surrounded with the physical intimacy part of the relationship that the other aspects of our relationship were gone. It was slowly founded by lust and not love anymore.

I’m glad we were able to turn that around and went back to how we were when we first got together. I think our relationship is even better now than before. We’re now able to communicate our thoughts and worries to each other. Meet other people and bond with them, like what we’re doing now despite how physically taxing today is. We’re so open about our vulnerabilities and became each other’s strength.

Our love and relationship got stronger and there is nothing else I’ve ever wanted than that. Wheein also looks so ready to settle down. Sujeong even told me how she’s impressed and fascinated at how Wheein grew up and matured since we started taking things slow. I could see that as well and I’m proud of her. Very proud of her.

“Alright! Let’s go shopping!” I said, hugging Wheein goodbye and waving at her parents as we headed to Wheein’s car, grabbing her keys on the way there.


I stood in the middle of the backyard, eyeing the furniture Irene and Chungha helped me buy earlier. The skies were already a shade of pink, orange, red, and a litt

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Take care and stay safe always everyone!

- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺