Appendix XXIX [EH]

Appendices [RS]
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A/N: This is a crossover between Endura and When We Lie. Let me lay down the names so you won't be confused as you read along the chapter. Endura names for OT4: Jung Yongsun, Jung Wheein, Moon Jinnie, Moon Byulyi (Byul). WWL names for OT4: Kim Yongshin, Kim Wina, Ahn Hyejin, the black-haired girl (I ran out of names, really, so I just used Byul's description in WWL instead of looking for another name for her character *sigh*). Expect a lot of mistakes because I did this in a rush.


I knelt in front of my three-year-old son and frowned at the pout on his face. He’s hugging a toy car to his chest while barely holding onto a bunny plushie by its ear with his other tiny hand. Our baby boy has grown into a big boy already, or so he claims, but he’s still a baby boy in all of our eyes, most especially to his older sister.

“Why can’t I go with Mommy… and Mama… and Nabi? I wanna go too…”

“Tae…” I sighed.

I’m gathering all my strength not to change our plans right now. I’ve always been firm in my decision, but apparently that’s not true when dealing with my children’s, and even my wife’s, cuteness.

“Taeyang go, Mommy…”

A small smile slipped on my lips when he stomped his foot on the floor. So adorable…

“Come here…”

I opened my arms and invited him for a hug, which he quickly complied. I sat on the floor, careful not to crumple my skirt, and sat him on my lap next. I brushed back his soft hair and planted a loud kiss on his cheek before hugging him tightly and leaning my face against his shoulder.

“Babies are not allowed where Mommy, Mama, and Nabi will go, remember?”

“Tae big boy, Mommy…” he argued, eyebrows scrunching as he pouted hard at me.

“And big boys too…” I added, giggling when his brown orbs glared at me. I kissed his pout and his forehead before hugging him to my chest. “It’ll be loud there, Tae. Tae doesn’t like loud places. Right, baby?”

“I wanna go…” he argued.

“I know… We all wanted you to come but strong, handsome, and cute boys like our Tae are not allowed there. Mommy doesn’t like it. Mama and Nabi too” I said while shaking my head. How else am I supposed to appease this young man? “But we can’t do anything about it”

“I wanna go…” he whispered again but his voice lacked the vigor in it unlike earlier.

I kissed the top of his head to console him before looking up when I saw Wheein and Nabi emerging out of Nabi’s room. Wheein saw me and Taeyang on the floor and her face instantly melted at the sight of us. I shrugged at her, earning a light chuckle from her, before I checked on our daughter, who’s busy checking her dress and straightening it up. I went back to our son again and made him stand up so we could be eye level with each other.

“Mommy promises to treat you out tomorrow with Mama and Nabi, okay?”

“Okay…” Taeyang responded weakly.

“We’ll invite your Auntie Jinnie and Auntie Byul with Hwayoung too”


“And Mama promises that she’ll let you play with one of her telescopes—”


“—as long as you behave with your Grap and Gram later”

“What?” Wheein whispered, eyes widening in either shock or opposition when I quickly glanced at her.

“Really?!” Taeyang asked, his face lighting up at the sound of my proposal. He turned to his Mama with a huge smile plastered on his face. “Telescope?”

Wheein dropped her glare and frown at me as she quickly smiled so wide, dimple showing up, at our son. “Of course, Tae” she agreed without any hesitation before her eyes widened in shock, catching herself off guard. She glanced at me and whispered, “What?”

I just winked at her and kissed the back of Taeyang’s head. I could hear Wheein groaning from regret while Taeyang was all giggles from excitement. “You heard your Mama. What should you say, baby?”

Taeyang ran to Wheein and hugged her leg. “Thank you! Thank you! Tae behave! Promise! Promise!”

Wheein ruffled Taeyang’s hair before bending down to kiss him. “I know…” She sighed before smiling at Taeyang while I was containing my laughter at how she’s both happy and worried. Happy that Taeyang’s cute and agreeing. And worried for her beloved telescope.

I stood up and straightened my skirt before going to Nabi. I reached for her hands and stopped her nonstop assault on her skirt when it’s already perfect. I brought her hands to my lips and kissed them.

“Why are you nervous? Don’t be nervous, Nabi-ah…” I gave her a gentle smile as I reached to cup her cheek. I caressed my thumb on it while making sure not to erase the light makeup we put on her. “You’ll do great, okay?”

“But what if I won’t?” she whispered nervously, lips trembling with her voice along with it. “There will be a lot of people watching me, Mom? What if I make a mistake?”

“Your Ma will be right at the side of the stage. I’ll be where we’ll be sitting later. Look for us if you feel nervous. And you’ll be with Kim Wina. The Kim Wina. She’ll be with you all throughout the performance so you have nothing to worry about.” I held both of your cheeks and leaned a little closer so she could focus on the sincerity and pride in my eyes. Pride for my lovely daughter. “If you commit a mistake like you did during your first rehearsal, what did Miss Wina tell you?”

Nabi breathed deeply and gulped hard before she whispered, “Let it go”

“Exactly.” I kissed her forehead and engulfed her in my arms. “Let it go and don’t let it affect you. Enjoy your performance. Remember, Nabi-ah…, Wina asked to sing with you. She believed and trusted you. And so do we. Your Mama and our little sunshine, your Grandma and Grandpa, your Auntie Jinnie and Byul, and most especially me.” I kissed the side of her head and confidently smiled at her this time. “Only look at me, your Mama, and Wina. Imagine your singing the song to your baby brother”

Nabi pouted and whispered, “Tae should’ve come with us…”

“The concert would last for hours. He couldn’t stand it. It’ll be past his bedtime too, and the hall would be too loud for him. You’ll, for sure, have his support even though right now all that’s matter to him is being able to play with one of your Mama’s telescope”

We watched an excited Taeyang dropping his toy car and bunny plushie on the floor while marching towards the biggest telescope that Wheein owned. Wheein, on the other hand, was trying to convince our son to play with this flashy golden pirate telescope that she bought so Taeyang wouldn’t aim for the ones she had displayed in the house.

“Want! This one!” Taeyang screamed, knees bouncing with enthusiasm. “This one! This one!”

“This looks better than that one, Tae…” Wheein said helplessly.

Taeyang shook his head, indignant. He pointed at the biggest telescope again and said, “This, Ma”

Wheein abandoned the pirate telescope by the dining table and walked towards the smallest telescope she had displayed. “This one. If you play with this one, if you behave, if you take care of this, Mama will give this to you as a gift—” she raised five fingers up for Taeyang to see “—when you turn five”

I doubt that…

Taeyang raised five fingers as he stomped towards his Mama. “Tae five”

Wheein shook her head and raised three fingers instead. “No… Tae three.” She raised five fingers again and gently patted her telescope. “Tae five, Mama give telescope to Tae if Tae good baby boy”

“Big boy Tae,” our son argued, making me and Nabi laugh at him.

We were interrupted when we heard our doorbell ring. All of us turned to look at the door except for Taeyang who’s busy admiring his Mama’s telescope.

I kissed Nabi’s cheek and said, “That’ll be your Grandma and Grandpa. Go help your Mama convince your baby brother to behave and not to destroy her telescope”

Nabi giggled as she nodded at me. “Okay…”

I headed to our front door and greeted Wheein’s mother and Dr. Song by the front door. I leaned forward to hug them both before kissing either side of their cheeks. Then I invited them in and they instantly noticed the commotion by our dining area.

Dr. Song scoffed while Ma laughed at the sight of her daughter and grandson arguing.

“Wheein giving her telescope away? I’d see her retire first before she let go of any of her telescopes” Dr. Song mumbled as they put on indoor slippers before stepping inside the house.

“Taeyang was aiming for the biggest one and Wheein didn’t want to risk that one”

Dr. Song laughed his usual loud belly laugh, which caught the kids’ attention.

“Gram! Grap!” Taeyang squealed.

Nabi held her baby brother’s hand as they walked towards their grandparents to greet them.

Wheein took that opportunity to adjust her telescope. She positioned it right in front of our glass wall before she quickly dismantled some of the parts of her telescope. What was left was the stand, eyepiece, and the tube. She jogged towards our room to hide the parts she took from her telescope.

I giggled at her when she felt slightly relieved as she got out of our room. I beckoned her to us and silently laughed at the unthreatening glare she gave my way. “Sorry…” I mouthed, which only made her pout.

“At least give me a heads up next time”

“He looked so sad that he couldn't come with us, Whee…”

“He wanted the biggest one,” Wheein whisper-shouted. Her eyes widened as she mumbled, “The biggest one, Yong”

“You’d give him the smallest one when he turns five?”

She shook her head and said, “He’s too young to remember it”

“Whatever you say…”

I reached for her hand before I ran my hand on her arm full of stars. I smiled at them but Wheein took it differently and retracted her arm. I held onto her hand tightly and even slightly glared at her for doing so.

“Should I wear something to cover them?”

I glared harder, which made her pout. “No. Free them”

“Okay…” she whispered hesitantly while I squeezed her hand and offered her a satisfied smile this time.

We turned to our parents and kids, smiling at them. We leaned on each other while waiting for them to finish greeting so we could head to the concert halll already.

Dr. Song patted Nabi’s head and leaned down to give her a kiss. “Good luck for later. We know you’ll do well, sweetheart”

“Thank you…”

Dr. Song dealt with an excited Taeyang next. Our son grabbed his Grap’s hand and dragged him towards the telescope that Wheein promised to give to him when he turns five. Dr. Song laughed at Taeyang’s adorable stomps as he skipped towards the telescope, rambling about playing with it.

“You’ll do well, Nabi-ah… We’re proud of you”

“Thank you…” Nabi sighed in her Grandma’s arms.

“Now, go or else you’ll be late.” She kissed Nabi’s cheek before smiling proudly at her.

Nabi couldn’t help but smile back at her Grandma.

“Don’t forget the flowers we’ll be giving to Miss Wina, Nabi” I reminded her before turning to my wife. “And the camera too, love”

“Shoot…” Wheein let go of my hand to head back to Nabi’s room. She disappeared inside there before returning with her camera and its stand. The camera that she used to take pictures of the stars and nature but is now filled with our little butterfly and little sunshine. “Almost forgot about this one.” She gave me a sheepish smile, making sure her dimple is as deep as ever. “Keys?”

I reached inside my purse and showed it to her. I checked on Nabi and her bouquet of flowers. Then at Wheein and her camera equipment. I glanced at Nabi again and smiled at her. “Ready?”

She released a deep breath before she nodded. “Yes…”

I placed my arm around her waist and looked towards Taeyang and Dr. Song. “Tae… Baby, we’ll go out now. Bye bye!”

“Bye, baby!” Wheein added.

“Bye bye” Taeyang responded but his attention was solely dedicated to Wheein’s telescope.

“Bye, Tae,” Nabi said.

This grabbed Taeyang’s attention, making Wheein scoff while I could only chuckle. He waved at his sister before going back to talking to his Grap about the telescope. He looked and sounded like he knew what he’s talking about but they were all blabbers of random words. He’s clearly interested in his Mama’s telescope though so it was such an adorable sight.

We said goodbye to Ma and Dr. Song before finally heading out of our house. Wheein and I walked on either side of Nabi. My arm was around our daughter’s waist while Wheein had hers on Nabi’s shoulders. Nabi was carefully holding onto the flowers that we prepared for Wina to express our congratulations and appreciation for inviting our daughter to sing with her.

We lost contact with the Kims after Wheein, Nabi, and I paid our respects when her mother passed away. We’d see them always with the couple being so famous; Miss Kim as the President of the Kim Group of Companies and a renowned model, and Wina as a successful and talented artist.

We’d see them on TV and on the news. Nabi still remembered Wina when Wina asked her to sing with her and Miss Kim as that pretty model lady who’d always smile at her despite looking so scary. We were part of their lives for only a short moment, so we were all surprised when Wheein received a call from Wina. We were most surprised when Wina asked our permission if she could invite Nabi to sing with her during the last day of her concert.

Nabi was ecstatic when she heard the news and agreed without any hesitation. Wheein and I will always be supportive of our children so we let her and was with her when she practices at home, with Wina, and during their rehearsal yesterday. Taeyang even accompanied his sister during one of her practices with Wina. We didn’t let him in the rehearsal, afraid that he’d throw a tantrum if he sees what’s about to happen tonight.

Our daughter was amazing. I couldn’t contain how proud I am of her and so I cried during their rehearsal. Wheein saw me and teased me about it but ended up crying as well. Nabi was embarrassed of us. She was ready to kick us out of the concert hall yesterday. We couldn’t stop thanking Wina, which embarrassed our daughter even more.

“Do you want me to drive?” Wheein offered when we reached the basement parking lot.

I smiled at her and declined the offer. It still amazes me how she was able to overcome her fear of being behind the wheel. I could still remember her shaking just by merely sitting inside the car like it was yesterday. Now, she zooms past traffic with only a tiny bit of apprehension. But that apprehension never stopped her.

“Sit with Nabi” I whispered to Wheein before walking ahead of them to the driver seat.

“Roger that”

I glanced at them through the rearview mirror and smiled at my wife and daughter.

Wheein helped Nabi with her seatbelt and let Nabi carefully place the flowers on her lap. She fastened her seatbelt next before placing her arm around our daughter’s shoulders.

When they were sitting comfortably, I asked them, “Ready?”

They both met my eyes in the rearview mirror and smiled at me at the same time. Their eyes might not be the same but they share the same brightness and mischief in them. Their smiles and dimples, however, are so identical. Anyone could tell that Nabi is Wheein’s daughter but what they don’t know, that only me and our family and close friends know, is that Nabi is Wheein’s stepsister. An information Wheein and I hadn’t discussed yet whether we wanted to reveal it to Nabi or not.

Wheein thinks it’s unnecessary. She thinks it’s not important and that Nabi will remain as her daughter. Our daughter. Only time will let Nabi figure things out since our little butterfly’s one smart kiddo. Wheein was certain that Nabi will figure things out.

“Ready” they both said together.

Even their voices are slowly becoming identical now.

I chuckled at them as I started the car’s engine and drove us out of the parking lot.


We were escorted away from the crowd the moment we arrived at the venue. Wheein and I walked on either side of Nabi while a guy from the security team led us to Wina’s room. We walked close to each other, seeing how everyone was running back and forth in the hallway. We were afraid to interrupt and so we just silently followed the staff member.

We stopped right in front of a door that has Wina’s name written on it. The staff member knocked on the door and announced our arrival.

I heard Nabi sighing heavily beside me. Wheein and I shared a look before we smiled at our Nabi.

“You’re doing great, Nabi-ah” I whispered while Wheein kissed Nabi’s head.

Our daughter looked at us before she glanced down at the flowers in front of her. “I’m nervous,” she whispered.

“We’ll be right here. We won’t leave you” Wheein assured her.

Wina’s door opened and we were greeted by her manager, Hyemin. We greeted her back before she invited us inside Wina’s room. We let Nabi inside first while Wheein and I stayed behind her. Wheein’s arm automatically went around my waist as we stepped inside the room.

Wina’s room was quiet compared to the state of the hallways, most especially outside the hall where her fans were lining up. Wina was already dressed for her concert. A mic held upside down in her left hand and a water bottle in her right hand. She paced in the room while warming up .

Miss Kim was there in the room, as well as her Dad. Her secretary was there, who is also Wina’s best friend, and a handful of Wina’s staff members. It seems that everyone was ready and was just waiting for the concert to start.

“Nabi!” Wina happily greeted when she saw our daughter.

Nabi stopped to give her and everyone a bow. Wheein and I followed next

Miss Kim stood up from the couch and approached us as well. “Hello there” she whispered, smiling at Nabi as she stood beside her wife.

“Hi…” Nabi handed the flowers to Wina and shyly whispered, “For you. Thank you for inviting me again”

“Thank you, Nabi-ah…” Wina accepted the flowers from Nabi and smiled brightly at our daughter.

“Nothing for me?”

I could hear the three of us, all three Jungs in this room, gulping hard upon Miss Kim’s comment and the serious disappointment on her face.

“Yah…” Wina elbowed her wife and pouted at her, grabbing Miss Kim’s attention. “She’s already nervous for later. Don’t scare her even more!”

“I just wanted to receive flowers from Nabi too”

“Don’t get jealous” Wina scoffed while Miss Kim just chuckled at her wife.

The three Jungs in the room finally relaxed when we heard them bicker.

“I… I’ll bring flowers for you next time too” our daughter shyly whispered.

Miss Kim leaned forward with a wider smile and winked at Nabi. “I’ll be expecting one next time then”

Nabi nodded at her while Miss Kim patted our daughter’s head.

“Do you want to practice with Wina one last time? Maybe it’ll help you calm down?” Miss Kim offered while Wina nodded encouragingly at Nabi.


Nabi went with Wina to practice on one side of the room where there was a piano. Miss Kim turned to us and invited us to sit with them on the couch. She introduced us to her father and even offered us something to eat and drink. We politely declined everything and only accepted water.

Now that we’re here, I could feel myself getting nervous for my daughter as we watched Nabi and Wina. Wheein immediately noticed my nerves acting up, like she always does, and reached for my hand to hold it tightly.

“She’ll be fine,” she whispered.

“She’ll be fine,” I repeated.

Nabi’s voice at first was shaking but Wina gave her nothing but praises. She continued to assure Nabi that she’s doing great as they continued to practice.

“Don’t cry” Wheein teasingly whispered beside me.

I quickly and not so subtly wiped the corner of my eyes. “I’m not” I whispered while my wife only giggled beside me.

“Her performance is still later, you know?” she continued to tease.

“I know”

She leaned down to kiss my shoulder while squeezing my hand.

The door suddenly opened, startling everyone in the room. “Are you—”

“Quiet. Wina and Nabi’s practice”

Taehyung, one of Miss Kim’s cousins and a member of KGC, looked at his cousin in confusion. “Who’s Nabi?” he asked. He got his answer when he heard Nabi and Wina singing together, resuming their practice. “, sorry”

“Don’t curse when there’s a child in the room, Taehyung,” Miss Kim’s father reprimanded.

“—” Taehyung caught himself and covered his mouth. He smiled apologetically at us as he slowly closed the door. “Sorry…” he whispered again. He helped himself with some food inside the room and joined us as we watched Nabi and Wina practice.

More members of the Kim family and KGC entered the room but unlike Taehyung, they were more discreet and quietly joined us to watch Nabi and Wina practice. There’s Kim Taeyeon, the famous singer, Sam

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Take care and stay safe always everyone!

- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺