Appendix XXXI [IP]

Appendices [RS]
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A/N: While I was a thounsand feet up in the air, experiencing heavy turbulence, traveling to and from home, I decided to add to this appendix chapter and continued writing it until I got back home yesterday. Finally finished it today. Again, didn't proofread this one. Hope you'll enjoy!


Yongsun’s POV


Once I got the car parked, I pulled the handbrake and shut the engine off.

“Can I open them now?”

I smiled as I glanced at my fiancée on the passenger seat, softly chuckling when she looked so cute.

She had her hands up to cover her eyes. She's been moving restlessly in her seat since I asked her to do that. The pout just made everything about her really adorable right now.

“Not yet”

She pouted harder and turned her body towards my direction. I could see her eyebrows furrowing through the gap of her fingers. She’s been growing impatient but was still obediently following my instructions.

“We’re already here so just a few more seconds, Whee”

She sighed heavily and slouched on her seat. “Okay…”

“I’ll get out first then I’ll guide you out, okay? Wait for me”

I softly patted her arm to let her know I’m about to move out. I unbuckled my seatbelt before I climbed out. I rounded the car to get to the passenger seat. The whole time I did this, I never left my eyes on her. I laughed softly when I could see her bouncing her knees repeatedly, getting more impatient.

There was a smile plastered on her face when she heard me open the door. I reached to unfasten her seatbelt and sneaked a kiss on the back of her hands. Then I guided her out of the car, making sure she wouldn’t hit her head and stepped out of balance.

I stood behind her. I held her hands that were still covering her eyes so she wouldn’t cheat on me. Then my other hand was on her waist to guide her in walking.


“Open now!?” she asked while bouncing on her heels, clearly excited.

I giggled at her as I said, “No… I was going to say that we have to start walking now”

“Okay, okay, okay”

She started blindly taking a huge step and started walking fast.

“Slow down, Whee… You’re going to hurt yourself”

We started walking slowly towards the entrance of the building. Her excitement was so infectious, I couldn’t even stop myself from smiling so wide right now. I’m excited for her too. Just the thought of getting Wheein here makes me happy because I know this will make her happy. She’s been talking about it nonstop since the day she brought it up.

“I just can’t wait anymore, Yong. I’m so excited!”

I kissed the back of her before I whispered, “I know…”

I stopped her from moving when we reached the door. I pushed it open, which allowed the noise from the inside of the building to get out.

And the moment Wheein heard it, she pulled my hand down as she turned to face me. was a perfect O, just as her eyes. Her eyebrows were halfway to her forehead. She gasped while I laughed at her. She gasped again with her hands covering this time.

“Are we…”

I nodded at her and pressed a kiss on her cheek. “Yes, we are”

She turned around and gasped loudly. Her shoulders drooped down as she cooed at the cats and dogs asking for her attention. She turned to me, her eyes watering and lips pouting. “Yong…” she whispered before engulfing me in a hug.

I hugged her back while softly chuckling as I kissed her cheek. “After this, we’ll be shopping for whatever it needs. Welcome it to our home”

She hugged me tighter and barely said my name in a whisper when her voice shook. “We really are adopting?” she asked with her small voice, which reminded me of Gabby.

“Of course.” I kissed her forehead and reached to softly pinch her cheek. “Now go ahead. I have to talk to the volunteers first. Tell them that we’re here already”

She pulled back to look at me. “You’ve been here before?”

“Well, my fiancée wanted to adopt a cat. I have to look where to adopt one. Irene, a colleague of mine, told me her friend adopted one here. Thought I should visit the place before bringing you here”

She pouted as she stepped in to hug me again. “Yong… I love you”

“I love you too.” I kissed the top of her head before I said, “Now, go. Let’s not waste our time hugging. We need a new baby and a baby needs its home”

She pressed a kiss on my cheek before she went, probably even floated due to her immense enthusiasm, to the cats and dogs.

While Wheein is busy looking at the pets, I went to the receptionist and told them that my fiancée’s already looking at the pets. Sodam, the volunteer that I got to talk with the first time I was here, welcomed me and went to Wheein to offer her assistance.

Wheein was already petting a kitten when Sodam introduced herself. It was a small white kitten with orange marks. Sodam said that it was just about two to three weeks old and that it’s a boy. Wheein and I cooed when it let out a small meow.

“Can I hold him?” Wheein asked and smiled widely when Sodam nodded at her.

“He doesn’t like to be held much so you need to be careful if he jumps out of your hand. Try to let him get used to you petting him first” Sodam instructed while unlocking the cat’s cage.

“Why doesn’t he want to be held? I like him though…”

“He’s just not naturally affectionate”

“I’ll give him lots of affection” Wheein whispered while Sodam and I smiled at what she said. She faced the kitten and gently patted its head. “I’ll give you lots of affection…” she whispered to it.

The kitten wasn’t exactly rejecting Wheein’s petting but it didn’t like it as well. It wasn’t deliberately walking away from Wheein but it’s also somewhat doding her finger. The good thing is it wasn’t complaining with Wheein invading her cage.

Wheein glanced at Sodam, her eyes shining her curiosity with her smile adorning her face. “Does he have a name?”

Sodam shook her head. “We haven’t given names to the small ones yet. The one who dropped him off here found him shouting for help while out in a cold. They didn't think they could take care of pets and so they left him here. We’ve been taking care of him but we haven’t given him a name yet”

While Sodam was explaining how the kitten reached the center, Wheein had her palm open for the kitten. It slowly approached her hand and started smelling it. Its front paws were already on Wheein’s palm by the time Sodam was done talking.

“Yongsun! Look! Look!” Wheein whispered-shouted, quickly looking at me before looking at the kitten crawling onto her palm.

The kitten stood on Wheein’s palm. My fiancée’s hands are already small but the kitten was still smaller than Wheein’s palm. It kept turning around and smelling Wheein’s palm.

“Does it mean he likes me? He likes me, right?” Wheein asked Sodam, voice mixed with her gasps.

“He probably does. Try carrying him. See if he’s comfortable with you or not”

Wheein breathed deeply before she nodded at Sodam’s instructions. “Okay…”

She secured her other hand on the kitten before she pulled her hands out. She placed her open palm close to her chest and started petting the kitten.

It kept smelling Wheein’s hand and reached her arm. Then it started crawling to Wheein’s arm before clinging to her sweatshirt. It started making tiny meow noises as it climbed up to Wheein’s shirt.

Wheein leaned her head down to give the kitten a small kiss before hugging it and touching her cheek on its head. She looked at me with a satisfied smile and whispered, “I think he likes me”

I returned her smile as I nodded at her. “He probably does. Do you want to adopt him?”

While still securing the kitten to her, she looked around at the other cats and dogs in their cages. “I haven’t looked at the others yet.” She turned to me again and asked, “Can I look at them first?”

“Of course”

“Here… let me help you put him back” Sodam said while reaching to get the kitten from Wheein but Wheein shook her head, making me chuckle.

“Can I hold him while I look around?”

“Yes, sure…”

Wheein went to look at the other cages with both cats and dogs, oblivious to the rest of the world. Her attention was on the cats and dogs she was talking to.

“I think we’re adopting that kitten” I whispered to Sodam, referring to the kitten Wheein was still holding.

Sodam softly giggled and nodded in agreement. “I think she likes him already”

“Loves. I think she loves him already” I corrected with a laugh, my eyes never leaving my fiancée. I stared at her a second longer before I turned to face Sodam. “Can you list down all the things we need for a three-week-old cat? I supposed it’s still drinking milk, isn't it?”

“I’ll make you a checklist once she makes it official”


She made it official.

We went through a series of ‘Yong, this is cute too!’, ‘Look! Look!’, ‘She’s my hand, Yong. Did you see it?’, ‘Did you hear it!? He just talked to me’, ‘You’re cute too’ and many more. There were lots of ‘Can I hold him?’, ‘This one too. I want to hold her’, and ‘I think she likes me to hold her’. She gave probably all the cats and dogs she found cute kisses and pats. And she found all cats and dogs cute.

I almost fainted when she said that she wanted to adopt not just one, but about five cats and three dogs. Sodam stepped in and calmly told Wheein that she might be overwhelmed if she took care of eight pets in her first time having a pet. If she didn’t come to my rescue, I would’ve just nodded or called Dr. Lee and Dr. Park’s help. Tell them that we might build our own cat and dog center at this point.

To ease Wheein’s disappointment about not being able to adopt all the cats and dogs she wanted, Sodam suggested that Wheein can think about adopting again once she’s used to taking care of the pet. It brought back Wheein’s smile but got me nervous.

More pets to take care of? I’m not even sure how to take care of a cat. How much more if we’ll have five cats and three dogs!?

The whole time she created a fuss, an adorable fuss, in the adoption center, she never let go of that first kitten. It would try to get away from Wheein’s hold but would still go back to her after a few moments. Playing hard to get maybe…

“This is the best day ever”

She contained her voice in a whisper so as not to disturb the kitten but the excitement, however, could never go unnoticed.

I already bought a carrier before coming here, a cat backpack of some sorts, but Wheein preferred to hold the kitten.

It cooperated nicely with my fiancée and behaved in her arms. Quite curious of where we’d be taking him. Hopefully, he wouldn’t jump out.

We thanked Sodam after she passed to us our checklist of needs and had the adoption official. She left us a couple of reminders and assured us that we got her help in case something happened to the kitten.

Wheein and I walked out of the facility to go shop for what we needed. She has never left her eyes on the kitten. I hope she still remembers me.

She softly petted the kitten and whispered to it, “You’re going to live with us now… We’ll take care of you, okay?”

I smiled at her and smiled wider when the kitten seemed to understand what Wheein was telling him when he responded to my fiancée.

“I love you…” she whispered to the kitten before pressing a kiss on top of its head.

I opened the door for her and let her in before I went around the car and climbed in. “You have the checklist, right?” I asked Wheein as I drove us to the pet store Sodam suggested.


“Will you be holding it while we go shopping for its things?”

“Yes” she answered without any hesitation, making me chuckle.

I glanced at the kitten in Wheein’s arms and couldn’t help but smile when it curled up and settled close to her. I could already see them getting along, Wheein forgetting about work and me to entertain the kitten, and that kitten favoring Wheein.

As long as Wheein’s happy, everything’s fine.

True to her words, Wheein never put the kitten down the entire time we bought its things. It was even confident to sleep in her arms while I struggled to push our cart and carry our bags. Wheein gave me an apologetic smile when she saw me carry all the things we bought in my car’s trunk.

The moment I sat back in the car again, I heaved a huge breath out while wiping the sweat off my forehead.

“Sorry… I should’ve helped” Wheein whispered beside me with a pout.

I shook my head and smiled softly at her.

She leaned towards me while I leaned in as well and met her lips with a kiss. “I’m sorry…” she whispered again.

“It’s fine.” I smiled at the sleeping kitten in her arms and ran my fingers on its fur a couple of times. “Come to think of it, we never gave him a name yet. What do you want us to call him?”

She instantly smiled at my question and asked, “Do you want me to name him?”

“Of course. You obviously have one in mind already”

She vigorously shook her head while giggling softly, clearly excited. “I do. I do. I do”

I patted her head and softly pinched her cheek, unable to resist myself. “Well? Tell me about it”

“Ggomo” she said, making me raise my eyebrows. It fits. “It’s cute, isn’t it? It fits our cute little furball.” She pressed a soft kiss on the sleeping kitten’s head and whispered its name a couple of times, cooing at it while it’s sleeping. She glanced at me again, eyes brightly shining and making me see a glimpse of Gabby in her right now. “It’s cute, right?”

“It is. Though why Ggomo? Where’d you get that from?”

There was a soft smile on her face as she continued to pet Ggomo. Her eyes were distant while memories flashed right in front of her eyes. “My Mom…” she started with a whisper.

At the mention of her mother, I only turned the engine on to run the air conditioning units. Then I turned my full attention to her. This is one of the rare moments that she’d talk about her past and I wanted to cherish and absorb everything she’ll say. Her past has always been a painful memory and I don’t want her to go through saying everything all over again if I won’t listen carefully.

“If she gets extra, she’d bring me treats. I remember her bringing me this yogurt… Como…” She looked at me with a longing smile. “That was the name of the yogurt. We always shared that before we went to sleep while I told her about my day”

“It’s a good name…” I cupped her cheek and caressed my thumb on it. “And you’re always so sweet to your mother, Whee”

Her eyes shone the usual brightness it had as she said, “Your bananas had always been the highlight of my day”

I kissed her forehead before snuggling closer to kiss her lips. “I’m glad… always glad Grandma forced me to do that”

We both held our breaths when the orange furball suddenly moved in Wheein’s cat. We stared at Ggomo, waiting to see if he'd move again. He instantly settled back in Wheein’s arms, making us sigh in relief.

I kissed her temple before pulling her seatbelt on. I did mine next and moved us out of the pet store parking lot. “Shall we head back now?”

“Can we drop by the hospital? I want to show Ggomo to Ma and Dr. Park”

“I don’t think pets are allowed in the hospital unless it’s a vet hospital, Whee. Let me call them when we get back home so we can show Ggomo to them.” I briefly glanced at her before focusing on the road as I suggested, “Maybe cook dinner for them too?”

The soft groan I heard right after made me chuckle.

She really hates moving.

“Fine…” she relented. “But I get to feed Ggomo once he wakes up, okay? You’ll have to wait for dinner. Eat something first…”

There’s that glimpse of Hyejin. Always whining. Always complaining. Still following nonetheless.

“Sure, Whee. Thanks!”


Ggomo woke up before Wheein had to prepare for dinner. Wheein cradled him in her arms and fed him milk from this teeny tiny milk bottle. Smaller than Jihoon’s baby bottles back when I used to babysit him.

While Wheein was busy feeding our little furball, I arranged one side of our living room into Ggomo’s space. He has his cat tower there. He’s still too small but Sodam said it’s good for his exercise. All his toys are stored in one container. We only have a few and we’re not sure if he’ll like them yet. His litter box, already filled with sand, was in one corner. He has his bed right by his tower and then his scratch pad on the other side.

After he was fed with his milk, Wheein and I introduced him to his litter box and his bed. Hopefully, he wouldn’t interchange the two. He started exploring our apartment. He has smelled every nook and corner of our house before he finally settled.

“He’s so cute…” Wheein cooed.

I could never disagree with her on that one.

We almost forgot about dinner until I received a text from Dr. Lee that she and Dr. Park are already coming to our place. Wheein tried to convince me to just order food because she still wants to watch Ggomo. I, however, pushed her to the kitchen and laughed at how she stomped on our way there.

I kissed the back of her head before I said, “Thank you for cooking dinner for us, Whee. Always looking forward to it.” I kissed her cheek again before I laughed and left her in the kitchen to head to our bedroom. “I’ll head to shower first. Watch your feet later. You might find yourself being accompanied by our new family member”

“Oh! I have to be very careful then” Wheein whispered to herself.

Before getting into our bedroom, I watched her in the kitchen for a short moment. It’s always wonderful to witness her working in the kitchen, other than watching her do her work on her tablet.

Contrary to Wheein’s dislike of working in the kitchen, she moves like she is at home every time she’s cooking. There’s ease and confidence in her movements. And the results are always exemplary. Even when she doesn’t put much effort into it, as she claims, her cooking will always be better than mine.

As I got out of the shower, I was greeted by our fur baby. He managed to get in our bedroom when I left the door open and was already looking at me the moment I stepped out of the bathroom.

“Hello there, baby…” I held the towel I wrapped around myself before I crouched down and offered my hand to him. “Come here… I’m your new Mommy. Your other Mommy is still making dinner. I hope you don’t mind having visitors on our first day here in your new home”

Ggomo tentatively approached my outstretched hand. His noise has been twitching nonstop as he slowly crawled to me.

I held my breath when he reached my hand and continued to smell my open palm. “I might not shower you with so much affection like your other mommy but I also love you. You make my Wheein happy and so you make me happy because of—”

I gasped, eyes widening, when Ggomo rubbed his hand on my finger. I let him do that a couple of times before I petted his head. I let out a happy groan when I heard him purr out loud.

I booped his tiny noise and said, “Wait here, okay? Let me quickly change first’

I haphazardly hang my towel back in the bathroom before I put on a fresh set of clothes.

I giggled when Ggomo was still in our bedroom, playing with the foot of our bed. I patted his head to grab his attention before I carried him close to my chest. “You’re so cute, Ggomo…” I whispered before placing a kiss on his head.

He responded with a tiny mewl before purring when I scratched his chin. He seems to love that.

I was about to call Wheein’s attention when we heard our doorbell ring.

“That must be them already.” Wheein turned to face the door but stopped when she saw me and Ggomo. “He’s letting you carry him!” she said excitedly.

“He did. I was so surprised because he was waiting for me while I was in the shower”

She cupped her own cheeks and squeezed them as she groaned happily. “Awe… Ggomo-yah…”

“I’ll go get the door. You finish cooking so you can hold him again, okay?”

She hurriedly turned around as she said, “Okay!”

Ggomo had enough of being carried around and wanted to be on his feet.

I placed him down on the floor and let him roam around our apartment. I headed to the door and welcomed Dr. Lee and Dr. Park in our apartment. “Good evening, Dr. Lee and Dr. Park. Come in. Wheein’s still cooking”

“Ah, she must be happy with the new cat then,” Dr. Park said while Dr. Lee softly giggled behind her. “Let me see that kitty cat then. How old is it? How big is it? Does it have a name already? Wheein, hi! Let me see your new cat”

I laughed at Dr. Park, who was already on her mission to look for Ggomo.

She didn’t mind not hearing answers from me though.

“Don’t hurt him!”

“Oh! It’s a boy then. Where is he?”

“Don’t touch him yet. Yongsun, stop Dr. Park!”

Dr. Lee and I laughed at the two of them as we hugged to greet each other.

“Someone’s overprotective already,” Dr. Lee whispered.

“She has carried him since she met him. Never placed him down until Ggomo wants to be placed down already”

Dr. Lee raised her eyebrows at me as we stepped further into the apartment. “Como? She named him Como?”

I shook my head and said, “No… Ggomo”

“Oh, I just heard it wrong then,” Dr. Lee said with a smile.

Wheein was already done cooking and had set the dinner table. Although the plates were still stacked, the bowls of rice were still empty, and the chopsticks and spoons were still on top of the bowls and plates.

She left the dining table to stay in the living room and accompanied Dr. Park to play with Ggomo.

Dr. Lee and I went into the kitchen and finished setting the table.

“She told me about the Como…” I started, surprising her. “She named him after Como”

“That was one of her fondest memories. Every time we talk about positive memories when she was young, her mother would always be the first thing she’d talk about. And then when she get to draw, when her mother comes home, when her mother brings her that yogurt brand”

“She said they always share”

Dr. Lee nodded before turning to her adopted daughter with a satisfied and relieved smile. “She’s always been a sweet child. Even now…”

I turned towards Wheein as well and smiled as I watched her play with Ggomo.

Dr. Park was there watching Wheein and Ggomo. She’d ask Wheein questions about Ggomo and Wheein answered them with so much enthusiasm.

“You’re one of her happy memories back then too”

I turned to Dr. Lee again and raised an eyebrow, silently asking.

“That mystery person who’d always leave bananas on their front door”

I smiled, understanding what she meant already. “I was so happy when I found out about that, I was so grateful of my grandmother for always pushing me to deliver tons of bananas that summer”

After a few minutes of watching Wheein and Dr. Park, I let Dr. Lee sit before I called my fiancée and Dr. Park so we could all eat dinner. Wheein wanted to bring Ggomo to the dining table but Ggomo had other plans and that’s to practice climbing on his tower. Wheein filled his water bowl before finally joining us on the table.

“There are so many cute kittens and puppies there, Ma, Dr. Park. You should’ve seen them. There’s this big and then this big and then this small. They responded to me when I talked to them. They wagged their tails so hard. They purr so loud” Wheein narrated animatedly, using all her body to tell them all the cats and dogs we’ve seen in the shelter.

“It’s safe to say that we almost brought five cats and three dogs. I almost fainted” I said.

They took it as a joke and laughed at what I said but I really almost fainted at the thought of having eight pets running around our place.

“I want to volunteer in the shelter!”

My eyebrows shot up, surprised. That’s new.

Wheein turned to me with a shy smile, eyes begging. “Will that be okay?”

“Won’t Ggomo get jealous?”

“I’ll bring him with me so he wouldn’t miss the animals he had spent time with”

“Will you be able to handle it?”

“Sodam said that they wouldn’t let me do a lot if I’m new to volunteering”

“What about your work? She also suggested that we could try fostering, right? We can stay here and help other animals. You won’t be having troubles dividing your time between work and volunteering to the shelter”

She pouted at me and wrapped her arms around mine. “But I’d like to see the animals there. Sodam also said I can volunteer at my free time”

I silently chuckled and softly pinched her cheek. “Are you sure you can handle it?”

She nodded confidently. “I thought of spending a day over there so I can still spend time with you and Ggomo”

She didn’t forget about me!

I leaned forward to kiss her forehead and whispered, “Let’s ask Dr. Lee’s permission. See if she’s okay with you doing more work”

“But you’re okay with me volunteering?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

She hugged me tightly in her arms and showered my cheek with kisses. “You’re the best ever, Yong, Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you”

“I love you too, Whee.” While Wheein was busy showering my cheek with kisses, I looked at Dr. Lee and asked, “Is she allowed to do that?”

“As long as she never forgets about our sessions. It seems that she only considered you and Ggomo”

That instantly stopped Wheein from attacking me with kisses to look at Dr. Lee.

“Ah… I didn’t. Who said I forgot about our sessions, Ma? I never did. Our sessions are on Wednesdays and then I’ll volunteer a day on the weekends. I never forgot about our sessions. Not at all!” Wheein argued defensively.

Dr. Park and I caught each other’s gaze. There was that instant understanding before we turned to Dr. Lee, who we knew was just kidding.

“She totally forgot about it, Dahee” Dr. Park said just as I said, “She obviously forgot about it, Dr. Lee”


We all turned to Wheein and stared at her intently.

Her eyes bounced to all three pairs of gazes towards her direction. She shrunk on her chair with a small pout playing on her lips.

After a few moments, Wheein whispered, “I’m sorry. I was so excited to spend time with the kittens and puppies in the shelter. But I won’t compromise our sessions, Ma”

All three of us laughed altogether at Wheein’s admission.

I hugged my fiancée and nuzzled my nose on her jaw, comforting her.

She molded herself in my arms and hid her face on my neck.

I rubbed my hand on her back and softly giggled when I heard her groan.

“It’s fine, Wheein. I was just kidding. Although I was a little bit hurt that you forgot about your Ma already”

“I’m sorry” Wheein mumbled, still hiding from embarrassment.

“It’s fine. Just promise me that you wouldn’t stress yourself out and overwork yourself. You still have to prioritize your work, okay? And if you’re having the slightest trouble, never hesitate to talk it out to either one of us”

Wheein pulled back and sat up properly as she faced Dr. Lee. “Okay… I understand”

“Do we have an agreement then?” Dr. Lee asked, confirming.

Wheein nodded and said, “Yes, Ma”

Her adoptive mother smiled proudly and lovingly at her. “Okay then. I wish you all the best in your volunteer work”

Wheein sighed in relief and finally returned Dr. Lee’s smile. “Thank you, Ma”

“We still have to come to an agreement too” I added after them.

“What is it?” Wheein asked, turning to me now.

“We’re not going to adopt anymore after Ggomo.” I laughed at the slight hesitation on Wheein’s eyes. I cupped her cheeks and rubbed our noses together before giving her a peck. “Whee… One is enough for now. It’s still our first time and I don’t think we can handle more than one pet. And besides… you get to spend time with the animals in the shelter. Our little furball might get jealous if we get more pets. I might actually faint if we’ll have more pets”

“Okay, okay” Wheein whispered with a giggle while I sighed in relief. “I promise not to adopt every single one of the animals in the shelter”

I pulled back to be able to look into her eyes and raised an eyebrow. “So you had plans on adopting each and everyone of them?”

She gave me a cheeky smile and said, “Maybe”

I rolled my eyes at her but smiled nonetheless. I flicked her cheek and whispered, “Cheeky…”





When I got back to our apartment from work, it’s usually quiet. Sometimes, I could hear soft music playing or even the sound of Wheein cooking when she feels like it. Since we got Ggomo, even from the hallway, I could hear Wheein talking to Ggomo and even Ggomo’s cute little meows.

I would always smile hearing my fiancée’s giggles, her squeals, and her screams when she gets excited from whatever Ggomo was doing. Ggomo honestly doesn't have to do anything to entertain Wheein. Wheein would squeal and groan happily even when Ggomo was just sleeping.

Today though, I am quite confused why there was a bark, like a tiny bark, along with Wheein and Ggomo’s voices.

“Don’t tell me—” I closed my eyes and groaned as I sighed heavily. “Please not…”

I told her we’re not adopting anymore. Two weeks after Ggomo and she couldn’t resist? How are we supposed to take care of a cat and a dog?

“Wheein… ” I whispered to myself.

After I keyed in our front door’s code, I pushed the door open, hearing the bark louder. I was immediately greeted by the cause of those barks.

It stopped barking and tilted its head to the side when it saw me. It had the same colors as Ggomo; white with orange marks. One of its ears was folded forwards while it wagged its tail forcefully.

I copied the puppy and tilted my head to the side as well. “Am I in the wrong house or are you in the wrong house?”

It barked and let its mouth hang open while its tongue dangled in front of him.

Ggomo emerged to the doorstep and stood beside the dog. He looked at me and greeted me in his soft little meow.

“Hi, baby. Do you know each other?” I asked Ggomo.

“I can explain!” I heard Wheein before I saw her running to the front doorstep. “I can explain,” she said again, a little calmer this time. “And no… we are not adopting the puppy”

I raised my eyebrows, curious, before glancing down at the said puppy. It still had one of its ears folded forwards with its head tilted to the side. It’s so cute. It looks so cute…

“I found her abandoned in the hospital when I had my session with Ma this morning. When we were done, she was still there, crying for help. Brought her to the vet, good thing she’s fine. Just a little hungry. Then I brought her here. I’ll bring her with me on the shelter this weekend. We’re not adopting her. Although I wanted to… but I promised you we’ll only have Ggomo”

I sighed in relief and moved to take off my shoes. “So it’s a girl?”


I looked at the puppy, smiling when Ggomo and her were playing by Wheein’s feet. “She has the same colors with Ggomo”


I walked towards Wheein and softly giggled when she looked so nervous. I cupped her cheek and leaned forward to kiss her. “What’s for dinner?”

“Tteokbokki. You’re not mad at me, right? Please don’t be mad.” Her lips were pouting and eyes were begging apologetically.

She’s the cutest between our kitten and the puppy. Always been the cutest.

I softly pinched her cheek and ran my fingers through her hair to calm her down. “Is that why you cooked tteokbokki for dinner? You think I’d be mad at you?”

She nodded her head vigorously. “With cheese. Lots of cheese and with fish cakes too”

I smiled and giggled at how she hurriedly said those. Then I booped her nose and kissed her forehead. I scooped Ggomo in my arms and kissed his head before patting the puppy’s head. I got an excited bark from the

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Take care and stay safe always everyone!

- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺