Appendix XVI [WL]

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Jung Wheein released her very first album “Redd”


Four days before the artist’s birthday, Jung Wheein released her very first album, “Redd.” The album contains six tracks; “water color”, “TRASH”, “OHOO”, “Butterfly”, “Springtime”, and “NO THANKS”. This is the first time that the artist collaborated with various composers, and writers. Jung Wheein was known to write and compose her own releases. As to why, the artist herself said that she enjoys writing her own music but also enjoys working with and learning from composers and writers.

The title track, “water color”, is the second time the artist released a non-ballad title track. After “Moderato”, many of Jung Wheein’s fans anticipated to see more of Jung Wheein performing without her instruments. Jung Wheein showed her versatility when it comes to the different genres of songs she could sing and has proven that she could nail every single one of them perfectly.

The music video of “water color” was shot in different locations, but most of the scenes were shot in the hotels owned by the KGC. The main lobby, hallway, and room scenes were from the Apollo Towers while the theater scene was from the Pasithea Hearth. It was also revealed that the costumes she wore in the music video were from the designs owned by Kim Yongsun’s late older sister, Kim Yonghee. Although the album showcases a lot of sides of Jung Wheein, she said that she dedicated the album to the people she loves and who they value the most.

Jung Wheein: “expressing what I really want”—upon the release of her first album


During the album release, Jung Wheein said that the Redd album means “let's get rid of the false tastes and styles attached to my body and mind, and express what I really want.” The artist, however, refused to further explain what it meant but many fans suspected that it has something to do with her marriage with the KGC President, Kim Yongsun.

Despite the couple being married for two years already and has proven that their marriage is genuine, the general public has already accepted their marriage but some are still suspicious of it. They said that the two are still allegedly using each other for the sake of their careers, especially that Kim Yongsun stepped up as KGC’s President and Jung Wheein has started her career in the music industry.

Fans defended Jung Wheein and said that these are just from people jealous of Jung Wheein and refused to accept Jung Wheein’s rising artist status. They even said that these allegations might come from those record labels who pulled back their contract offer after Jung Wheein’s marriage contract with Kim Yongsun, which was now abolished, was leaked.

Jung Wheein to promote in TV music shows


In her previous releases and even in her debut, Jung Wheein never promoted her songs in TV music shows. She would guest on other shows and even go to music festivals. She also promoted mostly in radio shows. This time, however, the artist’s management revealed that Jung Wheein will be promoting in TV shows. The artist will still be promoting in other shows and radio shows like before. This excites her fans and they are looking forward to seeing more of Jung Wheein. So far, Jung Wheein’s schedule for this promotion are the TV music shows, where she’ll be promoting for two weeks, and radio shows. No other schedule for the artist has been revealed yet.


“Wheein… Wheein… wake up now”

There’s an annoying tap on my arm that woke me up from my nap. I weakly smacked it away from me and turned away from where the voice was coming from. I curled up on the soft cotton sheets and breathed deeply, ready to fall back to sleep.

“Wheein, wake up”

More shaking on my arm and tapping on my head. I groaned from irritation and swatted the hands away from me. “Sleep…” I mumbled to whoever was trying to wake me up. I raised the pillow to my head to cover my face. Then I went back to sleep.

The pillow I was holding suddenly got pulled away from my arms, surprising me. It was enough to make me open my eyes and lift my head to see who stole my fluffy pillow. I pouted and glared at Hyemin while she only shrugged at me.

“Wake up. Your thirty-minute nap is enough. You have to change and fix your makeup now”

“No. I don’t want to.” I closed my eyes and went back to sleep. “Ah!” I exclaimed and laughed uncontrollably when Hyemin tickled me. “Stop!” I screamed and tried to pry her arms away from me while I wiggled on the bed. This completely and effectively woke me up. “I’m up! I’m up! Stop it already”

I was still giggling when the hands were off of me already. Hyemin’s laugh could now be heard after mine slowly died down. I pulled myself up and breathed deeply to even my breathing. Then I pouted and glared at my manager.

She smiled and winked at me. “Your wife told me that. I have to thank her for that one”

“Mean.” I grunted as I stretched my arms and legs before I pushed the blanket to the side. “You and Yong being close is not a good idea” I mumbled as I climbed out of the bed and wore my fleece sliders. I stretched my arms some more and yawned loudly. “You're supposed to be loyal to me and not to Yong”

“First off, your wife’s scary. I don’t think I can say that we’re close. No.” Hyemin headed out of the room while I sluggishly followed behind her. “Second, I’m loyal to you both. She’s just helping me wake you up because I’m always having a hard time doing that”

I could only sigh as I followed her, still half-dazed because I’m still too tired.

I’m currently at Apollo Towers shooting the music video for the title track of my first album. It’s already around ten in the evening but we still have to continue shooting until tomorrow. We’ll be moving to Pasithea Hearth tomorrow once we’re done with the yacht scene.

My body is already exhausted and it’s become heavier with my lack of sleep. This has got to be the most tiring music video shoot I have ever experienced. There’s a reason why I keep releasing ballads after my debut other than I love ballad songs; music video shooting is easier when it's a ballad song. I don’t have to learn a dance. I don’t have to dance during the shooting. It’s convenient.

However, Moderato was adored by fans and the general public. They didn’t expect that I could let go of my drumsticks, guitar pick, and my piano bench, and then dance. The company suggested that I work on another upbeat song. I didn’t want to and the company didn’t force me. But my wife, my lovely and amazing wife, suggested at least doing it one more time. Thus, we explored the new jack swing genre.

She was happy when I let her listen to all the songs. She was extremely happy when I showed her the dance and sang to her. I sang and danced to Mom too. She didn’t recognize that it was me but she said she loves it. I couldn’t say no after that.

Yong was aware that I was dreading the music video shooting because it would be exhausting. Moderato was already exhausting even when I didn’t dance to the whole song. With water color, I’m dancing to the whole song. So what Yong did was she offered to help with the shooting. She offered the locations so food would be served anytime I wanted it and I could sleep comfortably on a bed during breaks. It wasn’t a bad deal so I agreed. The company and the director agreed as well.

I was sitting in front of a large mirror while the makeup artist was fixing my makeup. My eyes were closed because the soft brush on my face was pulling me back to sleep. “What will I be wearing?” I mumbled.

“The blue dress” Hyemin responded somewhere behind me.

I instantly groaned so loud from frustration and irritation. Then I pouted when I heard them laughing at me.

I don’t hate the blue dress. It’s just that it’s heavy and it drags behind. Wearing the blue dress also meant I’ll be wearing the blue high heels. My feet and legs are already hurting from dancing. My body also felt heavy from the lack of sleep. It’s impossible for me to carry myself gracefully during the shoot.


I sighed heavily and forced myself to open my eyes. “Thank you,” I whispered as I smiled at the makeup artist.

“Time to change!”

“Can we ask the director if things are already set up? Maybe I can spare some time—”

“Time to change…” Hyemin said teasingly while I pouted and glared hard at her. She held my arm and pulled me up. “Time to change, Wheein. Let’s not delay the shoot so we can go home early.” She dragged me back to the changing rooms while I slouched and timidly walked behind her.

“But what if—”

“Let’s change…”

“Am I really wearing the blue dress? Maybe I’m wearing the colorful one”

“Nope. Blue dress”

“Can I at least be barefoot or wear my fluffy sliders during the shoot?” I asked, trying to strike a deal with her.

“Nope. Your feet can be seen so you have to wear the blue heels”

“Hyemin…” I whined at her, stomping my foot as I followed her.

“Change to the blue dress and blue heels” she said teasingly while I continued to pout at her.

“I don’t like to wear the blue dress. I don’t have the energy to wear the blue dress. It hurts having to wear the blue heels. My feet hurt…” I whined behind her while she just laughed at me. The rest of the team and staff who’s been watching us were laughing at me as well.

“Do you want me to tell Miss Kim that you don’t like—”

“No!” I stood up straight and even walked ahead of Hyemin, making her laugh out loud. “Where’s the blue dress? I’m wearing the blue dress right now but I’m not wearing heels. Yet”

“I’ll tell Miss Kim that you like the blue dress”

“I love it. It’s just really heavy and my body couldn’t handle the weight now. I also have to wear heels, which hurt my legs and feet so much” I grumbled. “When I said that I didn’t want to wear it, it didn’t mean like that. It was a wonderful dress. Yong’s sister designed it really well. I love the dress. I wouldn’t pick it if I didn’t love it. I’m just exhausted right now. Don’t tell Yong”

“Okay! Okay!” Hyemin laughed again when I mumbled and stopped my nervous ramblings. “I was just asking you, Wheein. No need to sound so defensive”

“You’re teasing me…” I whined softly.

“I wasn’t”

I narrowed my eyes at her because she was still laughing at me. The laugh is making her statement unconvincing. “I don’t believe you” I whispered, making her laugh louder.

“Just change. Call me if you need anything.” She closed the door and left me to change to the blue dress.

I sighed heavily and removed my matching sweatshirt and sweatpants. I folded them on the side before I stepped into the blue dress and wore it. I called for Hyemin to zip up my dress. I lifted the skirt and rested it on my shoulders. I trudged out of the changing room and walked to the wide room where the other staff were on standby. They said that they weren’t done setting up yet so I still had to wait. For how long? I didn’t know.

I walked to a very cozy spot inside the room. They offered for me to sit on the chair but I wanted to sit on the floor so I went to a clear area inside the room. I plopped down and sighed heavily as I hugged my legs to my chest.

“Why are you sitting down there?” Hyemin asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

“It’s cozy.” I closed my eyes and breathed deeply before I mumbled, “Call me if I’m needed already”


I leaned back on the wall and sighed once again. I listened to the murmurs inside the room to keep myself awake. The last thing I needed was to shoot right away the very moment I just woke up. My movements would be very sloppy and things might be delayed for numerous retakes. I just wanted to close my eyes to rest them.

The room suddenly went silent. I could hear people whispering good evening here and there. It made me very curious as to what's the cause of the sudden silence but I’m too tired to entertain my curiosity. I heard heels thudding on the carpeted floor, getting louder and closer towards me.

“Why are you sitting on the floor?”

I slowly opened my eyes and looked up. Yong was standing in front of me with an amused smile on her face. She was still wearing a suit and her hair was still cleanly tied in a ponytail, which meant that she went here straight from Olympus.

I smiled instantly and patted the space beside me. “It’s cozy”

“Yeah?” she asked, softly chuckling at me as she shook her head.

“Do you want us to leave, Miss Kim?”

She shook her head and said, “No need. You can stay”

“You can sit here, Miss Kim,” another staff member said, offering an empty chair to Yong.

“Thank you but my wife says it’s cozy on the floor though.” She sat down on the floor beside me. She placed her arm around my waist and pulled me closer to her. She kissed my temple and then the top of my head. She held my hand and smiled at me as she whispered, “It is cozy…”

“You only said that because you’re sitting beside me”

“Of course. Anywhere with you is cozy.” She laughed softly and kissed my temple when I scrunched up my nose, feigning disgust. “How are you?”


“Didn’t you sleep?”

“I took a nap earlier but we’ll be shooting anytime soon. We’re just waiting for the setup to finish”

“Did you eat?”

“Of course. You’d be mad at me if I didn’t”

“Hmm…” she hummed as she slowly nodded at me.

I cupped her cheek and turned her face to me. I pouted at her when I saw the exhaustion in her eyes while she smiled at me. “It’s already ten. You should’ve went straight home”

“I’m staying until you start shooting again. I don’t have work tomorrow so I can stay late now”

“But you need to sleep…”

She closed her eyes and leaned on my palm. “I couldn’t sleep without you beside me anyways. Let me stay here with you for a while. I promise not to disturb your shoot”

“Did you eat?”

“Of course. You’d be very mad at me if I didn’t. You can even ask my secretaries if you want to.” She turned her body to face me and wrapped her other arm around my waist. She leaned her forehead on my shoulder and mumbled, “This is indeed very cozy”

I giggled very softly and kissed her head. I released her hair from her ponytail and started running my fingers over her hair. She sighed heavily and relaxed beside me. She propped her chin on my shoulder and looked at me. She kept on blinking slowly, fighting to keep her eyes open.

“You, wearing Yonghee’s designs, gave me an idea” she suddenly said.

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“There were a lot of designs and dresses in her sketchbook, right? I thought that maybe I could contact someone that could make her visions a reality. Then I’ll ask my cousins and our other relatives to model them in like a fashion show. Jinwoo and Sojung can help us coordinate a runway fashion show. You, Sam, and Jennie can perform. You’ll wear one of the outfits you used right now when you perform.” She suddenly pouted at me as she whispered, “Do you think she’ll like that?”

“What did she say to you before?”

“She dreamed of having to showcase her collections in a fashion show”

“Like what you thought of?” I asked for clarification because I don’t know much about the fashion and modelling industry.


I smiled as I tenderly caressed my thumb on her cheek. “Then she’ll definitely love it. I’ll be free once promotions end so I can prepare for it. I’ll just coordinate it with my team so they’ll allow me”

She gave me a small smile as she nodded at me. She rested her forehead on my shoulder again before she whispered, “I can finally let her achieve her dreams”

I kissed the top of her head and resumed running my hand over her hair while she sighed heavily from my touch.

Even when she looks happier than before, smiles a lot more than before, and even laughs out loud than before, Yong is still carrying her guilt over her older sister’s death. She blames herself so much that everyday she wakes up and sleeps with that guilt resting heavily inside her. I can still see her frowning when she glances at her sister’s room. She still doesn’t want anyone to touch Yonghee’s room. She still lies in Yonghee’s bed and cries so hard while I held her on Yonghee’s death anniversary.

She allowed herself to smile, laugh, feel, and be loved but she still never permitted herself to let go of her guilt. If this will help her let go of that guilt, I will never hesitate to help her.

“Wheein… Setup’s done already” Hyemin said, gathering mine and Yong’s attention. “Shooting starts in ten”

“You mentioned her legs were hurting from the heels, right?” Yong suddenly asked as she faced Hyemin.

“Yes, Miss Kim. She’s been whining about it. She even wanted to just be barefoot but her feet will be shown later so we can’t allow her” Hyemin said, chuckling at me.

“Is that so?” Yong asked, smiling at me amusingly while I just pouted at her.

“My feet hurt…”

“Hmm…” She placed a soft kiss on my cheek before she stood up. She walked to stand in front of me and bent down to wrap her arms around my waist. She lifted me so easily from the floor while my arms and legs automatically went around her.

“Yong!” I exclaimed, panicking when she suddenly lifted me.

Yong ignored me and faced Hyemin who was smiling at us. “Where to?”

“Floor below this one. In the hallways”

“Okay.” She adjusted me in her arms and started walking out of the room.

“Yong” I whisper-shouted, my eyes widening and my face heating up from embarrassment. “Put me down. This is embarrassing”

“Stop moving and don’t make it difficult for me to carry you, baby”

I stopped moving and pouted harder at her. I groaned when I could hear the staff members chuckling at me, getting even more embarrassed by it. “Put me down. It’s embarrassing”

“It’s not.” She chuckled at me and stopped as we waited for the elevator doors to open. “Baby, I’m being sweet”

“No! You’re teasing me once again”

“I’m carrying you because Hyemin told me your legs are hurting already from dancing earlier”

“I have rested now”

“How’s the peacock?” she asked, suddenly changing the subject as we stepped inside the elevator.

I lightly smacked her shoulder, which just made her laugh. “Stop changing the subject”

“Stop whining as if it will make me put you down”

“You’re tired already. You shouldn’t be carrying me when I can perfectly walk. You shouldn’t even be here. You should be at home and sleeping right now”

Yong just smiled at me as the elevator dinged. She snuggled her nose on my cheek, my shoulders tensing when it tickled me. “Jung Wheein delivery!” she suddenly announced.

I groaned so loud and pushed my face on her neck. I closed my eyes and hid my face there, feeling my face, ears, and neck heating up. I groaned even louder when I heard more staff members laughing. Out of them all, the director’s huge belly laugh could be clearly identified among the other laughs.

“Why are you like this?” I mumbled on Yong’s neck, feeling her kiss my temple while still laughing at me.


On my first TV music show promotion, I was a huge ball of nerves. It was my first time seeing so many cameras. I was in

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Take care and stay safe always everyone!

- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺