Appendix XVII [WL]

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Kim Group of Companies celebrated Former KGC President Kim Yonghee’s birthday through a runway fashion show


In celebration of Kim Yonghee’s birthday, the Kim Group of Companies led by Kim Yongsun in collaboration with famous fashion designer Lee Dahee held a runway fashion show to showcase Kim Yonghee’s fashion designs. The designs were sketched by Kim Yonghee herself and were produced by Lee Dahee and her team. Kim Yongsun mentioned that it was her older sister’s dream to produce her own fashion line and showcase her designs in shows and conventions. Having been able to fulfill her older sister’s dream was the least that she could do for older sister’s constant support when she was pursuing her modelling career.

The fashion show was participated by Kim Yongsun and the Kim Family members; Kim Jinwoo, Kim Sojung, Lia Kim, Kim Taehyung, Kim Taeyeon, Kim Hyoyeon, Kim Hyuna, and Kim Minseok. The fashion show was also participated by some famous runway models that are also Kim Jinwoo’s close friends—Song Minho, Kang Seungyoon, Nam Taehyun, and Lee Seunghoon. Kim Sojung has also invited her friends that, like her, are starting in the modelling industry—Jung Yerin, Jung Eunbi, Choi Yuna, Hwang Eunbi, and Kim Yewon.

The show wasn’t just packed with star-studded models and the celebrity members of the Kim Family. Jung Wheein, Kim Yongsun’s wife, led the opening performance, together with Sam Kim and Jennie Kim. There were also performances by Sam Kim and Jennie Kim in between transitions of the show. Then Jung Wheein came back on stage to perform for the last walk. The attendees were limited and were based on invites only. Several designers and fashion-enthusiasts attended the event, as well as artists and actors that are close to the family. The general public was able to witness through the media coverage.


Right after my promotions for my first album, I dived into practice and rehearsals for the fashion show. Yong wanted me to play the drums and dance so that’s what I did. She also wanted me to perform at the last walk so it’s kind of given that I’d be playing the drums on the opening performance, which is a collaboration stage with Sam and Jennie.

Jinwoo and Sujong were organizing the show but Yong was still supervising and overseeing the entire event, which made her more busy. However, I was able to see her a lot since I was part of the show and I was done with my promotions already. Despite how busy and exhausted she was, I could see her glowing from her excitement for the show. Even Dad came out of retirement to help Yong run the company while doing the fashion show.

During the fitting, a week before the show, I met even more of the Kim Family members. There’s a male actor, a dancer, and the other one came from abroad. There were more models that were friends of Jinwoo and Sujong. I was basically surrounded by famous people but only knew them on the day that I met them. Hyejin kept teasing me about my lack of show business knowledge when I was already a part of the industry.

There’s also this very tall woman that I met. Her name is Lee Dahee and she’s apparently Byul’s girlfriend. Miss Lee is a famous fashion designer that’s highly in demand. The only reason why she agreed with the collaboration was that Byul requested this from her and that she could understand Yonghee’s vision in her designs.

I wished to have Mom in the venue and Yong was down for the idea. The doctors declined though because she might be irritated from being surrounded by a lot of people and the noise from the music. Mom’s health is always a priority so we just discarded the idea.

I was covered in sweat as I exited the main stage after mine, Sam, and Jennie’s opening performance. My eyes were closely watching the staff members handling my drum kit. My kit was situated on a platform so it was easily transported in and out of the stage. Still, I only trust a few people to handle my kit. Having my attention on it as they wheeled it out of the stage made me feel at ease.

“Please be careful… Don’t hurt my kit.” I pocketed my sticks and helped them push it to the side. “Don’t let anything scratch my kit. Please…” I whispered softly, which could be barely heard because of the voice from the host booming all over the venue.

We wheeled my kit in a non-busy area somewhere backstage. I thanked the staff members and grabbed the bottle of water that Hyemin handed to me.

“You still have to change for your last performance” Hyemin said, walking beside me with a fan trained on my sweaty face. We walked away from the entrance to the stage and headed to my changing room backstage.

She handed me a towel for my sweat. I thanked her and grabbed it from her before I gently patted my face to wipe my sweat without ruining my makeup. My eyes ran on the people lining up right before the stage entrance. These are Yong’s cousins and friends of her cousins who’re waiting for the signal to start the fashion show. They’re all wearing pieces of Yonghee’s designs.

As we did during the rehearsal, the models will be changing twice on the first run. The backstage was filled with racks of clothes that were already arranged based on what they will be wearing next and staff members to help them change. During the rehearsals, it was pure chaos in the backstage. People running to the changing area, stripping their clothes in front of everyone, in a rush to change the next set of clothes without destroying them, and then rushing back to the backstage before they’ll be on the runway. And when they’re on the runway, they have to look as if they weren’t in a warzone a second ago.

I expect as much will happen tonight too.

I was really glad that all I had to do was perform. Even if I had to do four songs, it seemed better than what the models are doing.

I was searching for a particular person among the line. I stopped in my tracks when I found her at the end of the line and smiled almost immediately. “Let me go to Yong first before the runway starts” I said to Hyemin and didn’t wait for her answer anymore.

I ran to Yong who’s busily talking to the staff members even when she’s about to be on the runway later. I slowed down as I got closer to her and smiled wider when she noticed me. “Hey…”

She dismissed the staff members and thanked them before she turned to me. She cupped my cheeks and quickly pecked my lips. “You did great, baby”

“Did you watch me?”

She grabbed the towel from me and dabbed on my sweat. “Of course. I will always watch your performance”

“Thank you.” I stepped back and grabbed the towel from Yong when we heard a signal that they’ll be on the runway in a minute. “I just came here to say that I’ll watch you there.” I pointed at the screen near the backstage entrance where the models will be exiting. “And to kiss you good luck, which you already stole when you kissed me first”

She quickly pecked my lips, careful not to ruin her lipstick. “I returned it already.” She smiled cheekily and asked, “Can I have a good luck kiss from you now?”

I giggled and shook my head at her but still kissed her nonetheless. I raised her hands next and kissed her palms as well.

“Can I have a good luck kiss from Wheein too?” Taehyung, who’s standing beside Yong, asked with a teasing smirk on his face.

Yong glared at him right away while I just chuckled at them. “Find your own wife”

“I have found her already but discovered that you stole her from me before I could make her my wife, cousin”

Yong narrowed her eyes at Taehyung while her eyebrows furrowed. “What did you say?” she asked.

“Ooh…” Jinwoo, Minseok and Taeyeon, who are standing close to us, teased Taehyung and Yong.

She heard him clearly, no doubt. She’s just giving Taehyung a chance to take back what he said or change it. But I know that Taehyung loves to tease Yong. He used our history when I almost went out on a date with him and that I liked him as his ammunition to tease his cousin. He does this only when their cousins are around though. He’s very professional when they’re at Olympus.

“I said…” Taehyung said slowly, taunting Yong to irritate her even more. “I wanted Wheein to be my wife but you stole her from me before I could even do it”

I turned Yong’s attention back to me before she could make a move or say something while her cousins high-fived and laughed among each other. Yong heard this and glared at Taehyung one last time. I chuckled at her and kissed her shoulder as I turned her attention to me again.

“He’s just teasing, Yong” I whispered to her.

“Yeah… but I’m going to kill him if he tries to steal you from me”

“No one’s stealing anyone from someone” I said, smiling at her while her eyes softened as she sighed heavily.

“Models ready!” a staff member shouted, alerting everyone of us.

“I’ll quickly change then I’ll watch you.” I gave her palms one last kiss before I let go of her hands and walked back to Hyemin. “Good luck, Yong” I said, waving my hand at her before I turned to Hyemin.

We headed to my changing room while I took a couple of sips from my water bottle. I resumed drying the sweat off my body as we entered my changing room. Unlike the models, mine, Jennie’s, and Sam’s changing rooms are enclosed. We are not in a rush to change outfits like the models. We’re also not used to changing in front of everyone. The backstage was also exclusively for the models and certain staff members only so it wouldn’t be more crowded in here.

I changed into the three-piece pinstripe pink suit that Yonghee designed as well with no undershirt. I sat in front of the vanity mirror for my team to change my hairstyle and retouch my makeup. They parted my bangs to the side and tied my hair in a low ponytail. I wore my sliders first so my feet and legs won’t hurt from the heels.

Once my makeup and my hair was done, I thanked them and carried a fan as I and Hyemin walked back to the entrance of the backstage. We walked to the side to not interfere with the models who were in a rush. I smiled and cheered on Yong’s cousins and even high-fived with Taehyung when I passed by him. Yong just exited the runway when we reached the screen near the models’ exit. We were told that we’re free to stay here and watch the show.

“I just got back. I wasn’t able to watch your—”

“It’s okay.” She kissed the top of my head before she ran to change.

I watched her remove pieces of her jewelry and hand them to the staff member running beside her. I smiled at her before I turned to Hyemin. “I forgot my in-ear on my rush here”

Hyemin winked and smiled at me as she lifted my in-ear in her hand. “You must’ve forgotten that you have an amazing manager”

I scoffed and shook my head at her before I softly laughed at her haughtiness. “Thank you”

She helped me attach my in-ear in my costume while I watched the current run on the screen. It’s bizarre how the models looked so cool and calm on the runway but we’re cursing in the backstage because they almost didn’t finish changing in time. There were loud murmurs in the backstage and occasional shouts for help but on the runway, there were nothing but clicks from the camera and soft claps from the audience.

Yong would never fail to get a kiss from me before she entered the runway and when she exited it. I would clap and cheer for her cousins everytime they descended the stairs to boost their energy. It was just the first run but everyone’s looking so exhausted already.


I looked behind me and saw Sam with his guitar approaching me. “Sam, hi!” I moved to high-five with him as I said, “You’re up next, right?”

“I am.” He pointed at the screen and asked, “Will you be watching me?”

“Of course!” I felt a nudge on my arm and saw Hyemin smiling at Sam and giving me pointed looks. I chuckled at her and placed my hand on her back. “This is Hyemin, my manager. She’s a huge fan of yours like me”

“Oh…” Sam shyly laughed and shook Hyemin’s hand. “Thank you. It’s a pleasure. I should probably go. See you!”

Hyemin silently squealed beside me while I laughed at her.

We watched Sam perform while the models slowly lined up right by the backstage entrance. The first walk was all about casual outfits and dresses. On the next walk, they are now wearing elegant suits and gowns. They will enter in the second half of Sam’s performance. There was only one set of formal suits and gowns so they wouldn't be running to change in a hurry. They also have ample time to change for the next walk before Jennie’s performance.

Hyemin and I stayed in front of the screen watching Sam perform and the models walk. Hyemin and I would cheer the loudest when it’s Yong’s time to walk. She looked really elegant in her gown so I kept taking pictures of her on the screen and when she stepped down.

After Sam’s performance, Jennie took the stage next. I cheered for her and said good luck before she entered the stage. Her performance will be the third set of the run, which is Yonghee’s summer collection design. As always, Hyemin and I cheered but I stopped screaming loudly and will just clap my hands since I’ll be the one performing next. I had to take my eyes off the screen in the middle of the third set to test my microphone and my in-ear.

I took off my sliders and wore my heels Hyemin handed me. Me and my dance team were on standby while waiting for Jennie’s performance to end. I was jumping on my heels and shaking my arms on either side of me to get rid of nervousness. I even almost dropped my microphone when I shook my hands too much. And then when I heard the applause from the crowd at the end of Jennie’s performance, I quickly took a sip of water and breathed deeply when my heart beat faster.

“Baby…” Yong whispered, cupping my cheek and turning my face to her. She kissed my temple before she smiled at me. “You’ll do fine, okay?” she whispered while I breathed deeply and nodded at her. “I need to change already.” She kissed my temple one last time and walked away as she said, “Remember to walk beside me at the end”

“I will,” I said and waved at her.

“Miss Jung,” a staff member called my attention. “You’re up now”

“Okay… Thank you”

One by one, me and my dance team climbed up the stage while the lights were all turned off. I ran my tongue on my lips and gulped hard a couple of times before I cleared my throat. We got into position and then we heard the three-beat signal before the start of the song.

Lights slowly flared up to life as I started singing and dancing to the title track of my first album. There was a welcoming round of applause from the audience. The flashes from the cameras were blinding me for a second before my eyes adjusted. The models will come out on my second song so it was just me and my dance team on the stage on my first song.

On my ending pose for water color, a louder applause could be heard from the audience and more flashes from the cameras. I remained on my ending pose while lights slowly dimmed and the four remaining dancers exited the stage.

When the lights were all turned off, I cleared my throat and breathed deeply to catch my breath. After a few seconds had passed, the opening note of Moderato started playing right away while the lights slowly came to life once again. I raised the mic to my mouth and proceeded to hum along with the opening notes of the song.

“Let’s go!” I screamed right before the upbeat melody in the song, erupting screams and claps of excitement from the audience.

I just let my body move to the beat and tempo of the song. I smiled when I saw Sojung entering the runway while I sang the first verse. She was followed by her other runway model friends.


“Neol bol ttae iksukhami neukkyeojyeo
Challaye gomin nege dagagago
Neowa nareul dugo
Modu sarajyeo beorin eh
Jigeum i sunganeul matgyeojweo naege
Temporeul majchweo Babe”


Right after them were Yong’s cousins and Jinwoo and his friends. When Lia came up, she moved her body and danced with me, making me smile so wide. Yong’s cousins were interacting with me and giving me high-fives as they passed by me. Even Jinwoo’s friends slightly danced along the beat of the song. They offered their arm to me and I would link mine to theirs. I would walk with them for a couple of steps before I moved back to the center end of the runway.


“Urin seontaekhaeya hae
Can I call U baby or not
Sashil i jilmuneun
Can I stay with U even 1 o'clock
Naege neoreul bakkeuro bureul mareun
Yeoreo gajijiman
Geunyang jibeseo yeonghwana bojan geoji nan
I could love U Babe how about U Babe
Mweorado haja jogeum eosaekhae
Hokshi naega neomu
Ppareun geo gatdamyeon jabajweo
Yujihae bi oneun nal
Waipeo saiye gangyeong”


When the tempo slowed down, I stopped moving my body and closed my eyes to sing the next few lines. I saw a glimpse of Taeyeon before I closed my eyes so Yong would be coming soon. I took note of it as I continued to close my eyes and sing.


“Neowa nanun maeumi
Chokchokhage seumyeoga
Neoye nun naye nun
Uri nuneul majchul ttae
Geuttaen kkumeul kkuneun deushi eum”


I opened my eyes again and saw Taeyeon on her way to exit the runway and Minseok coming up on the runway. I smiled at him while he gave me a thumbs-up. Then I danced to the chorus of the song.


“Neomu seodureuji anado dwae
Meolli daranaji ana mollae
I bameun gipeojyeoman gago
Urin meomchul su eopsgetjyo”


Taehyung came up next and I stopped dancing when he offered his arm to me. He smiled at me when I linked our arms together. Then I walked with him as I continued to sing and let my body dance along to the song.


“Uri gakkapjineun anado dwae
Geogiseo malhaejweo
Tell me something
I bameun gipeojyeoman gago
Geunyang idaero nal neukkyeodo dwae”


When we were almost halfway through the runway, I unlinked my arm from Taehyung. He smiled and nodded at me as he continued walking. I walked back to the entrance of the runway and saw Yong entering the stage. I reached a hand to her while I continued singing.


“Binugeopumi noga naerin geoscheoreom
Nae meorissogi nae meorissogi


She smiled so wide and held my hand right away. Taehyung was on his way to exit the runway while Yong and I walked on the aisle holding each other’s hand. Halfway through the runway, I raised our hands together and quickly kissed Yong's hand. I let go of her hand and let her walk the rest of the runway. I walked back to the center end of the stage again without stopping singing.


“Nawa georil dugo
Honja sangsangman haji eh
Museun marideun hae jigeum naege
Neukkil su itge Babe”


Sojung came up again on the platform with a different outfit this time. Yong was on her way to exit the platform. I walked closer to her and leaned my cheek to her as I pointed at it. She kissed it, making me smile so wide while I continued singing. I came back to the center and saw that Sojung’s friends were next to enter the platform, followed by Yong’s cousins once again.


“Nan nega isseul gose isseo
Please be ma cheerleader
Nega naeil jibe omyeon
Nan oneul bwa yori wang biryong
Hwajangeul jiumyeon eoduweo
An boineun cheok haji mweo
Eum shireun gwaenchaneun georeul alji neodo
I could love U Babe how about U Babe
Mweorado haja jogeum eosaekhae
Oraeitgo shipeo keopi meogeul ttaen
Galja keopi weondu
Mannamyeonseo neukkineun geon”
Yeokshi neon is mweondeul”


Jinwoo and his friends came up on the stage next. I remained on the center end of the runway. I brought my mic down for a second to catch my breath. I stopped moving and just slightly swayed my body as I sang the next lyrics. I got so excited that I forgot to catch my breath for a second. Thankfully, I didn’t have to dance to the entire song unlike in water color.


“Neowa nanun maeumi
Chokchokhage seumyeoga
Neoye nun naye nun
Uri nuneul majchul ttae
Geuttaen kkumeul kkuneun deushi eum”


When it was the chorus again, I went back to dancing while singing and saw Taeyeon entering the runway. Minseok followed her right after. When Taeyeon was exiting the runway, she copied my choreography, making me chuckle for a second. She smiled at me and waved her hand as she exited the runway. I lost it when Taehyung entered the runway and copied my dance too.


“Neomu seodureuji anado dwae
Meolli daranaji ana mollae
I bameun gipeojyeoman gago
Urin meomchul su eopsgetjyo”


To make it worse, Minseok decided to join in. The two of them were playing on the stage and I couldn’t sing because I was laughing at them. It seemed like they were teasing me but I was having fun watching them. The audience seemed entertained too, so I thought it was okay. Then Yong entered the runway, and guess what? When she and Taehyung met in the middle, they both copied my choreography and danced at the same time. The chorus was forgotten as I laughed at them.


“Uri gakkapjineun anado dwae
Geogiseo malhaejweo
Tell me something
I bameun gipeojyeoman gago
Geunyang idaero nal neukkyeodo dwae”


Yong didn’t leave the runway anymore and stayed standing beside me. We held hands while her cousins and their friends came back to the runway two at a time; one coming in from the entrance and the exit side was utilized as the second entrance. The last one that entered the runway was Miss Lee.


“Lady Love me
Lovely Kiss me
Bring me Hug me
Feel me Hold me
Call me ah
Build me ah
Build me up Baby”


Miss Lee walked the aisle while Yong and I followed behind her. The models were lined on either side of the runway. They were clapping their hands and I could also see the audience standing up as they clapped their hands too. I continued singing until we reached the end of the platform. I dropped Yong’s hand and placed my arm around her waist. Then I grinded my body on her once just to while she tensed beside me as she stared at

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- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺