Appendix XXII [AE]

Appendices [RS]
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A/N: Just a bonus chapter for A&E. Nothing more. Hope you'll enjoy! :)

Yongsun’s POV


I was standing on the front porch of our house while I held Yongjae’s tiny hand and waved it at Wheein. Wheein waved goodbye at us before she rolled up the passenger seat window and drove off. I stopped waving my son’s hand and sighed heavily, frowning as I watched Wheein’s car disappear around the corner.

I turned to Yongjae and pouted at him. “Should we have just stayed, baby?”

He only looked at me and blinked his eyes before he turned to his elephant and chewed on its trunk.

I leaned my cheek on Yongjae’s head and whispered, “But she said her parents are coming and her sister too. But then… she wanted to spend her birthday with us. I’d love that too.” I turned to Yongjae, who’s staring at me with wide eyes while he continued to chew his elephant. “Would you want that?”

I only received more blinking and chewing from him.

I closed my eyes and sighed heavily once again. “I shouldn’t have forgotten it. Why did I even forget that it’s her birthday today? I knew it. I remembered it but I just happened to forget it today.” I groaned softly and hugged Yongjae close to me. “Maybe if I wasn’t busy. Yongjae… Help Mommy”


My arms instinctively wrapped around Yongjae tighter when I got startled. I glanced behind me and smiled when I saw Yonghee by the door. Her eyes wandered to the cute and adorable baby in my arms and she smiled even more.

“Is this him? Oh my god… He’s so cute, Yongun” Yonghee said as she walked towards me and Yongjae. “Hi… baby. I’m your Auntie Yonghee”

“He has a name, you know?” I said to my older sister who didn’t bother to listen to me and just lifted Yongjae off from my arms.

She showered kisses on Yongjae cheeks while my son seemed so unbothered by his aunt. He just pouted at his elephant and tried to find a different spot he could chew on. He chose its leg and started chewing on it while Yonghee tried to grab his attention.

I smiled as I watched his fluffy cheeks shaking from his chewing. My son is really cute. I’m proud of how cute he is.

“You don’t look so happy when you’ve seen me again” Yonghee said, grabbing my attention.

“You seem so happy to meet my son than your sister” I retorted, smirking at her when she playfully narrowed her eyes at me. I moved towards her and gave her a hug as I kissed her cheek. “I missed you, Yonghee” I said sincerely, earning a smile from her.

She softly pinched my cheek and said, “I missed you too. We’ll talk later. Let me meet my nephew first”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes but still smiled at her. I followed her inside the house and said, “He’s a very good boy. He has my cuteness and my eyes too. He looks just like his beautiful Mommy”

“I’d like to think that he got his handsomeness from his aunt.” She lifted Yongjae higher so my son could look at her face. “Right, Yongjae?”

Yongjae only looked at her for a second before his eyes found me. He wiggled from Yonghee’s arms and reached a hand towards me. His face scrunched up and he started whining to get to me.

I lifted him from Yonghee’s arms and carried him. He leaned his body to me right away and hid his face on my shoulder while still chewing his rubber elephant. I softly chuckled at his shyness and kissed his head as I patted his back.

“She’s your Auntie Yonghee, baby. Don’t be shy with your Auntie Yonghee”

Yongjae pulled his head from my shoulder and glanced at Yonghee. My sister smiled at him but Yongjae still looked nervous around her. He even stuck his body on mine, moving as far from Yonghee as possible.

I chuckled at him again and kissed his head. I faced Yonghee and said, “He’s such a shy baby but he’ll warm up once he gets to see you a lot. Would you like to carry him again?”

“Of course”

I passed Yongjae to Yonghee and stayed close to my older sister so Yongjae wouldn’t cry. He whined at first but I kept assuring him that I was right next to him. He allowed Yonghee to carry him for as long as he saw me.

“Where did he get his shyness from? I know you and Eric didn’t have an ounce of shyness in your systems”

“I do get shy,” I argued, frowning at my sister as we moved further inside the house. “I’m shy when I was a kid too”

“No, you aren’t. Your chubby and bubbly. You smile and laugh a lot.” Yonghee looked at me and asked, “Are you sure this is yours and Eric’s kid?”

“Of course!” I frowned at Yonghee and said, “I’m not the cheater in the relationship, Yonghee”

“I know. I’m not questioning your loyalty. I’m just honestly curious how come Yongjae’s this shy. That’s all.” She squeezed my arm and gave me an apologetic smile. “I know you aren’t, okay? And I’m sorry if it implied that way”

I sighed and nodded at her. “It’s okay. Let’s just go meet our friends. This sudden serious mood is ruining your short vacation here”

She smiled and squeezed my arms before we headed to the back porch.

As expected, everyone was crowding over my son and was being passed from one person to the other. Since Yongjae would cry if someone else carried him, he ended up back in my arms. I sat him in my lap while everyone tried to get his attention. Irene and Chorong had the advantage of getting his attention because Yongjae met them already. Still, it was fun seeing them try.

Despite us having fun, my mind kept wandering towards Wheein and my disappointment at myself for forgetting her birthday. She even tried to comfort me after forgetting her birthday, which made me even more frustrated at myself. She just wanted to spend the day with me and Yongjae. It’s just so simple and I couldn’t even give that to her after everything she did to me and Yongjae.

My hands got freed when my son allowed his Auntie Irene to carry him. I took the time to rest and eat while keeping my eyes on my cute baby boy. Yonghee suddenly sat beside me, bringing more food with her. We ate together as we watched Yongjae play with his aunties.

“Something’s bothering you” Yonghee suddenly whispered.

“Yeah…” I answered. I didn’t bother hiding it from her because I never bothered hiding anything from my sister.

“Well… would you like to tell me about it?”

“Wheein” I whispered, sighing heavily from a lot of overwhelming emotions, mainly frustration and disappointment at myself, but guilt has started to join in as well.

“Wheein? Jung Wheein? Café owner Wheein? Neighbor Wheein? The Wheein that paid all your hospital bills behind your back? The Wheein that helped you when you’re pregnant and now stayed with you to raise your Yongjae?”

I frowned at Yonghee as I gave her a pointed look. The way she enumerated everything Wheein did to me just made me feel even more guilty of forgetting her birthday.

“Which Wheein?” Yonghee asked.

“They’re all the same and I know you’re aware of it”

Her eyes widened as fell open while I rolled my eyes at her because I know she’s just acting. “Oh… They’re all the same.” She chuckled at me before she asked, “What about Wheein?”

“It’s her birthday today”

“Then why are you here?” she asked, cutting me.

“Because you’re back and you asked me to be here”

“I didn’t ask you to be here today. I just asked if everyone’s available and since you said you are, I told everyone that today’s a good day to meet” Yonghee rambled and flicked my cheek, making me frown at her.

“Also… I forgot that today’s her birthday. I was so busy with work and with Yongjae that it slipped out of my mind”

“Huh…” Yonghee shook her head before she asked, “What do you want to do about it now?”

“She wanted to spend her birthday with me and Yongjae but since we’re here, I told her we’ll just celebrate her birthday tomorrow. She agreed but I still felt bad forgetting about her birthday”

“Why don’t you go make her a cake like you did when it was my birthday?” Yonghee suggested, which made me perk up but I instantly frowned and deflated on my seat.

“I don’t have time. I still have to watch over my son—”

“We’ll watch over him. We’ll distract him. He seems to have a good relationship with your friends. We’ll be fine”


She pulled out her phone and opened the timer app on her phone. “I’ll give you an hour to make a birthday cake for Wheein. If you aren’t back yet, we’ll steal your son”

I quickly packed up and left Yongjae’s baby bag beside Yonghee. I pocketed my phone and grabbed my wallet. “Give me two hours because I still have to travel. I’ll be back”

Yonghee laughed at me and said, “Two hours and Yongjae will be ours”

“He only wants his Mommy. I’ll be back.” I walked to Irene and Yongjae and repeatedly kissed my son’s cheek. “Mommy will be back, baby. Be a good boy to your aunties.” I placed a long kiss on his forehead before I dashed back inside the house.

“Where are you going?” Irene asked.

“I’ll be back!” I shouted, dodging the furniture in the living room as I headed out of the house.


Wheein’s not in my apartment or her apartment. I was about to surprise her with the birthday cake that I made but when I checked our places, they’re empty. I didn’t go to her café because it was already closed when Yongjae and I got back home. I assumed she was still out with her family and friends celebrating.

I checked the time on the clock and it’s already ten. I’m worried but then again, what right do I have to ask her to go back here already. Wheein’s a really good friend of mine and there’s absolutely nothing more between the two of us. I couldn’t see myself being in a relationship with her even if I desperately wished for her to be just the father of Yongjae and my husband.

When Irene and Chorong were with me in the hospital after I gave birth to Yongjae, they asked me if Wheen and I were dating. I said no because I don’t love her that way. I love her as my friend just like how I love Chorong and Irene. Then they asked me if I could find it within me to date Wheein. I told them that if there wasn’t a Yongjae or an Eric, I might’ve done that a long time ago. But that’s the thing, I just couldn’t find myself to fall in love with someone who’s of the same with me. It’s not that I have prejudice against same relationship, I just don’t fall in love with women.

That’s it. It’s not that I don’t want to. I just can’t.

I heard murmurs in the hallways and a couple grunts, making me furrow my eyebrows. Then there’s these muffled whispers, in which the owners of the voices sounded familiar to me. A few seconds later, there’s a knock on my door that is followed by a whispered curse from someone who’s on the other side of the door.

“Coming!” I answered as I propped pillows on either side of Yongjae. “Stay here, baby” I whispered and kissed his head before I headed to the door.

The muffled voices were getting louder as I got nearer to the front door. I finally recognized three voices whom I think belonged to Wheein, Hyejin, and Byul. I pulled the door open and saw all three of them. Wheein’s arms were on Hyejin and Byul’s shoulders, supporting her. Her head was hanging low in front of her while the two of her friends were struggling to keep her up. There’s also what I think is a onesie hanging around Wheein’s shoulders.

“What’s wrong with her?” I asked them while my eyebrows furrowed from worry.

“She insisted on being brought here, Yongsun. I’m so sorry” Byul said. Her face and neck looked red like she’s drunk, which I think it’s safe to assume that Wheein is drunk as well.

“And she’s drunk. It’s hard to argue with a drunk person” Hyejin said. Unlike Byul’s face, Hyejin looked a little sober but alcohol still reeked from the three of them. Hyejin nudged Wheein and said, “We’re here already. We’ll drop you to your place now, okay?”

“Yong…” Wheein groaned while Hyejin sighed heavily.

“She really wants to be here. I’m sorry”

“It’s okay.” I pushed the door and opened it wider before I moved closer to Wheein. She’s definitely drunk. No doubt about that. “What’s this hanging on her neck?” I asked as I pointed at what seemed like the onesie.

“That’s hers. It’s her sister’s gift” Hyejin responded.

“Okay.” I bent down t

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- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺