Appendix XXIV [WL]

Appendices [RS]
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The subtle movement in bed woke me up. I could hear Miss Kim’s heavy sigh behind me before I felt the bed move some more as she got off of it. That was my cue to get out of bed as well.

I slowly opened my eyes, unintentionally sighing heavily as I rubbed my palms on my face, helping myself wake up. I grunted as I stretched on bed while seeing Miss Kim stretching on the side of the bed as well.

My left thumb unconsciously went to the engagement and wedding rings Miss Kim gave me when I caught sight of our prenup and wedding photos inside Miss Kim’s bedroom. My eyes scanned all of the photos individually and landed on one of our wedding photos shot in Antheia Garden.

We were both wearing our wedding gowns that time. We were also holding a bouquet of flowers on one hand while holding each other’s hand. I was shyly smiling at the camera, all the while Miss Kim was smiling at me. Her dimples on the corner of her lips were even showing, which was a really rare sight now. Knowing that, I wish I had looked at her that time rather than at Miss Moon’s camera. Capturing it in a photo might make it last forever but it’s still always better to see her smile in person.

“Good morning,” Miss Kim softly said, grabbing my attention.

I pushed myself and sat up before I gave her a small bow, my mouth opening wide when I wasn’t able to stop myself from yawning. “Good morning, Miss Kim” I whispered while she only acknowledged my response with a nod as she made her way to the bathroom. I rubbed my palms on my face and softly slapped myself to completely wake up. “What can I get you for breakfast, Miss Kim?”

Waking up really early was nothing new to me even before I started working for Miss Kim. Although, it was pretty hard to push myself out of bed since my body was always exhausted working four jobs while constantly visiting Mom. I also needed the help of my alarm to wake up. Ever since I was working for Miss Kim and when she asked me if I could make her breakfast, waking up early has become a habit I welcomed. With my previous four jobs gone now, it was easier for me to get out of bed. Sleeping on the same bed with her has made me conscious and I think even when I’m asleep, I’m still aware of her presence. I don’t want to commit the same mistake of holding onto her arm because I thought that was my pillow.

“I’m needed in Olympus early today so if you can pack me something I could eat on my way there, I’d really appreciate it” she answered before she disappeared inside the bathroom without sparing a glance at me.

I pouted at the still open bathroom but instantly dropped it when Miss Kim suddenly peeked her head from the side of the door to look at me. There was a somber expression on her face when I met her gaze or maybe that was because she was tired from working.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t eat breakfast with you today”

I gave her a small smile as I shook my head. “It’s okay, Miss Kim. Do you want me to pack your coffee as well?”

The somber expression was gone as her gaze softened. Miss Kim’s expressions, gazes, and stares have always been hard to read. Until now, I’m still having difficulties distinguishing them. What I confidently know is the fact that she talks to me differently than to others. The indifference is gone now but I will always be conscious and intimidated by her.

“That would be wonderful, Wheein. Thank you”

“You’re welcome, Miss Kim”

She nodded at me before she disappeared inside the bathroom and closed the door this time.

I climbed out of bed and fixed it, hearing water splashing from the bathroom now. I grabbed my cap from the bedside table before I headed downstairs to prepare breakfast for me and Miss Kim while bringing my phone with me. I pushed back my bangs before I wore my cap, putting it on backwards.

My phone suddenly rang on my way to the kitchen. I saw Hyejin’s name, which automatically put a smile on my face as I answered her call.

“Hyejin.” I inserted my phone between my shoulder and ear as I busied myself preparing Miss Kim’s coffee and my milk. “Miss Kim is still taking a shower. She’ll be—”

“I didn’t call you to know Miss Kim’s whereabouts” she inserted, hearing the disappointment in her voice.

I pouted as I struggled to maneuver in the kitchen. My milk was still heating while the coffee maker was doing its thing to prepare Miss Kim’s coffee. There were already two pans heating on the stove; one’s for toasting my bread and the other one was for the ham and egg I’ll be frying for its filling.

“Did you seriously have no idea why I called you today?”

I was so busy with Miss Kim’s breakfast that I forgot I was still on call with Hyejin. I started melting butter on both pans and hurriedly pulled my glass of milk out when the microwave started beeping.

I took a sip of my milk before I held my phone as I waited for the butter to melt. “Did something happen? Was I supposed to do or go somewhere today?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowing from genuine confusion.

Hyejin’s soft laugh from the other end of the line made me pout. “Today’s the seventeenth, you know?”

I instantly stood up straight from that realization. I pulled my phone to look at the date and confirmed that it really is the seventeenth. I placed my phone close to my ear and said, “Today’s my birthday”

That just made Hyejin laugh louder but this time I smiled and even giggled with her.

“Did you really forget about it?”

“Yeah…” I bit my bottom lip as I placed my breads on the pan then slowly poured the egg I prepared earlier on the other pan.

“Happy birthday, Wheeinie” Hyejin greeted, which made me smile wider. “Any plans for today?”

“Thank you. I don’t know…” I placed my phone on the kitchen counter and turned it to loudspeaker to focus on cooking. “I’ll definitely visit Mom before going there for lunch. We can celebrate my birthday there and maybe eat lunch together with Miss Kim’s secretaries too. If you could convince—”

“About that…”

I briefly glanced at my phone when Hyejin suddenly interrupted me, my eyebrows slightly furrowing and lips pouting before I focused my attention on the breakfast I was cooking. “Yes?”

“Miss Kim won’t be here in Olympus for lunch. She has a schedule on that time”


It would be a lie to say I wasn’t disappointed to hear that. I wanted to say that I wasn’t expecting to spend my birthday with her but ever since I discovered that I have fallen in love with her in the course of our arrangement, I found myself wanting to spend more time with her. It’s suffocating to pretend inside the house and it even made me conscious of her presence. There’s this desire inside me to admit it but my willingness to abide by Miss Kim’s terms so I could continue supporting Mom’s medical needs would always prevail.

My shoulders deflated as I pouted on the breakfast I was preparing. “You’ll be with her, right?”

“Yes,” Hyejin whispered.

“Okay.” I sighed as I assembled Miss Kim’s sandwich, adding shredded lettuce and melted cheese on it before I took it off from the pan. “I’ll spend my entire day with Mom then”

“I’m sorry, Wheeinie…” Hyejin mumbled, almost like she’s whining already.

“It’s okay.” I smiled at how she sounded while wrapping Miss Kim’s sandwich. “Thank you for greeting me first thing in the morning”

“Of course. There’s no way I’d forget your birthday”

“I know you won’t.” I picked up my phone from the counter and turned the loudspeaker off. “I have to finish preparing Miss Kim’s breakfast, Hyejin. She said that she needs to be there early so I have to hurry. She might be out of shower by now”

“Okay. Happy birthday again, Wheein. Enjoy your day with your Mom!”

I giggled as I nodded at what she said. “I will. Thank you”

We ended the call before I finished packing up Miss Kim’s breakfast. I poured coffee on a tumbler and placed it together with the wrapped sandwich on top of the kitchen island. I grabbed my glass of milk just as I heard Miss Kim coming downstairs. She was already dressed for work and was bringing her pumps and bag.

I walked towards the kitchen island where I placed her breakfast while drinking from my milk. I placed my glass down just as she reached the island. “I made you an egg and ham sandwich with lettuce and mozzarella”

“Sounds delicious. Thank you” Miss Kim said, placing her bag on the countertop before grabbing the tumbler of coffee.

I smiled at the compliment as I said, “That’s your coffee”

We both drank our dinks, hearing Miss Kim humming satisfyingly once she was able to take a sip of her coffee. She then grabbed her sandwich and placed it in her bag. “You don’t have to come to Olympus later for lunch. I have somewhere to go”

“Yes, Miss Kim. Hyejin told me earlier” I responded, which was met with a questioning look by Miss Kim. I nervously glanced down at my milk and fidgeted with my glass as I mumbled, “She called me earlier. She—Ah… She—” Am I supposed to tell Miss Kim it’s my birthday today? “—just wanted to check on me” I hurriedly said, settling with that answer because I don’t want Miss Kim to be obligated to greet me on my birthday.

She might be forced to do something for me. Not that she would do anything for me on my birthday. We’re close but we’re not that close. How am I supposed to explain that?

I glanced at Miss Kim again, mustering some courage to meet her gaze again. “She just wanted to check on me, Miss Kim”

I held my breath when she continued to stare at me. The courage that I gathered within myself slowly crumbled as I held her gaze. My nervousness was slowly showing up once again so I held my glass to hopefully cover my hands that had started to shake.

“Will you be going to see your Mom later?” Miss Kim asked while I nodded in response, not entirely comprehending her question but just immediately agreed because I was very nervous. “Okay” she said before she drank her coffee again, finally breaking eye contact.

I sighed in relief and hurriedly drank my milk just so I have something to do while in front of her.

She closed the tumbler and lifted her bag again before she headed to the front door. I rounded the kitchen island, my milk still in my hands as I followed her to the front door. I grabbed her tumbler from her so she could wear her pumps easily.

“Mr. Cho will drive me to Olympus first then he’ll drive back here. You can stay with your Mom for a while since Mr. Cho will be with me for the majority of the day. Contact Hyejin if there’s somewhere you want to go so we can arrange everything”

“I can just take the bus, Miss Kim. I don’t want to bother you and Mr. Cho if you’re very busy today” I whispered and bent my head low when she stared intently at me once again. Did I say the wrong thing? I’m sure I did.

“People will recognize you” she gently said, which was a huge contrast to how she was looking at me

I carefully raised my head and cautiously met her eyes. I gulped hard when I could still see how hard she was looking at me but I never broke eye contact and just met her gaze. It’s hard to look away when I recognize the worry in her eyes, making me slightly pout at it.

“I don’t want you hyperventilating again. I don’t like the idea of you by yourself out of the house and out of the facility. The security I sent to the facility is still there. You’ll be safe there while I’m away with Mr. Cho and Hyejin.” She held the tumbler that was still in my hand, her hand holding onto mine and lingering for a second before she grabbed the tumbler from me and pulled her hand away. “I’ve told you about this already. I promised your safety and security, Wheein”

I absently nodded my head before I stared at the now cold milk in my hands, hiding my blush from Miss Kim.

It’s hard to unlove her. It’s hard to hide that I've fallen in love with her already.

I love you. The words were just at the tip of my tongue but we have an arrangement. I have promised to maintain it even though I have long broken it. I couldn’t say that I love her. I shouldn’t say it to her. The restriction was slowly choking me on my own words. It’s becoming unbearable already.

I felt a soft pat on my head, surprising me for a second and making me slightly jump.

“I’m sorry. I couldn’t do anything else”

I instantly shook my head and met her gaze again. “No. It’s okay, Miss Kim. I’ll stay with Mr. Cho. I’ll stay with Mom until Mr. Cho will be able to pick me up. I won’t go anywhere. I promise I won’t go anywhere. I don’t want to make you worry. I’ll contact Hyejin like you told me. I will—” I shut my mouth and pouted at my foot when I realized I was rambling. I tentatively met her gaze and was happy that I did when I saw the very tiny smirk on her lips and the amused twinkling of her eyes. “I’m sorry”

She patted my head once and nodded at me. She turned around and headed for the front door. She held the door open but turned her face to look at me again. “Don’t go out by yourself”

I nodded determinedly before I said, “Don’t overwork yourself too much”

“I’ll see you later”

And with that she finally went out of the house and closed the door behind her.

“She really doesn’t know it’s my birthday today?” I mumbled to myself.

I had it on my profile when she interviewed me the first time we met. She also said that she had ran my profile and I know she knew more about me than the amount of information I had on my profile. It seems impossible for her not to know my birthday.

I sighed heavily as I walked back to the kitchen. I placed my glass inside the microwave again to reheat my milk since it has gone completely cold already. I stepped back and leaned on the kitchen island as I waited for my milk.

“But I never greeted her on her birthday either,” I whispered to myself, frowning at the microwave when I recalled that day.

I had no idea it was her birthday until Hyejin told me about it the next day. It was on a weekend and it was Miss Kim’s day off. It wasn’t unusual that she stayed inside the house for the whole day. We just visited Mom together, which is also not unusual, and asked me to play the piano. Also not unusual. We also ate together and generally just stayed inside the house.

When I found out about her birthday the next day, she had already left for work. I thought of making a cake for her and bringing it with me for lunch but it might appear like I had forgotten my wife’s birthday. I did still make a cake but prepared it for dinner. It was just a simple cake. But because I was too embarrassed that I didn’t know her birthday and that I failed to greet her on the day itself when I had a lot of opportunities to do so, I didn’t say it was her birthday cake. I just told Miss Kim that I made cake and asked her if she wanted some.

We ate the cake together and she told me it was delicious. I thanked her and didn’t say anything anymore. I was too embarrassed to say anything at all. I was just happy that she ate the cake I made. I promised to myself that I would really remember her birthday because it was really frustrating not being able to greet her.

I pushed myself off the kitchen island to grab my glass of milk. “Who am I for her to greet me on my birthday?” I mumbled to myself.


When Mr. Cho dropped me at the nursing facility, he told me that he was in a hurry since he still has to pick up Miss Kim. He even accidentally slammed his door when he got out of the car to open the backseat door. He quickly apologized and said sorry several times. He also told me that he didn’t want to be the reason Miss Kim will be late for her meeting later.

So… Miss Kim is really busy today.

I quickly said goodbye to Mr. Cho, sensing how stressed out and worried he was of Miss Kim. Then I headed to the facility to celebrate my birthday with my Mom.

I prepared a cake for myself, just enough for me and Mom to share, and lunch before I went to the nursing facility. I was disheartened that I couldn’t spend time with Miss Kim or that she forgot about my birthday or that she didn’t greet me, but having to celebrate it with my Mom brings nostalgia.

We always celebrate special occasions together. It didn’t matter if we didn’t have so much food or that we didn’t have an expensive and huge cake. Having Mom with me is always the best. Since I was young, it was just me and her and I couldn’t ask for more.

I bowed to the security Miss Kim had sent here. I have come to recognize them already. They’re still scary-looking for me but the scary part stops there. They’re really kind and gentle and they never missed to greet me or check on me and Mom whenever I visit the facility.

The moment I stepped inside the facility, there were oddly more people roaming around the hallways. There were more people visiting patients too. I was taken aback by it. I unconsciously stopped walking and just stared at everything that was happening in front of me.

“Miss Jung…”

I slightly jumped on my heels and glanced beside me. I recognized one of the members of Miss Kim’s security team. I nodded at him, acknowledging him before I turned my attention to him.

“There are people bringing heavy equipment with them.” One of his arms was raised to block my back and his other hand was holding onto a guy’s back. That’s when I noticed that he was actually shielding me from those said people who were carrying equipment. “They might hit you if you won’t be careful, miss”

I hurriedly moved to the side so they could now pass. I bowed at the security and to those people who were carrying boxes as I mumbled an apology. Then I made sure that I wouldn’t bump at anyone as I headed to Miss Park on the reception desk.

“Good noon, Miss Park” I greeted, gathering all the things I was bringing on one hand to fill out the form Miss Park handed to me.

“You’re a little bit late today, Wheein”

I smiled at Miss Park as I nodded at her before I went back to the form. “I prepared something for Mom today, that’s why it took me a long time.” I handed the form to Miss Park and carried the things I brought with me with both of my hands again. “Why are there so many people today, Miss Park? Does the facility have something today?”

“Someone rented the facility’s social hall today.” She grabbed the form from me and never failed to greet me with a smile as she directed me to Mom’s hallway. “You can now go to your Mom, Wheein”

I bowed at her as I said, “Thank you, Miss Park”

I walked on the side of the hallway and dodged the many people that seemed to be going towards the facility’s social hall. As I neared Mom’s room, I carried the cake and the food I brought with one hand and fixed my bangs. I ran my fingers through my hair several times as I stood in front of Mom’s door. When I was done, I knocked on the door and then reached for the handle before I pushed the door open.

I smiled at Mom in her usual position on the couch, her eyes on whatever she was watching on the TV. I smiled wider when she turned to look at me and carefully went inside the room.

“Mom…” I carefully said, pushing the door close while my eyes never left her gaze. I smiled to show her my dimple and slowly approached her. “It’s me Mom, Wheein. I’m Wheein, your daughter”

I placed the cake and food I brought on the coffee table in front of Mom as I continued to convince her that I’m her daughter. It took Mom a couple of minutes for Mom to convince me. Normally, I would be discouraged and it would also make me cry if she didn’t recognize me right away. However, I was determined to celebrate my birthday with Mom.

I’m just being positive today.

Mom hugged me while I hugged her back tightly and buried my face on her neck. I felt her kiss my cheek as she caressed her hand on my back, making me melt on the warmth of her embrace.

“You brought a lot today” she whispered as we slowly pulled back from the hug.

I sat beside Mom and laced my arms on hers and laid my head on her shoulder. “Do you know what the date today is, Mom?” I asked, smiling so brightly despite knowing that she doesn't know what today is.

“Is there something special going on today? Miss Park told me about something happening today… I barely remember that”

I excitedly sat and faced Mom, surprising her and making me giggle. She pinched my cheek when she saw me laughing at her. She scoffed and even glared at me but wasn’t able to hold it and still smiled at me.

I smiled cheekily before I said, “It’s seventeen today, Mom. April seventeen. You know what it means, right?”

I bit my bottom lip as I waited for her to respond. Her pupils were bouncing on either one of mine as she thought of what today meant. I stared at her expectantly as I held her arm with both of my hands while I continued to chew on my bottom lip.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she continued to think and stare at me. “Seventeen?” she whispered while I nodded at her, encouraging her to remember.

Suddenly, her eyes widened as she gasped while I smiled so wide and nodded excitedly at Mom.

“Seventeen! It’s your birthday!” She cupped my cheeks and showered my face with kisses as I giggled at her. “It’s your birthday! It’s my baby’s birthday! I’m sorry Mom took a long time to remember it!” She placed a long kiss on my forehead, making me close my eyes while still giggling at her. “Happy birthday, Whee. Mom loves you so much” she whispered while I held onto her wrists, loving the feeling of her palms on me. “I love you so much, sweetie”

“I love you too, Mom,” I said, meeting her teary eyes.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to remember it. You had to even ask me to remind me of it”

I shook my head and ignored her apology as I moved to hug her tightly. I pushed my face and snuggled on her neck before I said, “You’re here. You remember now. I just want to spend my birthday with you. We always spend special occasions with each other”

She squeezed me in her arms and kissed the top of my head while I curled up in Mom’s embrace. I will always be that small child who constantly needs their parents' guidance, compliments, and praise in order to keep myself together. I will always turn to Mom no matter what and I will always be her daughter and her baby despite my age. I’m not afraid nor ashamed of that. I’m proud to receive Mom’s love.

I blinked my eyes a couple of times to prevent myself from crying and squeezed Mom in my arms before I slowly pulled back. “I brought cake” I whispered as I unpacked the things I brought with me. I smiled to Mom and said, “We get to eat a luxurious cake now”

She laughed at me and helped me unpack. She pulled the cake closer to her and inspected it. “Where did you buy this?”

“Buy?!” I exclaimed, feigning disbelief as I gasped loudly. “I did not buy this, Mom. I made this.” I pouted at her and crossed my arms in front of me as I slumped on the couch beside her. I was sulking exaggeratedly and rolled my eyes at Mom when she just laughed and ignored me. “I can make myself cake better than others” I grumbled as I continued to sulk, but smiled when Mom even laughed louder.

I watched her unpack the rest of our food with a satisfied smile on my face. She opened the box of cake and lifted it up. I went back to pouting and crossed my arms even tighter when I saw her turning towards me.

She turned to face me with evident pride in her eyes and smile as she softly sang a birthday song for me. The pouting and sulking instantly dropped as I smiled so wide at Mom. We sang together and even blew an imaginary lighted candle.

Mom kissed my cheek as she cupped my cheek while still holding the cake with her other hand. “Happy birthday, Whee” she whispered gently as she caressed her thumb on my cheek. “I will always be proud of you. You have grown so beautifully, sweetie”

I pouted at her as I blinked my eyes rapidly, trying to stop myself from crying with what Mom said. “Don’t make me cry” I whispered while she just smiled at me.

She leaned forward and kissed my forehead this time. “I love you always”

It was such a heartwarming moment that I was on the verge of crying already, but then she suddenly pinched my cheek so hard and even ruffled my bangs. It made me close my eyes so tightly and squirmed on my seat as I squealed from the pain.

“Ow!” I had to slap her hand to stop her from pinching my cheek so hard. I held my injured cheek and frowned at Mom who seemed to be mocking my misery. “It’s my birthday! I don’t deserve that” I complained while she handed me a spoon and chopsticks.

“Do I still need to stay here? I can handle myself, Whee” she complained while setting a plate for me.

“No! I’ve told you that already”

“Then you deserve the pinch I just gave you” she argued as she handed me a plate before setting one for her own.

I pouted at Mom while she just laughed at me when she saw my pout. I didn’t bother arguing with her anymore because I know there won’t be any use. I just sat beside her again as we ate together.

“How was it?” I asked Mom as we were eating lunch.

“Delicious” she answered, just like how she’d respond to me every time I ask her about my cooking.

I smiled at Mom before I continued eating, settling with the comfortable silence around us. Mom continued to give me compliments on the food I prepared. She also gave me instructions for new recipes and even tips on how to make them.

When we were done eating, Mom cleaned the table while I sliced the cake, giving each of us a piece to eat.

“How’s Yongsun?” Mom suddenly asked, stopping me from transferring a piece for me when the question surprised me.

I raised my eyebrows at her, surprised by this. She would always remember about Miss Kim. Then I frowned at her, thinking that she would never fail to remember Miss Kim while she’d be struggling to remember and recognize me. Me. Her own daughter.

“She was here yesterday”

My eyes widened, surprised again with this news. “She was here yesterday?” I asked Mom.

Mom glanced at me and saw my shocked expression. “Yes… I asked her why didn’t you just visit me together. She said she was a little bit busy with work. She also said that she had things to do in the facility”

“She has something to do here?”

“Yes.” Mom’s eyebrows furrowed from confusion as she asked, “Didn’t she tell you that she came here?”

I could only shake my head in response.

“She was also here the other day.” Mom furrowed her eyebrows even more as she thought of something. “I think she’s been here for quite a while already”

I handed Mom the plate of cake I sliced for her before we’d forget about it and then I grabbed my own plate. “She didn’t tell me about it” I wh

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- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺