Appendix XX [AE]

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Yongsun’s POV


“Brr… Brr… Mommy! Mommy!”

I looked up from the pot and glanced towards the living room. Yongjae was showing off once again that he’s cleaning the living room with the vacuum cleaner. I smiled and waved my hand at him. “Are you cleaning, baby?”

“Boom! Boom!” he squealed, jumping on his knees while Wheein stood behind him to watch over him.

I gave him a thumbs-up and smiled wider. “Good job, Yongjae!”

He smiled so wide and nodded his head excitedly, his pineapple hair bouncing on his head. His eyes were back to the floor as he resumed cleaning. He pushed the vacuum cleaner while he stomped his foot as he walked around the living room. Wheein was walking behind him while Yongkeey was hiding because she doesn’t like the sound of the vacuum cleaner.

I went back to cooking while the house was filled with excited squeals and giggles from Yongjae. He likes the vacuum cleaner, or so he calls boom because he couldn’t pronounce vacuum yet. Every time Wheein cleans with it, he’d steal it from his Mommy Whee and do the vacuuming himself.

When I was done cooking, I crouched down behind the kitchen island where Yongkeey was hiding. “Yongkeey… come out. Aren’t you going to eat?” I whispered while she just whimpered at me. I softly chuckled as I petted her. ”It’s okay… No one’s going to harm you.” I continued to comfort her until Yongjae finally turned the vacuum off.

“We’re done,” Wheein said from the living room.

“Done!” An excited scream came from Yongjae followed by his Mommy Whee’s adorable giggle.

“Let’s go, Yongkeey” I whispered to our other baby before I stood up.

Yongkeey followed behind me and finally came out from her hiding. Yongjae was running towards the kitchen while still making vacuum cleaner noises. Wheein was right behind him always. When Yongjae saw Yongkeey, he went straight to her and started playing with her. He greeted her with his really cute imitation of Yongkeey’s bark, which made us laugh.

It never gets old.

While the babies were occupied, Wheein went to prepare Yongkeey’s food and water while I set the table for lunch. I glanced to where Yongjae and Yongkeey are and saw Yongjae petting Yongkeey’s head.

“Yongjae… Baby, wash your hands now before we’re going to eat”

He walked towards me and raised both of his palms up. “Wash… Ki wash too?”

“No, little guy. Yongkeey won’t be using her hands to eat. Only us” Wheein ruffled Yongjae’s pineapple hair and said, “Let’s go”

They both headed to the sink to wash their hands while I finished setting up the table. I sat down and waited for the two of them. Wheein lifted Yongjae and sat him in his high chair before she sat down on the other side of Yongjae.

“Thank you, Mommy!” they both said at the same time, making me smile at them.

“You’re welcome”

I alternate from feeding Yongjae and myself. Wheein would occasionally feed me if I was too focused on Yongjae that I forgot to eat already.

“How’s Byul and Hyejin doing?” I asked Wheein before I bent down and opened my mouth when Yongjae decided to feed me. I smiled at him when he started giggling after feeding me.

“You know… they’re still fighting.” She held my chin and brought my face to her. She grabbed some tissue papers and proceeded to wipe my sweat. “Hyejin gets mad and Byul doesn’t know why Hyejin is mad. Byul asks her why but Hyejin gets frustrated when Byul doesn’t know. Then Hyejin would give Byul the cold shoulder and then they’ll make up. But then it repeats again in a cycle”

“Mommy… Ah…”

I glanced down at Yongjae and saw him raising his spoon. I bent down and opened my mouth so he could feed me. I smiled when he giggled at me again before I resumed feeding him.

“Was I like that to you when I got pregnant with our son?”

Wheein chuckled softly as she patted Yongjae’s pineapple hair. “Our son…” she whispered absentmindedly as she stared at Yongjae while I smiled at her. She lifted her eyes up and smiled at me this time. “No… You didn’t love me at that time yet. You see me as a friend you’re indebted with, so most of the time, you’re thanking me.” She suddenly laughed, making me raise my eyebrows from curiosity before she said, “Maybe if things were different, you might scold me like Hyejin is to Byul now. I guess… I’m kind of thankful you didn’t love me at that time yet”

“I love you already at that time.” I fed Yongjae first before I looked at Wheein again and said, “Just not romantically or what I thought”

“Same difference, Yongsun”

“I love you now. Even before. I just wasn’t aware”

She smiled as she whispered, “I know and that’s all that matters to me”

I quickly stood up and leaned towards her to kiss her. The baby in his high chair got jealous and wanted a kiss from his Mommy too. I cupped Yongjae’s cheeks and showered kisses on his pouting lips until he started whining already.

When we were done with lunch, Wheein, Yongjae, and Yongkeey went to the basement while I remained in the kitchen to wash the dishes. I followed them downstairs shortly after where the movie theater, mini bar, and gym were located.

Wheein and Yongjae were sitting beside each other on this huge couch. Yongkeey was lying down on the floor by their feet. I sat on Yongjae’s other side and rested my arm along the backrest behind the two of them. They’re watching a cartoon movie that Yongjae loves and my fiancée especially loves as well.

“What’s the movie called?”

“Shh!” Yongjae and Wheein hushed me at the same time.

“Mommy quiet…” Yongjae whispered and Wheein nodded without leaving both of their eyes off the screen.

I silently laughed at them before I watched the movie without knowing what this is. All I know is that there are animals in the movie that have really good voices because they’re good at singing.

A few minutes into the movie, we heard the doorbell ringing. I stood up because there’s no way these two would stand up, especially with how engrossed they were with the movie. I walked towards the monitor to see who it was but stopped when I heard incessant doorbells. I went straight to the stairs and climbed it two at a time.

“That’s Hyejin. I’ll go get it” I said to Wheein.

“They must’ve fought again,” Wheein said. “Yongjae wants cookies too!” she added as I reached the main floor.

“Coming!” I shouted and jogged towards the door when Hyejin wouldn’t stop ringing the bell.

The other monitor close to the front door confirmed that it was really Hyejin that’s ringing the doorbell. I pressed a button to unlock the gate for her before I walked to the front door. I opened the door and saw her pouting her way towards me.

“What’s wrong? Why are you by yourself? Where’s Byul?” I asked her.

I reached my hand towards her and helped her kick off her shoes before helping her into some indoor slippers. I could hear her breathing deeply by how heavy her baby bump was already. As far as I know, she’s around five months already and she’s supposed to be with Byul right now for her monthly checkup, that’s why Wheein and I didn’t go to the café today.

“Weren’t you supposed to be with Byul right now?” I asked Hyejin while she scoffed at me.

Someone’s angry at someone. Again.

“I don’t like her right now. Where’s Yongjae?” Hyejin breathed deeply before she slowly walked further inside the house with one of her hands resting on her baby bump.

“They’re in the basement watching a movie right now.” I turned to close the door but stopped when I saw Byul waving her hands frantically in front of the gate. “Wha—” I stopped when she shook her head vigorously and motioned for me to stop talking.

She raised her phone up and pointed at it. She started typing something on her phone and moved to hide behind a post. My phone rang from a text right away. I grabbed it from my pocket and saw a text from Byul.


From: Byul
Watch over Hyejin for me. She hates me right now.


My phone rang again from another text from Byul.


From: Byul
I don’t know what I did and she hates me even more that I don’t know… We just came from the hospital. She ditched me but I was able to follow her here. I’ll come back once she doesn’t hate me that much anymore…


I looked up from my phone and saw Byul frowning towards my direction. I gave her a reassuring nod while her shoulders dropped as she nodded back at me.


I closed the front door and glanced behind me when Hyejin called me. “Yeah?”

One of her hands remained on her belly while her other hand was holding onto the railings of the stairs. She took a step down before she said, “Can you bring me water before coming back to the basement?”

“Yup.” I jogged towards the kitchen and went to the pantry. I grabbed Yongjae’s cookies before I hurriedly went to Hyejin. “Let me help,” I said as I offered a hand to her.

My phone rang from another text again as Hyejin and I slowly climbed down the stairs. She took a couple of huge breaths once we reached the basement before she resumed walking again. I let her sit beside Yongjae before I passed the cookies to Wheein. The two didn’t even acknowledge Hyejin’s arrival and were still focused on the movie. Hyejin didn’t mind it though. She seemed interested in the movie as well.

I ran back upstairs to grab water for Hyejin. I grabbed Yongjae’s tumbler of water, a pitcher of water, and a glass before heading downstairs. I placed everything on the small table in front of them. I was ducking my head down so they could still watch the movie. Then I went to sit beside Wheein before I pulled my phone out of my pocket.


From: Byul
Thank you and I’m sorry for the trouble.


I texted a response to Byul before I put down my phone on the table in front of us.

Wheein suddenly leaned to me and whispered, “Who’re you texting?”

I leaned to her and trained my lips to her ear so the other two wouldn’t be distracted, “Byul. They fought again. She said she’ll pick up Hyejin later. Hyejin doesn’t know Byul followed her here because Hyejin ditched Byul. That’s all I gathered”

“Hmm…” She only nodded in response before she went back to watching the movie.

I silently laughed at her lack of reaction. I placed my arm around her and pulled myself closer to her. I leaned my body to her as I rested my head on her shoulder while her hand automatically went to my leg, holding me to her. My eyes were on the movie but I never really cared what’s in it. I just wanted to cling to my fiancée.

Right when I was already comfortable, the doorbell rang again. I softly groaned as I pushed my face on Wheein’s neck while she chuckled at me.

“Stay here. I’ll go get it”

I wrapped both of my arms around her, preventing her from standing up. “Stay here. I’ll get it. I know you don’t want to miss a second of your movie. Just give me five seconds” I whispered right into her neck while she caressed her hand on my leg to comfort me.

She kissed my temple and whispered, “Five seconds are up”

I sighed heavily and reluctantly pulled away from Wheein. I headed to the screen and was surprised to find Taeyeon standing outside of the gate. I unlocked the gate using the basement controls before I headed upstairs. “Taeyeon’s here”

“Taeyeon? Is Sica here too?” Wheein asked.

“Nope. Only her”


I glanced at her and saw that she’s equally as surprised as I was. “Yeah… I was surprised too. I’ll be back.” I jogged towards the front door and pulled it open for Taeyeon.

“I’m sorry” she whispered the moment our gazes met. “I really don’t know where else to go”

I opened the door wider and let her in first. “What’s wrong?” I whispered as I scanned my eyes all over her face. It’s obvious from her slightly puffy eyes that she was crying. She might’ve been crying on her way here.

She shook her head and whispered, “Just… stuff between—” She sighed heavily while I closed the front door. “Sica and I fought…” she softly whispered, making me frown at her. “I wanted to go back to Jeonju but I felt guilty. I didn’t want to see her yet so I just came here. I could just go if you don’t—”

I instantly shook my head and led her inside the house. “It’s okay. You can stay. I’m not doing anything much. Just babysitting three babies”

“Three?” Taeyeon asked, softly laughing at me.

“Three. A big baby, an actual baby, and a baby who’s carrying a baby. Three babies”

“Is Hyejin here too?”

I laughed and nodded at her as we headed to the basement. “Would you like some water? Or perhaps wine?”

“I’d take the wine. Thank you”

The two of us headed downstairs and found the three babies still watching their movie with full concentration. Yongjae’s chin was full of crumbs from his cookies. Crumbs of his cookies could be found on the other two’s faces too.

Hyejin slowly sneaked her hand into the small container of cookies that was on Yongjae’s lap. It wasn’t so sneaky because Yongjae caught her but he didn’t say anything. She picked up the last cookie while Yongjae stared at the cookie in his Auntie Jinnie’s hand. It went straight into his Auntie Jinnie’s mouth and the poor baby opened his mouth as Hyejin took a bite of the cookie.

Hyejin raised the cookie towards Yongjae’s direction. Yongjae opened his mouth to take a bite but was surprised when his Mommy Whee took the cookie from his Auntie Jinnie. He watched the remaining cookie go into his Mommy Whee’s mouth. He pouted at her and went into the container, only to find that there were no more cookies. He just grabbed his tumbler and drank water before he went back to watching the movie.

“No doubt, those two are really best friends,” Taeyeon whispered under her breath while I sighed and shook my head at the two.

I led Taeyeon inside the basement while the three didn’t notice that we’re here. They didn’t even notice us staring at them a second ago. “You can watch the movie with them if you want or we can stay here.” I pointed at the mini bar Wheein had for my wines and her beers.

“Don’t you want to watch the movie with them?”

I went to grab two wine glasses for us and picked a glass of red wine. I headed to the bar where Taeyeon was sitting and brought the glasses down. “I’m really not into movies. I just stay with them but I don’t watch.” I opened the bottle and poured wine into our glasses.

She grabbed the glass I handed her before we softly clinked our glasses. She took a sip before she said, “The kids must’ve enjoyed it.” She softly chuckled as she pointed at the three babies while I nodded and smiled at her.

“They do”

“When’s the wedding?”

I swallowed my wine first and put down my glass before I said, “Just waiting after Hyejin gives birth and their baby is stable for flying”

“Still sure about marrying that big baby?” Taeyeon asked teasingly.

I chuckled at her as I nodded my head. “Yup. I love my babies”

Taeyeon only nodded at what I said and didn’t say anything more. We just drank our wine silently as we watched Yongjae, Wheein, and Hyejin while occasionally checking the movie they’re watching.

I wanted to ask Taeyeon about what happened or tell her that I’m willing to listen if she needed someone to talk to. I just don't think we’re that close after our history of fighting over Wheein. We’re okay now. We’re just awkward. Either one of those big babies could help her but they’re still focused on the movie.

I refilled Taeyeon’s glass when I saw that her glass was already empty. And then I did the same to my glass.

“Thank you” she whispered.

I took a sip of my wine before I gulped hard, preparing myself before I whispered, “Want to talk about what got you here? We’re not doing anything else though. Talking might help”

Taeyeon had a faraway look after my suggestion, which made me regret telling her about it. “Have you and Wheein fought?” she suddenly asked instead of answering my question.

“Yeah… It can’t be helped. We’re living under the same roof. We go to the same place to work. We see each other all the time. We always argue”

“Well… Sica and I are always far apart and we always argue all the time too.” She’s not drinking her wine anymore and was just swirling it inside her glass. “Does staying together won’t make a difference?”

“It does, actually. Wheein and I argue but we’re learning from each other too. We adjust from one another and learn when to compromise. Especially with our son, we have to work together in parenting him.” I glanced at Taeyeon and gave her a small smile. “Staying together, despite the fights and struggles, is the point of being in a relationship”

She frowned at her glass as she said, “But that’s the thing, neither one of us can’t seem to stay together. We’re together but we’re always hours apart. I live in Jeonju and she’s here in Seoul.” She sighed heavily before she whispered, “We’re always arguing about that”

“That’s something you two need to figure out. Someone definitely has to sacrifice in order for you two to stay together. Have you talked about moving in together? Maybe Jessica is not ready yet”

She pouted at her glass and slowly shook her head. “We haven’t talked about it. We can’t spend a lot of time together so when we have the time, we just take advantage of it. We haven’t talked about moving together at all”

“It won’t hurt if you two will just talk things out. Also… Jessica is smart but not when it comes to relationships. Her lawyer mind will always get ahead of her”

Taeyeon chuckled as she nodded in agreement. She picked up her glass again and took a sip from it. “Yeah… she’s a little bit dense sometimes”

Claps could be heard from the three babies in front of the huge screen, catching our attention. And then there’s a soft beep from the monitor mounted on the wall, indicating that someone who knows our passcode got inside our property. There’s only one person who knows our house’s passcode besides me and Wheein, and that’s Jessica.

“Baby girl!”

Taeyeon’s eyes widened as she looked at me when we heard Jessica’s voice.

I smiled at her sheepishly and whispered, “She kind of comes here when you two fight. She and Wheein would sometimes drink or she just wants company when she cries. I’m sorry. I forgot to tell you because I was worried about you and Hyejin”

She sighed and nodded at me before she whispered, “It’s okay”

“Baby girl! Wheein! Where are you?!” Jessica’s voice has gotten closer to us as well as her hurried footsteps.

Taeyeon just calmly took a sip of her wine while I resumed drinking, waiting for whatever’s going to happen.

“Baby girl, I need a drink” Jessica said and went straight to the mini bar but stopped when she saw Taeyeon sitting across from me.

“Did you two fight again?” Wheein asked.

“Tae…” Jessica softly whispered, frozen from where she’s standing as she stared at Taeyeon.

“Oh! Taeyeon. You’re here too?” Wheein asked while I closed my eyes and shook my head.

“Tae Tae!” Yongjae exclaimed from their seats, making Taeyeon smile.

“Tae…” Jessica whispered as she slowly approached Taeyeon. “I’m sorry”

And that’s my cue to leave them.

I walked towards the three babies and found the pregnant baby was yawning so loudly. I offered the guestroom to Hyejin but she just wanted to lay down on the couch. She didn’t want to climb two flights of stairs anymore. We just helped her set up the couch so she could lie down comfortably.

Taeyeon and Jessica headed upstairs so they could talk. Hyejin was already lying down comfortably on the couch so we left her and told her to call us if she needed something. We headed upstairs while Taeyeon and Jessica headed to the backyard to talk.

“Tae Tae…” Yongjae whined, following her two aunties out while I was stopping him from going with them.

I lifted him up in my arms while he continued to struggle to get to his aunties. “They need to talk. You can go meet them later, okay?”

“Jae go… Sica, Tae Tae” Yongjae mumbled, pouting at me adorably.

I glanced towards Wheein, silently asking her what we should do since her sister is involved.

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Take care and stay safe always everyone!

- RedSparrow


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Chapter 51: the solarsido reference when Yong was babysitting 🤭
will patiently wait for the next ones from you author-nim!
Betelguese #2
Chapter 51: Did you just gave a hint that u are a QoT shipper too, author-nim? Heheheng.. 🤭
Ichig02101 #3
Chapter 51: Its ok authornim..settle ur life first n when u hv a rest day u cn continue writing. U kno ur readers will wait for u. Pls take cre authornim. Hv a fantastic day,☺️
Chapter 51: You finally write again! I just finished another round of OB 😆
It’s like you know I miss you hehe

Whee really spoils Yong so much but they make an effortlessly cute couple for sure. I wanna see a mini-me version of them in case you’ll write something more about it 😆
Skye1234 #5
Chapter 51: Thank you for the story.
bsidemmmoo #6
Chapter 51: hirap maging busy tita
Chapter 46: They two are so cute, I really want a new chapter of《With Gentle Affection》 please~제발~(✧◡✧)
Chapter 50: Thanks for the special chapter. You made me want to reread everything again haha. Whee is always so cute but Yong here is the most adorable one. Stupidly in love? I agreed!
Frozen_J #9
Chapter 49: Dont cry baby wheeee
Chapter 48: I love how they are still being lovely, caring, and consistent over time no matter how many years passed. Will we see little Whee running around the house too? 🥺