Chapter VIII

My Girl

A/N: Here's what everyone's curious about. A light touch to Wendy's past. ^_^



More than a month have passed since the incident and to Wendy's relief, nobody tried to attack or bully her again. Even the silent death glares and the unsolicited whisperings died down. The Queens' servants still wouldn't acknowledge her but other than that, Wendy didn't have any problem with them at all.


Even her relationship with the Queens is doing great, especially with Irene. The rest of the Queens would even tease the two for acting like a married couple for how they would bicker with each other and yet, they're closer than ever. However, one thing that still bothers Wendy though is that until now, she's yet to answer Irene's confession. Though the Queen often says those three words to her, Irene wouldn't make her feel pressured or forced out an answer from her. But this bothers Wendy even more, she feels guilty for being on the receiving end only. Although she takes care of Irene just as much, Wendy knows it's still different. Wendy finds it hard to deal with her own feelings. She knows that Irene is someone special to her and that she enjoys being with the older girl. But there's still a part of her that's being cynical, because at the end of it, Wendy knows that she's still afraid to get hurt again.


Despite this, Wendy admits that she likes being with Irene and secretly hopes that Irene wouldn't get tired of her.


"Seungwan." Irene called Wendy out from her reverie. They were on their way back to Wendy's apartment after a date. Since the place is just near Wendy's apartment, they decided not to use the car and to just enjoy the night breeze, walking along the streets.


"Seulgi told me she invited you to join their glee club?"


"Ah, yes, unnie."


"Woah, that's great, Seungwan-ah." Irene cheered. "Seulgi was worried because their main vocalist is graduating this year. But with you joining, there's nothing to be worried about."


"Uh.." Wendy scratched her non-itchy head. "Actually, I still haven't said yes, unnie?"


"Eh? Why?"


"Well.. It's not just a glee club, unnie. It's THE glee club."


'Rookie', their university's glee club is one of, if not the best and most popular glee club in Korea. As someone who loves music, it's what pushed Wendy to go back to and study music in Korea. 'Rookie' is the undefeated champion in the nationals for 5 years now. When Wendy was still in Canada, Rookie would always be on the Korean news. Wendy studied in Korea hoping to be a part of this glee club, but she thinks it's still too early for her to be in it.


"I know. That's why they need you in it."


Irene is speaking with sincere confidence and it touched Wendy to think how Irene trusts her.


"Uh, thank you, unnie. Really. But uh, I don't think I'm ready for it right now."


Irene raised a brow in question. "Why?"


"Because...I'm just, me. Just Wendy."


Irene stopped walking, which made Wendy stop too. Before Wendy can ask, Irene already answered her.


"I remember telling you that I don't like it when you downplay yourself like that." Irene said sternly. "Didn't I?"


"Uh, Y-yes." Wendy lowered her head.


"And you're not just Wendy, Seungwan-ah." Irene lifts Wendy's chin. "Have you heard yourself sing? You're.. you're beyond amazing, Seungwan!"


Wendy looks at Irene and the latter gives her a comforting grin. "Your singing was what made me attracted to you, you know?"


Wendy blushed. Irene had told her this story before. "Besides, it's not only Seulgi who wanted you to be part of the glee club. Even the coaches think you'll be the perfect main vocalist."


"Wha- But, how can I be the main vocal just like that, unnie? I'm just new and there are other members who'll fit for it."


"Nah," Irene dismissed Wendy's words with a wave of a hand. "I know all the members of glee club. And you know I love Seulgi and Sooyoung but you're on a different level, Seungwan-ah. Your voice deserved to be heard, you know."


"B-but to take the position of the main vocal-"


"Will be perfect for you." Irene continued Wendy's words. "Well, and I know Rookie is great and all, but to be honest, you don't need the glee club. The glee club needs you."


"Yah unnie, how can you say it like that.." Wendy was embarrassed hearing Irene's praises.


"What? It's true." Irene shrugged. "So please consider, Seungwan? I really like your voice. And I would love to watch you sing on stage."


Irene is looking at Wendy with puppy eyes that the latter just can't resist. Wendy sighs and nods.


"Okay, I guess I'll try, unnie."


"Yeah!" Irene cheered as she pats Wendy's head. "That's my girl."


Wendy decided to audition for Rookie and immediately passed. She thought it would be hard to blend in the group but thankfully, Seulgi and Joy are there to help her. To Wendy's relief, all the members of the glee club were kind to her and in fact, were all praises for her- telling her how she should have joined the glee club soon or why they didn't even know that such a powerful voice existed in their university. Wendy was embarrassed but nonetheless thankful for the complements. She practiced diligently to not be a burden to the group especially since in a couple of weeks, the glee club will have its first national competition for the year.


While Wendy is busy with glee club and practicing, Irene also has her things to do. Being the only heir of Bae Industry who, in  a few months, will graduate and will soon work at their company, she has already started dealing with business negotiations in Korea in place of her father who is busy with overseas works. Also, much to Irene's surprise, her father would call her regularly not because of work but just to check on her. It's new to Irene, how her father would call her just to ask about her day, or how her father would be the one to tell stories about his day. Irene finds it weird and surprising, especially at first, but as the calls become a regular thing, Irene finds herself opening up little by little.


Today, Irene is resting in the Queens' lounge since she still got an hour before her guest arrived. Yesterday, she had a meeting with a potential business partner and Irene learned that the son of these new associates will be transferring to their university so they asked Irene if she could look after it and assist their son on his first day. Irene mentally rolled her eyes at the request, wanting to tell the old couple that she's not a babysitter, but the couple was looking at her lovingly. Besides, Irene thought it's still part of the business so she agreed, making it specific that she'll only meet their son and accompany him to the faculty room and that's it.


Irene was about to take a nap when the door opened, revealing a silently peeking Wendy. Irene smiled at the scene. 


"What are you doing?" Irene asked with a smile.


"Oh, unnie. I just thought you might be asleep." Wendy answered as she made her way towards Irene with a plastic bag of food.


"What's that?" Irene pointed at the plastic.


"Oh, I bought you tteokboki, unnie." Wendy set the food on the table. "I know you haven't had your lunch yet."


Irene smiled at the thoughtful act. "I was actually waiting for you to finish your class so we can have lunch together. But you beat me to it."


"Seulgi said you have an appointment later, so to save your energy and time," Wendy laughs. "Ta-da! I ordered foods for us instead." 


Irene laughs along. "Thank you, Seungwan-ah. Though it's not really an appointment. I just have to meet the son of a client. It's his first day here so, yeah."


"You'll be touring him at the school, unnie?"


"Ew, no." Irene grimaced. "As part of the business with his family, I just have to professionally meet him, and sort of welcome him since I'm the daughter of one of the owners. Just, something like that."


Wendy nodded in understanding. However, there's something that bothers her. "Is it not something like meeting with the future husband kind of thing, unnie? You know, arranged marriage for the merging of companies?"


"What?" Irene laughs. "You know I don't like boys, Seungwan."


"W-well, yes, unnie. But you know, for the company?"


"You watched too many dramas, Seungwan-ah." Irene answered, still with a laugh. Seeing Irene laughing as if what she said is a ridiculous thing, Wendy can't help but feel relieved.


"So, nothing like that, unnie?"


"None, of course." Irene answered immediately. "And I assure you, dad wouldn't agree with that. He doesn't believe in those arranged marriage things just to benefit the company."


Hearing this made Wendy smiles. Not only because she's sure that no arranged marriage will happen, but also with how Irene talks about her father. Before, Irene will talk about him with a hint of sadness or hatred in her voice, but now, Wendy can see that Irene is more comfortable talking about her father.


"I see things are slowly getting better with your father, unnie?"


"Well," Irene thought for a while. "I can see that he's sincerely trying." 


"I'm glad, unnie." Wendy smiles. "So, anyway, what time will you meet this uh, gentleman?"


"You seem to be pretty interested in this meet up." Irene narrowed her eyes teasingly. "Why? Are you jealous?"


"Wha- what?!" Wendy was flustered. "I don't know what you're talking about."


"I'm just kidding, Seungwan." Irene laughs and ruffles Wendy's hair. "I'll meet him in an hour. It'll probably take just a few minutes. Let's meet in the cafeteria after."


Wendy nodded at the idea. "Okay, unnie. I'll see you later."


Douche bag.


That's what Irene thought upon meeting Jang Junwoo, the son of their new business partner. Irene can't deny that he's quite good looking and she knows he knows this too, too well if you'll ask Irene. For the Queen, he looks like an airy head who is so full of himself, judging from how he keeps looking at all the girls they passed by with a flirty grin on his face.


"The students, especially the girls, keep looking at us." Junwoo said in an airy manner. "I don't know if it's because of you, Irene-ssi, or because of me? Or maybe both." He gave a laugh to which Irene said nothing and just continued walking towards the faculty room.


"Say, Irene-ssi," Junwoo striked a conversation once more. "Since I think you're quite popular here, and I'm sure I'll be too in no time, and well, since my parents told me we're of the same age, I think we'll make a good couple, don't you think?"


Oh my God. Really?


Irene rolled her eyes, not even making it discreet.


"I don't think we will. And I already have a girlfriend."


This obviously shocked Junwoo for he momentarily stopped walking and just stared at Irene's retreating back. He then laughed and catched up to the girl.


"Wow. I didn't expect you to swing that way."


Irene raised her eyebrow. "You got a problem with that?"


"No, no. None of course." He laughs awkwardly. "Geez, you're so cold."


Irene finally stops in front of a room and looks at Junwoo uninterestedly. "Here's the faculty room. The professors are already expecting you so just introduce yourself, then the rest is up to you. I'll get going."


"Oh, hey, wait." Junwoo called out. "Shall we at least become friends? Since our families are business partners?"


"I accompany you here as a business purpose only." Irene stated in a matter of fact manner. "So to answer your question, no."


Irene walked away even before Junwoo could say anything. She went straight to the cafeteria where she spotted Wendy studying some notes and lyrics on her ipad.


"Ever so hardworking, Seungwan."


Irene laughs as Wendy jumps a little in surprise.


"Oh unnie, you surprised me." Wendy whined as she closed the ipad. "You're done already?"


"Yeah. I don't want to be near him for too long." Irene said as she sat on the chair across Wendy. "What were you doing?"


"Oh, I'm just studying the piece that we're going to perform at the competition, unnie."


Irene nodded. "So, how was the glee club so far? Sooyoung told me you're adjusting well."


"I think I am, unnie." Wendy nodded. "The glee club's great. And I got to sing so," she smiles sheepishly.


Seeing this made Irene smile as well. "You really love singing, huh?"


"I do, unnie." Wendy grins. "Oh by the way, unnie. How's your meeting with the gentleman?"


"Oh gosh," Irene shudders hearing Wendy's words. "He's far from being a gentleman, Seungwan. I've only been with him for a few minutes and I'm not liking him at all."


Wendy laughs. "Oh c'mon, unnie. It can't be that bad."


"It'll be bad." Irene pointed. "It's best to ignore the likes of him."


"What's his name though?"


"It's Jang Jun-"


"Oh, hey, Irene-ssi."


Irene was interrupted when someone called her. And to her irritation, it's the devil himself. Junwoo was still standing a few meters away from them but Irene can already see his egoistic grin.


"Okay, first of all, I didn't stalk you here." Junwoo explained as he walked towards the two girls.


Wendy froze. That voice.


Her back is still facing the newcomer but Wendy is sure she knows that voice. She internally gulps, somehow hoping that her assumption is wrong.


"I get it that you don't want to be friends," Junwoo continued, still focused on Irene. "But here," he handed Irene a paper bag. "You're obviously in a hurry earlier so I forgot to give it to you. It's from my parents."


Junwoo is now standing just beside Wendy and the latter can feel her heart beating fast.


It's... Him.


"So uh, excuse my-" Junwoo was not able to finish his words as he finally turned to Wendy's direction.


"Oh! W-Wendy??"


Irene creased her eyebrow. She watched as Junwoo faced Wendy, the initial shock was then replaced by a smirk. Wendy, on the other hand, was like a frozen statue whose only response was to bow her head in acknowledgement.


"You two know each other?" Irene asked what she thought was already obvious.


"Oh yeah." Junwoo was the one who answered, still looking at Wendy with his knowing smirk. "We went to the same high school. Didn't we, Wendy?"


Irene raised her eyebrow at this. She didn't like the way Junwoo calls Wendy as if they are close, which is obviously not the case judging with how Wendy looks uncomfortable right now. The younger girl can't even answer him properly.


"I didn't know you're here in Korea." Junwoo continued. "Let alone, in the same university. Oh, what a small world, is it?"


Irene fought the urge to punch his face to wipe off his nasty grin, especially seeing how Wendy seemed to be bothered and terrified.


"You can leave now." Irene said, or more like, ordered Junwoo. "We're having a conversation here and you're kinda disturbing us already."


"But I'm still talking to-"


"Oh, right. You're new." Irene didn't let him finish. "I'll let this pass since it's your first day here but just to inform you, I don't really like repeating myself. Don't let me tell you twice."


Irene is glaring at Junwoo real hard that the latter can't help but to back down. He gave in and nodded, but still with a hint of irritation. "Okay. I'll go."


"You okay, Seungwan?" Irene asked as soon as the guy left.


"Oh uhm, yeah, yes, unnie."


"He's from your high school?"


Wendy nodded.


"Did he do something to you in the past?" Irene asked. "Cause you look really bothered by his presence earlier."


"Oh, Uhh.."


Wendy contemplated whether to tell Irene the story. But she knows for sure that the Queen wouldn't like it. Irene might even take it personally and Wendy is worried that the business partnership between the two families will be compromised. Besides, it's an event in Wendy's life that she really wanted to forget.


"We- we're just not close, unnie." Wendy decided to say.


Irene isn't totally convinced but since she can sense that Wendy is uncomfortable talking about him, she decided to let the topic go. 


For Wendy, Jang Junwoo was like a ghost from the past that she'd tried so hard to erase from her memory. So his unexpected appearance really shook her. She tried so hard not to think too much about it but Wendy knows Junwoo, she knows he will not leave her just like that. Wendy had managed to hide herself from him for a couple of days, but just as she expected, she can't hide from him forever.


As Wendy exits the building, there she sees Junwoo standing outside. She attempted to turn back but Junwoo was faster. He saw Wendy already and jogged up to her, cornering the latter in the locker area. 


"Wendy! Finally!" Junwoo greeted with a smirk. "I'm starting to think that you've transferred school already."


Wendy holds her ground. "What do you want?"


"Oh nothing, I just want to catch up with my ex-girlfriend."


Wendy flinched at the word, horrible memories coming back. "I've got no time for that. I got to go."


Wendy tried to move past him but he grabbed her arm.


"Oh, but why?" He asked mockingly. "Your girlfriend is looking for you?"


Wendy clenched her teeth as Junwoo gave a ridiculed laugh. "You know, when I first heard that news, I didn't buy it. I thought my classmates were just joking. But then, I got to see it with my own eyes. You, together with whom they called 'the Queen Bae', walking hand in hand as you got off from her car." Junwoo shudders as if in disgust. "Really, Wendy? So you're into girls now?"


"It's none of your business." Wendy stated firmly as she tried to remove his hold on her but his grip won't loosen.


"Or, was it because of me?" Junwoo continued with his taunting. "Were you that hurt because of me that you just became a man-hater and decided to date girls instead?" He smirked. "So then, would you like me to make you remember how it feels to be with a man?"


As Junwoo leans in, Wendy stomped her foot on his, catching him off guard and letting go of her arm.


"Ugh! What the-"


"Stay away from me." Wendy said with all the courage she could muster.


Wendy lightly shoved him on the arm and quickly made her way past him. Junwoo eventually caught up and was about to grab Wendy's wrist when he noticed Irene standing on the exit, eyes glaring at him. Wendy noticed Irene's presence too and heaved a sigh of relief. Irene walks towards them, eyes not leaving Junwoo.


"What do you think you're doing?"


"I'm not doing anything, Irene-ssi." Junwoo responded. "It's not wrong to talk to my ex, is it?"


"Ex?" Irene glanced at the guilty looking Wendy before fixing her eyes on Junwoo once more.


"Oh, ho!" Junwoo laughs in a provoking manner. "Didn't you know? Didn't Wendy tell you?" He gave a disgusting smirk. "Yes, she's my ex-girlfriend. In fact, she fell so hard for me that she gave me her everything. Didn't you, Wendy?"


Wendy tightened her closed fist. It's been years and she still feels ashamed of herself whenever she was reminded of that.


"Stop it." There was an obvious quiver in Wendy's voice.


"Oh, but that's not what you said to me during that night you know?" Junwoo probed further, still wearing his devilish grin. "Remember, Wendy? That night?"


"I.." Wendy is shaking. "Just s-stop."


"Why? Are you ashamed-"


Junwoo was interrupted when Irene suddenly moved in front of Wendy, blocking her from the man.


"Leave her alone."


Junwoo didn't miss the threatening tone and the dangerous glare that Irene is giving him, still his ego refused to back down.


"Irene-ssi, I'm not doing anything. I'm just having a trip down the memory lane. It's not so wrong, is it?" Junwoo answered with a confident smirk. "Besides, it's not like I purposely bumped into her. We're all at the same school. Bumping into each other can't be helped, isn't it?"


"Oh yeah, right. How can I forget?" Irene answered sarcastically, glare still fixed at the man. "Well, maybe there'll be no reason to bump into you if you're already expelled from this school. Won't it?" 


Junwoo was sure taken aback but he quickly recovered from it. He scoffed. "Irene-ssi, I know your family is the owner of this university. But aren't you being too aggressive and too unprofessional right now? Maybe you're forgetting that my family is your business partner."


Unexpectedly to Junwoo, Irene didn't even seem bothered by it. In fact, this time, it's Irene who gave him a smirk.


"Well, you just gave me a better idea."


Wendy and Junwoo were both surprised. They knew what Irene was thinking.


"You can't possibly do what I think you're thinking right?" Junwoo challenged although his eyes faltered.


"Oh, but I can." Irene answered, still sporting a smirk. "I'm cancelling the business deal with your family."


"Wha- U-unnie." Wendy managed to call out. She can't possibly allow Irene to cancel something as important as this just because of Junwoo and her.


"Ha! You're joking right?" Junwoo was obviously nervous but he refused to give in.


Irene gets her phone and dialed a number, not forgetting to put in on speaker mode for Junwoo to hear.


"Good afternoon, Miss Irene. What can I do for you?" the voice on the other line said.


"Set me a meeting with the Jang's. Tell them I'm cancelling the business partnership with them."


"Unnie!" Wendy called out once more but Irene's attention is still on Junwoo who is already sweating.


"Copy, Miss Irene. I will set you a meeting ASAP."


"Oh, and tell them not to waste both our time by convincing me otherwise." Irene instructed the secretary. "Their son made a huge mistake," she said this with a taunting smirk directed to Junwoo, "and I wouldn't change my mind."


"Noted that, Miss Irene. I'll keep you updated."


"Thank you, Ms. Seo."


Irene waved the phone to Junwoo's face as if mocking the now pale man. "You were saying something?"


"You- you" for the first time, Junwoo can't answer back.


"Get your face out from here and I never want to see you again."


Irene takes Wendy's arm and lightly drags the younger woman away from the scene. They were about to exit the building when a fuming Junwoo ran after them.


"Who do you think you are? You!" 


He harshly pulls Irene by the arm. Wendy, even though a bit startled, was about to push him off away from Irene but the Queen was faster. She grabs Junwoo's arm that is holding her and twists it. He was caught off guard and before he could do anything, Irene punched him hard on the face.


Wendy, who was also surprised, lowers down Irene's hand and stood in front of the older girl, afraid that Junwoo will fight Irene back.


"You know, Mr. Jang, I'll give you parting tip." Irene taunts as she moves to Wendy's side instead. "If you want to be a real businessman, make sure you know who you're dealing with." She scoffs. "Very idiotic of you to attack a taekwando champion."


Junwoo has his eyes widened as he holds his face where Irene punched him. He was just staring at the two girls, unable to say anything.


"And oh, before I forgot." Irene stated firmly. "Bother my girlfriend again, and I won't hesitate to bring down your family's business."


Irene didn't wait for his answer as he was obviously rendered speechless. She takes Wendy's hand and leaves. 


"Are you okay? Did he hurt you anywhere?" Irene asked Wendy as soon as they reached the Queens' lounge.


Wendy shakes her head. "I'm okay, unnie. You?" She takes Irene's hand that the latter used to punch Junwoo. "Does it hurt, unnie? You punched him real hard."


Irene smiles as she retracts her hand and observes it. "Nah. It didn't hurt. It's obvious he's all talk. He's features are too soft for a man, I bet he can't even fight for his own."


Wendy smiled and nodded.


"So, uh, was it true? He's your ex?" Irene asked carefully, observing Wendy's reaction first. She was dying to know the story but she won't force it if Wendy's not comfortable with it.


Wendy contemplated. She really didn't want to be reminded of of that event in her life but, it's Irene. If it's with Irene, Wendy felt everything would be okay. She decided to answer the older girl and tell her everything.


"Yes, he is, unnie." Wendy answered and Irene can sense the younger's readiness to open up, hence she probed further.


"How so?" Irene asked. "I mean, it's not that I don't trust your judgment but.. He's a jerk, Seungwan."


"I was fooled, unnie." Wendy gave a little laugh.


"What did he do?"


"Well.. He's the popular guy in high school. Every girl likes him, and he likes them all back. A total player." Wendy narrated. "I was just an ordinary student and we really didn't know each other personally but one day, he approached me. He said he's been liking me for a long time now and that he wants to be my boyfriend. Well, of course I didn't believe him considering he's known for being a player. But then, he said he'll prove it that he's serious about me."


Irene didn't interrupt and just let Wendy tell her story.


"True enough, he did all things that a man would do when he courts a girl." Wendy continued. "He visited our house and introduced himself and his intention to my parents, he would always pick me up from our house and send me home after school. He defended me from all the students who kept saying we're not good together, he even fought with one of his friends just to defend me. He, he did all that for me. Even after months have passed, he was still very consistent."


Wendy sighed. "I was very skeptical of him at first, so I tried really hard not to fall for him. But everyday, he never failed to make my heart swoon. And soon, I found myself giving in. I fell for him."


Wendy paused for a moment, finding the courage to continue. She looks at Irene and the comforting eyes of the latter was enough for Wendy to proceed.


"I.. I answered his confession and we started dating. And like what he said earlier, I.. I gave him everything. He- he was my first, in everything." Wendy flinched, remembering how a fool she was. "After spending the night with him, he, he showed his true colors and he revealed his real intentions. I.. I was just a bet. They made a bet with money if he can make me his girlfriend." 


Irene gritted her teeth at this but she controlled herself, letting Wendy finish her story.


"The bullying, the fight with his friend, it was all staged." Wendy continued. "When he finally won the bet because I fell for him, it didn't stop there. They escalated the bet that's why we dated for a while, to see if he can.. get me to bed." Wendy whispered the last words, feeling ashamed of herself. "And I let it happen. He won the bet again. So the following day, words started spreading at the school that he managed to sleep with me. Turned out, it's also him who revealed it to the whole school."


"No one looked at me the same way after that. School life became hell. The girls would make fun of and bully me, the boys would look at me with malice. Even my so-called friends turned out to be on his side too. It.. It all became too difficult to handle that I had to transfer school and move out to a different place."


Wendy sighs as she finished and looks at Irene with an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about him, unnie." 


Irene shakes her head in understanding. "You're not required to tell me about your past, Seungwan. And I understand how difficult it must be to tell it."


Wendy lowered her head and Irene pats her head softly. "Hey, you don't have to be ashamed of yourself, okay? Yes, he fooled you. But it's not your fault for giving him your trust and your all because you fell in love. You fell for the wrong guy, yes, but falling in love is not wrong. Don't be too hard on yourself, Seungwan-ah." Irene gave a small laugh. "It makes me feel bad."


Wendy lifts her head up, surprised by Irene's words. "Why, unnie?"


"I was like him too, right?" Irene answered with a guilty smile. "Well, minus the bets, but I used to play around with girls too."


"Oh, but-" You were just hurt, unnie. "I'm sure you had your reasons."


"Still, it doesn't justify my actions." Irene admitted. "I'm the one who should be ashamed because of my past doings." 


Wendy shakes her head. "I'm- I'm sorry unnie, if I made you feel that way."


"You didn't. I just realized it." Irene reassured with a smile. "Don't feel ashamed of yourself, hm? You did nothing wrong, Seungwan-ah." 


Wendy smiled and nodded at Irene's comforting words. Somehow, it's like a burden has been lifted off.


"That's my girl." Irene commented as she pats Wendy's head.


Wendy smiled at the gesture. It's becoming a habit now and honestly, she finds it sweet and comforting.


"And thank you for telling me your story, Seungwan." Irene said as she hugs Wendy. Now I understand you more. We started off the same thing with him and you're afraid it will happen to you again. I promise I won't be like him, Seungwan-ah.


After that day, Junwoo was never seen at the university again. He's a new student and all, so his sudden disappearance at the school didn't become an issue. Nobody else too, except for the Queens, knew what happened that day and of his past relationship with Wendy.


Today, all the five girls gathered at Irene's mansion because much to their surprise, especially Irene, her father came home and so he invited the girls over for dinner.


"Is it really you, uncle? You were not drugged or something, were you?" Yeri joked as they all gathered at the living room.


"Yes, Kim Yerim. It's really me, and I'm really home once again. And no, I've not been drugged or something." Mr. Bae answered with a laugh. "I just took a few days away from work." He then looks at Wendy playfully. "I felt like I won't be able to focus too much on work until we finish our game."


"Oh, then maybe we shouldn't finish it yet, sir." Wendy joked, earning a laugh from the old man.


"Just 'uncle' will do, Wendy. Stop calling me 'sir'. It's kind of awkward now."


"Oh, uhm, okay.. Uncle." Wendy felt awkward, good kind of awkward, calling him that. Still, a part of her felt relieved that somehow, her relationship with Irene's father seemed to be doing okay. The only problem is unnie's mother.


Oh, but wait. Why am I thinking about that? Did I just feel like I wanted to be accepted by Joohyun unnie's parents? Oh, Son Seungwan, you're thinking too far ahead. No, don't go there yet.


Wendy shakes her head at her own thoughts.


"Okay, c'mon guys, you start playing." Yeri cheered. "I'm excited to see who'll win."


Mr. Bae laughs. "I think we have to start now, Wendy."


Wendy was just about to answer when the head maid came to them.


"Sir?" Ms. Lee bowed. "Madam is here."


"Who?" Mr. Bae is still contemplating if this 'madam' is who he thinks she is when Mrs. Bae enters the living room. This surprised all the five girls and even Mr. Bae. Meanwhile, Mrs. Bae was also surprised to see that her ex-husband is at home, and more surprisingly, he's spending time with Irene and her friends. Mrs. Bae also didn't miss Wendy's presence beside Irene. Nonetheless, she decided to ignore this and focus on what she came for.


"You're here?" Mrs. Bae asked her ex-husband. This is a first to her so she failed to hide her surprise but she dismissed her own question even before anyone can answer. "Well, never mind. It's a good riddance that you're here actually."


Irene was confused. First, her father went home. Now, her mother, whom she last saw a couple of months ago and who's supposed to be in the US, is also standing in front of her. By the looks of it, Irene knows that her mother has something important to say. But as she takes a glance at her father, she knows that he is as clueless as herself to why their matriarch is here.


"Girls," Mrs. Bae addressed the three members of the Queens, eyes not meeting where Wendy is. "You know I'm always glad to see you all but can you please leave me alone first with my daughter and ex-husband?"


Before any of the three can answer, Irene beats them to it.


"Why do my friends have to leave?" Irene asked. She didn't like it that her friends are like being forced to leave and how her mother obviously would not acknowledge Wendy's presence. "We have plans, then you suddenly barged in and would ask them to leave?" 


"Hyun, stop." Mr. Bae interjected. 


Irene heaved a sigh and Wendy caressed Irene's arm in an attempt to calm the latter. 


"What do you want, mom?" Irene asked, calmly this time.


"I'm here to grant a request from our close family friend." Mrs. Bae answered, ignoring Irene's almost outburst directed at her and the pang in her chest when she saw how Irene just listened to her father. "We're having a family meeting with the Kims."


Before anyone can react, a middle-aged couple joined them in the living room, followed by a girl with soft features whom Wendy thinks is on the same age as them. Yeri's audible gasp caught Wendy's attention. She looks at the direction of the Queens and all three of them has an obvious shock plastered on their faces. This intrigued Wendy so she looks at the girl beside her. Wendy managed to capture Irene's quick shock before her expression changed into something that Wendy can't quite figure out. Irene was having an intense gaze to someone and as Wendy followed the older girl's line of sight, she realized that Irene was staring at the newly arrived girl, who, Wendy noticed, is also staring softly at Irene.


Wendy is smart. Just by looking at their expressions and by how the atmosphere suddenly became tense, Wendy connected the dots. Her eyes widen at her own realization.


It can't be. Right?


That girl... 


She's.. Jennie?



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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy