Chapter X

My Girl

A/N: I really didn't expect the hate towards Joohyun. 😅 In fact, when I was writing the last chapter, I thought most of you will blame Wendy and sympathize with Irene instead. But now that I reflected on it, I get it why majority of you is hating on Irene at the last chapter. 😁 Btw, thank you for all the comments. So, without further ado, here's the next chap. It's my favorite chapter to write by far. Hope you guys enjoy it too. 😊



Wendy woke up the next morning with a throbbing pain in her head. She recalled last night's events and the argument with Irene. Wendy cursed herself. She can feel the headache getting stronger just by thinking about it. Luckily, it's a Sunday. She decided to sleep it off once more and just as she was about to close her eyes, the doorbell rang.


Lazily, Wendy answered the door, and to her surprise, it's Joy. 


"Wow, you're a mess, unnie." Joy commented with a light grin, stepping inside Wendy's apartment. "I brought foods, unnie." Joy gestured to the plastic bag she's holding. Wendy followed Joy into the dining area where Joy laid out the foods. 


"Oh by the way, you made me worry last night, unnie." Joy said as she was pouring the soup into a bowl. "You could've just told me that you wanted to drink and that you'll get home late." 


For a second, Wendy was surprised that Joy knew she had a drink last night. Right. Joohyun unnie might have told her already. 


"Sorry, Sooyoung-ah." 


"It's okay, unnie. The important thing was you're safe." Joy sat down, gesturing to Wendy to do the same. "Eat, unnie. It's hangover soup." 


Wendy smiled at Joy's thoughtfulness. "Thank you, Sooyoung-ah." 


"So.." Joy started carefully. "I assume that you and Joohyun unnie had a fight last night?" 


Wendy chokes on her food. 


"Oops." Joy couldn't help but laugh. "Are you okay, unnie?" She handed Wendy a glass of water. 


"How did you-" 


"I'm doing Joohyun unnie's orders, unnie." Joy answered with a chuckle, cutting Wendy off. 


"Unnie's orders? You mean-" 


"Yup." Joy nodded. "Joohyun unnie thought you might wake up with a hangover so she asked me to check on you and bring you this hangover soup." Joy pointed at the food. "So of course I asked her why not bring these to you herself, but she just gave me a sad look." 


Wendy bit her lip, feeling guilty. 


Joy observed Wendy. "What happened, unnie?" 


Wendy set down her spoon and heaved a sigh. "I guess we just let anger get the best of us." 


"Anger?" Joy raised a brow. "Why were you mad at each other in the first place?" 


"Well, I-" Wendy sighs once more. "I guess I started it. I raised my voice first." 


"Oh, okay. But why, unnie?" 


"Why?" Yeah. That's the question. Why did I even get mad at Joohyun unnie to begin with? 




Wendy shakes her head. "I don't know, Sooyoung. I was asking that question to myself too. I really can't understand what I'm feeling these days." Wendy paused, recalling last night's events. "So when Joohyun unnie asked me what's wrong, I really didn't know what to say, because I really don't know." Wendy sighs. "But I think Joohyun unnie must have mistaken it that I don't want to tell her anything, that I don't trust her. And that's what got her mad, I think."


Joy nodded, taking in Wendy's explanation. "Unnie?" She cleared . "I know you said that you don't really understand your feelings these days, but uh, do you think that maybe, just maybe, you're… jealous?" 


"What?" Me? Jealous? Me? Wendy shakes her head. "But why would I be jealous, Sooyoung-ah?" Wendy gave an awkward chuckle. "I mean, it's not like Joohyun unnie and I are official, right? I haven't even answered her confession yet. I don't have the right to be jealous. Why would I be jealous? Besides, it's-" 


"Unnie." Joy laughs, interrupting Wendy's rambling. "It's just a yes or a no question."


"O-oh." Wendy felt her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. 


Joy chuckles. "You know, unnie.. I might not agree to all that Joohyun unnie has been doing these days, but I don't think you have to worry about Joohyun unnie and Jennie." Joy gave a soft smile. "Joohyun unnie knows what she wants. I'm sure you know about that too." 


"What if it's not me?" Wendy whispered, more to herself. Joy still heard it though. 


She didn't even deny that it's what she's worried about. Joy stifled a laugh. She decided not to bring it up. For the meantime, she will let Wendy discover her feelings on her own. 


"What? What do you mean it's not you?" Joy answered the question instead. "I think Joohyun unnie sending me here to look after you already contradicts what you've said." 


"Why didn't she come here herself?" Wendy quietly asked. 


"Will you be able to tell her what's bothering you if she came here and asked you?" 


"I don't know." Wendy sighs. "I would tell her if I know but, I don't even know it myself." 


"Then, I suggest you figure it out first, unnie." Joy answered. "Joohyun unnie is so worried about you, especially because of what happened last night. She wanted to know what's troubling you, and she knows that if she's here, she won't be able to stop herself from getting that out of you. Then the two of you might argue again. Joohyun unnie doesn't want that."




"I might not know all that she's been thinking, or her reasons for doing some things, but I just know one thing for sure, unnie." 


Wendy looks at Joy, waiting. 


"Joohyun unnie loves you." 




For the next three days, Irene and Wendy were not speaking to each other. Wendy even refuses Irene's offer to drive her to school or to her apartment. She remembered what Joy said. I need to figure out myself first. 


Unsurprisingly, this caught the attention of the whole school. At first, they thought that the Queen had already broken up with Wendy, but they thought otherwise when the two are still seen together with the rest of the Queens. 


It was obvious, especially to the other members of the Queens, that the two had a fight. But to Wendy's relief, none decided to pry. It's not that she would take it against them if they do, it's just that Wendy really didn't know what to explain to them. In fact, that is also the reason why she still can't talk to Irene. Wendy knows she's at fault and she really wanted to apologize to Irene, but she knows that her apology wouldn't mean anything if she wouldn't explain what's her problem that day. Wendy is sure Irene would ask. Joy told her that. The problem is, Wendy herself doesn't know what her problem is. She doesn't know why she suddenly became affected and angry over the fact that Irene spent time with Jennie and her family instead, besides she thinks she doesn't have the right to get angry over it.


Wendy sighs for the umpteenth time. I really don't know what's going on with me these days. My emotions are all over the place.


Meanwhile, Irene kept her distance because she doesn't want another fight with Wendy. That fight was their first, and unfortunately, hurtful words were said. Irene knows something is bothering Wendy but the younger girl won't say a word, and Irene knows that until Wendy tells her, the problem won't be fixed and arguments will happen here and there. She tried to approach Wendy several times, but as expected, Wendy kept mum. Thus, Irene decided to give the younger girl time. 


So for the past three days, Irene and Wendy kept their distance to each other.




Wendy's class ended for the day. She had plans with Seulgi to watch a musical today so Seulgi texted her to just wait for her at the Queens' lounge so they can go together once the latter's class is done. Having no choice, Wendy entered the Queens' lounge silently. At first, she thought there's nobody else there aside from her, but as she neared the sofa, the figure of a sleeping Irene welcomed her. 


Wendy stopped and contemplated whether to stay there or not. If she stays there and Irene wakes up, then what? So with a heavy sigh, Wendy chose to leave. She was about to walk away when a cool breeze passed through the open window and instinctively, she looked at Irene's direction. It was only a spur of the moment but Wendy caught how Irene's shoulder slightly shivered at the cold wind. Concerned, Wendy walks closer to the sleeping figure. She removes her jacket and carefully drapes it over Irene's body to keep her warm. She slowly kneels beside Irene, observing the latter. 


My unnie who's like a baby who gets cold easily. Wendy silently chuckles at her own thoughts.


Soon, she found herself staring at Irene's sleeping face. You're really beautiful, unnie. Every part of you is beautiful. 


Your eyes. 


Your cheeks. 


Your nose. 


Your lips.


Wendy gulps. Staring at Irene's lips reminded her of how Irene kissed her the night the latter confessed to her. Unconsciously, Wendy brings a finger to her lips. 


Her lips were so soft. It felt goo-


Wendy widens her eyes and shakes her head at the thought. 


Oh my goodness, what were you thinking, Son Seungwan?? 


She looks at Irene's face once more and she can feel her cheeks getting hot. "What is wrong with me?" she whispered to herself before she hurriedly got up and left the room.


It happened again. Wendy felt. All those unexplained feelings inside her came back, she felt as if her heart would explode. Feeling lost, Wendy texted Seulgi and apologized that she can't watch the musical today with her because she's not feeling well so she would just head home first.


It's not a lie though. Wendy thought. She may not be literally and physically sick but these unknown emotions inside her makes her feel unwell. 


Wendy wanders around until she finds herself standing outside a familiar bar. With too many thoughts going inside her mind, she doesn't have time to think why the bar is familiar to her and just went inside it. She sat at the bar counter and ordered drinks. She wanted to clear her mind.


It was a Friday and soon, the bar was filled with crowds. The loud music booms and people keep chatting and laughing here and there but Wendy can't still shake that one question away from her head. What is this that I'm feeling?


Wendy already finished a bottle and was about to order for another one when a hand tapped her shoulder.


"Don't tell me you're an alcoholic now?"


"Oh." That voice. Wendy turned to face the newcomer and came face to face with a grinning Joy.


"Hi there, unnie."


"Sooyoung, what are you doing here?"


"Me? Of course I should be here. I should supervise, you know. So the right question is," Joy grins once more. "What are you doing here?" 


Seeing Wendy's confused face, Joy laughs. "Unnie, don't tell me you forgot? I'm the owner of this bar."


Wendy gasps. "Oh, right, yeah! That's why it's so familiar."


"What? So you really forgot, unnie?" Joy laughs at her. She observed Wendy. "Something big must be troubling you then?"


Wendy smiled, albeit sadly, and shook her head. 


"You know what, unnie? Why don't we go upstairs to the private booths instead? It's quite loud in here."


"I've got nothing to share, Sooyoung-ah."


"Who says you're gonna be the one to talk?" Joy chuckles.


"Then, are you?" Wendy asked, confused.


"Well.." Joy hesitated for a bit. "I want to tell you something, unnie."


Curious, Wendy followed Joy into one of the private booths. She watched as Joy poured drinks for the both of them.


"I thought you're here to supervise?" Wendy asked teasingly. "Why is the boss drinking too?"


Joy laughs as she takes her drink. "Honestly, I'm not here to supervise, unnie. I would visit once in a while but that's it."


"Ooh, so you're here to drink too?" Wendy chuckles.


"Yeah." Joy answered and took another sip.


Wendy stopped the teasing and observed Joy. She remembered that Joy has something to tell her. "Is there a problem, Sooyoung? What is it that you wanted to tell me?"


"Well.." Joy sighs. "Promise me you won't tell it to the girls, unnie? Especially to the unnies?"


This made Wendy curious. "What? So is it a secret?"


Joy nodded. "Honestly, I have no intention to say it to any of you, unnie. But I feel like I'm gonna explode soon if I keep it to myself. So I really came here for a drink, but then, I saw you here, unnie."


"And you want to tell me?"


"I felt like I could tell you, unnie."


Wendy can't help but smile at that. "Okay. I promise I won't tell anyone."


"Well, you see, unnie.." Joy took a deep breath. "I have a boyfriend."


"What??" Wendy exclaimed in surprise. "You have a boyfriend already?"


Joy nodded shyly.


"Wow. How come I never heard of this before? And wait, why should it be a secret to your friends?"


"Well.. They were against me dating him, unnie." Joy confessed. "They don't like him for me."


"Why?" Wendy doesn't want to say it, she doesn't want to judge. But if the Queens, most especially the kind Seulgi, doesn't like someone, it must be because there's a problem with that person. 


"Uhh, well, he.. He's not really the ideal boyfriend, unnie. I admit that."


Wendy listens, allowing Joy to continue.


"He actually cheated on me before, twice." Joy flinched at the last word.


"Oh." So that's why the Queens are against him. Honestly, Wendy wanted to reprimand Joy as well, but she knows the younger girl will feel bad about it. Right now, Joy doesn't need scoldings, she needs someone who'll listen. So, Wendy decided to keep her thoughts to herself and let Joy talk.


"The first time it happened, the girls told me not to take him back. Yet, I still did. I gave him another chance. But then he did the same thing again. The unnies were angry, and warned me not to see him anymore. Well, we broke up. But uh, just last month.. He came to see me and said he wanted another chance."


"And you gave him another chance again?" Wendy asked, trying carefully not to sound judgmental.


Joy nodded and lowered her head. "I.. I love him, unnie."




Wendy thought she had forgotten that word years ago. After she was fooled by Jang Junwoo, she unconsciously kept herself from falling in love. Since then, that feeling didn't cross her mind again.


"How, how can you tell?" Wendy didn't know if that's the right question. But she can't help it. She asked instead what she's more curious about. "How can you tell you love him, Sooyoung?"


"Well, at first I can't tell, unnie." Joy answered. "I'm happy with my own life then I saw him with another girl and it hurts. I realized that I don't want to see him with someone else."


Yeah, I don't want to see her with someone else either. It's like my heart is being squeezed.


"Then I recalled all our moments together and honestly, despite everything that happened between us, he still makes me happy."


She makes me happy too. I'm really happy when I'm with her.


"Just looking at his face is enough to make me feel warm inside."


I can practically stare at her all day.


"And I know this may sound ironic because of everything that happened but, I feel safe when I'm with him."


Yeah, she makes me feel safe. It's like everything will be fine when I'm with her. 


"And so, I realized that I still love him."


Ah, so I love her.


Wendy's eyes widened. 






Wendy chokes on her drink. She can feel bitter taste in but her mind is on something else.


What the hell, Seungwan? What are you thinking? This is not the time to fool around.


"Unnie? Are you okay?" Joy pats Wendy's back.


"Oh, uh, yeah." Wendy can feel herself getting red and flustered. "Yeah, I'm- I'm fine, Sooyoung-ah."


But really, what the hell did I just think about?


I mean.. It's not possible, right?


This can't be love, right?


I'm not in love with Joohyun unnie. 


Am I?


Wendy gulps.


"Unnie?" Joy's worried voice pulls her back to reality. "I don't think you're okay. Maybe you already drank too much. Should we go now?" 


Wendy looks at Joy's worried face and instantly feels bad. She should be the one listening to Joy's problem right now. The younger girl was not yet done talking.


Wendy shakes her head and decides to focus on Joy first. Right now, Joy needs her.


"No, uhm, I'm okay, Sooyoung-ah." Wendy answered. "What are you planning to do then, with him?"


"I don't know, unnie. But I can't let the girls know yet."


"Okay. I promise I won't tell them."


"Thank you, unnie."


Wendy returned the smile. "Are you sure about him this time though?"


Joy hesitated. "Honestly, no, unnie. Of course there's still some doubts. Maybe that's why I can't tell the girls yet. Because if I do and this didn't work out again, I'm not going to hear the end of it from them." She laughs.


Wendy smiled. "You know they meant well."


"I know, unnie. I know." Joy smiled too. "But right now I just want to make this work first. I chose to trust him again, unnie."


Wendy nodded and pats Joy's head. "That's fine. But make sure to take care of yourself too, okay?"


Joy nodded with a smile. "I promise, unnie."


"That's good." Wendy answered. "And you know you can tell me anything about him anytime, okay? Keep me updated. I don't want you to keep things to yourself."


Joy laughs. "Okay, unnie."


"What's his name, anyway?" 


"His name is Sungjae, unnie." Joy answered with a blush. 


"Okay. So why don't you introduce Sungjae to me, Sooyoung-ah? I'm not gonna judge him, don't worry." Wendy laughs. "So that you know, you won't feel that it's only the two of you. I can be both your friends."


Seeing Wendy's sincerity touched Joy. She hugs Wendy tight.


"Thank you, unnie. It's no wonder why Joohyun unnie fell for you. You're amazing."


The mention of the older girl's name made Wendy blushed. She remembered her earlier thoughts and it made her blushed even more.


"Unnie, you're red!" Joy pointed out. "I knew it. You've drank too much already."


"I- I did not-"


The ringing of Joy's phone interrupted Wendy.


"Oh, speaking of." Joy grins as she looks at the caller. She answered the phone and put it on speaker mode.


"Hi, unnie."




Wendy heard Irene's voice at the other line and it's enough to make her heart beat fast.


Ugh. Look what your thoughts did to yourself, Seungwan!


"-have you- wait. Where are you? I can hear faint noises from the background."


"I'm at the bar, unnie."


"Are you drinking?"


Joy chuckles. "Just a few sips, unnie."




Before Joy can answer, Irene waved her own question. 


"Never mind. Just don't drink too much if you're gonna drive. Otherwise, call for a cab, or call me."


Wendy smiled at that. She always finds it sweet how Irene cares for her friends.


"I will, unnie." Joy smiled.


"But anyway, I called to ask if you've seen or talked with Seungwan?"


The mention of her own name surprised Wendy. For three days, Irene and her are not talking. Now, the Queen is looking for her. 


"Seulgi said Seungwan went home first because she's not feeling well,"


Joy looked teasingly at Wendy. She mouthed a 'not feeling well, huh?' and smirks, making Wendy roll her eyes. 


"-but until now, Seungwan is still not home."


Wendy furrows her eyebrow. How does she know I'm not yet home?


"She's with me, unnie." Joy answered.


"Seungwan's with you? Right now, at the bar?"


"Uh, yes, unnie." 


"Is she next to you right now?" 


"No, unnie. She just went to the bathroom." Wendy raised her eyebrow as Joy's obvious lie. Joy winks at her instead of an answer. 


"Okay, good. So, why is she there? I thought she's not feeling well? Is she drunk again?" 


Wendy looked at Joy threateningly, arms formed an 'x' mark. Joy silently laughs at this.


"I saw her on my way out of the university and asked her to come with me here. I didn't know she's not feeling well, unnie. And no, she's not drunk, unnie." Joy looks at Wendy with a grin and the older girl can only roll her eyes at Joy's confident acting.


"Well, is she okay though?" 


There's an evident worry in Irene's voice and it warms Wendy. Even if they're in a fight, Irene is still concerned about her.


"She is, unnie. Don't worry."


"Okay then." Irene heaved a sigh of relief. "Make sure you both get home safely, okay? Update me. If you'll drink too much, just call me."


"Got it, unnie. Don't worry." 


A sigh and an "Okay" was heard before Irene dropped the call.


"So, you're not feeling well, huh, unnie?" Joy asked, teasing. "And yet you're here at the bar." 


"Well, I- I was just-"


Joy laughs. "It's fine, unnie. I understand. And like I told you, you're not gonna do the talking."


Wendy smiled at Joy's understanding. She then remembered something. "Sooyoung? How did Joohyun unnie know that I'm not home yet?"


"Oh, that." Joy answered. "Well, you know how there's a convenient store just across your apartment. Right, unnie?"


"Yes, and?"


"Well, since Joohyun unnie doesn't drive you home anymore, and the rest of us are often not available to do it too, she needed another way to know that you're home safely." Joy explained. "So, the manager of that convenient store was like, Joohyun unnie's eyes." 


"Joohyun unnie's eyes?" Wendy understood. "So that means.."


"Yup." Joy answered what Wendy was thinking. "Joohyun unnie paid the store owner to update her if you're already safe back home."


"Oh." Wendy was surprised. "She didn't have to do it though."


"I told you, unnie. Joohyun unnie is protective over the people she cares about."


She still cares about me?


"Unnie? Are you okay?"


"Oh, yeah." Wendy cleared . "Yes, Sooyoung-ah."


"You know unnie, you two should just talk it out."


Wendy sighs. "Yeah. I.. I think so too."


Just then, Joy's phone rang, signaling a new message.


Sooyoung, update.


Joy read the message from Irene and laughed.


"I think we should go home now, unnie."


"Oh, right. Yeah, let's go." Wendy answered and then looked at Joy. "By the way, Sooyoung-ah, are you feeling better now?" She remembered their talk earlier.


Joy smiled. "Yeah. Thanks for listening, unnie."


"I'm willing to listen to you anytime, okay?" Wendy reminded. "And introduce Sungjae to me."


Joy nodded. "I will, unnie. And oh, unnie?"




"You know you can do the same right? I'm here to listen."


Wendy smiled and pats Joy's head. "I know. Thank you, Sooyoung."



It is a Saturday afternoon and Wendy is sitting in the living room, staring blankly at the TV. 


It's called karma. Wendy thought. Yesterday, I faked feeling sick and right now, I think I'm gonna be really sick.


She woke up earlier with a headache and feeling warm all over her body. It didn't help that since waking up, Joy's words last night kept replaying into her mind. 


I don't want to see her with somebody else? Check.


She makes me happy? Check.


Looking at her makes me smile? Check.


I feel safe when I'm with her? Check.


"All that Sooyoung said applied to me." Wendy whispers to herself, a hand massaging her aching head. "So does that mean... Am I really.."


Wendy gasps as she remembers something. "Is that why I got angry that day? Because I was..." Wendy gulps. "Jealous?"


Wendy shakes her head.


"It can't be. Right?"


"Am I really.. in love?"


Just then, Wendy's phone rang, surprising her. It's a call from Yeri.




"Wendy unnie, hi!"


"Hi, Yeri. What's up?"


"Well, I'm okay, unnie. But uh.. May I know if you have spoken with Joohyun unnie today?"


"With Joohyun unnie?" Wendy shakes her head though Yeri can't see it. "No. Why?"


"Oh, really?" Yeri paused for a moment. "I see.."


"Why, Yeri? Is there a problem?" Wendy began to worry.


"Uhh.. Actually unnie, I was at Joohyun unnie's house earlier." Yeri started. "But then I saw her dressing up, so of course, I asked her if she's going somewhere. And well," Wendy felt some hesitation from Yeri. "She said she's going to the Kims."


"Oh." was what Wendy can only answer. She's going to Jennie.


"I asked her why, and uh.. She told me she's gonna tell them her decision about the marriage proposal."


Wendy was at loss for a moment. "But.. She.. She still has three days."


"Yeah, and that's what I said to her too, unnie. But Joohyun unnie told me she already made up her mind."


"Did she-" Wendy gulps. "Did she tell you what her answer would be?"


"Well, about that, unnie.."


Fear started creeping up to Wendy. "What did she say, Yeri?"


Yeri took a deep breath from the other line. "She said 'yes', unnie. Joohyun unnie said she's marrying Jennie." 


Wendy clenched her chest. Suddenly, it hurts.


"Unnie? Are you okay? I'm sorry. I thought you should know." Yeri said on the other line, worry evident in her voice.


Wendy shut her eyes and tried her best not to stutter. "It's- fine, Yeri-ah. Thanks for telling me."


"Unnie, are you sure-"


"Yerim-ah," Wendy needed to end the call fast. Her chest hurts. "I'm fine. Listen, I'll call you again, okay?"


"O-okay, unnie."


Wendy dropped the call.


She's going to marry Jennie. Joohyun unnie's going to..


The more she thinks about it, the more it feels like her heart is being squeezed.


I'm gonna lose her, am I?


At that thought, tears started to fall.


"But I can't." Wendy held her chest. "I don't want to lose her."


Her phone rang again, interrupting her. This time, it's Joy.


Wendy felt like she doesn't have any energy left to even answer a call. So, she just let it ring until it was dropped.


A few minutes more and her phone rang once more. Again, it's from Joy. Wendy contemplated. She felt like crying. She wanted to cry. But if Joy is continuously calling her, Wendy thought it might be important. So she swallowed the lump in and tried her best to sound casual.


"Yeah, Sooyoung-ah?"


"Unnie. Yerim called." There was an obvious concern in her voice.








"What are you gonna do?"


What am I gonna do? "I.. I don't know."


Joy sighs. "Unnie, remember what I told you last night? About how did I know that I love Sungjae?"


"I- I do." And it all applies to me.


"There's still one thing that I forgot to tell you, unnie."


This caught Wendy's attention. "What is it, Sooyoung?"


"I realized that I can't lose him, unnie. That's when I know that I'm still in love with him."


I can't lose him, unnie. 


These words were in a replay in Wendy's mind that she didn't hear any more words that Joy was saying on the other line, until all she heard was the sound of a dropped call.


Then, she remembered what she felt earlier upon hearing the news from Yeri.


I can't lose Joohyun unnie.


Wendey placed a hand on her chest. She feels as if her heart is going to explode.


"I.." Wendy managed to croak out. 


"I'm in love with Joohyun unnie." 


Wendy wasted no time. As soon as realization finally hit her, she got her purse immediately and rushed out of the apartment and hailed a passing cab. The pounding feeling on her head is nothing compared to that of her heart.


She has one goal. To confess her feelings to Irene before the latter can tell the Kims her decision regarding the marriage. Wendy hopes, deeply hopes, that there's still a possibility that she can change Irene's decision. But if not and the Queen still decides to marry Jennie, Wendy flinched at that thought, then at least she got to say what she really feels. There will be no what ifs.


The taxi stopped at an intersection. Wendy hissed when she realized they were caught in traffic. She looked out and cursed even more to the heavy rain outside.


Ugh. This is so cliche. Why is there always traffic and heavy rains when you're running after someone?


Seeing that the cars ahead weren't moving, Wendy decided to move. She can't waste any time. By now, Irene might be leaving their house, and Wendy has to be there before Irene can leave. She has to. 


Wendy paid the cab and got off. Forgetting to bring an umbrella, she ran through the heavy rain. Wendy keeps on running. She can feel herself getting out of breath and getting more dizzy with each passing second but she didn't stop running, she didn't stop until she reached the Bae's mansion.


There, just outside the mansion's gate, Wendy saw Irene with an umbrella on her hand as she was about to get on inside her car.


"Joohyun unnie!" Wendy screamed as loud as she can deliver, panting hard from all the running. She wanted to take a step towards Irene but she felt her head spinning, and she fell on her knees.


Irene jumped at the sudden screaming of her name and she turned her head in time just to witness Wendy fall on her knees. Her eyes widened and she immediately run to the younger girl. 


"Seungwan! What do you think you're doing?" Irene crouched down to Wendy's level, covering the latter with her umbrella.


"Unnie." Wendy called weakly, a hand gripping Irene's shirt.


"Did you run over here?" Irene asked as she observed the younger girl panting. "And it's raining! You didn't even have an umbrella with you." She scolded as removes her coat and draped it on Wendy's back. "What the hell were you thinking, Seungwan?"


"Unnie, I- I have something- something to say." Wendy ignored Irene's question. 


"Save it for later. Let's go inside first." Irene said, helping Wendy to get up.


"But are you- are you going somewhere, unnie?" Wendy asked though she already knew.


"Yes, I have to meet the Kims. I'll leave after I get you inside. Take a warm bath, change your clothes and wait for me in my room. We'll talk once I'm back."


"No!" Irene was a bit startled at Wendy's outburst. "I- I need to tell you- something first, unnie."


"Let's go in, Seungwan. You'll get sick." Irene heard the urgency in Wendy's voice. She thought whatever it is that Wendy wanted to say might be really important. But right now, there's nothing more important for Irene than Wendy's well-being. The younger girl is still catching her breath and Irene can feel that Wendy is unconsciously leaning her weight on Irene, which can only mean that Wendy can't support herself up anymore without assistance. Irene feared that the younger girl might pass out. 


But Wendy didn't move. She was desperate. Her head was throbbing so much but she didn't care. She needs to say it or she will lose Irene. 


"Please- please, unnie. Listen to me first be-before you leave."




"Unnie, I-"


But Wendy wasn't able to continue her words as her body gave in and her vision went black. 





When Wendy opens her eyes, the first thing she sees is the white ceiling.


"Oh? Where am I?"


She looks around and finds the room familiar.


"Ah. I think I'm in Joohyun unnie's room."


She helps herself in sitting up and almost regret it as her headache shoots back. She placed a hand on her forehead and lowered her head. That's when she noticed that she's wearing a pajama that she's sure is not hers.


Wendy creased her forehead. "Wait. What happened?"


She racked her brain and she recalled all the events that happened earlier. Her eyes widened. Fear was back again.


"Where's Joohyun unnie?" she asked herself as she looked around the room. However, it's obvious that Irene is not there.


"No, no, no." Wendy panics. She hurriedly got off from the bed despite the surge of headache. She was about to grab the door knob when the door suddenly opens, revealing Irene.




"Oh, you're awake." Irene heaved a sigh of relief, but then she realized something. "Wait. Why are you up? Where are you going?"


Wendy observes Irene. The Queen is still in her earlier clothes, a bag on her shoulder, while her hands are carrying a tray of foods that she set on the table first upon seeing Wendy.


"U-unnie, how- how long was I out?"


"Uh, if you've just woken up by now, then-" Irene looked at her watch. "You were out for three hours."


Three hours? Wendy gulps.


"You got a fever, Seungwan-ah." Irene sighs. "Are you feeling better? Why did you even run in the rain?"


Wendy didn't hear Irene's questions. She's too preoccupied thinking about something else. "Did you- did you meet up with the Kims while I was sleeping, unnie?"


Irene looked guilty for a second before she nodded her head. "I did. It was something that can't be delayed so.."


"So you told them your decision already? About the marriage?"


Irene nodded once more. "Yes."


Wendy felt weak, not physically but emotionally. She sat on the bed. She can feel tears in her eyes.


"Seungwan?" Irene didn't miss the reaction. "Are you okay? Are you still not feeling well?"


"I'm.. I'm too late now, am I?" Wendy asked weakly as tears finally fell.


"What the- Hey," Irene cups Wendy's cheeks and wipes her tears. "Why are you crying, Seungwan-ah?"


Irene panics. For her, Wendy is probably one of the strongest and self-composed person she've met. The younger girl didn't shed tears when almost all the students bullied her at the start, or when the Queens' so called servants tied her to a chair and slapped her. Wendy didn't cry when her good for nothing ex came back and cornered her. There's so many hurtful events that happened to Wendy for the past months and yet, Irene never saw her cry. So the Queen was surprised to see Wendy crying in front of her. Her heart hurts just by seeing it.


"Seungwan-ah, what's wrong?" Irene asked gently.


But Wendy only shakes her head and wipes her own tears.


"Why wouldn't you tell me?" Irene asked, almost pleading. "Don't you trust me?"


"No!" Wendy answered quickly. "Don't think that way, unnie." 


"Then why can't you tell me? Is that what you're supposed to tell me earlier?"


Wendy gave a small nod.


"Then tell me now." Irene pleads. "You were so eager to say it earlier. Why can't you say it now?"


Wendy wipes another tear. "Because it would be selfish of me if I would say it now."


"Then be selfish, Seungwan."


Wendy looks at Irene and her heart almost melts at the sight. Irene is looking at her with such gentleness and sincerity. Suddenly, Wendy wanted to give in.


"But will it be- will it be okay, unnie?"


"You're the most selfless person I know, Seungwan-ah." Irene smiles softly and wipes Wendy's tears. "So no one can hold it against you if you decide to be selfish just this once."


"I..." Looking at Irene's eyes, Wendy didn't think anymore. Just this once.


"I'm sorry, unnie."


Irene sighs. She thought Wendy won't still say anything. "Seungwan, I told you it's okay to think of yourself first."


"I know, unnie." Wendy took a deep breath. "And I'm saying sorry to you because I'll be selfish now."


This confused Irene. "Okay. But why would you apolo-"


Irene stopped talking as Wendy surprisingly caressed her cheek as the latter looked straight into her eyes.


Irene felt butterflies in her stomach. "Seungwan? Wh-"


"I love you, unnie."


Irene felt her heart literally skip a beat. "Wh- what?"


"I love you, Joohyun unnie." Wendy then smiled, albeit sadly. "And I'm sorry for realizing it only now." Tears started to fall once more. "I didn't mean it when I told you that you should just marry her. I'm sorry, unnie. I know you've already finalized your decision about your marriage with Jennie, and I know I'm being unfair for saying this to you now, cause it might confuse you. I know I'm being selfish. And I'm sorry, unnie. I'm sorry if-"




Wendy stopped her rambling. "Y-yes, unnie?"


"Can I kiss you?"


"W-what?" Wendy thought she heard wrong.


Irene gave the biggest smile. "You don't know how happy I am to hear that, Seungwan-ah." She brushed her thumb on Wendy's cheek. "I love you, Son Seungwan."


Wendy thought her heart was going to burst, she could feel her heart screaming for joy.


But then, she was confused.


"B-but, how about- how about Jennie, unnie?"


"Why? What about her?"


"You're gonna marry her, right?" Wendy lowered her head at that reminder.


"Uh.. Wait. What?" Irene was getting confused too. "Who's marrying who?"


Wendy meets Irene's confused eyes. "Aren't you- going to marry her, unnie?"


"What? No!" Irene exclaimed as if the idea is absurd. "Why would I even do that?"


"B-but, but Yeri said-"


Irene raised her eyebrow. "What did she say?"


"Well, uh, she told me she was here earlier. And that she asked  you where you're going when she realized you're dressed up."


"Yes. And I told her I'm going to the Kims to tell them my decision."


Wendy nodded. It's what Yeri told her. "So I asked Yeri if you told her what your decision is."


"Uh, yes." Irene nodded. "I did tell her."


"So I asked Yeri what your decision is. And uh, she told me you said you're going to marry Jennie."


"What?!" Irene widens her eyes. She was scandalized. "I did not say such a thing! In fact, I told her the opposite. I told her I'm not going to marry Jennie!"


"W-wait, what?" Wendy was hit with the realization. 


"And let me guess, did Sooyoung call you after that talk with Yeri?"


Wendy nodded. "Yeah unnie, she did."


Irene facepalmed herself. "Ugh. Those brats."


"Wait, so then.." 


"They messed with you, Seungwan-ah!"


Wendy was bewildered. She thinks it's crazy, the maknaes are crazy. But for some reason, she can't get mad at them. In fact, she felt grateful.


Wendy smiled. "Well, I think I have to thank them, huh?"


"Why did you even fall for it?" Irene chuckles. "Did you really believe that I'm going to marry Jennie?".


"Well, I- I thought of what you said before you left the apartment last time, unnie."


Irene thought for a moment. "Ah. That? I was just mad that time, I guess. I didn't mean it either, Seungwan." She then tucks Wendy's hair behind her ear. "Why would I marry her when I have someone else that I love?"


Wendy blushed at this, making Irene smile.


"Oh, and you haven't yet answered my question earlier, Seungwan."


"What question, unnie?"


Irene cups Wendy's cheeks and leans in closer. "Can I kiss you, Seungwan-ah?"


Wendy felt her face getting red. Her heart keeps beating fast too. She returns Irene's stare and gulps internally as she eyes the older's lips. Wendy felt like she's being pulled by an invisible magnet. So instead of answering though, Wendy leans in slowly and captures Irene's lips on her own.


The kiss lasted only for a few seconds but it was so soft and gentle. As Wendy pulls out, her face is in a shade of red, making Irene laugh.


"You're too adorable, Seungwan." Irene said as she ruffled Wendy's hair.


"Yah, unnie.." Wendy whines as she keeps on blushing. "But, unnie? I'm really sorry for taking too long to realize my own feelings. I'm sorry for making you wait."


Irene Wendy's hair. "It's all worth it, Seungwan-ah."


Wendy was touched at the answer, but it also made her feel more guilty. "But still, I'm sorry, unnie."


"Well, if you want to make up for it," Irene thought for a while. "Then, I have two conditions." 


Wendy nodded eagerly. "Anything, unnie."


Irene gave a smile. "First, please look after yourself more? I know you ran in the rain but this was too soon for you to get a fever. So if I'm not mistaken, you're already feeling sick and yet, you still recklessly ran in the rain without anything to protect you from it." Wendy lowered her head at this, confirming Irene's thoughts." Please don't do that again, Seungwan? I was so worried when you fainted on me."


"I'm sorry, unnie. It won't happen, again."


Irene smiled and nodded. "And lastly, promise me you won't cry again because of me?"


Wendy looks at Irene and she can see hurt in the latter's eyes.


"It breaks my heart to see you cry, Seungwan. And it hurts even more that I'm the cause of it."


Wendy shakes her head. "I'm the one to blame, unnie."


"Still, it was because of me." Irene brushed her thumb on Wendy's cheek. "So, promise me?"


Wendy nodded. "I promise, unnie."


Irene smiled at this and she pats Wendy's head once more. "That's my girl."


Irene then remembered something. "Oh, right. I almost forgot." She picks up the tray she's holding earlier and places it on the bed. "Here. Eat this first so you can take your meds afterwards."


Wendy nodded and took the spoon. She helps herself up with the noodles while Irene observes the younger girl's reaction.


"So? How was it?" Irene asked, a bit nervously.


"It's great, unnie!" Wendy exclaimed.


Irene sighed in relief. "I'm glad you liked it. It's been so long, so.."


At these words, Wendy looks at Irene with a mix of surprise and confusion.


"Wait, unnie. Were- were you the one who- cooked this?"


"Uhh," Irene nodded shyly. "Yeah."


Wendy's eyes widen. "But I thought- you said you stopped cooking this a long time ago?"


"Well, yeah there's that." Irene answered softly. "But hot noodles is a good food for the sick. And well, since you're sick, I uh, I just have to cook it for you."


"But, I know this food reminds you of your mom and I don't want you to feel sad, unnie. You could have just asked someone else to cook this, you know."


Irene shakes her head. "You're my girlfriend, Seungwan-ah. I want to be the one to take care of you."


"Thank you, unnie." Wendy's heart swooned at that. She was grateful, but was also worried. "But, are you okay, unnie?"


"Well, I admit that I felt sad earlier." Wendy squeezed Irene's hand at this. "But the thought that I have to make it for you keeps me going."


Wendy hugs Irene, surprising the older girl. Nonetheless, she smiles and returns the hug. "So I take it that you liked my cooking?"


"I love it, unnie." Wendy answered, tightening her hug on Irene. "Thank you, unnie. Really."


Irene chuckles. "Well, if you want to thank me, then you can do something for me."


Wendy let go of the hug and looked at Irene who's smiling at her with a hint of mischievousness.


"Well then, what can I do, unnie?"


Irene smirks as she leans in closer to Wendy's ear.


"Kiss me, Seungwan."


Wendy felt herself blushing but she managed to form a grin. She cups Irene's cheek and leans in closer.


"Then by all means, My Queen."




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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy