Chapter 15

My Girl

A/N: I'm in such a good mood because of Wendy's teaser and the announcement of an ot5 vlive on their anniversary, so here's another update. 😁



Irene was sitting alone at the Queens' lounge. She had a schedule with a physical therapist earlier and decided to head to the university after to spend time with Jennie and her friends. Unfortunately, they were still in their classes when Irene arrived. 


Irene was having a cup of hot chocolate when the door opened. She was met face to face with Joy who was obviously surprised to see her there. After what happened yesterday, the two Queens haven't had the chance to talk yet. 


Joy stopped by the door and Irene can tell that the younger girl is hesitating whether to enter or not. Deciding to make the first move, Irene called out to her. 


"Sooyoung, about-" 


Irene was not able to finish her sentence as Joy strides to her, and surprisingly, Joy engulfed her in a hug. 


"Unnie, I'm sorry." 


Irene didn't expect that. She thought Joy is still mad at her and if she's being honest, Irene knows that Joy has the right to get mad at her. Yet, Joy is apologising to her now. Relief suddenly washed over Irene and she hugged joy back. 


"You don't have to be sorry, Sooyoung-ah."


Joy shakes her head. "Wendy unnie is right. I might have hurt you with what I've said. I'm sorry, unnie." 


At the mention of Wendy's name, Irene tried to ignore the guilt that's slowly creeping into her. She released the hug and pats Joy's head. 


"It's okay. And what I did was worse." Irene forced a smile. 


"Still,I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, unnie. I didn't mean what I said." 


Irene smiled. "I know, Sooyoung-ah. Don't worry about it." 


Joy hugged her once more. "Thank you, unnie."


Irene shakes her head gently. "Thank you, Sooyoungie." She pats the latter's back. "So, we're good?" 


Joy clings to Irene's arm. "Of course, unnie. You know what, I'm kinda starving right now. Let's grab a snack?" 


Irene laughs. "My treat?" 


Joy grins. "Of course, unnie." 




Wendy is currently at the rooftop. She has a free period and she knows that Irene is probably at the Queens' lounge so Wendy knows she can't stay there. Irene and her have yet to meet since yesterday and Wendy thought that Irene might still be mad at her. She doesn't want another fight so Wendy thought it's best to let Irene cool down first before approaching her. 


Let's avoid unnecessary conflicts for now. Yesterday was enough already. 


As Wendy remembered yesterday's events, she shut her eyes and took a deep breath. She can still feel it. The pain from Irene's words. The pain from Irene's slap. 


But more than the physical pain on her cheek, the pain she's feeling inside her was way too much. Wendy clutched onto her necklace tightly. 


She's a slightly different Joohyun unnie, Seungwan-ah. The Joohyun unnie who loves you can never and will never hurt you like that. Just understand. She doesn't remember you, that's why she did that. It's okay, Seungwan-ah. It's okay. 


However, no matter how many times Wendy convinces herself, the pain she feels won't go away. She can feel tears forming in the corner of her eyes. 


No. Keep your promise, Son Seungwan. Don't cry. Wendy clutches the necklace more tightly. 


"Don't cry, don't cry." Wendy whispers to herself. She shakes her head in hopes to shake away the tears too. "I still have to win her back. I can do this." 




Irene was left alone once again after the lunch break was over. Getting bored waiting inside the Queens' lounge, she went to the rooftop instead. When she reached the top of the stairs, Irene was surprised that the door to the rooftop was open. Curiously, Irene peeked behind the door and saw a blonde girl leaning against the railing. 


Irene raised an eyebrow. Seungwan? 


Irene gripped the door handle tightly, suddenly unsure of what to do. She still doesn't know how to face the younger girl or what to tell her so Irene was about to walk away when she remembered her conversation with Joy earlier at the cafeteria. 




"Yes, unnie?" 


Irene sighs. "I know what I did to uh, to Seungwan yesterday was too much. But it's just that.. Someone pointed her out as the one responsible for damaging Jennie's things. So, I got mad. It's about Jennie, you know."


Joy stopped putting food in , and Irene thought that she would say something back. To Irene's surprise, however, Joy just nodded. 


"I get it, unnie." 


Irene waited for what Joy would say next but the latter stopped at that and continued eating again. 




"Hm?" Joy looks up to see Irene looking at her intently. "Is there a problem, unnie?" 


"Oh, no, none." Irene waved her hand. "I just- I thought you'd get mad." Seeing how you defended and fought for Seungwan yesterday. 


Joy gently put down her chopstick. "Well, to tell you honestly, unnie. I still get a bit mad when I am reminded of yesterday." 


Irene sensed a 'but', so she let Joy continue.


"But, what happened yesterday was actually between you and Wendy unnie."




"And Wendy unnie made me promise not to get in between, specifically, not to stand up for her again against you." 


Oh. Irene didn't see that coming. "She- she said that?" 


"Yeah." Joy answered. "She said that she admired our friendship and that you love us a lot," Joy teasingly cringed at that. "So she doesn't want anything or anyone to come in between that. And, I realized that Wendy unnie is right."


Irene was too stunned to react. Seungwan said all of that? 


Joy started talking about random things after that but Irene's mind was on someone else. 


I guess I'm really wrong about her


Irene is brought back to reality as she sees Wendy leaning her head forward on the railing. Observing the latter from the back, Irene notices that Wendy seems to be in pain and is clutching her chest. 


Irene raised her eyebrow. She was about to walk towards Wendy when her phone rang. Not wanting to get Wendy's attention, Irene hurriedly turns back to the stairs. 


"Hey, hi." Irene answered the call, seeing who the caller was. 


"Hyun, where are you? I'm at the lounge and you're not here." 


"Oh, I'm at the rooftop now."


"Okay, wait for me there, Hyun." 


"No, it's fine, love. I'm heading back. I'll come to you." Irene answered. 


"Okay, then I'll wait for you here, Hyun." 


Irene smiled at that. "Alright. Wait for me there." 


Irene dropped the call. She then remembered Wendy so she turned back to check the younger girl but Irene screamed in surprise as she saw Wendy standing beside her. 


"Ouch, my ears." Wendy commented with a hint of playfulness as she covered her ears. 


"Yah-" Irene cleared . "You gave me a fright. What are you even doing here? You're just there earlier." Irene pointed at the spot where she saw Wendy. 


Wendy grins. Whether it's real or the younger girl is just forcing herself, Irene can't tell. "I heard someone talking so I came to check, then I saw you here, unnie. Sorry if I scare you, unnie. You're okay though, right?" 


Wendy is giving her a worried smile and Irene wonders how she can do that. How can she still smile at me and treat me nicely after what I did? And how can she pretend that everything's okay when she looks not so fine earlier. 




"Oh. Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine." 


"Okay. Uh, so, you want to come to the rooftop, unnie? I'll go first if you-" 


"No, it's fine." Irene answered. "I need to go and meet Jennie anyway."


"Oh, okay." Wendy nodded. 


Irene contemplated whether to leave already or not. To be honest, she wanted to say more. But given their awkward situation, she decided not to. 


"Alright. Okay then." 


With that, Irene left. 




Irene and Jennie went out for a date after the latter's class. Halfway through, Irene realized that her phone was missing and that most probably, she left it in the university. So after sending Jennie home, she went back to the university to check her phone at the Queens' lounge. 


True enough, her phone was there and she immediately called Jennie. 


"Hey, I got my phone already." 


"Obviously." Jennie chuckled on the other line, making Irene laugh as well. "Are you going home now?" 


"Yes. The girls will finish late so I'll head home first." 


"Okay. Drive safely, okay?" 


"Yes, ma'am." Irene teased. "I'll call you once I-" 


My love is like water
Filling your sore spots


Irene stopped walking. That's a beautiful voice. 




"Oh, yes, sorry. I was just distracted by the music."


"Okay. Be careful alright? And call me. I love you." 


Irene smiled. "I will, Jennie. I love you." 


I need you to hold me
We're destined


Wow. She's really good. Irene thought as the song continued. 


We're destined
We complete each other and comfort one another


As Irene passed the music room where the voice was coming from, Irene took a passing peek. However, her feet stopped walking when she saw who was singing. 


Inside the music room is Wendy. She has her eyes closed as she strums her guitar and sings. 




Irene remembered Seulgi telling her before that she, Wendy, and Joy are part of the university's glee club and that Wendy is their main vocalist. 


I didn't know she's this good. Irene thought as she can't seem to tear her gaze away from Wendy and walk her way. 


Instead, she stayed there and listened. Irene has her jaw dropped and she feels a tug in her heart as Wendy delivers the high notes perfectly. Wow


You shine upon me
Like you’re water to me
By the time you open your eyes
Everything will be fine


Irene had the urge to clap after that last note. But something stopped her. There's something about it that bothers her. The song is good, the message of the song is positive, Wendy's voice is clear as the water. 




"But why does she sound so sad?" Irene whispered to herself as she observed Wendy silently from outside the room. Irene thought that Wendy's face reflected her voice just now. 


Then Irene remembered seeing Wendy earlier at the rooftop and how the latter looked like she's in pain. 


Does she have a problem? Irene thought. She admits that she was curious. But Irene feels like she's not in the position to do or ask something about it, especially since their misunderstanding from yesterday hasn't been resolved yet. 


"Her voice is really beautiful though." Irene commented to herself, a hand on her chest. Irene thought that a good singer has the ability to deliver the emotions and share it with the listeners. And Irene felt just that. There's something with Wendy's singing that tugs her heart. 


She wonders if Wendy will sing again but she saw the latter already packing up her things. Not wanting to be caught, Irene hurriedly walked away. However, Irene has just turned a corner when she remembered something. 


I should at least apologize to her


Irene paced back and forth. 


How should I do it though? What should I say? 


Irene was standing there for more than a minute now and she still can't find the right words to say. 


Ugh. Whatever, Joohyun. Just go there and apologize.


Irene dragged her feet back to the music room. She peeks inside and Wendy is still there. However, someone is there with Wendy as well. 


Irene racked her brain. The other girl is quite familiar and she's so sure that she's seen that girl somewhere. 


"I'm sorry, Wendy-ssi." Irene heard the girl say. "For putting the blame on you." 


Ah! Irene remembered. She's the girl from yesterday. The girl who pinpointed Seungwan as the culprit. 


Wendy acknowledged the girl with a small smile and continued arranging her things. "Don't worry about it." 


"Why didn't you tell them the truth?" The girl asked. "Why didn't you tell Queen Bae that the spray paint was mine and that I'm the one who did that to Jennie-ssi's car?" 


Irene's eyes widened at what she heard. What?! 


"Why did you have to do that? Now I can't stop feeling guilty about it and I hate feeling like this."


"I did that for myself. So you don't have to feel guilty about it, Jimin-ssi." Irene heard Wendy answer. 


There's confusion in Jimin's voice. "For yourself? What do you mean?" 


"You saw her reaction when she saw Jennie's car. She was so ready to get physical anytime." 


Well.. Yeah, I admit that. 


"And I don't want Joohyun unnie to get into a fight." 




"She might get hurt and I don't want that." 




Irene heard Jimin scoff. "Wow. Now look where that concern got you."


"I can handle myself." Wendy gave a soft chuckle. "Now you could stop feeling like you owe me one. And if it would help you sleep at night, then know that I didn't do that for you." 


Jimin didn't answer for a while and Irene thought the latter would start a fight. Irene gripped the door handle, ready to barge in in case Jimin pulled out a stunt against Wendy. To Irene's surprise, she heard Jimin laugh- a real one, not a sarcastic laugh too. 


"Wow. Just as I thought, you're really something else, Wendy-ssi." Jimin commented. "I never thought I would say something like this to you, but, thank you. And you're right, I can now sleep peacefully at night." 


Wendy returned the smile. "Glad I could help." 


Jimin turned a bit serious this time. "But, Wendy-ssi?" 




"I still owe you one." Jimin answered, looking anywhere else but to Wendy. "So uh, you know, if you, if you need my help.." 


Wendy smiled. "Thank you, Jimin-ssi." 


Irene hurriedly walked away when she saw that Jimin was going out of the room. Once she's sure that she's far enough, Irene thinks of what she has heard. Then her mind takes her back to what she did yesterday to Wendy. Irene looked at her hand, the hand she used to slap Wendy, and clenched it into a fist. 


Ugh! What did you just do, Bae Joohyun! 




On the weekend, the Queens, with Wendy and Jennie scheduled a trip to Jeju Island. Yeri said that ever since Irene woke up at the hospital a month ago, they still haven't got the chance to celebrate yet. And so, they'll be doing it now. 


Jennie wanted to invite her friends too. Because truth to be told, Jennie felt that the rest of the Queens treated her differently ever since she decided to take Irene back from Wendy. But of course, Joy was the first one to disregard the idea of bringing Jennie's friends along, especially after what happened at the parking lot. Strictly no outsiders. Joy told her, glaring even. 


Jennie wanted to appeal to Irene but she knows that the older girl is not really fond of having other people around. Yes, they're Jennie's friends but that necessarily means that they're Joohyun's as well. 


So, with no one else but Irene on her side, Jennie clings to Irene like a glue during their trip, much to the annoyance of Joy, and even Yeri. Seulgi, on the other hand, sticks close to Wendy to comfort her same-aged friend when the situation deems necessary. 


And speaking of Wendy, the said girl is trying her best to control her emotions so as not to seem obviously affected. In fact, Wendy initially has no plan of coming with them. She thinks it would be a torture to her heart. Wendy can approach and have a small conversation with Irene, but Irene with Jennie is a different issue. Every time she sees the two of them together, it feels like her heart is breaking into pieces. So Wendy knew that coming with them on this trip is not a good idea. Surprisingly, the two maknaes managed to harshly convince her into going. Harsh, because they went on about how Wendy is basically giving Jennie a free pass and an upper hand by not going. 


"Imagine, unnie. Jennie will have Joohyun unnie for herself if you're not there!" Joy exclaimed. 


"It wouldn't make much of a difference if I'm there though." Wendy answered. Whether she's there or not, Irene and Jennie can spend as much time together as they would want. 


"Well, there's that. But you know what unnie? When you want someone to love you, your presence is important." 


Wendy was so close to asking Yeri if she's seeing someone for her to be able to say something like that, but Yeri's words got to her. Wendy realized that Yeri was right. If she wants Irene to love her again, she must be present. Irene must see her. 


And so, that's how Wendy ended up coming to this trip. 




It's rather an awkward sight to see, really. That's what Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri thought as they watched the other three girls in front of them. 


Irene and Wendy were the ones cooking and preparing their dinner. The two looked quite comfortable with each other with how they were exchanging a few words every now and then about the food they were cooking. Joy thought that the two were doing it unconsciously, which makes it more endearing to watch. 


"Even if Joohyun unnie lost her memory of Wendy unnie, their chemistry with each other is just too natural. Don't you think so?" 


"Yeah." Seulgi answered. "They're a cute couple to watch. Right now, they look like our parents." She snickered. 


"I agree with that, Seulgi unnie. But what about her?" 


Right. The only thing that was stopping them to think of this as a family outing is because of the girl sticking too close to where Irene is. 


"Why was she there? She is not even cooking." Yeri pointed out. 


True enough, Jennie doesn't know how to cook. But since she knows that the Queens aren't comfortable with her, and she is with them as well, Jennie decided to just stay where Irene is. 


"Is this some kind of cooking show or whatever? She's sitting there like a supervisor, watching Joohyun unnie and Wendy unnie like a hawk." Joy rolled her eyes. 


This elicits a laugh from Yeri, while Seulgi can only shake her head. 




After dinner, they decided to gather in the living room to have some drinks and play games, the latter of which earned a protest with Wendy. What's the point of playing if I always end up getting the last place. Wendy muttered under her breath, earning a laugh from Joy and Yeri, and a curious look from Irene. 


"Ugh! I knew it!" Wendy dropped her head into the table. 


"Omo, Wendy unnie. You're really bad at this!" 




Joy and Yeri are laughing at her, while Seulgi was trying her best not to, given that she's actually on the second to the last place. Amongst the laughter, however, Wendy heard it. A laugh. Not just an ordinary laugh though. 


Irene is laughing. 


Wendy lifted her head up to look at Irene, and true enough, the laugh was directed at her. She saw how Irene looked sideways when she caught her looking, still with a controlled laugh on her face. Instantly, this made Wendy smile as well. 


"Do you find it fun too to see me suffer like this, unnie?" Wendy asked the older girl, pretending to get mad. When in fact, Wendy told herself that she won't mind losing over and over again if it means seeing Irene laugh because of her. 


"Oh!! Let's just play truth or dare!" Jennie interrupted, holding her empty bottle of soju. 


"That's so highschool." Joy commented. She's trying to be civil with Jennie whenever Irene is around so the oldest girl won't have suspicions but because of the alcohol, Joy is having a hard time with it. 


Irene looked at Joy, surprised by her tone of voice. Seeing this, Seulgi silently nudged Joy's foot from under the table. 


"Oh, what I meant was that game is so highschool and I kind of miss highschool so, yeah, why not?" Joy laughs awkwardly. Fortunately, Irene bought it. 


The bottle pointed to Yeri. 


"This is so easy." Yeri answered confidently. "Truth!" 


"Oh, me, me, me!" Wendy raised her hand to ask a question. "Do you have a lover already?" 


"What?!" Irene's protective button mode was pushed on. "Is that true, Kim Yerim?" 


"What?!" Yeri answered. "Where do you even get the idea, Wendy unnie?" 


"Just answer the question." Irene and Wendy said in sync, surprising each other. 


"Why does this feel like I'm being interrogated by my parents?" Yeri snickered. 


"What are you talking about?" Irene cleared . "Just answer the question." 


"I'm not seeing anyone, okay? I don't have a lover." Yeri answered. "But wait, even if I do, I think I'm at the right age for that. Right?" 


"No." Wendy shook her head. 


"We should meet that person first." Irene said firmly. 


Joy chuckles at the side. Yeri looked at Irene and Wendy teasingly. "My parents are still alive, yet why do I feel like they were reincarnated into your bodies?" 


Irene shakes her head. "Why do you keep saying that? I'm being serious here." From beside her, Irene felt Jennie shifted in her seat. She knows it's a sign that Jennie is getting uncomfortable. Irene tugged at Jennie's hand, and when the latter finally met her eyes, Irene smiled at her reassuringly. 


Wendy saw all of this, and to distract herself from the pain she's feeling, Wendy lightly knocked Yeri's head. 


"Yah, stop it, okay. I refuse to be your parent."


Yeri faked a gasp. "Fine, fine. Let's continue." 


Yeri spun the bottle and this time, it landed on Wendy. 


"Alright!" Joy and Yeri high-fived each other. 


"So, Wendy unnie, truth or dare?" Joy asked, rather excitedly. 


"Okay, first off, I don't really trust you two right now-" Irene laughs at that. "-and who knows what you would ask me to do. So, truth." 


"Okay, then." Yeri winked. 


"Ask away." Wendy said as she drank her soju. 


"So, Wendy unnie. If you could kiss someone in this room, who would it be?" 


Cough. Cough. Cough. 


"Omo Wendy, are you okay?" Seulgi pats Wendy's back. 


Wendy wipes her lips embarrassingly and glared at Yeri who just shrugged her shoulders. "So?" 


Wendy rolled her eyes. "Fine. It's Seulgi." 






"Why me?" 


"Yeah. Why her?" 


"Why not Joohyun unnie?" 


"What? Why me?" 


"Why not you?" 


"Guys, stop." Wendy interrupted the Queens' parade of questions. 


"So, Wendy unnie, why Seulgi unnie?" 


"Yeah, why not-" 


"Stop." Wendy held her palm up. One day, I'm really gonna choke these two. "I chose Seulgi because she's single and she's my same-aged friend." Wendy emphasised on the word  'single' while smirking at the two maknaes. You two nearly caught me there huh. 


"So, let's pretend that everyone else in this room is single, who-" 


"One spin, one truth or dare." Wendy winked, teasing Yeri. 




Wendy clapped. "Okay, let's proceed." I'm gonna get back at you two. 


Wendy spins the bottle, excited at the thought of it pointing to either Joy or Yeri. To her bad luck, the bottle pointed.. at her. What?? 


"Woohoo!" Once again, Joy and Yeri beamed as if they just won the lottery. 


"Ugh! Unfair!" 


"You're the one who spun the bottle, unnie. Remember?" Yeri winked, imitating Wendy earlier. "So. Wendy unnie, truth or dare?" 


Ugh. Wendy thought about it a lot. If I say 'truth', then Yerim will surely continue her question earlier. But if I say 'dare', Wendy gulps. "-they won't ask me to run into the beach, would they?" 


Ugh, whatever. "Dare." 


"Oho, I didn't expect that, unnie." Joy cooed. 


Wendy huffs. "So? What do you want me to do, your highness?" 


Joy laughs, and after exchanging looks with Yeri, she answers. "Okay, Wendy unnie, we dare you to-" 




All eyes fell on Irene. 


"Anyone can ask, right?" Irene laughs awkwardly. She mentally cursed herself. Irene didn't know what came over her and she decided to interject. She admits that ever since she heard Wendy sing, she can't forget the younger girl's voice and how it tugged her heart. It's like she wanted to hear Wendy sing again. 


After a few seconds of silence, it was Seulgi who reacted first. "Of course, unnie." She then pats the girl beside her. "Or do you want to wait for the maknae's dare, Wendy-ah?" 


"Oh, no no no!" Wendy shakes her head aggressively. "I'll take Joohyun unnie's dare." 


Joy looked at Yeri and nodded, hiding her smile. "Oh, okay then. Let's go with Joohyun unnie's." 


"So, uh.." Wendy looks at Irene. "What do you want me to sing, unnie?" 


Irene gives a small smile. "Just anything you want." 


Wendy nodded. "Oh, okay then." Wendy searches for the mic and song book, and punches in the numbers. "So uh, I love ballads and since we're drinking, I got reminded of this song." 


Wendy held the mic closer to her and closed her eyes. 


You're right, I may be drunk
This may be a mistake.
When morning comes, I may act like I don't remember
And act uncomfortable around you.


Everyone went silent as Wendy started singing. Only a few seconds into the song and they can feel Wendy's overflowing emotions. 


But tonight there is something
That I absolutely have to say.
I apologize for my current state,
But please don't think
that I am just saying this
because I am drunk.
Whenever I am in front of you
I prepare myself to say this
But I always say the opposite thing,
Turn around and regret it,


All eyes and ears are on Wendy, except for Jennie who keeps observing Irene's reaction every now and then. Jennie gulps nervously as she sees how focused Irene was with Wendy. 


But now I will declare to you
That I have loved you from the start.
I love you so much
Even if my sloppy declaration
Seems corny or unbelievable,
It is not something I am just saying.


The Queens were in awe as Wendy belted out the chorus. Irene, in particular, can't tear her eyes away from Wendy and she felt it again- how Wendy's voice has the power to stir emotions inside her. Irene thought that Wendy has the ability to make the listeners feel as if Wendy is singing the song for them. Because oddly, that's what she felt. She felt like the song was for her. 


I'll probably never do something like this again
But as the night becomes light
I will hold you in my arms once again,
And tell you that I love you


Wendy felt every word- words that she wants to tell Irene but knows that she had to hold it in for now. After delivering her last note, Wendy took a deep breath to calm her emotions. As she opened her eyes, she was welcomed with big applause. 


"Woohoo! That's my Wendy unnie!" Joy exclaimed, jumping off to Wendy. 


Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri were all praises for her and Wendy appreciated that, but still, she craved for someone else's reaction. So she took courage and looked in Irene's direction and Wendy forgot to breathe for a moment. Irene is looking at her with a smile on her face, a thumbs up in the air. 


Wendy thought it's crazy. With just a simple smile and a thumbs up directed at her, Wendy's heart was already swooned. She smiled back at Irene. 


In the middle of all these, Jennie was watching Irene. She can't help but feel nervous as she saw Irene smiling at Wendy. Jennie shook her head. No, this can't be. 


So when the game continued and the bottle pointed to Irene, Jennie took this as an opportunity. 


"Dare." Irene answered without thinking twice. 


Before anyone can say something, Jennie beats them to it. 


"I dare you to kiss me." 


"What?!" Joy glared at Jennie. 


"Anyone can ask. Right?" Jennie avoided all the eyes on her and looked at Irene. 


Joy clenched her fist, Seulgi and Yeri went silent, while Wendy was frozen in place. 


Irene finds their reaction weird, especially Joy's. Jennie's my girlfriend. What's wrong with kissing her? But Irene shrugs her thoughts away, thinking that Joy's reaction was probably due to the misunderstanding that happened a few days ago. 


Irene takes Jennie's hand. "Of course, anyone can ask." She then grins. "Your dare is too simple though." Without another word, Irene leans in and captures Jennie's lips. Jennie reciprocated it, even deepening the kiss. 


Wendy never thought it's possible for your heart to break into tiny pieces. But right now, her heart just did. 




Wendy was sitting by the shore, watching the bright moon being reflected in the calm sea. 


Soon after the game finished, each of them went to their own rooms but Wendy couldn't fall asleep so she decided to have a breath of fresh air. It was already one in the morning and the cold air touched Wendy's skin but the girl couldn't care less. She feels too numb in the moment to feel anything other than the hurt she's feeling. 


She shut her eyes and clutched the necklace hanging on her chest. Please. Please. Wendy doesn't even know what she's asking for.. To forget Irene and Jennie's kiss, or for her pain to just go away. Please make it stop. 




Wendy heard the voice and chuckled bitterly to herself. Now I'm even hearing her voice. 


"Hey, Seungwan?" 


Wendy jumped in surprise at the sudden tap on her shoulder. She turned around and got the shock of her life to see Irene looking at her, half hesitant and half worried. 


"Hey. Are you okay?" 


It took Wendy a moment to register what was happening. "Oh, uh.. Yeah. Yeah, unnie." 


"Oh, okay." Irene nodded at her answer. "So uhm, can I- I mean, may I join you here?" 


Wendy was surprised. Her last real alone conversation with Irene was back at the hospital where the Queen ended up asking Wendy to call Jennie. And after the unfortunate things that happened between them, she didn't expect that Irene would mind being alone with her like this. Still, Wendy can't deny that a part of her is just happy that Irene is there beside her. 


"Yeah." Wendy answered. "Sure, unnie." 


Irene muttered a small "thanks'' before she settled down beside Wendy. Automatically, Wendy removed the blanket she's using and draped it over Irene's shoulder. 


This gesture surprised Irene. "Oh, uhm, you don't have to, Seungwan." She was about to return the blanket to Wendy but the younger girl stopped her. 


"No, unnie. It's fine." Wendy once again fixed the blanket on Irene's shoulder. "I know you'll feel cold eventually."


Oh. She really does know me. Irene cleared . "Uhm, okay, thanks then." 


Wendy acknowledged her with a smile. "So uh, you can't sleep, unnie?" 


"Yeah." Irene nodded. "You?" 


Wendy grins. "Same." 


"Why?" Irene asked. "Uhm, are you sick?" 


Wendy chuckles. "No, unnie. I really just can't sleep."




Wendy observed Irene. "What made you think so, anyway?" 


"Oh, uhm.. Well, I saw you clutching your chest, you seemed to be in pain. And.. This is the second time, so.."


Wendy thought for a moment. "Ah. That." 


"Yeah. So?" 


"Well.. I'm not really clutching my chest because I'm in pain, unnie." Wendy then held her necklace in her palm and showed it to Irene. "I was actually holding onto this." 


"Oh." Irene chuckled awkwardly. "Sorry."


"No need to be, unnie."


Irene nodded and the two went silent for a few seconds. 


Irene was thinking of what to say, she wants to keep their conversation going. In fact, she was only about to get a cup of water when she saw Wendy sitting at the shore. Irene thought that this is a good opportunity to talk with the younger girl, for Irene knows that she has much to say to Wendy.


"So, uh.." Irene initiated the conversation again. "Is that from someone special?" She pointed at the necklace. 


"Yeah." How Wendy smiled sadly reminded Irene of the moment she heard Wendy sing at the music room. The same vibe of sadness. 


"Is that from the person you were thinking of when you were singing back then at the music room?" 


 "Uhm, what?" 


"The other day, at the music room. You were singing a song about.. Uhm.. Something with the line of water?" 


This shocked Wendy. "You- you heard that?" 


"Well uh, I was just passing by and I happened to hear it." 


"Oh." Wendy cleared . "And?" 


Irene raised her eyebrow, unsure of what Wendy was asking. "And?" 


Wendy observed Irene's reaction. She was actually hoping that Irene would at least remember something, anything about their past. But as Irene looks clueless right now, Wendy can only sigh internally. She already heard the song I wrote for her and still, nothing. 


Setting aside her disappointment, Wendy tried to smile and answered Irene. "Oh, nothing unnie. And to answer your question, yes. It's from her." 


"Oh." Irene was curious. She didn't know that Wendy was seeing someone. She hasn't even seen Wendy with anyone other than her friends since she woke up from her accident. "Where is she now?" 


Right here beside me with no memories of me. "She uh, she's back with her ex." 


Irene gasps. "I'm sorry, Seungwan. I didn't know." 


Wendy forced a smile. "It's fine, unnie." 


"And the song earlier? Was it for her too?" 


Wendy nods. 


"You must still love her then?" Irene asked carefully, not wanting to sound prying. 


"I do, unnie." Wendy looked into Irene's eyes. "A lot." 




Wendy immediately tore her gaze from Irene. She can feel herself about to tear up just by looking at the older girl. But Wendy can't let it happen so instead, she looked at the sea. Be calm like the sea, Seungwan. Stay calm. Don't cry. Wendy bites her lip, holding her tears. 


Suddenly, Wendy felt a hand on her back. The hand is just there, not even doing anything and yet, Wendy felt like some sort of electricity just flowed through her. 


Surprised by the action, Wendy turns her head to Irene and the older girl is sporting a shy smile. 


"Well, I'm uh, I'm really not good with things like these so.. Uh, I hope this can give some kind of comfort?" 


It's really crazy. Wendy thinks. It's crazy how the person who is the cause of your pain and tears is also the one who can make you happy. And it's crazy how just a moment ago, her heart was getting numb by the pain and now, with just Irene's simple words and actions, her heart is about to explode in happiness. 


"Thank you, unnie." Wendy replied, not even hiding the big smile on her face. 


Irene returned the gesture and smiled back. After a few moments of silence, Irene spoke again. 




Wendy gave a short glance. "Yes, unnie?" 


"I'm sorry." 


Surprised, Wendy turned to meet Irene's apologetic eyes. 


"I'm sorry, for everything." Irene continued. "I woke up not remembering you, and though all the people around me told me that we're close, I'm sorry for not acknowledging your presence. Because of that, I treated you unfairly for the past month." Irene bit her lip, feeling sorry. "Seungwan, I'm sorry for how I acted around you, for all the mean things that I've said. I'm.. I'm sorry.. for slapping you." 


Wendy felt Irene's sincerity. You're still the Joohyun unnie that I've known. Wendy can't help but smile. 


"I've missed you, unnie." 


"Eh?" Irene asked, getting off guard with Wendy's answer. 


"Oh, what I meant was.. Well, for this past month, I felt like you're a completely different person. And don't get me wrong, unnie, I understand that. I know where you're coming from. It's just that today, right at this moment, I felt that the Joohyun unnie I know is back, and so yeah," Wendy chuckles shyly. "-I guess I just missed you, unnie."


"Oh." Irene was still feeling guilty but she admits that Wendy's last words felt good to hear. "So, uhm, does that mean I'm forgiven?" 


"Of course, unnie." Wendy laughs. "You didn't even have to ask." 


Hearing that and seeing Wendy laugh, Irene felt relieved. It was like a burden was lifted up from her. 


"Seungwan? Let's start again." 


"Oh? What do you mean unnie?" 


Irene turned her body to face Wendy, cleared and offered Wendy a handshake. She gave a short chuckle. "Hi. I'm Joohyun." 


"Ah.." Wendy giggles as well, knowing what Irene was doing. She returned Irene's gesture. "Nice to meet you, Joohyun. I'm Seungwan." 


Irene grins. "I think I'm older than you, Seungwan."


"Ah, right." Wendy knocked her forehead, pretending to have forgotten. "Sorry, Joohyun unnie." 


Irene acts like she's contemplating on it. "Okay, fine. You're forgiven since you're a great singer." 


"Ooh.." Still on the act, Wendy teased. "Are you a fan, Joohyun unnie?" 


Irene chuckles. "Here." Irene turned her back to Wendy. "Please sign on my shirt, Seungwan-nim. I'm your fan." 


Wendy laughs aloud, the first time in a month from what she remembers. "Waa, you're good at this, unnie." 


Irene laughs along and turns to face Wendy again. "But seriously though, Seungwan. You did really well earlier. And the other day too." Irene smiled at Wendy. "I loved it, I love your voice." 


"Oh." Wendy can feel herself blushing. She cleared . "T-thank you, unnie." 


This time, it's Irene's turn to tease. "Are you shy?" 


Wendy's face reddened even more. "I'm.. Well.." 


Irene chuckles. "I can now see why the two maknaes like to tease you, Seungwan. You have good reactions." 


"Unnie." Wendy pouts. 


Irene laughs once again. She's getting comfortable at this, and with Wendy. 




"What?" Wendy huffs, pretending to get annoyed. 


This made Irene laugh even more. She held a fist in front of Wendy, asking for a fist bump. "Friends?" 


This is a big leap for Wendy. I can start with this


Wendy nodded and smiled as she bumped her fist with Irene's. 





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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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0 points #1
Chapter 25: Ha, you don't know how much I love this story. I didn't notice that it was already morning (5am) when I stopped at Chapter 23. I told myself, just one more chapter and I'll stop since it's getting late but here we are. I'm sleep-deprived but totally worth it!

This is beyond beautiful! It made me cry, it made my heart hurt but it also made me happy with how things turned out. There's a lot to say about how great this is but my mind isn't catching up to me. Hahahaha. Oh well, just know that your story is amazing and honestly, I'm glad that I stumbled upon this.

Thank you for writing and sharing your story with us! I hope you're always happy and healthy! 🩷🩵
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy