Chapter 17

My Girl

Ding Dong. 


Wendy was awakened by the sound of the doorbell. She glanced at her bedside clock which read one in the afternoon. 


Oh, I didn't realize I slept for too long. Wendy's eyes widened. Wait, I just missed my class! 


Wendy woke up earlier in the morning with a runny nose and a fever. She took some analgesic and lied down in bed again, wanting to take a few more naps before she gets ready for school. She didn't expect that she would sleep like a log instead of taking just a nap. It must be the light-headedness


Ding Dong. 


"Ah, right. The door." Wendy murmured. Draping her blanket around her body, she threads towards the door and opens it. 


"Hi, Seungwan." 


Irene greets Wendy by the door, surprising the latter. Wendy instantly fixes her bangs and hair. Damn, this is embarrassing. I look like a mess right now. 


"U-unnie." Wendy stutters. "Come on in." 


She invited Irene over to the living room and once Irene was seated, Wendy sat across from her. 


"So, uh, what-" she sniffs. "-brings you here, unnie?" 


Irene observes Wendy and frowns. "Are you sick?" 




Before Wendy could answer, Irene moved to sit beside her and placed her palm on Wendy's forehead. Wendy blushed at the contact, and it didn't help that Irene is sitting so close to her, judging her face. 


Irene let out a soft tsk. "Sooyoung is right. You're sick."


"Oh, Sooyoung?" 


"Yeah." Irene nodded. "She called a while ago, and told me that you didn't report to school today, which is so unusual of you, and then you didn't even reply to their messages. She told me the two of you went out last night and it was raining on your way home, so she thought you were caught by the rain and had fallen sick."


"Sooyoung wanted to come here but she has an exam so she asked me to check on you instead. And it turned out that she's right." Irene sighs. "Why didn't you message any of us?" 


"Oh. Uhm, it's just a cold and some lightheadedness, unnie. I'm fine. And it's exam week. I don't want to trouble them." 


"Then you could have just told me instead. I'm always free, you know." 


"Y-yeah, but, I don't want to trouble you too, unnie." 


"You're not troubling me or anyone, Seungwan. And besides," Irene cleared . "I'm worried as well."


Wendy's heart skipped a beat at that. "You- you were?" 


"Of course." Irene answered immediately, although Wendy can hear a hint of shyness in her voice. "I mean, I think we're already close enough to worry about each other. Right?" 


Wendy chuckles but has to stop prematurely in order to sniff. "Yes, of course, unnie." 


"Good." Irene smiled. "Okay then, you go and rest. I'll cook you some noodle soup." 


"Oh. Noodle soup?" 


"Uh, yes." Irene observes Wendy's reaction. She can see concern in the younger girl's eyes. Irene had to chuckle. 


"Your eyes tell me that you're worried I might feel sad." Irene narrowed her eyes playfully at Wendy. "So, I assume that you also know about my back story with noodle soup?" 


"Uh.." Wendy nodded. "Yes, unnie." 


"Hm, I thought so." Irene smiled. "Don't worry about it though, I think I'm getting past it." 


After that dinner with her parents and Wendy, Irene felt lighter. Though things are still a bit awkward with her parents, Irene decided to open up to them little by little, especially because she can see how her parents are trying. 


"Really, unnie? That's great." Wendy gave a big smile. 


"Well, it's also thanks to you, Seungwan. You let it happen." 


"Yeah, but you allow it to happen, unnie." 


Understanding what Wendy meant, Irene can only smile. She stood up and ruffled Wendy's hair. "Okay, I'm gonna make some noodle soup now, okay? Just rest or take a nap in the meantime."


Feeling a headache coming, Wendy didn't argue and lied down on the sofa, letting her sleepiness take over. 




Wendy doesn't know how many minutes or hours have passed when she feels a nudge on her shoulder. Still feeling under the weather, Wendy groans at the disturbance. But then she heard a chuckle, and a voice calling her. 


"Seungwan, wake up." 


Wendy opens her eyes sleepily and is met by Irene's smiling ones. 


Oh. Beautiful. 


"Well, thank you." 


Wendy was awakened and she covered instantly. "Did I- did I say that out loud?" 


Irene laughs. "Yes, you did." 


"Ugh, how embarrassing." Wendy pouts, making Irene laugh even more. 


She pokes Wendy's nose. "C'mon, let's go to the kitchen so you can eat up." 


Wendy obliged, dragging her feet towards the kitchen. A noodle soup was prepared for her at the table, and Wendy immediately settled down to eat. Irene sat across her, waiting for the latter's reaction. 


"Hmm." Wendy sniffed. "This is good, unnie."




"Hm. Just like the last time." Wendy answered absentmindedly as she had another spoonful. 


"Wait. What do you mean the last time?" Irene raised her brow. "You mean I've already cooked this before?" 


Wendy gulps, silently cursing herself at the slip. "Uh.."


"Have I cooked this for you before?" 


Wendy heaved a sigh. She nodded. 


"Really? When?" 


"Last year." Wendy answered softly. "I got sick, just like this time so, yeah." 


"Oh, wow." Irene was clearly surprised. "Wow. I mean, you already know that this food holds a special place in my heart. So for me to cook it for you, I guess we're really that close then, huh?" 


Wendy was unsure how to answer. She didn't know if Irene would want it if she admits the older girl's assumption. Fortunately, she heard Irene chuckle. 


"You know, Seungwan, if Jennie isn't in the picture, I would think that we're more than just being friends." 


Wendy swallowed an invisible lump in . 


"I'll say you're my girlfriend before I lost my memory." Irene giggles. 


"Uhm," Wendy chuckles awkwardly. "What?" 


"Well, come to think of it." Irene started with a chuckle, unaware of Wendy's nervousness. "You're the first person I saw when I opened my eyes for the very first time after the accident. And you clearly know almost everything about me, you can tell how I was feeling or what I am thinking. Then this, cooking something for you that I haven't done for so long and for anyone. And most importantly," Irene smiled guiltily. "-how you have been so patient and understanding with me ever since I woke up from the accident. That speaks a lot."


"Oh." Wendy cleared . Should I just tell you the truth, unnie? 


"But of course, I know that's impossible." Irene laughs, pulling Wendy out of her thoughts. "I mean, I have Jennie and we're in love, so.." 


Oh, guess I won't have to. Wendy hides a bitter smile. "Yeah, of course, unnie." 


"But to be fair and honest, Seungwan," Irene paused, as if thinking. "If there's no Jennie, or if I don't have a girlfriend, I think I would fall for you." 


Wendy stared at Irene with wide eyes. If not for the older girl's reddening cheeks, Wendy would have thought she had heard it wrong. 


Meanwhile, Irene wanted to slap . Now, this is embarrassing. Though it's her honest feeling, she didn't know why she let it out, more so, in front of Wendy herself. This girl really has a different effect on me, making me feel and say all sorts of things. 


It's Irene who breaks the awkward silence in the air. "So uh, speaking of," she cleared . "You and Sooyoung seem very close too." 


"Uh, well, yes." Wendy chuckles, trying to calm her still fast beating heart because of what Irene said. "I'm pretty close with all of your friends too, unnie. But Sooyoung is.. more affectionate. It makes me feel like I want to take care of her."


Oh. "Do you like her?" 


"Of course. I like her a lot, unnie." 




Somehow, Irene felt a bit uncomfortable about that. It's normal to feel this way, right? I mean, it's Sooyoung we're talking about here. 


"Sooyoung is like a younger sister I never had. And of course, Yerim too." 


Oh! Good! Irene unconsciously exhaled in relief. Wait. Why am I relieved? If Seungwan likes Sooyoung, then it won't be a problem right? Seungwan is a good person. I'm sure she'll take care of Sooyoung well. 


"Unnie?" Wendy called. "You're spacing out. Are you ok?" 


"Oh, uh, yeah. Yes, of course." Irene shakes her thoughts away. "Are you done?" 


Wendy nods. She stood and was about to clean the table when Irene stopped her. 


"I'll do that, Seungwan. Go back to the living room and rest." 


"What? No, unnie. It's fine. I'll do it." 


"Seungwan, you got to rest." 


"I'm much better now, unnie. Really. This is the least I can do. So let me do it, hm? Just wait in the living room, unnie."


"Are you sure?" 


Wendy gives an okay sign. "Positive." 


"Alright." Irene relented and went to the living room. Observing the apartment's interior, Irene stood to take a look around. She noticed a picture frame on the shelf, a picture of a middle aged couple and a young kid with a toothy grin. 


Cute. Irene chuckles. 


"Seungwan?" Irene called out to the girl in the kitchen. "Where are your parents?" 


"Hm?" Wendy peeked behind her and saw Irene looking at her family's photo. "Ah. They're in Canada, unnie." 


"Oh, you grew up there?" 


"Yeah. We migrated there when I was a kid. But I decided to move back here for my college degree."


"You wanted to study music here?" 


"Yup. I really like Korean music." Wendy chuckles. "And I think I'll be given more opportunities here to practice music." 


"You want to become a singer?" 


"Well, not necessarily the singers we see on TV. But if I'll be given that opportunity, then why not." Wendy chuckles. "But I just want to make music. I want to heal and inspire others with my music." 


"Then I think you're already doing a great job at it." Irene commented, more to herself, thinking of the times she heard Wendy sing and how those made her feel. Just then, Irene noticed a CD case with no label on it. She pulled it out from the shelf and saw her name written on the front cover. To Joohyun unnie- it read. 


Oh. For me? Irene frowns. There are no other words written except for her name. 




"Yes, unnie? I'm nearly done." 


"Uhh, is this for me? Cause it has my name on it." 


"Hm? What-" Wendy's eyes widened as she turned to Irene. In the older girl's hand is her CD, the gift for their anniversary. Trying to stay calm, Wendy immediately dropped whatever she's doing, washed her hands, and walked to where Irene is. 


"Oh. That." Wendy laughs awkwardly. 


"So? Is this for me?" Irene asked, still holding onto the CD case. 


"Uh, Y-yes. It's uh, it's actually for you, unnie." Wendy cleared . "That's uh, my very first composition and recording. It's actually for a school project."


"And you're giving it to me?" 


"Uh, that's.. That's a copy, unnie." Wendy lied. "I gave the girls their copy too." 


"Oh, cool." Irene observed the plain CD. "What's in here, by the way?" 


Wendy swallowed the lump in . "It was.. It was actually the song you heard last time. The one I was singing in the music room." 


"Really?" Irene's eyes lit up. "That was such a beautiful song, Seungwan. I didn't know you wrote it." 


Wendy can only give a small smile. "Thanks." 


"Can we listen to this now?" 


"What?" Wendy didn't see that coming. 


"Well, I wanted to hear the full song." Irene grins. 


"Oh, Uhm. Yeah. Sure, unnie." Discreetly taking a deep breath, Wendy takes the CD from Irene and puts it in the CD player. Irene excitedly sits on the couch, and Wendy follows. 


The song started and Wendy shifted uncomfortably on her seat. Listening to this song reminded her so much of the past and it hurts. Not to mention that the person she wrote this song for is just sitting beside her, with no memories of them. 


On the other hand, Irene closes her eyes as she listens. Wendy's voice and emotion is just so good that it feels like the song is touching her heart. As the song came to an end, Irene was surprised to realize that there were tears in the corner of her eyes. Chuckling embarrassingly to herself, she wipes her tears away as she turns to Wendy. 


"Goodness Seungwan, it's so good that it made me cr-" Irene had to stop herself as she saw Wendy spacing out, staring at her hands that were resting on her knees. Irene frowns. Wendy looks so sad, and it didn't rest well with her. 


Ah, right. How stupid of me! That's when Irene remembered that the song was for Wendy's ex-girlfriend. Ugh. How insensitive of me! 


Sighing, Irene pats Wendy's arm. "Seungwan?" 


Wendy jumped off. "Oh. Oh, I'm sorry, unnie." Wendy forced out a chuckle. "I didn't realize the song had ended." 


"I'm sorry." 


"Eh? Why are you apologising, unnie?" 


Irene bit her lip. "I forgot. That song was for your.. ex-girlfriend, right?" 


Wendy smiles at Irene, trying to ease her guilt feeling. "It's fine, unnie." 


Irene muttered a soft 'okay'. She cleared . "Has she..listened to this song before? Before your break up?" 


Wendy nods. "Yeah, she did." 


"Oh. I- I bet she cried, huh?" Irene forced a laugh, trying to ease the atmosphere. 


Fortunately, Wendy laughs along. "Why? Is it bad?" 


"No. It's definitely good." Irene stated firmly. "But if I'm your girlfriend and you sang that song for me, I think I'll be touched to the point that I'll cry." 


This made Wendy smile. Well, you did cry that time, unnie. 


"So uh.." Irene started carefully. "Is there not a chance of you two getting back together?" 


"I'm still trying to win her back, unnie." Wendy answered softly. 


Oh. "Okay." Irene nodded. "But Seungwan, I think you didn't need to try that hard." 


"Hm? What do you mean, unnie?" 


"Well, I mean.. You're already amazing enough." Irene answered, feeling a tinge of red forming on her cheeks. 


Wendy laughs seeing Irene getting shy. 


"Yah, don't laugh!" Irene glared playfully. She cleared . "I'm just saying. If she doesn't see how amazing you are, then maybe she's not worth it." 


Wendy smiles, feeling warmed by Irene's words. "Thank you, unnie." 


But you will always be worth it. 







A week after, Jennie had to go back to the US to attend a conference with regards to their family's business. She invited Irene to go with her but the latter's doctors were so strict about her scheduled check ups and therapies that Irene was not allowed to miss them. 


Once Jennie has gone, the two maknaes of the Queens took this opportunity to bring Irene and Wendy even more close, though they've got to admit that they don't have to do that much because they can see that Irene is more comfortable and closer to Wendy now. 


Joy and Yeri invited the group to an amusement park. Irene initially opposed the idea but since the majority of them wanted to go, she relented. The two maknaes were snickering behind their unnies' backs as they entered the amusement park. They know how Irene is such a scared cat, and of course, Wendy would always be there to protect her. Thus, the two maknaes think, is a perfect plan. 


Irene's reaction was right just as what they were expecting. After doing some kiddie rides like the carousel (Yeri rolled her eyes at this, considering she's the maknae of the group) and bump cars, Yeri chose the haunted house as their next stop. 


"No way!" Irene exclaimed. "There's no way I'm gonna go in there." 


"Oh c'mon, unnie. Don't be such a killjoy." Yeri said, chuckling. "Even Sooyoung unnie is willing to go." 


"Yes, unnie. I'll go." Joy cuts in, a bit strained, her arms clinging to Seulgi's. Unbeknownst to Irene, Joy's palm is already sweating in nervousness. 


"See, unnie? We're all gonna go. You don't want to wait here on your own. Right?" Yeri tried to convince Irene again.


"Ugh. I knew this would happen. That's why I don't want to come here." Irene huffs. 


"Oh, shush, unnie." Yeri laughs. "Okay, come on, let's go."


Without waiting for Irene's answer, the three Queens entered the haunted house first. 


"Ugh. That girl, really." 


Wendy chuckles beside her. "Let's go, unnie?" 




Suddenly, Irene felt a warm hand securing her own. She faced the girl beside her to see Wendy giving her a shy smile. 


"Don't worry, unnie. I'll never let go of your hand." 








"Okay." Irene answered softly, feeling flushed all of a sudden. 


It didn't help that she was being distracted by the fast beating of her heart. Calm down heart, it's just a fake haunted house. No need to be scared




Irene didn't know how she managed to make it out alive. The moment they entered the haunted house, she dragged Wendy into a half run and she was screaming all the way. 


"Unnie, I think you could become a singer." 




"Your voice-" Wendy snickered. "It's too high. I thought my ears were gonna fall out." 


"Yah!" She nudged Wendy by the shoulder. 


Wendy laughs. "I'm just kidding, unnie." Before Wendy could think twice, she proceeded to pat Irene's head and smiled at her. "You did well, unnie." 




Wait. I think it's the adrenaline rush from earlier. My cheek feels hot. 


And my heart is beating fast again. 


"Unnies, let's go!" Joy's voice boomed, interrupting Irene of her thoughts. 


"Where to now?" Irene asked, rolling her eyes. 


Joy laughs. "Where did your mind go, unnie? We're already here."


"What?" Irene looks at the sign in front of them. Her eyes widened and her stomach almost flipped.


"This is a damn roller-coaster, Sooyoung!" 


"Of course, unnie. This is an amusement park, you know." Joy winked playfully at her. "Seulgi unnie and Yerim are already inside. Wendy unnie, c'mon, sit with me." Joy held Wendy's arm and was ready to drag her along when a hand stopped them. 


Irene held Wendy's other arm, stopping Wendy and Joy as well. 


Joy looks at Irene's grip on Wendy's arm. She then looks up to Irene and almost bursts out laughing to see Irene's reddened cheeks, the latter's eyes not even meeting theirs. 


"Fine. Guess I'll just have to sit with Seulgi unnie then." With that, Joy walked away grinning. 


Wendy looks at the hand on her arm, then to Irene. "Unnie?" 


"You-" Irene cleared . "You said you'll not let go of my hand." 


What the hell, Bae Joohyun?


Ugh. Whatever. 


"Sit with me." 


For a moment, Wendy was frozen in place. After registering Irene's words, Wendy can't help herself but to break into a wide smile. She held Irene's hand once more. 


"Always, unnie." 




After that ride, they decided to take a break first and have some snacks at the food court. 


"Ugh. This is the last time I'll go here with you guys." Irene said, earning a laugh from the maknaes.


"Ei, it's not that bad, unnie." 


"Not bad? My legs are still shaking right now!" 


"Because you're a scared cat, unnie." 


"Yah, you!" 


"Okay guys, enough." Seulgi interrupted. "Let's order. I'm starving." 


Wendy stood up. "Okay, what do you want guys? I'll order for us." 


"I'll go with you." Three heads turned as Irene and Joy stood up and said the same thing at the same time. 


Irene and Joy stared at each other for a while, before Joy 
raised both hands in the air. 


"Oh, alright. You're the parents. You two should go and get us food." Joy grins. 


"Yah, what are you talking about?" Irene rolled her eyes, but made a move to stand beside Wendy. 


"You can go with us too, Sooyoung, if you like?" Wendy asked. 


Before Joy could answer, however, Irene is already dragging Wendy away from the group. "Let's go, Seungwan-ah. The kids are already hungry." 


"Oh. Kids?" 


"Hm? O-oh, yeah, kids." Irene laughs awkwardly. "That's what I call them sometimes, you know, especially when they're being a pain in the ." 


"Oh, okay." Wendy nodded. For a moment I thought she's into this family role playing already. Wendy giggles silently at her own thoughts. 


Meanwhile, Irene exhales in relief. That was close. 




Before they went home, the three Queens minus Irene, decided to ride the roller coaster once more. Irene wouldn't bulge anymore no matter how many times they tried to convince her. And so Wendy decided to stay behind with Irene as well. 


"You can go with them, Seungwan-ah. I'm fine here." Irene nudged Wendy's arm. 


"It's alright, unnie. I don't mind." 


Irene smiles. "Okay then." 


The two waited at the corner, watching as the roller coaster twists and turns. From the corner of her eye, Wendy can see Irene rubbing her arms up and down. Irene is wearing a cardigan but it didn't seem to be enough. Seeing this, Wendy removed her jacket and handed it to Irene. 


"Unnie, here."


"Hm?" Irene looked at the jacket then to Wendy. 


"It's cold. You can have it." 


"Oh?" Irene looked at the jacket once more. Shaking her head, she smiles and pokes Wendy's nose. So warm-hearted. "Use it then. You just got back from a fever." 




"Thank you, Seungwan. But you need that too. Besides, they'll be back in a few minutes and we can all go home. I'm fine." 


No. It's not fine. It's been over 10 minutes and the three Queens are still nowhere to be found. 


Ugh. Where are they? Don't tell me they ride that thing over and over again! Irene thought to herself as she tried to hide her shivering hands. I'm getting cold here. 


Irene sniffed. Great. Wait till I get a hand on those-


All of a sudden, Irene was pulled into a hug. She was about to protest until she felt warmth engulf her body. That's when she realized that it was Wendy who was hugging her. 


Dugeun. Dugeun. Dugeun. 


It's this feeling again. 


"You- you don't want the jacket unnie. And I don't want you to get sick either. So uh," Wendy gave an awkward laugh. "I hope this could help."


Dugeun. Dugeun. Dugeun. 


Irene gulps. 


Why is my heart beating so fast? 


Meanwhile, Wendy thought hard. She had hugged Irene before but it was only for a while, and it was a hug to tell her that she did well. Everybody does that. Friends do that.


Wendy was worried that Irene might push her away, so she contemplated well before hugging the older girl. But when she heard Irene sniffing, that was Wendy's cue. She didn't think twice again and just hugged the cold girl. 


However, Wendy felt Irene shifting uncomfortably in her arms. "Oh, was this too much, unnie?" Wendy loosen her arms around Irene. "I'm sor-" 


"Stay, Seungwan-ah. It's cold." Irene hugs back and tightens it, making Wendy unable to let go. "And you're… warm."


Wendy blushed. She can feel redness crept into her cheeks as she hugs Irene again. "O-kay, unnie." 


Unbeknownst to her, Irene is also sporting the same tinge of redness on her cheeks. 






Wendy was beyond nervous. She keeps fidgeting in her seat, and her palms are getting sweaty by the minute. She was currently lined outside the room where an audition is being held. 


Three days ago, Irene approached her with an excited smile on her face. 


"I have a surprise for you, Seungwan!" 


"Oh? What is it, unnie?" 


"I want to help you make your dreams come true." Irene grins. 


"W-what do you mean, unnie?" 


"Here!" Irene showed her an invitation. 


Wendy opens it. "An exclusive audition for RV Entertainment??" Her eyes widened. "It's like the biggest entertainment company in the country, unnie!" 




"B-but- but how-?" 


"Well, I dropped by at the company earlier to start reviewing some papers. Then I discovered that our company has once made a business partnership with RV entertainment some years ago. So," Irene grins shyly. "I used that and contacted them." 




"And before you made any assumptions-" Irene interjected. "I didn't bribe them or something." Irene laughs seeing Wendy's guilty face. "I just asked one of their employees if they have an upcoming audition, to which they have. But it's not an open audition so not anyone can join."


At this point, Irene started speaking slowly and a bit hesitantly. "Apparently, they have to see a sample audition first, then decide if they will schedule an exclusive audition for you." 


"Wait." Wendy frowns. "But I didn't send them any sample auditions." 


"Ah, about that, Seungwan.." Irene scratched her nape. "I made a copy of that CD and sent them one. You know, the CD you gave me." 




Irene flinched. "I'm sorry. Was- was I out of line?" 


Wendy realized her surprise outburst and felt bad. "No, no unnie. I'm sorry. You're not out of line. I- I was just surprised." 


Irene nodded in understanding. "So uh, they've liked it and that's why they sent you an invitation to audition with them. Well, it's just a preliminary audition, but it's a start. Right?" 


Wendy was frozen in place. "I'm- I'm not dreaming. Right, unnie?" 


Irene laughs. "No, silly."


"B-but.." Wendy gulps and stares at the invitation card in her hand. "This is like everyone's dream company. How- how can I-" She shakes her head. "I don't know if I can do this, unnie." 


"Hey, what are you talking about?" Irene laid a hand on Wendy's shoulder. "You've got, like the most beautiful voice I've heard." 


Wendy blushed at the compliment. 


"And I meant that, Seungwan." Irene gave an encouraging smile. "So, I know that you can do it. Hm?" 


Wendy took a deep breath. Irene trusts her so she should too. "Okay, unnie. I'll do it." 


"Alright!" Irene cheered. She then pats Wendy's head. "That's my girl." 


Wendy stopped in her tracks. "Wh-what?" 


Seeing Wendy's reaction, Irene retreated her hand from Wendy's head. "Oh, uhm. Was it too cheesy?" Irene laughs awkwardly and rubs the back of her head. What the hell, Bae Joohyun? 


Wendy recovered from her shock and shakes her head, giving Irene a soft smile. "It's fine, unnie." It's just that you used to say that to me before. 


Irene cleared . "So, anyway, you got three days to prepare, Seungwan. The time and venue is mentioned on the card." 


Wendy checked the card and nodded. Just then, an idea crossed Wendy's mind. She thinks Irene may not go that far for her, but Wendy thought she should at least try asking. 


Wendy swallows the lump on . "Uh, Joohyun unnie?" 




"Well," Wendy fiddled with her fingers. "Do you think- you can come with me- at the audition?" 


Surprisingly, Irene laughs. "Of course, Seungwan. I thought you wouldn't ask." 




And that's how Wendy finds herself waiting outside the audition hall today. 


Okay. You can do it, Seungwan. This is your dream. 


"I didn't know you'd be this nervous." A voice, followed by a chuckle came beside her. 


"How can I not  be this nervous, unnie? It's RV entertainment!" Wendy shudders, making Irene laugh. 


"What I meant is- considering how good you are, I didn't know you could still be nervous like this."


Wendy sighs. "I think you flatter me too much, unnie." 


"I'm just telling the truth, you know." Irene then handed Wendy a mineral water. "Here." 


Wendy muttered a soft thanks. 


"Would you like me to come with you inside?" Irene asked. She wants to be there and watch Wendy, but if the younger girl is shy and uncomfortable at the thought of someone you know watching you, then Irene understands that. 


Wendy nodded and grinned. "You're my lucky charm, right, unnie?" 


Irene playfully bumped Wendy's shoulder with her own. "Of course." 


"Oh. And unnie?" 




"Thank you, for this." Wendy smiled. "This means a lot to me, and I'm really grateful, unnie. Thank you." 


"This is the least I can do for you, Seungwan." Irene smiled back. "Especially since you've been so good to me from the start." 


"Unnie, you don't have to-" 


"I know." Irene interrupted. "But I want to." Irene had always felt bad for how she treated Wendy before. So she made it her mission to make it up to Wendy. But more importantly, she really wants to do all these things for Wendy. 


"Besides," Irene looked away shyly. "I want you to achieve your dream." I want to hear you sing. I want to hear your voice. I want to see you happy. Irene would not say it out loud though, for she feels like it's too unusual to say to a friend. 


Wendy laid a hand on Irene's arm. "Thank you, unnie." 


Irene smiled back. 


Suddenly, the door opened and a staff member looked at Wendy. "Ms. Son?" 


Wendy stood nervously. "Y-yes, that's me." 


"You can come in now." The staff member said, leaving the door open. 


Wendy took a deep breath. "Okay, this is it." 


Irene chuckles. "Hey, Seungwan?" 


"Yes, unnie?" 


"You're already good enough. So just show them what you've got." Irene said with conviction. "But then, I also understand that it's hard not to be nervous. So, when you feel like your nervousness is getting the best of you, well," Irene grins shyly. "You can look for me. I'm just here."


Wendy swears that her heart skipped at that. Despite her nervousness, Irene's words put a smile on her face. She nods. 


"Alright, then. Let's go." 




Wendy was standing at a stage, in front of her were three gentlemen whom Wendy assumed to be the judges. Her heart started beating nervously at this thought. However, as soon as her eyes landed at the girl sitting a few rows back from the judges, Wendy couldn't help but smile. Irene is looking encouragingly at her, with a smile and a two thumbs up. 


Wendy took a deep breath. She smiles and nods at Irene's direction. 


The music started playing. Closing her eyes, Wendy started to sing. 


A house like picture is nothing special
Wherever you are, that's a picture
A shining day is nothing special
Whatever day it is, I don't need anything if I'm with you
It's not a harsh world although I have you
I think it's a harsh world, but I have you by my side
I thank and pray again
I pray so that you'd be my side forever, unchanging
A morning where we open our eyes together
The house I come back to seeing you
You are mine, You are mine, amazing you
Sleeping, drunk from your amazing kiss
Amazing, amazing you, you are amazing


Irene was swooned. Every time Wendy sings, the younger girl never fails to amaze her. 


The person I've been imaging and dreaming about is you
That I can say I'm in love with you
I can't believe it, really can't believe it
How can I dare to love you


Wendy belted out the high note and Irene held her breath. Wow


This night we fall asleep together
This meal that's prepared for me


This time, Wendy opens her eyes and stares at Irene. The lyrics tell the words she couldn't say. 


You are mine
You are mine, amazing you


Too focused on watching Wendy, Irene was a bit startled when Wendy opened her eyes and locked eyes on her. Nonetheless, Irene held Wendy's gaze, feeling captivated. 


Sleeping, drunk from your amazing kiss


With her eyes still on Irene, Wendy meant every word. She gives a soft smile. 


Amazing you,  
You are amazing. 


Irene felt herself blushing. What is wrong with me? 


Dugeun. Dugeun. Dugeun. 


Irene placed a hand over her chest. 


This again. She gulps. Maybe I should get my heart checked. 


Irene's thoughts were washed away by the excessive clapping. Focusing back on Wendy, she sees the girl bowing politely to the judges, a soft pink evident on her cheeks. Irene smiles at this. 


You're the amazing one, Seungwan. 




A/N: The song Wendy sang was "Amazing you", the one the real Wendy sang in King of Masked singer. Such a great performance from her.  😍

And spoiler, spoiler.. This chapter is the calm before the storm.  😉





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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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0 points #1
Chapter 25: Ha, you don't know how much I love this story. I didn't notice that it was already morning (5am) when I stopped at Chapter 23. I told myself, just one more chapter and I'll stop since it's getting late but here we are. I'm sleep-deprived but totally worth it!

This is beyond beautiful! It made me cry, it made my heart hurt but it also made me happy with how things turned out. There's a lot to say about how great this is but my mind isn't catching up to me. Hahahaha. Oh well, just know that your story is amazing and honestly, I'm glad that I stumbled upon this.

Thank you for writing and sharing your story with us! I hope you're always happy and healthy! 🩷🩵
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy