Chapter 12

My Girl





Wendy stirred in her sleep. She heard a voice, her favorite voice. 


"Seungwan-ah, wake up.." 


Forcing her eyes open, Wendy sees Irene in a hospital gown, smiling at her. It took a few seconds for Wendy to register what happened. In a leap, she was in Irene's arms. 


"Unnie.." Wendy teared up, her hug on Irene tightens. "I'm.. I'm so glad you're okay." 


"Hey, don't cry." Irene pats her back. "You promised me you wouldn't cry because of me, right?" 


Wendy remembered her promise. She nodded. 


"Don't forget that, okay? It breaks my heart to see you cry because of me." 


Again, Wendy nodded. She wipes her tears just when Irene releases the hug to look at her. 


"I was so scared that something bad happened to you, unnie." Wendy said softly, trying to control her tears. 


"I'm here, Seungwan-ah. I'm always here." Irene smiled and caressed Wendy's cheek. "Now, smile for me?" 


Comforted by Irene's words, Wendy managed to smile. 


This made Irene smile as well. "That's my girl." She leans in and kisses Wendy on the lips. 


Wendy closes her eyes. Just as she was about to return the kiss, Irene's kisses stopped. Curiously, Wendy opens her eyes but to her surprise, Irene was nowhere to be found. 




No answer. 


"Unnie?" Wendy tried again, panic seeping in. "Joohyun unnie?" This time, Wendy hurriedly went out of her hospital room. Her panic rises when she sees the empty corridors. 


"What's happening?" Wendy muttered to herself, feeling scared now. "Where's Joohyun unnie?" 


Wendy desperately ran everywhere and still, no sign of anyone, especially of Irene. 


"Unnie! Joohyun unnie!!!" 




"Joohyun unnie!!!!" 


Wendy jolted up. She can feel pain on her back and head at the abrupt movement, and she was breathing hard. 


"Wendy! You're awake!" 


Wendy looked to her side and saw Seulgi looking at her tearily. 


"Are you feeling okay?" Seulgi asked. 


Wendy's mind was blurry. She remembered the accident. But she recalls seeing Irene, then Irene disappearing, and her calling out desperately for her girlfriend. 


Was it.. Was it just a dream? 


"Wendy? Are you okay?" Seulgi called out again, worry evident in her voice. 


"Seul-'' Wendy swallows the lump in . It felt dry. "Seulgi, where's-" she gulped in nervousness, "where's Joohyun unnie?" 


At the mention of the older girl, Seulgi went silent, tears b in her eyes once more. This scared Wendy but she became more determined to see Irene. So she carefully made a move to get off from her bed despite feeling physically in pain. 


"Wendy, wait." Seulgi was on her side in an instant. "Don't force yourself to move yet." 


"Joohyun unnie-  I.. I have to see her." Wendy pleaded. 


Seulgi sighs heavily. "Unnie's at the ICU." 


"Wha- Why?" Wendy gulps, she can feel tears forming in her eyes. "She's.. She's okay though, right?" 


"She underwent an operation on her brain." Seulgi explained softly. "The doctor said there was a bleeding on her brain so they operated on it. But until now, there's still no sign of her waking up." 


"What-" Wendy took a deep breath. She needs to hold herself together. "What did the doctor say?" 


Seulgi shakes her head. "He can't say for sure when unnie will wake up. Or-" There's a quiver on her voice. "Or if she'll wake up." 


Wendy almost cried. Almost. But then she remembered Irene. She remembered her dream, and the promise she made. Closing her fist, Wendy shakes her head to shake the tears away too. 


"How long has unnie been sleeping already?" Wendy asked, an obvious shake in her voice. "How long was I out?" 


"Three days, Wen." Seulgi answered. Despite the sad tears, Seulgi managed to smile. She hugs Wendy. "I'm just so glad that at least one of you is awake now." 


Wendy hugs back, patting Seulgi's back. Yet unlike Seulgi, Wendy can't bring out a smile. 




With numerous pleadings, Wendy managed to convince Seulgi to take her to where the ICU is. Seulgi told her in advance that she wouldn't get to enter the ICU right away but Wendy just wanted, needed to see Irene, even if just from afar. 


Outside the ICU, Wendy saw Joy and Yeri seated beside each other, Yeri's head on Joy's shoulder, and not far from the two is Mr. Bae. 


"Wendy unnie!" Joy was the first to notice Wendy and Seulgi. She ran towards them and engulfed Wendy in a hug.


"Careful, Sooyoung-ah." Seulgi reminded. 


"Oh, right. Sorry, unnie." Joy released the hug. "How are you feeling, unnie?" 


"I'm okay." Wendy answered weakly. Mr. Bae and Yeri went to her side as well and Wendy bowed to the old man. 


"I'm glad you're awake now." Mr. Bae smiled kindly, patting Wendy's shoulder. 


"How is unnie, uncle?" 


"The doctor said her vitals are stable, but they can't see any sign of her waking up yet." 


Wendy nodded weakly. All these feels like a dream. If this is a dream, please let me wake up now. 


Wendy stayed with them for over an hour, refusing to go back to her room yet. There, she learned what happened. A truck coming from the opposite direction hit their car. Upon investigation, it turned out that the break of the truck was broken, hence the accident. A matter of being in the wrong place at a wrong time. Wendy clenched her fist at this, how can they get so unlucky. 


Wendy also learned that Irene suffered a major head trauma, causing a bleeding on her brain just like what Seulgi said. While for her, she suffered a broken bone at her back (which the doctor said will eventually heal) and a concussion on her head that's why she was out for a few days. 


"The impact of the hit was on the driver's seat?" Wendy asked. How can she be lucky while Irene is fighting for her life. 


Before any of them can answer, Wendy remembered something. "No, wait. That can't be." She may not fully recall the incident but everything that happened before that was clear to her. Wendy shakes her head. "The opposite lane was on the passenger seat. The truck was coming from the passenger seat." It didn't make sense to Wendy. "Then how come Joohyun unnie received the full impact?" 




Wendy racked her brain, trying to remember whatever she can from the accident. She remembered calling Irene's name.. Then the blood on the older girl's forehead.. Then the arms that engulfed her. Wendy's eyes widened at her realization. 


"Joohyun unnie.. She.." Wendy gulps. "She protected me." 


Mr. Bae sighs. The girls told him that it would be better if Wendy wouldn't know that information because they were sure that Wendy would blame herself. Now, there's no point in hiding the truth. Wendy's last words are a statement, not a question. 


"She's fighting for her life because of me." Wendy stated, devoid of any emotion as if her soul left her. 


"Wendy unnie." Joy called out, rubbing Wendy's back. "Don't think that way."


Mr. Bae, on the other hand, pats Wendy's shoulder once more. "Don't worry about it, Wendy. What's important is that you're okay now. I'm sure Joohyun will eventually wake up too."


Wendy stayed silent. How can I not worry? How can I not think of that.


Joohyun unnie. Wendy closed her fist, controlling her tears. 


"So uhm, anyway, Wendy." Seulgi interrupted, trying to change the subject. "We haven't informed your parents yet. Your phone was broken, so.." 


Wendy nodded, still unable to say anything. 


Just then, a number of doctors went inside the ICU to make their rounds. They waited for quite a while before the doctors went out, only to inform them that there's still no progress in Irene's condition. 


Sighing, Mr. Bae thanked the doctors. 


"Wendy?" He called out. "Do you want to see her?" 


Wendy can feel her palms sweating. She's scared to see the status that Irene's in right now, but the desire and the need to see the older girl is greater. 


"M-may I, uncle?" 


Mr. Bae nodded, smiling weakly. "It's visiting hours now, anyway. Besides, I'm sure Joohyun wants to hear your voice already." 


Gulping in nervousness, Wendy nodded and went inside the ICU. 


Wendy didn't mean to walk slowly, but as she nears Irene's bed, she feels her step getting heavier by the seconds. Her knees even gave in and she almost dropped herself on the floor if not for the nurse who assisted her. 


"Are you okay, ma'am? Maybe you should rest first?" 


Wendy shakes her head immediately. "I'm- I'm okay." 


Once the nurse left, Wendy weakly took the chair beside Irene's bed. She is looking at Irene and Wendy feels like her heart is being pierced seeing her girlfriend in that condition. Irene had a bandage on her head, a thin tube on her nose, and another tube on which they say will help Irene to breath. 


"Un.." Wendy cleared . She can't cry. She promised Irene she won't cry because of her. "Unnie.." 


Wendy held Irene's hand, and to her relief, it's warm. 


"Unnie.. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." Wendy stopped. Don't cry, Seungwan-ah.  She clenched her other fist on the necklace she's wearing, the one Irene gave her, as if seeking for strength. 


"I'm just.. I'm just here, unnie. Please wake up?" Wendy shakes away the tears that were threatening to fall. "I'll wait for you, okay? But please don't take too long, please?" 


Worried that she may not be able to contain herself longer, Wendy decided to cut her visit short for this time. She leaned in and kissed Irene's forehead. "I love you, unnie." 


When Wendy went out, she was momentarily surprised to see Mrs. Bae outside the ICU as well. She was talking to a man, whom by their closeness, Wendy assumes is her fiance that Irene talked about before. To further surprise her, Jennie is with Mrs. Bae as well.


Mrs. Bae noticed Wendy walking out of the ICU. Wendy bowed to her just as Mrs. Bae went head inside, the older woman still chose to ignore her presence. 


Jennie walked up to her, greeting Wendy with an awkward smile. "Are you okay now?" Jennie asked. 


"Yeah. Thank you for asking." Wendy gave a small smile. 


"Uh.. I hope you don't mind, Wendy-ssi?" Jennie shyly asked. "I mean, me coming here to visit Joohyun. I hope it's okay with you." 


Wendy dismissed Jennie's concern with a wave of a hand, still can't find the courage to engage in any conversations. "It's fine, Jennie-ssi." 


Jennie smiled. "Thank you, Wendy-ssi." 


Wendy goes back to sit beside the girls after that and she learns from them that Irene's parents went back to Seoul as soon as they heard the accident. Mrs. Bae and her fiance are currently staying at a hotel for the meantime, but Mrs. Bae would come to the hospital everyday to visit Irene. In Jennie's case, this is her second time visiting the hospital, both times she was with Irene's mom. 


After a while, the nurse assigned to Wendy's ward was already looking for Wendy, saying that the latter has to take her medicines and do extra laboratory procedures. Sighing, Wendy had no choice but to follow the nurse back to her room, but not after looking at Irene again through the glass window. 


"Wake up now, unnie. Everyone that loves you is here."




A week has passed and Irene has not yet woken up. Meanwhile, Wendy is recovering well and is ready to be discharged at the end of the week. She's also getting good at handling her emotions now that she can visit and talk to Irene without worrying that she might cry. 


Over the week, Wendy managed to convince herself that she has to be strong, for herself, for their friends, and especially for Irene. She has to stay positive. She can't go visit Irene and look hopeless every time. She tried to bury the memories of the accident, and the guilt from Irene saving her life. Wendy has to forget that all to remain intact, mentally and emotionally. 


I promised unnie that I would not cry because of her. She told herself one day. I have to be strong, for unnie


And so, Wendy tried to live her life everyday as normal as she can.



"Hi, unnie." Wendy greeted Irene, sitting beside the latter's bed. She held Irene's hand and observed her face. 


"You know, unnie. If not for these machines and tubes connected to you, I'll say you're just sleeping." Wendy tried to joke. She smiled a little. "But even with all these things, you still look beautiful, unnie." 


But of course, Wendy was met by silence, one that Wendy already mastered to ignore. 


"Oh and by the way, unnie. I'm coming back to the University next week." Wendy said, playing with Irene's hand. "Then I'll record my song for you. I promised you that I'll record it and give you a copy, right?" Wendy chuckles to herself. "And unnie, I'll be out of the hospital in two days, but of course I'll still visit you everyday."


Wendy placed Irene's palm on her cheek, leaning to it. "I miss you already, unnie. I can't wait to see your pretty eyes and your beautiful smile again." 


"Ms. Son?" The nurse called out. Wendy knows this already as a sign that her 10 minute visit is up. Smiling kindly, Wendy nodded to the nurse. 


"I'll get going now, unnie. My time's up, and there's a line of people outside that want to visit you too." Wendy smiled and kissed Irene's forehead. "Wake up, unnie. Okay? I love you." 


As Wendy stepped outside, she noticed Joy sitting at the bench, staring blankly at her phone that seemed to be ringing. Frowning, Wendy walked up to her. She was standing in front of Joy when she saw who the caller was. Upon seeing the name, Wendy remembered the last message Joy texted her before the accident. With so many things that happened, Wendy has forgotten about it and Joy never opened the topic to her again. This time, Wendy thought, maybe she can talk with the younger girl about it. 


"Hey, aren't you going to answer him?" 


"Oh, unnie." Surprised, Joy greeted back. "You're done?" 


"Yeah. 10 minutes is just too short." 


Joy forced a smile. "I know, right." 


"So?" Wendy gestured towards the ringing phone. 


Joy sighed. 


"You two have broken up?" 


Joy shakes her head. "No, unnie.. I mean, not yet? I don't know." 


Wendy frowns at the answer. "You think he's cheating on you again?" Wendy remembered what Joy told her in the text. 


"He is, unnie." 


"Oh. You confirmed it?" 


Joy nodded. 


"And you two have not broken up yet?" 


Again, Joy nodded. 


"Why is he calling you then?" 


"He still has no idea that I already know about his cheating, unnie." 


"O-kay." Wendy nodded. "Why aren't you answering his call then?" 


Joy sighed. "I've been avoiding him for almost a week now, unnie." 


Wendy frowns. "Why?" 


"You know I wear my heart on my sleeve, unnie. I can't face him and pretend that nothing's wrong." Joy explained. "So.. I'm afraid that if I finally talk to him, all these emotions will burst, and then, then it will finally be over for us." 


"Because you still love him?" 


Joy nods. "What should I do, unnie? 


Wendy gave a comforting smile. "I think you already know what you should do, Sooyoung-ah. That's why you're afraid to confront him in the first place." 


"But unnie.. What if- what if I can't break up with him? What if I can't lose him, unnie?" 


"You know, Sooyoung, sometimes it's better to think of ourselves first, love ourselves first." Wendy answered. "Because if you lose yourself while loving him, you'll still lose him in the end. And that would be more painful." Wendy patted Joy's back. "It's easier said than done, I know. But someone told me I don't have to worry about you, because she's so sure that you can take care of yourself."


"Who-" Sooyoung saw Wendy's loving smile and she understood. "Ah. Joohyun unnie?" 


Wendy nodded, still with the same smile. "She knew that you were seeing Sungjae, by the way?" 


This shocked Joy. "R-really? Why didn't she confront me about it, unnie?" 


"Because she trusts you. And I trust you too." Wendy answered, patting Joy's head this time. "Besides, he's just one man. You have four girls here with you, you know. Or, I can be your boyfriend if you want. " Wendy laughs. 


"Ew, unnie." Joy hit Wendy's shoulder playfully. 


"Yah! What do you mean 'ew'? I pride myself to be a girlfriend and boyfriend material, you know." 


"Oh my gosh, unnie, stop." Joy laughs harder. "You're not my type."


"What the-" Wendy faked being mad. "Well, you better. Because I already have Joohyun unnie." 


This made Joy laugh even more. "You're crazy, Wendy unnie." She then gave a soft smile. "But thank you, unnie. For being here and for always making me feel better." 


"Anytime, Sooyoung-ah." Wendy returned the smile. 


"So.. How about you, unnie? How are you doing?" Joy asked carefully. She knows what the older girl is doing, that Wendy is trying to be strong. As much as she admires this side of Wendy, she can't help but worry as well. "You know you don't have to pretend that you're always strong, right?" 


Wendy chose not to answer that. Still, she nods. 


"We're just here for you too, unnie, just like you've been here for us. Okay?" 


This time, Wendy smiles. "Okay."




A week after that, Irene was already out of the ICU and was transferred to a private room. The doctor also removed the tube in because Irene can already breath normally on her own. What remains is for Irene to wake up. 


"Unnie, I have a surprise for you." 


Just like every other day, Wendy visited Irene. Her visits are much frequent now, now that Irene is already in a private room. Most often, Wendy will even stay at the hospital overnight. 


Wendy took out a CD box from her bag. She opens the case and faces the CD to Irene's direction though obviously, Wendy knows that Irene won't be able to see it. 


"It's finally here, unnie. The one I promised you about." Wendy smiles, a bit bitterly. "I had a hard time recording this though."


Wendy spent a week recording her song for Irene. Her vocals are there, the power and technique is there, but for some reason, Wendy can't put the right emotions in the song.  The first and only time she sang this song is during their anniversary. Back then, Wendy was so full of emotions. But during the recording, the accident and the image of Irene lying unconscious on the hospital bed keep playing in her mind. And as much as Wendy tries to hide it, it hurts her. So Wendy had a hard time with the recording. She had to reset her mind over and over again, to think of only all the good memories she spent with Irene for her to finish the recording. 


While recording, she thought of her first meeting at the rooftop, with Irene calling her stupid. (Wendy smiles for the first time during the recording at this memory). Then her memory goes back to when Irene claimed her as her girlfriend in front of all the students, to their first shared hug outside her apartment, to the time when Irene first kissed her making Wendy blushed unconsciously. She also thought of her confession to Irene and how she embarrassed herself that day, then finally to their time on the cruise ship- on the moment she's singing her self-composed song to Irene with so much love. 


As Wendy ended the last note, her professor and a couple of music students that were in the recording booth were on their feet, clapping excessively. 


"You really love her, huh?" Her professor whispered in Wendy's ear after the recording. "I felt it with your singing."


Wendy blushed. 


"I know things are difficult right now for you, and I know we had a difficult start with this recording. But great job, Ms. Son." Wendy's professor complimented. "This recording is just a university project but I hope one day, the country will hear this, your voice. Again, job well done, Ms. Son." 


Wendy smiles. "Thank you, sir." 


"After a long week, it's finally here, unnie." Wendy waves the CD on her hand. "Wake up now, unnie, so I can give your gift formally." 


Wendy stares lovingly at Irene's sleeping face. She caresses the latter's cheek. "I miss you so much, unnie." Saying that while looking at the still unconscious Irene, Wendy can feel her tears. 


No. Wendy shakes her head. You're strong. Don't cry, Seungwan. 


To divert her attention, Wendy walks to the CD player in the room. She inserted the CD in it, and looked back to Irene. 


"I'll play it for you, unnie. Okay?" 


As the music started playing, Wendy sat beside Irene's bed. She held Irene's hand and sang along with the song, eyes never leaving the older girl. 


You shine upon me

Like you’re water to me


By the time you open your eyes

Everything will be fine


Wendy caressed Irene's cheek as the song finished. "Open your eyes, and everything will be alright, unnie." 


Still with no response from the unconscious girl, Wendy can't help but sigh softly. "It's fine. I'll wait for you unnie." 


Wendy was about to leave the bed to turn off the CD player when she heard a soft groan. Surprised, she looks across the room for the possible source of sound, still, she can't find any. Unless.. 


Wendy gasped. She turned towards Irene's direction and she saw it. Irene's eyes moved. 


"Unnie?" Wendy called out, adrenaline rushing to her. "Joohyun unnie?" 


Irene responded with a soft groan. Her eyes opened slowly. 


"Unnie!" Wendy called excitedly. "Unnie, can you hear me?" 


Irene looks at Wendy drowsily, before her eyes shut close again. 


"W-wait, unnie!" This time, Wendy panicked. She immediately called for the doctor. 


At the news, Irene's parents and the rest of the Queens immediately rushed to the hospital. As the doctor explained, Irene's momentarily waking up is a good sign. It's her brain adjusting, and if all goes well, Irene might wake up fully after a few days. 


Mrs. Bae, Seulgi, and Joy cried hearing that. While Mr. Bae, Wendy, and Yeri comforted the others with a big smile on their faces. 


Thank you, unnie. Wendy looks at Irene's figure as she consoles Seulgi, all the while trying hard to keep her tears in bay. 


For three days, Irene kept opening her eyes only to close it again after a few seconds. 


Wendy never wanted to leave Irene's side since then, despite protests from the Queens.


"Wendy, go home for today and rest."


"I.. I don't want to, Seul. What if unnie wakes up?" 


"Then I'll call you immediately."


"But I want to be there when that happens. I want to see her. I want her to see me."


"But Wendy, you're barely getting any sleep. Joohyun unnie wouldn't like that."


"Yeah, I know." Wendy sighs. "Just please, Seul."


Sighing defeatedly, Seulgi nods. "Fine. But I'll join you here. And you better sleep later."


"I will, Seul." Wendy nodded happily. "Thank you." 


Seulgi was about to reply when they heard it again. The soft groan coming from Irene. In a leap, both were on Irene's side. 


"Unnie?" They called in unison. 


Irene's eyes open, as they expected, as this keeps happening for a few days now. However, what they didn't expect was for Irene to blink, blink, until her eyes focused on thin air. 


"U-unnie?" Wendy called nervously. 


Irene's eyes slowly went from staring into space to meet Wendy's eyes. 


"Joo-Joohyun unnie?" Wendy called out once more, excitement and anxiousness mixed into one. 


Irene fixed her gaze at Wendy, as if trying to recognise the younger girl. 


"Unnie! You're awake!" Wendy can feel tears of happiness b on her eyes. Shaking her tears away, she addressed Irene once more. "I- I'll just call the doctor, unnie." 


"I'll do it, Wendy." Seulgi volunteered, tears already falling from her eyes. 


Wendy watched as Irene turned her head to Seulgi's voice. 


"Joohyun unnie, you're.. You're really awake." 


Irene turned to look at Wendy again. She wanted to say something but felt too dry. Irene winced. 


"Don't force yourself, unnie. It's okay. It'll be fine." Wendy said, excitement never leaving her voice. 


Soon, the nurse came inside the room followed by Mr. Bae and the rest of the Queens. The nurse takes Irene's vital signs and assesses her level of consciousness. 


"Welcome back, Ms. Irene." The nurse smiled after her assessment. The heir to Bae's industries is finally awake. "I'll call Dr. Choi so he could do more assessment on you." 


Mr. Bae thanked the nurse, while Irene could only nod, still finding it a bit difficult to talk. 


Mr. Bae immediately went to Irene to embrace his daughter. "Hyun. Thank goodness."


"D-" Irene swallowed. "Dad. Y- you're- here?" 


"Of course, Hyun. Of course." Mr. Bae smiled. 


Irene then looked at each of the girls in the room. She smiles. "Hey guys." 


"Unnie!" Joy ran to Irene the fastest and cried her eyes out. Seulgi followed, then Yeri who, this time, was not able to hide her tears. 


"What took you so long to wake up, unnie?" Yeri whined, earning a soft chuckle from Irene. 


From the corner of her eyes, Irene's gaze finally landed on Wendy. Yeri, who was in Irene's embrace, noticed this and released the hug.


"Wendy unnie, come on here. Joohyun unnie is waiting." Yeri teased. 


Irene was about to say something but Wendy beat her to it. Wendy ran to Irene and hugged the older girl real tight. 


"Joohyun unnie.. I-" Wendy gulps. She can't cry. She did a great job at keeping her promise all these times. She can't break it now especially in front of Irene. "I miss you so much, unnie." 


Irene awkwardly pats Wendy's back. Wendy was waiting for Irene to say something but when she heard none, that's when Wendy felt the awkward hands of Irene on her back. Curiously, Wendy released the hug and looked at Irene. 


"Unnie?" Wendy called out, nervousness slowly creeping in. Irene is looking at her as if she's looking at an unfamiliar face. "Is- is there something wrong?" 


"W-well, I'm.." Irene gave an awkward smile. "I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name?" 


Wendy's arms fall limply on her side. She can't even speak. 


Her mind blanked.


The rest of the Queens gasp at Irene's words. 


"Hyun?" Mr. Bae was the only one who managed to say something. 


However, as if she didn't hear the calling of her name and not noticing the bewildered faces of the girls, Irene looks around the room as if searching for something, or someone. 


"And where is Jennie?" 


Wendy can only stare at Irene, still unable to react or think of anything. 


"Hyun? Why, uh, why are you looking for Jennie?" Mr. Bae asked, but just like everyone else in the room, he already had a hunch of what's happening. 


Irene frowns at the question. "Because she should be here too?" Irene answered as if stating the obvious. 


"I mean, she's my girlfriend. Right?" 


At that, Wendy's world came crashing down. 


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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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0 points #1
Chapter 25: Ha, you don't know how much I love this story. I didn't notice that it was already morning (5am) when I stopped at Chapter 23. I told myself, just one more chapter and I'll stop since it's getting late but here we are. I'm sleep-deprived but totally worth it!

This is beyond beautiful! It made me cry, it made my heart hurt but it also made me happy with how things turned out. There's a lot to say about how great this is but my mind isn't catching up to me. Hahahaha. Oh well, just know that your story is amazing and honestly, I'm glad that I stumbled upon this.

Thank you for writing and sharing your story with us! I hope you're always happy and healthy! 🩷🩵
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy