Chapter II

My Girl


The following day was worse for Wendy. Everywhere she goes, people keep throwing random things like trashes and crumpled papers at her. Just now during lunch time, Wendy ate on an empty classroom instead of the cafeteria to avoid these students and yet, they managed to find her and threw her their left-over foods.

Argh. When will this stop? 

Wendy tried to remain as calm and as unaffected as she can but she doesn’t know till when she can hold up.

Wendy heaved a sigh and tried to convince herself positively. She managed to escape from the Queens’ crazy servants, as what Wendy called them, and found herself on the rooftop.

“Now this is a good place. Nobody would think that I’m here.” Wendy told herself. Being in the rooftop alone and breathing a bit of fresh air calms her.

“It’s okay, Seungwan-ah. You can do this!” Wendy encouraged herself. She then sat at a corner and tried to clean herself with a handkerchief.

I’m a mess. Wendy thought. There’s a ketchup on her hair, a stain of an unknown sauce on her face, and her dress reeks of vinegar.

Wendy was trying so hard to remove the ketchup on her hair when the door of the rooftop was opened harshly and someone walks in. Instinctively, Wendy covered herself in case the newcomer throws something at her.

However, few seconds passed and still nothing happened. Getting curious, Wendy lowered her arms. She peeks at the stranger and gasped in surprise. Standing in front of Wendy with a frown on her face while looking back at her, is the leader of the Queens.

Oh, no. Not again. Wendy lowered her head.

“What are you doing here?” Irene asked with coldness on her voice. “This area is prohibited.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.” Wendy stood and faced Irene. “I’ll go n-“

Wendy was not able to finish her question as she faced Irene and saw the bruise and lump on the Queen’s forehead. She bit her lip in guilt.

“Are- are you okay now? Does it still hurt?” Wendy found the courage to ask, pointing at the slightly taller girl’s head.

Irene didn’t answer and Wendy gulps as the latter frowns even more, staring intently at her.

Wendy was getting curious at the way Irene stares at her so she was thankful when the Queen broke the eye contact. Instead, Wendy heard a heavy sigh coming from Irene.

“You’re crazy.”

Wendy was surprised at the sudden insult and when Irene looks back at her, Wendy expected to see anger or annoyance in Irene’s eyes. Instead, she was more surprise to see that there’s softness in the eyes that is staring back at her. Softness and concern.

Wait. Concern?

But before Wendy can read Irene’s eyes again, the latter started to walk away.

“Worry about yourself first, stupid.” Was what Irene told Wendy before she opened the door and left.

“What was that?” Wendy asked herself, bewildered.



The next day, Wendy realized that as days passed, the bullying gets severe. During the first day, the attack only happened once. On the second day, the crazy servants do worse things but they didn’t appear until lunch time. But now, Wendy have just set foot on the gate of the university when a pail of water was thrown at her, soaking her from head to toe.

Great. What a great day to start the day. Wendy sighed.

The students laughed at her but Wendy chose not to pay any attention to them. That’s how she plans to deal with this-- to try not to get affected at all.

Several students are blocking her way but she ignored them all and passed by them. Annoyed that they are not getting the reaction they want, one student tripped Wendy, causing her to fall on her knees.

Argh. Just when my ankle is about to heal! Wendy cursed internally. She frowns.

“Ooh... You’re getting angry now, is that it?” One female student taunted her which earned collective laughs from the other students watching.

The scene is gathering too much attention now since a crowd of the Queens’ servants have now surrounded Wendy. Almost all students who happened to pass by will stop and watch the scene.

As the Queens’ servants are busy with Wendy while the other curious students are busy watching, they didn’t notice the arrival of the Queens. This came as a pleasant surprise for the four girls since for the first time, there are no deafening screams and fangirlings. However, they soon realized the reason for the lack of audience when they saw the girl who hit Irene with the ball, wet and fallen on the floor while being surrounded by the self-proclaimed supporters of the Queens. Just by seeing this scene, they already know what’s going on.

“Hey, isn’t it that girl?” Yeri pointed.

“Unnie, aren’t you really going to do something?” Joy asked instead, directing at Irene.

“I told you, it’s none of my business.” Irene answered, also looking at the girl Yeri was pointing earlier.

Joy huffs. “Fine. Then I will.”

Joy was about to walk towards the crowd when she was stopped by Seulgi. Wondering why she is stopping her, Joy looked at Seulgi and the latter gestured towards the crowd. Joy followed her line of sight and there, she saw a male student crouched down beside Wendy, offering a hand. Joy instantly turned to Irene who is staring at it too, fist clenched. Unexpectedly, Joy smirks to herself. Now this will be interesting.

Still in the middle of the bullies, Wendy tried to stand but the pain on her injured ankle comes back. Just as she was losing hope of getting away from this situation, a hand was offered to her.

“Here, let me help you.”

Wendy looks up at the owner of the voice and saw a male student smiling awkwardly at her, a hand still offered for Wendy to take. Wendy recognized him. He’s Eric, a classmate from one of her major subjects but whom she never had a proper conversation with yet.

“Well, well, well. Who would have thought you have a friend.” Another student said mockingly.

Eric ignored this and looks back at Wendy once more. “Come on.”

“Uhh, I don’t think this is a good idea.” Wendy whispers, only for the two of them to hear. “They’ll be after you too.”

But Eric only smiles. “It’s okay. I’ll be fine, I can handle myself.”

Wendy thought for a while. She really didn’t want to drag anybody with her. But then, she has to admit that right now, she really needs help. So half-guiltily, she lifted her arms to accept the help. Wendy was about to reach Eric’s helping hand when suddenly, someone takes a hold of her hand instead and in a swift motion, Wendy was pulled off the ground and was made to stand behind the person who pulled her up, separating her from Eric.

Wendy, now standing behind the girl who swiftly but somehow harshly pulled her up, can only stare at the girl’s back. But even without facing the girl, Wendy definitely knows who she is. She gasps, eyes widened.

Eric and all the students have the same reaction as well. All became silent in shock with what just happened. It happened too quickly- Wendy was about to take Eric’s hand when out of nowhere, the Queen Irene herself emerges from the crowd and grabs Wendy’s hand, pulling her up and dragging Wendy behind her, as if shielding the latter from Eric. Now, it’s as if time freezes. Irene is glaring at Eric, still holding Wendy’s hand behind her. Wendy, Eric, and all the other students are still in shock, no one’s making a move or saying anything.

“You all listen very clearly.” Irene’s stern voice addresses the crowd, as if bringing them back to reality. “No one, not any one of you, will lay a hand on this girl.”

Several gasps were heard following the announcement. Even Wendy was in shock again. What the hell is happening now?

One female student was faster than the others to react. She stutters. “Bu..But, Queen, We- we’re doing this to- to avenge you. That girl hurt you!”

The students who are part of the Queen’s servants nodded aggressively.

Irene raised a brow. “I don’t think anyone of you has the right to question me.”

The fans gulped in nervousness and even Wendy shivers by the coldness of Irene’s voice.

“But okay,” Irene started again. “Let’s settle this once and for all so all of you will know your place.” Irene looks at them as she speaks, eyes landing on Eric at the last words.

Irene walks forward to the crowd, pulling Wendy along with her as she is still holding Wendy’s hand.

“This girl, is my girlfriend.”



Wendy’s mind out. After Irene’s announcement, her brain just stopped functioning. She didn’t recall how Irene left the crowd speechless after telling everyone that Wendy is her girlfriend, pulling her along with her hand still on Irene’s hold. Wendy missed how the rest of the Queens gave her, especially Irene, a teasing smile after leaving the crowd of students. Wendy didn’t realize either how Irene never let go of her hands until they enter the Queen’s lounge and how Irene lightly pushed her down to sit on the couch.

“Hey, are you okay?”

Irene’s voice brought Wendy to reality. Wendy looks up at her and saw the Queen looking at her with concern.

Is this a dream? Wendy brought a hand to her cheek and pinched herself. Oh my goodness, I’m not dreaming! All that happened earlier was real. This is really happening!

“If you’re wondering if this is real, yes, it is. So could you stop pinching yourself and answer me?” Once again, Irene’s voice woke her up from daydreaming.

“Are you okay?” Irene asked again.

“Uhh… Y-yes.” Wendy stuttered, still can’t believe that she’s in this situation right now.

Irene nodded, acknowledging Wendy’s answer. She then walked into a room and walks back out carrying a set of clothes and a bandage which she offered to Wendy.

“Here. You can change your clothes there.” Irene pointed at the door where she came from.

“Uhh…” Wendy is still at lost, she kept looking at the clothes and back to Irene.

“Well, in case you still haven’t realized, you’re soaking wet right now. So, change your clothes before you catch a cold.”

And that’s when it hit Wendy that true enough, her wet clothes are sticking to her body, making her feel cold.

“O-oh, right.”

“There’s a bandage too for your ankle. You can bandage it yourself, right?”

Wendy nodded.

“Go on then.” Irene pointed at the closed room once again. “Just leave your wet clothes at the laundry bin.”

Wendy bowed and excused herself to get change. The room she was pointed to at is a walk-in closet with a separate area where you can get changed.

This kind of room exists in a school? Woah. They really are the Queens.

Once done changing, Wendy looked at the mirror and stares at herself wearing a casual dress. Not bad. She thinks. But as she stares at herself long enough, realization hit her again.

“What the hell is happening?” she whispered to herself. “Just earlier I was being bullied by the Queens’ servants and now, I’m here at the Queens’ lounge with the Queen Bae herself. And did she say that I’m her girlfriend?” Wendy face-palmed herself. “Oh my goodness.” 

Knowing that she can’t stay there for too long, Wendy took a deep breath before walking out of the room. She saw Irene sitting on a desk and as Wendy went out of the room, their eyes met. 

“Come here.” Irene said. Wendy obeyed, standing a few steps in front of the Queen.

“What’s your name?”


“Wendy? Why the American name?”

“I- I studied abroad when I was young.”

Irene nodded at the information. “So you’re known as Wendy? That’s what everybody calls you?”

Wendy can only nod.

“That won’t do.” Wendy heard Irene say in a whisper. “What’s your Korean name then?”

“Uhm, Seungwan. Son Seungwan.”

“Seungwan?” Irene repeated the name and smiled. “Okay, I’ll call you Seungwan from now on.”

Wendy sure was taken aback. She didn’t know if it’s because Irene is claiming to use her personal name or if it’s because for the first time, she saw Irene smile, a smile that is not directed to her friends. 


“Oh, you think I’m beautiful?” Irene smiled once more, with a hint of tease this time. “Thank you, Seungwan.”

“I… I…” Wendy’s eyes widened. She immediately covers . “Wait, did I- did I say that aloud?”

To further surprise Wendy, Irene laughs. “You’re cute, Seungwan-ah. But you don’t have to be shy. You’re my girlfriend now.”

The way her real name flows freely from Irene’s mouth surprises Wendy. It sounds so natural. But then again, Irene-ssi is probably good at this already, seeing how many relationships she had.

And speaking of relationship…

“Wait.” Wendy decided to courageously asked. “Was it not a joke?”

“You being my girlfriend?” Irene frowns. “Of course not.”

“So… is it my punishment then?” Wendy asked carefully. “For accidentally hitting you?”

This time, it was Irene who was taken aback. “You think being my girlfriend is a punishment?”

“Wha- N-no, no, that’s not what I meant.” Wendy waves both hands vigorously, she didn’t want to offend anyone with her choice of words. “I’m sorry. That’s- that’s not what I meant by that.”

“What do you mean then?” Irene asked and Wendy sighs in relief when the Queen didn’t show any sign of being offended.

“Well, I mean…” Wendy scratched her head. “Why would you make me your girlfriend then?”

“Because I want to, and I can?” Irene shrugged. She walks towards Wendy, standing just a meter away from the latter, making Wendy flustered at the close proximity.

“And besides,” Irene started, looking directly at Wendy’s eyes. She smiled and poked the shorter girl’s nose. “I like you.”

“You- you like me?” Wendy’s eyes widened in surprise. “Why?”

Irene frowns. “Why not?”

“Uhm well… because we don’t really know each other personally?” Wendy answered, as if stating the obvious. “And because… I’m not like those popular fans of yours. I’m just… a nobody here, Irene-ssi.”

Irene looked at Wendy and shook her head. “How old are you?”

“Eh?” Wendy didn’t expect the diversion of topic.

“How old are you?” 

“Uhm.. 21.” Wendy answered despite the confusion.

“I’m older than you then. You can call me ‘unnie’ or just ‘Joohyun’. I don’t mind.”


“That’s my real name. Only family and close friends call me that.” Irene explained. 

“But… But will that be okay?” Wendy asked, bewildered. “You said only people close to you call you by that name.”

“So what? You’re my girlfriend now.” Irene stated in a matter-of-fact manner.

Is she always like this to her past girlfriends too? Wendy thought. “Uhh…”

Irene sighed. “Yes it’s true that we barely know each other but so what? Why are you getting worked up with that? We’re just girlfriends, it’s not like we’re getting married already, right?” Irene delivered her last sentence with a smirk, making Wendy blushed in embarrassment.

“I like you, and I wanna get to know you. So, I want you to be my girlfriend. It’s just that. You know, like the usual.”

Like the usual.

Oh, right. This is Irene Bae I’m talking to. The notorious chic magnet.

“Wait… What if… What if I disagree?” Wendy asked. She didn’t want to be like those girls who almost went crazy when Irene broke up with them. Well, it’s not like I’m saying that I’ll fall for her but, it won’t hurt to be careful. Once is enough.

“Oh.” Irene smirked. “Should I play the guilt card then?”

“The what?”

“Now, don’t tell me you’ve already forgotten about this?” Irene said, pointing to her forehead.

“Oh. Right. That’s my fault. I’m sorry.” Wendy answered, guilt coming back.

“Be my girlfriend and you’re forgiven.”  Irene said, smiling.

Wendy sighs internally. Oh well, might as well go with it. I’m sure after a few weeks, she’ll eventually dumped me and all of this will be over. I just have to be careful around her. Right. That’s right.


The way Irene’s lips curved into a smile left Wendy’s jaw hanging. Her smile looks so beautiful and somehow, Wendy can feel the sincerity in it.

“Thank you, Seungwan.”

What is this? Is this really the almighty leader of the Queens?

Seeing Irene smiling beautifully at her made Wendy smiled back.

“Oh, and one more thing.” Irene said, smiles gone. She went closer to Wendy, holding the latter’s chin up.

Wendy was taken aback by the sudden contact but as she looks at Irene’s eyes, all she can see is softness and sincerity in them.

“I don’t appreciate you downplaying yourself.” Irene said, meeting Wendy’s eyes. “You’re not, and you’re never just a nobody. So, I don’t want to hear you talking about yourself that way again.”

Wendy didn’t know what overcome her but hearing Irene’s words, she felt warmth. The sincerity in those eyes and those words stir some emotions inside her. 

“Thank you, Ire- uh, Joohyun unnie.” Wendy managed to say.

Hearing Wendy say her name made Irene smile like a child. “I like it.”

Seeing that beautiful smile again, Wendy can only smile back.

Maybe, this is not so bad after all.



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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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0 points #1
Chapter 25: Ha, you don't know how much I love this story. I didn't notice that it was already morning (5am) when I stopped at Chapter 23. I told myself, just one more chapter and I'll stop since it's getting late but here we are. I'm sleep-deprived but totally worth it!

This is beyond beautiful! It made me cry, it made my heart hurt but it also made me happy with how things turned out. There's a lot to say about how great this is but my mind isn't catching up to me. Hahahaha. Oh well, just know that your story is amazing and honestly, I'm glad that I stumbled upon this.

Thank you for writing and sharing your story with us! I hope you're always happy and healthy! 🩷🩵
WluvsBaetokki #2
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy