Chapter 21

My Girl

Six months have passed since Irene left. Six months since Wendy tried to accept their fate and tried to move on. It was hard for her, there was never a day that she didn't think of Irene. She felt hurt and regretful that it ended that way, but she knows there is nothing she could do about it now. 


At least I know I did my best. That was what she would always tell herself. 


As time passes, Wendy learns to live through it. Of course the pain is still there, but slowly, she's beginning to accept it. It was mostly thanks to the rest of the Queens for always being there for her, even if she and Irene have officially broken up. The communication between Irene and the Queens was constant, they were always talking at least thrice a week so Wendy still has news of Irene ever since she left. The Queens would be careful about it though, they would make sure that Wendy is okay before talking about Irene. 


In the span of six months, Wendy kept herself busy. As she was going into therapies for her leg, she was also practicing diligently and going into vocal training at RV entertainment where she has signed a contract with five months ago. 


It was a good and productive way to forget about things, Wendy thought. She may have begun to accept that she and Irene are finally over, but it didn't change the fact that she still misses Irene everyday. Especially, when an offer was presented to her one day. 


She was under RV entertainment as a trainee and would be launched as a singer. It was just as Wendy wanted. She doesn't want to be an idol. She just wants to sing, to be a professional singer. RV entertainment had made sure of that, but still, Wendy had to undergo training. 


However, just two months ago, she was called by the company's COO because of an offer to her to sing an OST for an upcoming drama. It came as a surprise to Wendy, especially since she was still a trainee, but the company thought that it would be a good opportunity to make her name known even before she officially started her career. And so, Wendy agreed. 


Upon accepting the offer, Irene is the first person Wendy thought of sharing the good news with. But of course, she held back. 


I really should stop thinking about her. It's been months, Seungwan-ah. 


Wendy sighs, and decides to call her parents first instead. 




After two months of rehearsing and preparing, it's finally here. The moment that Wendy is both excited and nervous about. She will appear for the very first time in public to sing her OST. 


"Unnie, relax. Just think of it like you're in the glee club." Joy told her backstage. 


"You know it's different, Sooyoung-ah." Wendy whines. 


"Well, just think of this as your stepping stone, unnie." Yeri joined in. "Do well this first time and it's the start." 


Wendy gave a forceful laugh. "Was it meant to make me feel less nervous, Yerim-ah?" 


"Yes! Did it work, unnie?" 


Wendy playfully rolls her eyes. "You just made me more nervous." 


"Well, then how about-" 


"Wendy-ah." Seulgi chimed in, interrupting Yeri. "You're already good enough. Just show them what you've got." 


Wendy looks at Seulgi. Wait. Those words are familiar. 


Understanding Wendy's look, Seulgi smiled. "Someone told me to say that to you." 


"Who-" Wendy stopped midway. She didn't need to ask. She already knew. 


Joohyun unnie. 


Wendy thinks it's weird how after all these months, and after how it ended, the thought of Irene is still enough to comfort her. She knows she really has to move on, but just this time, she would use that thought of Irene to feel encouraged and do well. 


Just in time, Wendy's name was called to go up the stage. 


"Fighting, unnie!" Joy and Yeri said in unison. 


"You can do it, Wendy-ah." Seulgi cheered. 


Wendy smiled and nodded. Taking a deep breath, she walks towards the stage, and towards her dream. 


Wendy stood at the center of the stage, waiting for the staff's cue. She can feel her hands shaking in front of all these cameras, reporters, and audience. 


Take a deep breath, Seungwan-ah. You can do this. 


Wendy took a deep breath, but she can still feel her nervousness. The last time she felt this nervous was during her audition at RV entertainment, and back then, Irene was with her. 


"If you feel your nervousness getting the best of you, you can look for me. I'm just here." 


She remembered Irene's words from before and Wendy stopped the urge to chuckle. Shaking her head, Wendy looks up at the crowd in front of her. She knows it's impossible. She doesn't even know why she even thought of doing it in the first place knowing that Irene would not be there. 


You're crazy, Seungwan. Why would she be-


Wendy's eyes widened. 




Standing amongst the crowd, Wendy saw her


Irene is staring back at her, with a shy smile on her face. 


I- It must be a dream, right? Wendy chuckled mentally. Do I miss her that much that I am now seeing the illusion of her? 


Wendy held Irene's gaze, or in Wendy's case, the gaze of Irene's illusion. She heard the staff telling her through her in-ear that the music will be played in a few seconds. 


I guess I just have to hold onto your illusion for now, unnie. 


Wendy smiled, and the song started playing. 




It was a blast for Wendy. Right after the music stopped playing, the studio was filled with claps and cheers. The show's PD-nim even congratulated her for a job well done and wished her luck on her career. 


Wendy felt relieved, she felt great. There was a big smile on her face when she went down backstage, where she was welcomed by a big hug from Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri. 


"Unnie! You're so good! I'm so proud of you!" Joy hugged Wendy once more. 


Feeling embarrassed at the complement, Wendy rubs the back of her neck. "Thanks guys. I hope I deliver the song well though." 


"What do you mean, you hope? You absolutely nailed it, unnie!" Yeri answered. "Joohyun unnie even teared up ear-" 


Yeri gasped as she covered . Seulgi shook her head in defeat, while Joy rolled her eyes at Yeri. 


Meanwhile, Wendy was frozen in place. "Joo- Joohyun unnie?" 


"Yah," Seulgi lightly knocked Yeri's head. "It's supposed to be a surprise."


"Oops, sorry." Yeri grins. "But it's not like Wendy unnie didn't know yet. Did you, unnie?" Yeri turned to the still surprised Wendy. "You already saw Joohyun unnie earlier, right?" 


"W-wait." Wendy stuttered. "Joohyun unnie," She gulps. She can feel her heart pounding. "-was here?" 


"Wait. You didn't know, unnie?" Yeri raised an eyebrow. "But I saw you looking at Joohyun unnie earlier. You even smiled at her." 


Wendy gasped. "That- that was real?" 


Yeri laughs. "What? Don't tell me you thought she was just a fragment of your imagination, unnie?" 


Wendy's mouth agape. So that was real? Joohyun unnie was really here?? 


Yeri stopped laughing upon seeing Wendy's reaction. "Oh my gosh, unnie. You really thought you were just imagining things?" 




Joy draped her arm around Wendy's shoulder. "Joohyun unnie is here, unnie."


In an instant, Wendy turned her head left and right, searching the crowd. 


"She just went to the bathro- Oh! There she is!" 


Wendy followed Joy's line of sight and her breath got caught in . 


Irene is walking towards them, a bouquet of flowers in her hand, and a shy smile on her face. 


"Hey." Irene greets Wendy, still with the same smile on her face. 


"U-unnie." Wendy muttered. Wendy could feel her heart beating real fast, as heat traveled to her cheeks. It's been six months and you still have the same effect on me. 


"Uh, here." Irene handed Wendy the bouquet of flowers, and Wendy could tell that Irene too is feeling kind of shy and awkward. "Congratulations, Seungwan." 


Wendy felt her heart swoon at how her Korean name rolled out of Irene's tongue. It's been a while. 


Ever since Irene left, there was no communication between the two of them at all. Wendy felt sad about it at first, but eventually thought that it's for the better. That way, it would help her move on. And yet, I'm still here. With that same butterflies in my stomach just by seeing her. Wendy clicked her tongue. So much for moving on, Son Seungwan. 


"Thank you, unnie." Wendy smiled and took the flowers. 


There was silence in the air after that, and Yeri had to clear to ease the awkwardness. 


"Okay, unnies." Yeri clapped her hands once, getting the attention of the ex-couple. "Let's go celebrate Wendy unnie's successful first ever showcase!" She turned to Irene. "You're coming. Right, unnie?" 


"Uh, sure." Irene answered. "Where should we go?" 


"To Sooyoung unnie's bar. You haven't been there yet since you've lost your memory, right unnie?" 


"Oh, uhm, yeah." Irene nods. "But we should be careful though. I mean," she glanced at Wendy, "-this is practically the start of Seungwan's career and people will watch her every step."


"I've got it covered, unnie." Joy grins proudly. "The bar is closed for the day so only the five of us will be there."


"Okay!" Yeri cheered. "Come on, unnies. We don't have all day. Let's go, let's go." 


Seulgi and Yeri leave first. Meanwhile, Irene and Wendy met each other's eyes. 


"Uhh. Let's go, unnie?" Wendy asked, gesturing to Irene to walk ahead first. 


Irene gave a smile and nodded. She walked towards the parking area, with Wendy and Joy behind her. 




Just like the first time. 


Wendy thought as she watched Seulgi, Joy, and Yeri singing and dancing at the stage, while Irene and her were just on the couch, clapping and singing along with the three Queens. And just like the first time, Irene has not been drinking much. Wendy, on the other hand, told herself to just drink moderately. Irene and a drunk Wendy are not really a good combination. Wendy has proven that twice already. 


"So, uh," Irene cleared , pushing Wendy out of her thoughts. "How are you, Seungwan?" 


"I'm- doing okay, unnie. Graduating this year." Wendy shyly grins. 


Irene returned the smile. "Congrats. And your leg? The girls told me it's been fully healed?" 


"Yup." Wendy said, stretching her once injured leg. "I can actually join a marathon now." 


Irene laughs and shakes her head. 


"How about you, unnie?" 


"Nah. Pass. I'm not joining the marathon." Irene jokes and had to laugh seeing how Wendy playfully rolled her eyes. 


"That's not what I meant, unnie." Wendy pouts. But in her mind, she was glad that Irene and her are still comfortable with each other like this. At least, we could still be friends. 


"I was just joking." Irene grins. "Well, I'm doing okay too. I'm looking after our US branch while I'm there." 


Wendy nods. "When did you arrive here, by the way?" 


"Earlier this morning." Irene answered. "The girls told me about your OST and about this showcase, so.." 


Wendy gulps. "You- you came here for- that?" 


Irene seemed flustered for a bit. She drank a shot of soju. "Yeah." 


Wendy's heart skipped a beat. 


Irene chuckled awkwardly. "I told you I'm your fan, right? And uh, I don't think I could miss this very important day."


"Oh." Wendy felt her cheeks heating up. This is bad. I still haven't moved on. I could not start hoping again.


Wendy laughs, albeit awkwardly and clears . She changes the topic. "So, uh, how's.. How's Jennie?" 


Wendy thought she saw how Irene seemed a bit taken aback by the sudden change of topic, yet the Queen managed to compose herself even before Wendy could be sure of it. Irene gave a small smile. 


"She actually came with me here in Korea." Irene answered. "She just has something to take care of so she couldn't join us here." 


Wendy nods. "I see." 


"Hey, unnies!" Joy makes her way towards them, sitting beside Wendy. "Why aren't you joining us on the stage?" 


"Because they're like ahjummas, Sooyoung unnie." Yeri teased, joining them on the couch, together with Seulgi. 


"Yah, you!" Irene and Wendy said simultaneously, earning a laugh from Yeri. 


"See what I mean?" 


Irene rolled her eyes at the teasing. She gets the bottle of vodka, only to find it empty. 


"You want another drink?" Irene asked the Queens. 


Seulgi shakes her head. "I think I want a wine this time, unnie." 


"Uh, right. Wine's good." Joy agreed. 


"Oh, okay then. Let me get you guys some wine." Irene stood and went to the bar counter. They were the only people there at the bar so they had to serve themselves. 


"Unnie, the wines are on the-" Joy wasn't able to finish her sentence as she saw Irene went straight to the cabinet full of wines. "-oh nevermind." 


Irene grabs a bottle of wine and goes back to their table. "Here. This one's pretty good." She poured a drink for each of the girls. 


"Here's to Wendy unnie's successful showcase!" Yeri cheered, raising her glass in the air. 


Wendy laughs. "Thanks, guys." 


The four girls followed Yeri and clinked their glasses together. 




Once again, just like the very first time Wendy went out with the Queens, the night ended with Irene and Wendy assisting the drunk Queens into their respective rooms at Irene's mansion. 


Really. This feels like deja vu. Wendy shakes her head at her own thoughts.


"So, uh, where would you like to sleep, Seungwan?" 


"Uhm, I could just go home, unnie." 


Irene nods. "Okay. I'll drive you home." 


"W-what? No, no, it's fine, unnie." Wendy waves both hands. "I could just go home by myself." 


Irene raised a brow. "It's non-negotiable, Seungwan-ah. It's either you stay here or I'll drive you home." 


Wendy mildly frowns at the familiarity of this. 


"So?" Irene is waiting.


Wendy sighs. Oh, might as well continue with this deja vu. "I'll just sleep with Seulgi, unnie." 


Irene nods and gives a small smile. "Okay then. Goodnight, Seungwan-ah." 


Wendy returned the smile. It felt weird to be interacting with Irene like this after their formal break up and since this was the first time she met Irene again after six months. Yet, Wendy couldn't deny that a part of her was happy and relieved. 


"Goodnight, unnie." 




Wendy was awakened by the ringing of her phone. She answered immediately, afraid that the noise would disturb Seulgi's sleep. 


It was a call from one of RV Entertainment's managers, asking her to come as soon as she can at the company. Her OST was a hit and her first ever appearance on TV yesterday was received well by the public. It was beyond the company's expectation though. They didn't plan on launching Wendy formally yet. Wendy doing one OST was supposed to be just a teaser. But with the public's positive response, the company will be having a meeting regarding Wendy's future works. 


Wendy rushed out of the room and to her relief, she saw Irene in the kitchen. 


"Oh, unnie. It's a good thing you're already awake." 


"Why?" Irene frowns. "Are you leaving already?" 


"Yeah. The company called." Wendy answered. "The girls are still sleeping so, could you just tell them that I went ahead first?" 


"Wait for me. I'll just change clothes then I'll drive you to the company." 


"Uh, no, unnie. You don't have to." Wendy stopped Irene. "It's already morning. I'll be fine. Besides, I still have to go home to the apartment first to prepare myself." 


"No problem. I'll drive you to your apartment, wait for you to get ready, then drive you off to the company." 


"Wh- No, unnie. Really. I'll be fine." 


But Irene just shook her head. "Get in the car first. I'll be there in a minute." 


"Bu-" Irene sped away to her bedroom even before Wendy could protest. Having left with no choice, Wendy did what she was told. 


The car ride was a bit awkward. Wendy doesn't even know what to think. So many questions were floating on her mind. 


Why am I even here? What is Joohyun unnie doing? Does Jennie even know that I am with Joohyun unnie right now? And more importantly, why is Joohyun unnie making it difficult for me to move on? Why? What is she doing? 


Wendy unconsciously exhaled loudly. 


"I'm sorry, Seungwan." 


Wendy was surprised by Irene's apology. She immediately turned to the older girl. 


"Why are you apologising, unnie?" 


"I'm making you uncomfortable, aren't I?" 


Irene's eyes are fixed on the road but Wendy didn't miss how her grip on the steering wheel tightened. 


"Wh- No, no, unnie." Wendy assured her. "It was just uhm.." 


"Awkward?" Irene managed a quick glance at Wendy. 


"W-well," Wendy rubs her nape. She grins. "A bit?" 


"Yeah, I get that." Irene chuckles. 


"But don't be sorry, unnie." Wendy then lowered her voice a little. "Because despite whatever it is, I'm glad to see you again, unnie." 


This made Irene smile. "Yeah. Me too." 


Irene waited patiently for Wendy to get ready at the latter's apartment, despite Wendy insisting that she could go to the company on her own. But of course, Irene shrugs it off and still waits. It took Wendy less than an hour to get ready and after that, they were on the way to RV entertainment. 


"Unnie, you didn't really have to do all this, you know." Wendy started. "But, thank you." 


Irene smiled. "You're welcome, Seungwan." 


"Aren't I disturbing you though?" Wendy asked. "Don't you have plans for today, unnie?" 


Irene shakes her head. "I told you I came back just to watch your first ever performance. So, no, I don't have anything to do. And no, you're not a disturbance." 


Wendy felt herself blushing. However, a thought occurred to her. If that was only unnie's purpose in coming back to Korea, then.. "So will you go back to the US soon?" 


Irene paused. "I'm still not sure." 


So, it means there's a possibility that she'll stay a bit more? Wendy knows it shouldn't be good news to her, considering how it would only make it harder for her to move on. Yet, she finds herself smiling at the thought of seeing Irene more. 


Realizing this, Wendy immediately shakes her thoughts away. You're pathetic, Son Seungwan. 


"Oh, why?" Wendy cleared and asked, trying to sound nonchalant. "Because of Jennie-ssi?" 


Irene gave a small smile, but didn't answer. Wendy finds it weird, but she thought Irene staying silent means yes. 


Soon, they arrived at RV entertainment. 


"Thank you, unnie." Wendy said, unbuckling her seatbelt. 


"No, worries. Seungwan-ah." Irene answered. "Are you sure you don't need a lift home? What if there are reporters or paparazzis?" 


Wendy chuckles. "I'm not really a celebrity, unnie. I'm practically still a trainee and yesterday was just one event. I'm sure I would still need to work harder in the future for the reporters to follow me."


"Well, but-" 


"I'll be fine, unnie. Really." 


Irene sighs. "Okay." 


Wendy couldn't help but smile. "Take care on your way back, okay, unnie?" 


Irene nods. "You too." 


"Hm." Wendy nodded. "So uh, I'll take my leave now, unnie." She was about to open the car when a hand stopped her. 




Wendy turned to Irene. The latter unbuckled her seatbelt, fiddling on it with her hand. 


"Unnie? Is there so-" 


Wendy wasn't able to finish her question when Irene suddenly engulfed her in a hug. 


"I haven't found a chance to tell you this yesterday, but you did really well at the showcase, Seungwan-ah. I'm proud of you." 


Wendy felt her heart beating fast. It's pounding so hard that Wendy was worried that Irene might feel it through the hug. 


"T-thank you, unnie." 


As if to save Wendy from being a blushing mess, her phone rang, making Irene let go of the hug. The Queen smiled shyly, gesturing to Wendy to answer the phone. 


Wendy nodded and answered the manager's call. "Hello, unnie? Yes, I'm already here, unnie. Okay, I'll be there in a few. Thank you, unnie." 


Wendy pocketed her phone, and looked back to Irene. 


Irene, who seemed to understand, nods to Wendy. "Go ahead."


Wendy nods. "Thank you again, unnie. Take care, okay?" 


Irene gives a smile and nods. 


Wendy reluctantly left the car and entered the building, still feeling that pounding in her chest. 


This is bad. 




"Unnie! Where have you been?" Irene was greeted by a whining Joy in the living room when she got back to the house. "I'm starving." 


"And? You could just ask the maid to cook you anything you wanted." 


"But you know I don't like eating alone." Joy answered. "I can't wake Seulgi unnie and Yerim because they sleep like a log when they're drunk. And I don't want to wake Wendy unnie because she might still be tired." 


"Seungwan already left." Irene said and walked towards the kitchen. 


"Wendy unnie already left?" Joy echoed, following Irene. 


"Yeah. She was called by RVE."


"Oh." Joy pouts. "Why didn't she wake me up though?" 


"She didn't want to disturb your sleep. So she just asked me to tell you." Irene answers as she prepares the dining table. 


"Fine." Joy nods. "And you, unnie? Where have you been? I knew you're already awake at this time but I couldn't find you."


"I gave Seungwan a ride."


"Oh?" Joy stared at Irene. 


Irene knows the look Joy is giving her and sighs. "I'm not doing anything, Sooyoung-ah. It seemed like she needed to be there as soon as she could so I offered to help." 


Joy raised both arms in the air. "I was not saying anything, unnie." 


Irene rolled her eyes and continued with what she's doing. "The cook prepared galbi, stewed fish, and naengmyeon. Do you want anything else?" 


"I'm good with that, unnie." Joy answered and waited for Irene to get the dishes from the kitchen. 


Once settled, Joy digs in while Irene starts deboning the fish. 


"Oh, by the way, unnie. I'm thinking that maybe we could go on vacation?" Joy asked after swallowing a mouthful. "I mean, before you go back to the US and before Wendy unnie gets started with her career. Because once she starts, it would be difficult for her to find time." 


"I'm fine with that." Irene nods. She placed a piece of fish on Joy's plate, and continued deboning the remaining fish. "What do you have in mind?" 


"Well, since it could be Wendy unnie's last vacation in a while, let's make it grand. Let's go overseas!" Joy exclaimed with excitement. "Oh! Why don't we cruise, unnie? I haven't done it yet. You've done that before right? Was it fun?" 


"It's fun. But if you're looking for some activities, there's not much to do. You're in the middle of the ocean, after all." 


"O-oh, I see." Joy's answer was so robotic that Irene had to look at her. 


Joy was just staring at Irene, making the older girl frown. "What's wrong?" 


"N-nothing, unnie." Joy chuckles. "I'm just thinking of where to go instead." 


"Oh, okay." Irene nods. "Tell me once you have something in mind." 


"Y-yeah. I will, unnie." 




It has been a week since Irene came back to Korea, and things get confusing for Wendy. The more Irene spends time with them, Wendy can feel it- she's starting to hope again. 


No. Don't go there again, Seungwan-ah. 


Wendy tried telling herself that multiple times. Yet whenever she sees Irene, her heart would soar high and her face would automatically lit up a smile. She sighs. Am I really that whipped? 


"Hey, unnie." Joy pats her back and sits beside her in the cafeteria. "Why are you here? We're going out for lunch, remember? Joohyun unnie's treat." 


Wendy shakes her head. "I think I'll pass, Sooyoungie." 


"Oh? Why?" 


"I uh, I have lots of projects to catch up on."


Joy observes Wendy for a while and shakes her head. "You're not really a good liar, unnie." 


"Wh- what are you talking about?" 


"You're just avoiding Joohyun unnie. Don't you?" 


"W-well, I-" Wendy sighs. "I just don't know what to do, Sooyoung-ah." 


Joy frowns. "Why?" 


"Because we're already over. Joohyun unnie's already marrying someone else, and I should be moving on." Wendy answered, staring blankly ahead. "But whenever I see her, all my feelings for her just keep coming back. All I feel is the love I have for her." She forced a chuckle. "And I know it shouldn't happen, because I can't get through all that hurt again."


Joy turned to Wendy and despite the smile on the older girl's face, Joy saw the hurt in her eyes. 


"So I know I should really stop. But I can't." Wendy paused. She can feel tears b in her eyes. She wiped away the tears even before it could flow down her face. 


"There was even this one time when I thought of getting mad at her." Wendy laughs to herself. "I thought of telling her to stop. To stop being kind to me and to stop taking care of me. To stop showing her smile and to just-  and to just go away."


Wendy then shook her head sadly. "But I can't. Because as much as it hurts me to be near her, it hurts even more when she's far away. I couldn't tell her to go away because in my heart, I know that I don't want her to go. And it still hurts."


Wendy looks up to Joy with a sad smile on her face. "What should I do, Sooyoung-ah?" 


Unable to find words to comfort the older girl, Joy hugs Wendy instead. Just as she hugs Wendy though, Joy catches a glimpse of a retreating figure, a familiar back, walking away from where they are. 


Thinking that her eyes were just playing tricks on her, Joy shrugs it off and focuses on Wendy again. She rubs the older girl's back. 


"You'll be okay, unnie. You'll be okay." 




After her conversation with Wendy, Joy went out to meet the rest of the Queens for lunch. 


"Where's Wendy unnie?" Yeri asked. 


"She can't come. Too many projects." 


"Oh, that's a pity." Seulgi answered. "Let's just eat out again when she's free." 


Joy nods. "Yeah. I guess." 


"So, Joohyun unnie, what is it that you wanted to tell us?" Yeri asked the quiet looking girl across from her. 


"Oh? You have something to tell us, unnie?" Joy got curious. "I thought we're just eating lunch?" 


"It came out of nowhere." Yeri whispered. "She excused herself for a while and when she came back, she became quiet and told us she's gonna tell us something." 


Joy frowns at this. 


"I can hear you, Yerim." Irene rolled her eyes. 


"You're meant to hear that, unnie." Yeri drew her tongue out. 


"So anyway," Joy stopped Yeri and looked at Irene. "What's the matter, unnie?" 


Irene took a deep breath. "I'm going back to the US tomorrow." 


"What?" All three heads turned to Irene. 


"Why all of a sudden, unnie?" Seulgi asked. 


"There was an emergency in the company." Irene answered, not meeting their eyes. 


"Really?" Yeri asked, doubtful. 


"I already booked a flight for tomorrow." Irene answered instead. 


"Ah, I knew it." Joy exclaimed. 


Irene raised her brow at Joy's words. The younger girl was also looking at her.


"You were there earlier, right unnie?" Joy inquired. "You heard my conversation with Wendy unnie." 


"Wait. What's happening?" Yeri asked, looking back and forth from Irene to Joy. 


"I don't know what you're talking about, Sooyoung-ah." Irene answered, ignoring Yeri.


"You know Joohyun unnie," Joy continued. "You used to be so honest and straightforward. Why can't you do that now?" 


Irene didn't answer. 


"You're in love Wendy unnie, aren't you?" 


Yeri and Seulgi, who surprisingly was not even surprised, look at Irene. 


"But you think you're just hurting her. That's why you're running away." Joy stared at Irene's eyes. "Again." 


Sighing, Irene stood up and prepared to leave. "Seungwan doesn't deserve someone who keeps hurting her." 


Irene was about to leave but Joy's words stopped her. 


"Does losing your memory make you forget who you are too?" 


Irene raised her brow. "What?"


"You're nothing like the Joohyun unnie that we know." 


Irene glared at Joy, waiting for her to continue. 


"Because the Joohyun unnie in front of us- is a coward." 


Irene looked away. 


"I told you, I don't know what you're talking about, Sooyoung." Irene answered calmly. "All I know is that you're not doing what you said you would." 


It's Joy's turn to frown. 


"You said you would protect her from getting hurt right? Even from me?" Irene stared back at Joy. "Why aren't you doing that?" 


Joy didn't answer but held Irene's gaze. 


Sighing, Irene turned to leave. "I'll go ahead first." 


Joy could only shake her head in defeat. You're an idiot, Joohyun unnie. 


"Sooyoung-ah, what's happening?" Seulgi asked. 


Joy tore her eyes from Irene's retreating figure and turned to a curious Seulgi and Yeri. 


"We need a plan." 




The following morning, Wendy was walking to her first class when a girl blocked her way. Wendy lifted her eyes from her book and saw Jimin, along with two other girls.


"Oh, Jimin-ssi." Wendy greets her. The last time they talked, things were already resolved between them. "Is there a problem?" 


"Come with me." Jimin answered, or more like ordered. 


Wendy frowns. I thought we're already good with each other? 


Jimin grabbed Wendy's arm harshly. "Let's go." 


"W-wait." Wendy forcefully removed herself from Jimin's grasp. "What are you doing?" 


Jimin irritatingly rubs the side of her head. "Argh. You're still stubborn. You really don't listen, do you?" 


Just then, the two girls grabbed each of Wendy's arms and held it firmly. 


"Let go of me! What are you doing?" Wendy tries to break free but two arms are stronger.


"Let's continue our unfinished business, shall we?" Jimin smirks. She held the back of Wendy's neck and forced a handkerchief into the latter's face. 


Wendy's eyes widened. She tried not to inhale the chemical on the handkerchief. However, the more she resisted, the more Jimin pushed it harder to her face. Soon, Wendy felt dizzy. 


"Joo- Joohyun unnie." Wendy muttered weakly before she lost consciousness. 




When Wendy regained consciousness, she felt a sudden headache. She was about to reach for her forehead when she found herself binded to a chair. 


Wendy's eyes widened in panic. What the?? 


Unable to think, Wendy took a few deep breaths to calm herself down. Relax, Seungwan-ah. Stay calm. 


"Where am I anyway?" Wendy muttered to herself, glancing at the familiar surroundings. Ah, at the university's old gym. 


Suddenly, the door was opened harshly and a number of girls entered, with Jimin at the front. 


Oh my goodness, this again? Wendy internally rolled her eyes. Why does my life right now just seem to be a series of deja vu? 


"Oh, I see that our university's precious singer is already awake." Jimin walks in front of Wendy, grabbing the latter's jaw. 


"Why are you doing this?" Wendy asked calmly. "I thought-" 


"That we're already okay?" Jimin laughs tauntingly. "I can never make peace with anyone who takes Queen Bae from us." 


"What?" Wendy thought it's ridiculous. "Well, in case you forgot, she's bound to marry someone else."


"Oh I don't care about that." Jimin pats Wendy's cheek repeatedly. "In fact, now that Queen Bae no longer cares about you, we can take our revenge." 


"What revenge?" 


"We were humiliated by our very own Queen Bae because of you!" Jimin spats. 


Wendy gulps. She tried not to show it but she can feel herself getting scared. There's something different about Jimin this time. It's as if she won't hold back this time. 


Jimin stretches her arms and flexes her neck left and right. When she seems contended, she urges one of the girls to come in front. 


The girl obeyed and walked closer to Wendy and Jimin, a baseball bat in her hand.


Jimin grabs the bat from the girl and shows it to Wendy. 


"Remember this, Wendy-ssi?" Jimin smirks. "This was where it ended before, right? Right when I'm about to swing this bat to your head?" 




"And now, I'll finally be able to do this!" 


Jimin raised the bat and Wendy closed her eyes, bracing herself from the impact. 




That voice. 


Wendy could feel her heart beating so fast. She opened her eyes, and her jaw dropped. 


Joohyun unnie. 


Irene is storming towards them. From where she is, Wendy could see how angry Irene was, judging with how her hands are tightly balled into a fist and she was breathing heavily through her nose. 


Scared of Irene, the other girls step backwards while Jimin stays rooted in her place. Irene positioned herself in front of Wendy, blocking her from Jimin, while the rest of the Queens freed Wendy from being tied. 


As soon as her hands were free, Wendy held Irene's arm. "Unnie, wait." 


But just like the first time, Irene's mind was so clouded by anger that she didn't hear Wendy. 


Irene's gaze towards Jimin was piercing. "It's you again." 


Irene was clenching her fist so hard that Wendy was worried it might bleed. 




"I warned you before!" Irene raised her voice and Jimin had to step backwards. 


"I told you, didn't I?! Hurt Seungwan again and I'll make sure you'll never be able to walk again!" 


Wendy gasps loudly, and Irene hears it. 


Thinking that Wendy was in pain, Irene looks behind her to check on Wendy. 


However, Wendy was looking at her with wide, teary eyes. 


"Seungwan? Are you okay?" Irene held both of Wendy's shoulders. 


"U-unnie.. You-" Wendy gulps. Tears are welling in her eyes.      "-you remembered?" 


Irene realized what happened. She stares at Wendy, unable to say anything. 


This, however, confused Wendy. She expected Irene to be shocked as well, to seem confused or lost.


But Irene didn't seem to be any of that. In fact, Irene's reaction was far from what Wendy expected. Irene bit her lip, as if she realized her slip. 


W-wait. That's not possible. Wendy thought. Unless.. 


Wendy covered as realization hit her. Her tears finally fell from her eyes. 


"You- you already got your memory back." 


Irene clenched her fist and looked away. 


"Wh-" Wendy's voice cracked. "When?" 


Irene lowered her head. 


"Before I left for the US." A pause. "After our accident… six months ago." 


A/N: Most of you have guessed this already, so it's really not a surprise anymore. 😁 A lot of you were confused by Irene's actions, so I'll give you Irene's point of view next chapter. See you next week. 


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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy