Chapter 16

My Girl


After their conversation at the beach, Irene started getting more comfortable with Wendy. The awkwardness is gone between them, to the point that they can joke around freely with one another. Irene started enjoying Wendy's company, and the younger girl couldn't be more happy with her and Irene's relationship right now. 


The other members of the Queens noticed the changes and were glad that Irene is getting close with Wendy again. 


Jennie is the only one who was not happy. She's afraid that if this continues, Irene might remember who Wendy is in her life, and she doesn't want it to happen. Jennie became even more clingy, always wanting to be where Irene is. This didn't stop Irene though from spending time with Wendy. 


Just like today, Irene visited the university once more and went to the rooftop. She sat down and leaned on the wall, wanting to relax. Her father went home the other day and said that he filed a month off (which surprised Irene greatly because for as long as she remembers, her father never for once did that). Her mother, on the other hand, keeps visiting her too at their house, hoping to be able to talk to her daughter. 


Finally giving in, Irene called her mother earlier and asked her to come to their house. She still couldn't fully accept that her parents separated, but Irene was curious, she wanted to know the truth. So, Irene finally talked to her parents and they told her what happened to their family, why they ended up divorcing. 


Irene was angry, she was disappointed, she was hurt. So before her parents could appeal to her, Irene walked out of the house and went straight to the university. 


Irene was about to close her eyes when the door of the rooftop opened and Wendy came. 


"Oh? You're here, unnie? I didn't even know you're here at the campus."


"It's just a random visit." Irene answered. "And it's getting boring to wait at the lounge so I just came up here." 


"Oh." Wendy knows that whenever Irene is bothered by something, the rooftop is her place to be. "Do you want to be alone, unnie? Or would you mind some company?" 


It's been two months now since their talk in Jeju and Irene is already comfortable with Wendy's presence. The Queen thinks that Wendy is a good company. The younger girl always knows what to say and what to do every time. She's a good counselor and a bright energy who lifts up everyone's mood, especially at times like this. 


Irene smiles as she answers Wendy. "You can stay, Seungwan. I wouldn't mind." 


"Oh, great." Wendy smiled back and sat beside Irene. 


"What are you doing here anyway?" Irene asked. 


"Well, I suddenly wanted a breath of fresh air, unnie." Wendy chuckles. 


"Oh, why? Is there a problem?" 


"No, none, unnie." Wendy grins. "Just came from practice and my throat is already struggling, so I need a breather." 


Irene chuckles. "You? THE Son Seungwan, main vocalist of the award winning glee club. Having struggles to sing? Nah, I can't believe that." 


Wendy laughs. "I'm just Son Seungwan, unnie."


"Ei, you're not just Son Seungwan. Stop belittling yourself." 


Wendy was speechless for a moment. She remembered Irene's words from before, about her not wanting to hear Wendy downplaying herself. Wendy smiled at this. "You're still the same, unnie." 


"Hm? What do you mean?" 


"Well," Wendy scratched her head. "You said something like that to me too before."


"Oh, really?" Irene raised her eyebrow. "Then why aren't you listening and you are still saying things like that? Didn't I tell you before that I love your voice?" 


Wendy blushed at that. "Ah, yes, unnie." 


"You're doing great, Seungwan. So have confidence, okay?" 


Wendy smiles. It was just like before. "I will. Thanks, unnie."


Irene returned the smile. "Don't mention it." 


Wendy can see from her peripheral vision that Irene is looking deeply ahead. She takes a peek at the older girl and Wendy can see how Irene was in deep thoughts. 


Wendy cleared . "Problem with your parents, unnie?" 


Shocked, Irene immediately faced Wendy. "Wha- How did you know?" 


"I've known you for two years already, unnie." Wendy gave a soft smile. "I know your expressions quite well." 


"Oh. Wow." Irene replied, still quite surprised. "You really know me, huh?" 


Wendy smiled, albeit shyly. She nods her head. 


Irene nodded her head. "Well, since we're on that topic.." Irene hesitated for a while. "Did you- did you know why parents divorced? Have I told you about it before?" 


Wendy didn't answer but she nodded her head. She then observes Irene. 


"You know already, unnie?" 


Irene took a deep breath. "Yeah. I had a talk with my parents earlier." 


"I see." Wendy kept it at that. She waited for Irene to continue. 


"Was I- was I still mad at them before I lost my memory? Or.. We've mended our relationships?" 


Wendy paused. "Well.. There were attempts, unnie. But uh, it's yet to come to that." 


"Oh, good for them then. At least they're not back to zero." Irene answered, with a hint of sarcasticness. 


"How about you, unnie? How are you feeling about it?" 


Irene paused to think for an answer. "I don't really know." She sighs. "Should I get mad at my dad? Because he prioritized his work over his family to the point that he failed to see that mom was having a hard time already and that she needs him? My mom was struggling with issues with my grandparents and dad wasn't even there for her.


"Or, is it my mom's fault? She's the one who gave up, she's the one who left and is now happy with another man." 


Irene turned to Wendy. "What do you think, Seungwan?" 


"Well, I don't think it matters, unnie." Wendy answered. Irene appeared to be waiting for her explanation so Wendy continued. "They're both your parents. Whether you get mad at your dad or your mom, the result would still be the same, the hurt is still the same. So.. Maybe.. You need a different question to answer, unnie." 


Irene raised her brow at this. She replayed Wendy's words, and gulped. 


Can I forgive them? 


Irene clenched her fist. "I don't- I'm not yet ready for that."


"It's okay, unnie."


Surprised at Wendy's words, Irene found the girl giving her a comforting smile. 


"Just take your time. Talk to them when you're ready. At your own pace, at your own time. Your parents aren't going anywhere anyway." 


"Wouldn't they?" Irene can't help but scoffed. "I mean, I'm sure you already know that my parents are probably the busiest parents on the planet. They're going almost everywhere but our home. I would just see them, what, once or twice every three years?" 


"But.. not anymore. Right, unnie?" 


Irene went silent. 


"I think you've been seeing them quite often for the past three months now, maybe even more so than your childhood years combined." 


Irene thought for a while. "Well, yeah. I guess." 


"They're the busiest parents on the planet but where are they now? Here in Korea, wanting to spend time with you." 


Wendy gives a gentle smile. "I'm sure you already felt by now that your parents are both trying, unnie. So just take your time and talk to them whenever you're ready."


Irene leaned on the wall. "It- it just hurts, Seungwan." 


Wendy bit her lip. She wanted so much to comfort Irene so she took courage and held Irene's hand. To her relief, Irene didn't flinch, she didn't remove her hand from Wendy's as well. 


"It's okay to feel that way, unnie. Just take your time, until you're okay again." Wendy squeezed Irene's hand. "And know that you're never alone. I'm- we're just here." 


Feeling comforted with Wendy's words and actions, Irene managed a smile. She leaned her head on the wall and closed her eyes. 


Wanting to comfort Irene, Wendy thought of something. She takes out her phone and her ear pods. 




Irene opens her eyes and looks at Wendy in question. 


"Would you mind?" Wendy asked, offering Irene her earpods. Though a bit confused, Irene took it and placed it in her ear. 


"I'll play you a song, unnie." Wendy explained. 


"Okay." Irene nodded and smiled. 


There are so many days when
I feel like I'm alone
The things I thought I knew
Become so unfamiliar


Hearing the familiar voice, Irene couldn't help but smile. She closed her eyes. 


By the time I get used to this darkness
I finally realized
There are many things waiting for the light like me
That we were always together


Irene felt relaxed and comforted. Still with her eyes closed, Irene leans her head on Wendy's shoulder, oblivious to Wendy being frozen in place and holding her breath. 


I want to hold you
All the things that are tired from the darkness
I want to recognize them
Everyone has a tomorrow
Sometimes you can stop like this
You can rest
Even when rain falls in my heart
When this rain stops
You can just smile again


Irene wasn't able to help it, her tears started to fall. Not wanting Wendy to see her crying, she stayed in the same position after the song ended. Wendy felt the sleeve of her shirt getting wet, and she knew what was happening. She gave Irene time. 


After a few minutes, Irene opened her eyes and wiped her years. Surprisingly, she felt good. She lifts her head from Wendy's shoulder, takes out the earpods, and looks at Wendy and smiles. 




Wendy takes back the ear pods and nervously waits for Irene's reaction. 


"Thank you, Seungwan-ah." 


Seungwan-ah? Wendy's heart skipped a beat. It's been so long since she last heard Irene call her name like that. 


Wendy wears a big smile. She can't help it. "You feeling okay, unnie?" 


"Yeah, much better." Irene smiled back. "It's the first time I heard that song. You wrote it?" 


Wendy nodded shyly. "Ah, yes, unnie. I've yet to write the second part though." 


"You did really well, Seungwan-ah. It's such a great song." Irene complimented. "And to hear your voice sing that, it felt like I'm being healed." 


"R-really, unnie?" Wendy was touched by the compliment. 


"Hm." Irene nodded. She smiled and gave Wendy a thumbs up. "You're amazing, Seungwan-ah. As expected of THE Son Seungwan." 


Wendy grins shyly at that.


Irene observes the happy Wendy and it makes her smile too. "You know Seungwan, I think I understand now why Jennie was jealous of you." 


The comment surprised Wendy. "What do you mean, unnie?" 


"I mean, it's pretty obvious that we're really close back then, considering how you seem to know me so well and how you manage to lift up my mood and make me feel better. And now that we're getting closer again, Jennie is a bit jealous of that." 


"Oh. What- what did she say?" 


Irene chuckles. "Well, she wants me to spend less time with you. And I know that may seem wrong of her, but I understand where she's coming from. You do too, right? She's my girlfriend so obviously, it's normal for her to think that." 


"Y-yeah, I know, unnie." Wendy gulps. "So, will you do it, unnie?" 


Irene raised her eyebrow. "Spending less time with you? Why? Will you do it?" 


"What? No!" Wendy exclaimed and she covered instantly. Damn. Control your emotions, Son Seungwan


To Wendy's surprise, she heard Irene laugh. "Well, I'm glad we're on the same page, Seungwan." 


"Oh." Does that mean.. 


"I assured Jennie we're just friends and she's the one that I love, so she has nothing to worry about." 


Wendy hides her bitter smile. 


"Besides, when we had that talk in Jeju, I told myself that I'll be a good friend and I'll make it up to you." 


"Oh. Thank you, unnie. Though you don't have to." 


"Yeah. But I want to." Irene turned to Wendy and smiled. "I think there's something about you that.. just felt so comforting." She grins. "Is it weird?" 


Wendy returned the smile and shook her head. "Not at all, unnie." 


Irene chuckles. "And frankly, I think.. you're worth keeping, Seungwan-ah." 


And just like that, Wendy forgot the bitterness she felt just a moment ago. All throughout the day, Wendy would be smiling foolishly to herself as she recalls Irene's words. 




After their moment at the rooftop, Irene and Wendy went down to have some lunch with the Queens and Jennie. Upon entering the Queens' lounge though, only Jennie was there. 


"Hyun!" She clings to Irene's arm. "Where have you been?" Jennie asked, not minding Wendy's presence. 


Irene chuckles. "I'm getting bored here at the lounge so I went to the rooftop. Then I met Seungwan there." 


"Okay." Jennie acknowledged, still holding onto Irene. "Let's go get lunch?" 


"Where's the others though?" Irene asked. 


"Maybe still in class." Jennie answered. "Let's have lunch first?" 


"Alright, I think we should do that." Irene then turned to the suddenly quiet girl beside her. "Let's go, Seungwan?" 


Wendy paused momentarily. Her eyes discreetly focused on how the two were holding hands in front of her, and how Jennie is obviously sticking close beside Irene. 


Say no, Seungwan. Just the three of you? No way. You don't have to see them all being lovey dovey in front of you. 


Okay. Wendy muttered to herself. Let's not go this far and do this to myself. Say you won't go. 




"Sure, unnie. Let's go." 


Damn you, Son Seungwan. 


"These students are creepy." Irene told both Wendy and Jennie as they were ordering their foods. Jennie on her front, Wendy at the back. "Why are they looking at us like we're some kind of a show or something?" 


Because we literally look like the protagonists of TV shows about love affairs. Wendy answered to herself. 


"Don't mind them, Hyun." 


"For as long as they're not disturbing you anymore." 


"Yeah, they stopped." Jennie caressed Irene's cheek. "Don't worry about it, and don't worry about them. Okay?" 


Irene answered with a smile. "Okay." 


Okay, Seungwan. Maybe you could still back out on this. Wendy thought as she witnessed the two girls' interaction. 


Wendy nodded to herself. Yeah. Let's do that. 




"Seungwan, are you done?" Irene turned back to face Wendy. She looks at the empty tray and laughs. "You still haven't ordered yet?" 


"Oh, I uh-" 


Shaking her head with a smile, Irene picks up food and places it on Wendy's tray. "Eat these. It's good for the throat." 


Wendy looks down at the food on her tray. You can still say no, Seungwan. 


"C'mon, let's go, Seungwan-ah." 


Oh, damn it. "I'm coming, unnie." 


"So, what did you two talk about on the rooftop?" Jennie asked, taking a cautious glance at Wendy who is sitting opposite her and Irene. 


"It's my parents." Irene answered. "I've talked with them earlier and I learned why they separated." 


"Oh, Hyun." Jennie held Irene's hand on the table. "How are you feeling?" 


Irene managed a smile, surprising even herself. "I actually- felt good now." She looked at Wendy. "Seungwan here makes a good counselor." 


"Oh. Is that so?" Wendy heard the displeasure in Jennie's answer, and it's obvious that Irene noticed it too, judging with how the older girl squeezed Jennie's hand on her hold. 


"Hey, don't tell me you're jealous?" Irene teased. 


Jennie didn't answer though. She avoided Irene's eyes. 


"Hey, look at me." Irene called out gently, raising Jennie's jaw to meet her eyes. 


Wendy looks elsewhere, sipping her drink. . Her discomfort is increasing with every passing second. 


"I told you already, right? Seungwan and I are just friends." Irene assured Jennie. "Right, Seungwan?" 


Wendy was forced to look back at Irene. She gulps. "Y-yeah." 


"Please don't be jealous?" Irene asked, meeting Jennie's gaze once more. "I love you." 


Wendy shifted uncomfortably in her seat. She clasped both hands tightly on her drink, afraid that if she didn't, her hands would automatically cover her ears instead. 


Look away, Seungwan. Look away! 


Suddenly, Wendy's vision becomes dark. 


It took a few seconds for Wendy to realize that someone was covering her eyes from behind. 


"Guess who, unnie?" A voice whispered in her ear, followed by a chuckle. 


Wendy knew who it was and she can't be more thankful for the younger girl's presence. But Wendy can't utter a word yet because she's worried that her voice might break. 


"Oh come on, unnie. You don't know me?" The girl teased and was about to remove her hands from Wendy's eyes when she heard it. 




Wendy muttered her name softly, but Joy understood the older girl's hidden plea, coupled with a trace of wetness she felt on her fingers. Wendy doesn't want her eyes to be seen yet, especially not by Irene. 


"Oh? Are you sure?" Joy continued with the act, her hands stayed firm in covering Wendy's eyes. "Because if you're wrong, you're gonna buy me food." 


"Yerim." Wendy pretended to guess. 


"Deng! I'll give you another chance, unnie." Joy played along, giving Wendy time. 


"Sooyoung, stop it already. Seungwan is eating." Irene interrupts. She lets go of Jennie the moment Joy walks in behind Wendy. And as much as she finds it amusing to see how close the two are, Wendy needs to resume their lunch. 


"Ssh, unnie." Joy pretended to hush Irene. "I-" 


Joy stops as she feels Wendy finally removing her hands from the latter's eyes. Joy let her. 


"I knew I was right the first time." Wendy meets Joy's eyes first and grins. 


Joy faked a smile, seeing how it's obvious that Wendy is also faking hers. "You better, unnie." 


"Have you eaten, Sooyoung?" Irene asked. 


Joy shakes her head. "Actually I came here to fetch Wendy unnie." She grabs Wendy's arm. "C'mon, unnie. I need to show you something." 


"Let Seungwan finish her food first." 


"No, no. This can't wait, unnie." Joy answered as she urge Wendy to stand. 


"Wait. What is so-" 


"Bye unnie!" Joy interjected, dragging Wendy away. "I'll see you later." 


Irene can only sigh at Joy's antics. 




Joy dragged Wendy to a nearby cafe. 


"Unnie, what do you think you're doing?" 


Instead of answering the question, Wendy grins. "Thank you, Sooyoung. I'm really glad you came."


Joy sighs and shakes her head. "Unnie, I know Yerim told you that presence is important but you don't have to go that far. Don't do that to yourself." 


"I just- I just didn't thought-" 


"You didn't think that they would act sweet towards each other?" 


Wendy flinched at that. 


"Oh, come on, unnie. You know how Joohyun unnie is expressive even with her actions. And of course, Jennie would take advantage of that, especially when you're around." 


Wendy looked down at that, knowing there's a truth in what Joy has said. 


"You can always bring me along, unnie. Or Seulgi unnie, or Yerim. Just don't spend time with just the two of them on your own." 


Wendy nodded. "I get it. Thanks, Sooyoungie."


"How are you feeling anyway, unnie?" 


Wendy looks up at Joy and gives a smile. "Better, especially with this." She raised her bubble tea. 


Joy felt relieved to see Wendy smiling. "And how are things with you and Joohyun unnie, unnie? Because I can see that you two are getting close, and unnie's warming up to you." 


This made Wendy lit up. "Really? You think so?" 


"Yeah, unnie." Joy answered. "Joohyun unnie acts freely around you now, and she's comfortable enough with you to share her problems with you, right?" 


Wendy nods at this. 


"And how she lets you tag along with her and Jennie earlier, or how she cares that you're having your lunch and that I shouldn't disturb you? I think that says a lot, unnie." 


Wendy can't help but smile at that. Not an hour ago, she was close to tearing up behind Joy's hands. And now, she finds herself smiling. Both for the same reason. I might end up crazy if this goes on. Wendy chuckles to herself. Oh well, at least I know that it's paying off. 


"Unnie," Joy called out, interrupting Wendy's thoughts. 


"Yes, Sooyoung?" She noticed Joy's sullen face. 


"I know things are hard. And painful. Especially for you." Joy sighs. "It's just that- I really think that you two deserve each other. So, please don't give up on Joohyun unnie?" 


Wendy gives a reassuring smile. "I won't, Sooyoung-ah." Just like how Joohyun unnie never gave up on me when I was having a hard time understanding my feelings before. 




When the weekend came, Wendy was invited by Mr. Bae to their house. The older man reasoned that Irene is out (much to Wendy's disappointment because she's on a date with Jennie) and he's getting bored because he has nothing to do and no one to talk to. Wendy silently giggles to herself at this, thinking how Irene is very similar to her father- always getting bored at home. 


Not having much to do herself, Wendy accepted the invitation and went to the Bae's mansion where Irene's father is waiting for her. 


"So, how are you coping, Wendy?" Mr. Bae asked. "I know the situation right now is hard for you." 


"To be honest, it is, uncle." Wendy gives a shy grin. "But I believe I can do it, uncle."


"Of course, you can." Mr. Bae smiled back. "But right now, do you also believe that you can defeat me this time?" 


Wendy laughs. "I will, uncle." 


Mr. Bae and Wendy bond over Sudoku. They decided to have 5 rounds and first to reach a score of 3 wins. It's been an hour since the two started and each proved to be a worthy competitor as they reached the 5th round with a tie. 


"This is it, uncle. One final round." Wendy grins. 


"Don't ask for a rematch after this." Mr. Bae laughs along. 


As the two are busy playing, they didn't notice Irene's arrival. The Queen was surprised to see Wendy at their house, playing against her father. 




Wendy was too engrossed in playing that she jumped out in shock upon hearing her name being called. 


"Oh? Joohyun unnie? You're back!" Wendy waved excitedly. 


Irene unconsciously smiled at the sight. She almost waved back if not for the presence of her father who was also looking at her. Irene cleared and walked calmly towards Wendy. 


"Hey. I didn't know you'd be here." Irene greets her. 


"It's like a spur of the moment kind of thing, unnie." Wendy chuckles. "So I didn't know that I'd be here too until a couple of hours ago." 


"I invited her, Hyun." Mr. Bae interjected. "I got bored so I invited Wendy to play a game with me." 


Irene raised her brow at this. She didn't expect that Wendy and her father were close. Nonetheless, she nods her head, acknowledging her father's answer. 


"So, are you done yet?" Irene asked, turning back to Wendy. 


"We're still on the-" 


Wendy wasn't able to continue as someone walked in. Wendy's eyes widened. 


"Hee-so?" Mr. Bae too was surprised to see her ex-wife there. 


Irene sighs. Wendy can tell from her reaction that Irene already knew that her mom was there. 


"What are you doing here?" Mr. Bae asked. 


"I want to talk to Joohyun. Jennie told me she'll be home around this time. I didn't know that you're here either." Mrs. Bae answered, also surprised that he is at home. "Nor is she." Mrs. Bae glanced at Wendy's direction. Wendy bowed at the older woman, only to be ignored. 


"I invited her here." Mr. Bae answered. "I didn't know you two would come home, let alone, together." 


Irene shrugs. "Whatever." She then turns to Wendy. "Tell me when you're done. I'll be in my room."


"Oh, unnie. Maybe you can join us here?" Wendy scratched her head. "I'm having a hard time defeating your father, maybe I need a lucky charm." Wendy winks. 


"Ehem." Mr. Bae cleared his throat playfully. "She's my daughter, Wendy. In any case, she'll be a lucky charm to me." 


"Well then, uncle." Wendy hesitated, and contemplated very deeply. She even thought that what she's about to do is something crazy. Argh. Whatever. 


"Maybe Mrs. Bae can be your lucky charm then?" 


All eyes of the Bae's were on Wendy. 


Wendy gulps. "I mean, uh, I don't mean to offend anyone," she looks at Irene's mother. "I don't mean anything by that ma'am. I just thought that uh, maybe you want to join us too?" 


Mrs. Bae was staring at Wendy as if judging the younger girl, and Wendy can feel her palm sweating. To her relief, she heard Irene laugh. 


"You're cute when you're nervous, Seungwan-ah." Irene teased. "But I'll pass." She gives Wendy an apologetic smile. "Sorry." 


Wendy waves both hands and smiles reassuringly. "Don't be sorry, unnie. It's fine." 


For a few moments, Irene seemed to be taken aback. She then regains her composure and nods to Wendy. "Thank you, Seungwan. Good luck on your game." 


Wendy grins. "Thank you, unnie. You go and take a rest now." 


Irene nods. With a spare glance to both her parents, Irene makes way to the stairs. Mr. Bae and Wendy went back to the sofa, while Mrs. Bae was still standing around, contemplating on whether to follow Irene to her room, wanting to spend a bit more time with her daughter. 


Irene was already in the middle of the stairs when she looked back at the living room. Her mother is still there, her father is sipping a coffee, watching Wendy make a move. Then, there's Wendy. 


As Irene stared at Wendy, she remembered what happened earlier. When she told the younger girl that she doesn't want to join them, Wendy understood right away and the younger girl assured her that it's okay. And Irene appreciates that. 


She recalled Wendy's words back at the rooftop. Take your time, until you're okay again. At your own pace. At your own time. 


Irene stared at Wendy and even from the stairs, she can see how the younger girl is so focused on the game she's playing that she was even biting her lip, and Irene had to chuckle internally at this. Is she in a national tournament or something? 


Wendy's frown seemed to get deeper and deeper. And although Irene thinks it's cute, it may mean that the younger girl is having a hard time. Irene heaved a sigh. Lucky charm, huh. 


Wendy is really good at Sudoku, and she's proud of it. However, Wendy is having a difficulty with this particular level and she blames the Bae family for it. First, Irene's father finished the game quickly and she can see his annoying grin from her view. Second, she can still feel Mrs. Bae's presence behind her and she doesn't even know what the older woman is thinking or doing. She wouldn't go as far as stabbing me with a pen at the back. Right? And thirdly but most importantly, Irene called her cute. She smiled at me and called me cute. 


"Giving up, Wendy-ssi?" Mr. Bae snickered. 


"You wish, Mr. Bae-ssi." Wendy answered playfully. "I will-" 


Wendy stopped as she felt a presence beside her. Automatically, she turned her head, and her eyes almost bulged out in surprise to Irene sitting beside her. 


"You should win now." Wendy heard Irene say, a hint of shyness in her voice. Then, "Your lucky charm is here." 








"Wendy, if you continue smiling like a fool, you'll lose even with your lucky charm." 


Wendy's cheek reddened in embarrassment. After glaring at the older man (who shrugs his shoulder in response), Wendy turned to Irene. 


"You- you'll join us, unnie?" 


Irene hummed. "Got nothing to do in my room anyway." 


Wendy had the biggest smile at that. Irene is slowly opening  to her parents. 


"Assa!" Wendy exclaimed. 


"Oh, so you two against me, huh." Mr. Bae played along, glad to see Irene joining them. 


"Well," Wendy looked behind her and cleared . "Mrs. Bae can join us, then it's fair."


Mrs. Bae contemplated hard. Taking a deep breath, she made her way towards the living room and sat beside Mr. Bae. This action surprised Mr. Bae and Irene. Wendy was surprised too, but the happiness and excitement is more prominent.


Just then, Wendy thought of something. 


"Alright! Now that the match is even, why don't we escalate this game for a bit?" 


Again, all eyes her. 


"Let's take a bet!" 


"What kind of bet?" Irene whispered. 


"Well, since it's dinner time," Wendy grins. "The losers will cook dinner for the winners. Call?" 


"What?" Irene asked in disbelief. 


"Call!" Mr. Bae answered immediately. He stood up and shook hands with Wendy. 


"Ugh. You better win this, Seungwan." 


Wendy chuckles. "We'll win this, unnie." 


"Yah! What the hell, Son Seungwan!" 


"Omo! Did we just lose, unnie?" 


"You told me we will win!" 


"Oopsie. My bad." 


"Yah! Son Seungwan!" 


"Girls, you can continue fighting with each other in the kitchen." Mr. Bae interrupted, trying to control his laughter. 


"Ugh!" Irene glared at Wendy before she went towards where the kitchen is. 


Wendy, finding Irene's glare cute, can only laugh as she watches the older girl disappear from sight. She was about to follow Irene when Mrs. Bae stood from her seat. 


"Where are you going?" Mr. Bae asked. 


"I'll go ahead." 




"I'll visit Hyun on another day." 


Without waiting for any response, Mrs. Bae walks away. She was already outside the house when Wendy decided to run after her. 


"Wait, ma'am." 


Mrs. Bae looked at her judgingly. "What do you want?" 


"You-" Wendy gulps. Until now, she still finds Irene's mother scary. But whatever, I need to do this. "You can't leave yet." 


"We're still about to have dinner, ma'am." 


"No, thanks." Watching everyone's interaction earlier, Mrs. Bae felt that Irene is getting more comfortable with her father, again. She didn't need to witness that for the second time that night. 


"But Mrs. Bae, you need to be there." 


Mrs. Bae scoffs. "Why should I?" 


Wendy took a deep breath. "Joohyun unnie will cook. The dinner, I mean." 


The older woman raised her eyebrow. "Joohyun doesn't know how to cook." 


"She does, ma'am." Wendy answered. "Well, to be more precise, she knows how to cook- but only her parents' favorite foods." 


Intrigued, Mrs. Bae stared at Wendy. "What are you saying?" 


"Joohyun unnie- when she was young, she learned how to cook your and her dad's favorite food. She was hoping that one day, you'll come home and she'll be able to cook for you." Wendy stated. 


"What-" Irene's mother looks at Mr. Bae who followed them outside, as if asking for confirmation. 


"It's true, Hee-so." Mr. Bae smiled sadly. 


Mrs. Bae teared up. "I- and I didn't even know." 


Wendy felt bad. But she knows it's not yet too late for the Bae's. Just then, her phone rings. It's Irene. 




"Yah, Seungwan, where are you? Don't tell me you ditch me after you make that bet and lose?" 


Wendy had to chuckle. "I'm coming there unnie."


"Come here fast. We got a lot to cook."


"Yes, ma'am." Wendy teased. 


Wendy heard a soft hum before Irene dropped the call. She addressed Irene's mother. 


"Joohyun unnie thinks you're gonna be there, ma'am." Wendy bowed to the ex-couple. "I'll go ahead first." 




Wendy entered the kitchen and saw Irene standing in front of the kitchen counter, deep in thought. 


"Unnie? Are you okay?" 


"Oh, yeah." Irene dismissed the concern. "Where have you been?" 


"Bathroom." Wendy answered. "What are you thinking, unnie?" 


"I'm thinking of what to cook because of your stupid bet." Irene glared, but again, Wendy finds it cute. 


"I'm sorry, unnie." Wendy pouts.


Irene gently knocked Wendy's forehead. "So, what do you know how to cook?" 


"Well, I can bake a cake." 


Irene playfully rolled her eyes. "Cake is not dinner, Seungwan." 


Wendy scratched her head and grinned. "What do you have in mind then, unnie?" 


"Well," Irene hesitated. "There's a few that I know how to cook." 


"Oh, okay. So do you want to try it or let's just experiment with something new?" 


Irene thought for a while, and Wendy let her. Afterwards, Irene heaved a deep breath. 


"Let's do jjangchae and bulgogi." 


Wendy hides her triumphant smile. "Okay, unnie. You're the chef." 


When all the ingredients are laid down, both put on their aprons. 






"I don't know how to cook these but you can ask me anything you want and need me to do. Okay?" Wendy gives a smile. "I'm just here." 


Irene looks back at Wendy. I'm just here. Those were simple words but coming from the younger girl, Irene felt it meant so much more-like it's not just about them cooking. 


"Fighting, unnie!" Wendy cheered and showed her toothy grin. 


Irene smiles back. Wendy is really good at making people around her feel good. 




"Tada!" Wendy entered the dining area, holding the tray of food. "Here's our dinner." Wendy set the bulgogi in front of Irene's father while she placed the jjangchae near Mrs. Bae. Wendy internally smiles in relief, seeing that the older woman stayed. 


"These.. looks good." Mr. Bae commented. 


"Of course, uncle. Joohyun unnie cooked those." Wendy wore a proud grin. 


"You- you did all these, Hyun?" Mrs. Bae asked softly, and Wendy was sure that she was trying her best not to cry. 


"Hm. And Seungwan helped." Irene avoided her mother's gaze. "Let's eat now." 


Irene was the first to pick up her chopstick but in fact, she can't eat. She was beyond nervous. This is it. The thing that she very much wanted to do when she was a child is finally happening. Irene couldn't believe it. She gave up this hope a very long time ago but now, it's happening. I cooked for them. And they're finally here to have it. 


Irene gulps. Despite feeling disappointed and mad at her parents, she still can't help but to seek their approval, especially on this one.


Irene was pulled out from her thoughts when Wendy placed a spoonful on her plate. She looks at Wendy and finds the latter giving her an encouraging smile. "It's really good, unnie." Wendy whispered. "Try it."


Irene smiles back and nods. To ease her nervousness, Irene focused on her food instead, trying her best not to look at her parents. 


"Wow. This is- this is really good, Hyun." Mr. Bae was the first to react. Irene spared him a quick glance and bowed her head slightly to acknowledge the comment. 


On the other hand, Mrs. Bae was quiet during dinner. Irene was starting to think that her mom didn't like her cooking but once the dinner was done and Mrs. Bae was about to leave, Irene was caught off guard when her mother suddenly hugged her. 


"Thank you, Joohyun-ah." Mrs. Bae said and Irene could tell from her voice that her mother was crying. 


"Oh, I'm sorry." Mrs. Bae wiped her tears as she released the hug. "I'm just really happy right now." She gives Irene a gentle smile. "And your father was right, Hyun. It was really good." 


Irene responded with a small smile. "Thanks." 


Her mother left after that few exchanges of words but Irene admits that it felt good. This- spending time with her mom and dad after a very long time, their smiles and compliments- made Irene feel good and (she has to admit) happy. 


A few minutes after Mrs. Bae left, Wendy decided to head home too. Irene offered to drive her home but Wendy insisted that it's not needed. Irene relented and walked Wendy out instead. 


"Hey, Seungwan?" Irene called out as they reached the gate. 


"Hm? Yes, unnie?" 


"Thank you." 


"Oh? For what?" 


Irene poked Wendy's nose. "I know what you did back there." 


Wendy's eyes widened and laughed awkwardly. "Wh- what are you talking about, unnie?" 


Shaking her head, Irene gives a knowing smile. "You lose the game on purpose so that we, basically I, can cook dinner for my parents."


Wendy gulps. 


"So I figured that you also knew about how I wanted to cook their favorite foods for them when I was a kid."


Irene was stating a fact, not asking a question, so Wendy thought there's no point denying it. 


"H-how did you know, unnie?" 


Irene chuckles. "Back then at the start of dinner, you served my parents with their favorite food. My parents are sitting on the opposite end but instead of placing the food in the middle, you gave each a dish-their favorite, to be exact." Irene explained with an amused smile. "And though it may be just a coincidence,  you were so sure where to place the food right when you entered the dining area."


Wendy froze and Irene had to laugh at the latter's reaction in getting caught. 


"That's when I thought that maybe you knew about that story, hence you made that bet. Which can also mean that you lose on purpose."


Wendy scratched her head. "Sorry, unnie."


Irene shakes her head, dismissing Wendy's apology. "Honestly, it felt good. I've been wanting for this to happen for a really long time and now, it did." She gave an awkwardly. "Though I have to admit, that was really nerve racking. I mean, I haven't done that in such a long time. Well, I can't even remember the last time I cooked those." 


You cooked those for me a year ago, unnie. But of course, Wendy kept that thought to herself. 


"And besides, I still don't know how to react towards them." Irene continued. "My mom even cried and-" Irene cleared , she could feel tears in the corner of her eyes. Damn. She clenched her fist. I think the cool breeze of the night makes my eyes teary. Wait. Is that even possible? Oh whatever. It's cold. And it's the reason why-


Irene was forced out of her thoughts when a sudden warmth embraced her body. 


Wendy is hugging her. And it's.. warm. 


Irene felt warmth in Wendy's arms. 


"You did well, unnie." Wendy spoke softly, rubbing her back. "I'm so proud of you." 








Weird. Irene thought. 


Can warmth… make your heart beat… faster? 


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This story will be fast-paced. I don't really want to drag the story longer for I may not be able to finish it if I do. :)


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WluvsBaetokki #1
Chapter 25: Why is this story making me cry buckets when I've already reread this multiple times already..?
Chapter 25: Damn i just finished rereading this for the nth time... And I still cried like it's my first time reading this
Chapter 1: Tapi sepertinya kamu gak bisa menjauh dari para ratu wendy takdirmu akan terus diikuti oleh para ratu
Penasaran dengan ceritanya
Chapter 7: Wow, it seems Wendy intends to unite this child and father and hopefully Uncle Bae will always be there to accompany Irene
Chapter 6: Who does Wendy mean? Is it Wendy's ex because Wendy still hasn't opened up to Irene at all?
Chapter 5: our parents hahaha but you're right Joy... wenrene's your parents... so Irene's ex is Jennie wow...
Chapter 4: Oh, so this is the first time Irene met Wendy, yes, even though Wendy didn't know it, it's no wonder Irene didn't scold Wendy at that time, but why did Irene make Wendy her boyfriend? Has Irene really fallen in love with Wendy?
Chapter 3: don't know each other, suddenly they become boyfriends, wow how lucky you are, Wendy
Chapter 2: It seemed like Irene had met Wendy before, the proof was that she was a bit shocked when she saw Wendy